I’m betting this is Asswipe still laying in her bed while #notarealnanny is downstairs fixing breakfast for her (Asswipe’s) children.
Guess porky is in his bed too catching up with his little girlfriends and stalking strange women on IG. Lazy assholes. What is it there, after 8:00? What parent of four year olds is still in bed at 8 am? What person who works from home and has children is still in bed at 8 am? What entrepreneur is in bed at 8 am? And they think they have it so rough?? Please. Thought they worked 24 hours a day, at least that was what Asswipe said. Guess she was up late trying to get that 50 pounds of Seneshit off of her face. Damn, she sure had it piled on for the useless pictures. I know a nanny is there to take care of the children but they expect her to do it alone every single day while these two fucktards lay in bed. They always need helpers there to help them with the girls for everything. So #notarealnanny can do it alone but these two can’t do it with two of them there??!! Wow. Pathetic excuse of so called “parents.” Just a note to say I’m not bashing anyone else that has a nanny or babysitter, especially those that work from home. I understand that it is difficult to work while you have children there. I get that people have “rill” jobs that require them to actually work but these two just are useless as tits on a boar hog. They don’t know the meaning of a hard day of work or what hard work even means. Laying in bed until 9, 10, or later, getting up and piling a shit ton of Seneshit on your face in front of a camera, eating out, shopping, and getting massages is not working hard. That’s a vacation to people who actually work “rill” jobs. Neither one could handle working a “rill” job. They both would whine, cry, stomp their fat feet, and throw temper tantrums like a child. It just baffles me that there are two of them yet they still need a nanny. I don’t see why they don’t admit they can’t and don’t want to take care of the girls. They only want to be around them when it’s convenient for them to get attention and to make them money, otherwise it’s “go find manny.” They both do so little “work” they could take turns taking care of the girls while the other one “worked” for an hour then spend time with the girls teaching them some manners and doing fun, educational things with them but no, they’d rather have someone else raise the girls so they can be lazy assholes. The girls will remember and watch the vlogs and will wonder why they had time to go out all the time and take endless trips but not raise them themselves.
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