DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by Playsinrain »

HelloSweetie1 wrote:
Playsinrain wrote:
AutumnLane wrote:So true about them never doing anything educational with him. No coloring no fingerpainting no crafts at all ever. They also should be working on color and shape sorting at this point as well. Great point.
This makes me so sad really... At two he should be finger painting and playing with play doh.. Learning how to use scissors, paste and crayons. they do nothing to help develop his fine motor skills, PERIOD... and I bet he doesn't know one single letter, number, color or shape. At two both my kids could sing the alphabet (of course it wasn't 100% correct but it was a start at least) and identify most shapes and colors AND could count to 10... these arethings they better start working on FAST or he will be delayed big time in preschool.
Oh that won't be a problem. Missy plans to homeschool.

(Source: Bryan's airplane Q&A on Twitter)

As long as she does that no one will notice he's delayed Image

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Oh lord help us... Now Im even more worried about this kids future. It will never last, Missy will get frustrated bc shes raised a kid that wont sit still for anything but food an TV and will either hire a tutor, or turn to completely technology based learning and the kid will be 10 ad not know how to write with a pencil and paper...
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by cats-or-die »

I wasn't aware we were turning this board into a "let's find all the good in Bryan and Missy and completely disregard everything else we've seen over the last 2 years."

It's so easy to put on an act and look interested in your child while the camera is on. Really, it isn't a challenge. Most of any family time including Oliver is montage style so it's all set up and fake.

Hey, I'm all about having your own opinions on the bunch, but don't come into a trash forum with your "not minion love" (right) and try to change any of our minds. I will never think Bryan and Missy are good parents, let alone good people. They suck at all aspects.

And your over use of the word fallacious is super obnoxious.
Sure Oliver isn't neglected physically, but mentally and socially he is. I grew up with a mother addicted to the Internet, so I know what it's like to have your parent be present, but be totally tuned out of your existence. One of the many reasons I can't stand Missy and her fucking obsession with her phone.

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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by littlebaby »

Do you have to get approved by some sort of board to homeschool your children? Missy is not equipped with the mental capacity to homeschool Ollie in the coming years AND take care of Finn, who would be close to Ollie's age now when Ollie starts school. She would get too exhausted and when Ollie can't pay attention or understand something right away, she'll laugh it off and say they've had a rough day and that they just need to cuddle on the couch. I know there are guidelines the kids have to go by and standards they have to meet when they're homeschooled, and I feel like if Ollie didn't reach those standards, Missy would say something like 'this just isn't for Ollie' and essentially blame everyone but themselves.

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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by MKitty »

littlebaby wrote:Do you have to get approved by some sort of board to homeschool your children? Missy is not equipped with the mental capacity to homeschool Ollie in the coming years AND take care of Finn, who would be close to Ollie's age now when Ollie starts school. She would get too exhausted and when Ollie can't pay attention or understand something right away, she'll laugh it off and say they've had a rough day and that they just need to cuddle on the couch. I know there are guidelines the kids have to go by and standards they have to meet when they're homeschooled, and I feel like if Ollie didn't reach those standards, Missy would say something like 'this just isn't for Ollie' and essentially blame everyone but themselves.

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I was home schooled from Pre-School to 8th grade and I don't think that my mom ever had to get some kind of approval. But that may have just been for Pennsylvania. She also had a degree in Early Childhood Education so I don't know if that helped too or not. But I think you basically just have to buy books/material for the kid and you can teach them. Of course you have to let the state know that you're doing that so they don't look and see you have a 7 year old that isn't in school. I know in PA by third grade you have to state getting your work checked so they know that your kid is learning what they should. But again, it can vary from state to state. I'd assume Missy would just have to buy some book for each subject so he would learn everything he needed to know in Pre-School and on.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by FJ_Lanning »

actuallydear wrote:
nmkstj wrote:Long-time lurker, here. I have quite a lot to say and I really would like your responses/opinions on it. I have never been a minion but I have been a fan and I am slowly losing interest in the family, mostly because they don't really do anything interesting. A lot of the things here I agree with, don't get me wrong. But a lot of the times stuff you says here goes too far and I want to address a few things here.

-Any statement that B&M don't do _____ is fallacious. We see about 12 minutes or less of their day. In a 14 hour day, what we see in the vlog is less than 2% of their day. It's not fair to claim that they never play with Ollie, read to him, sing to him, teach him anything, let him play outside, etc. We don't know what happens the other 98%.

-Oliver's bedroom. I know you guys backed off this issue but I wanted to quickly jump in. It was mentioned that you wouldn't have been mad about it if they had given credit to Hobby Lobby in the first place, not "hiding" it. I want to mention that they DID say in the room reveal that they got most of the stuff from Hobby Lobby (10:20 in the tour itself as well as in the vlog the day before the room tour went up even moreso), before anyone originally accused them of stealing the idea. They never claimed it was their own concept anywhere. Also, all of Ollie’s toys are downstairs, including books in the white shelving unit which are at Ollie's level. Missy has ALWAYS loved reading to him as part of his nightly routine. Just because you don't see it, does not mean that it doesn't happen.

-Love. So many times here (I don't think it’s a popular opinion but I did want to address it), I've seen it implied or outright stated that B&M neglect or don't love their children. That's not fair in any respect. They love, cuddle, teach, read with, and take care of their son. Millions of children would be so lucky to have parents like them. Too many are abused or ACTUALLY neglected and it's heart wrenching.

-Appearance. This I don't understand. A lot of people claim that B&M are horrible, bitchy and rude people but then those same individuals call them fat, lazy, ugly, say they have bad skin, a wrinkly face, or have bad teeth. Making fun of the appearances of others is pretty rude and bitchy thing to do and just not necessary in my opinion.
-And finally, to everyone wishing that Missy has a hard, painful delivery or that Finley is 10lbs (or that B&M suffer any other physical harm) - that is not safe for either of them and if anyone wishes harm or pain to someone else you can't call yourself or act like a better person than B&M.

All of that said, I too, see a lot of things that bother me about the Lanning’s. Teaching Oliver wrong things (moose is a cow, peach is an apple, etc) the cultural insensitivity of the room design, the amount of TV Ollie is subjected to, the donation issue with the ranch and they could be doing more correcting on Ollie’s bad behaviour but ultimately they love their children and any implication that they don't isn't fair. I'm totally fine with discussion threads. I am a believer that if you put your life online as so many family vloggers do, they should be open and understanding of public criticism... but sometimes these criticisms are stretched into harassment and I don't think they are snarky, rude, or skeevy for getting rid of that negativity in the comments or replying to it with counter arguments (like replying to the blogger about the nursery decore).

Thanks for listening. I have the utmost respect for you all and I hope you won't just shun me because I have alternate opinions. Interested to hear what you guys have to say! :D
1. Sure, we might see 2% of their day but when they have been vlogging 2% of their day for 3 consecutive years you can see how a person is. If they were doing educational things with their son, going on play dates, family walks with Karma... You think they wouldn't vlog it? Not even once a week? They harp on about vlogging for their own memory keepsakes so I guess they really want to remember Missy laying on the couch with her phone instead of things like reading, etc, to her little miracle.

2. Not a minion? Okay.

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I started reading the first point and stopped because the minion radar was so strong! LMFAO. Oh man.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by Playsinrain »

littlebaby wrote:Do you have to get approved by some sort of board to homeschool your children? Missy is not equipped with the mental capacity to homeschool Ollie in the coming years AND take care of Finn, who would be close to Ollie's age now when Ollie starts school. She would get too exhausted and when Ollie can't pay attention or understand something right away, she'll laugh it off and say they've had a rough day and that they just need to cuddle on the couch. I know there are guidelines the kids have to go by and standards they have to meet when they're homeschooled, and I feel like if Ollie didn't reach those standards, Missy would say something like 'this just isn't for Ollie' and essentially blame everyone but themselves.

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In the state I live in I know that you don't have to be approved to homeschool. My sister was living in a large city and wasn't pleased with the school district that both my niece and nephew would be attending (after 2 years in those schools she couldn't handle it anymore) and couldn't afford the $8000 a year (x's 2) to enroll her kids in a nearby private school, so she home schooled them for 2 years until they moved. All she had to do was buy the courses, and report to the school board a couple times a year. My sis did an excellent job homeschooling and both of the kids were way advanced when they rejoined public school. We now have internet based, state approved, free homeschooling options in our state. Oh and they did have to be tested before reentering public school, like a placement test to make sure they were grade level appropriate.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

FJ_Lanning wrote:
actuallydear wrote:
nmkstj wrote:Long-time lurker, here. I have quite a lot to say and I really would like your responses/opinions on it. I have never been a minion but I have been a fan and I am slowly losing interest in the family, mostly because they don't really do anything interesting. A lot of the things here I agree with, don't get me wrong. But a lot of the times stuff you says here goes too far and I want to address a few things here.

-Any statement that B&M don't do _____ is fallacious. We see about 12 minutes or less of their day. In a 14 hour day, what we see in the vlog is less than 2% of their day. It's not fair to claim that they never play with Ollie, read to him, sing to him, teach him anything, let him play outside, etc. We don't know what happens the other 98%.

-Oliver's bedroom. I know you guys backed off this issue but I wanted to quickly jump in. It was mentioned that you wouldn't have been mad about it if they had given credit to Hobby Lobby in the first place, not "hiding" it. I want to mention that they DID say in the room reveal that they got most of the stuff from Hobby Lobby (10:20 in the tour itself as well as in the vlog the day before the room tour went up even moreso), before anyone originally accused them of stealing the idea. They never claimed it was their own concept anywhere. Also, all of Ollie’s toys are downstairs, including books in the white shelving unit which are at Ollie's level. Missy has ALWAYS loved reading to him as part of his nightly routine. Just because you don't see it, does not mean that it doesn't happen.

-Love. So many times here (I don't think it’s a popular opinion but I did want to address it), I've seen it implied or outright stated that B&M neglect or don't love their children. That's not fair in any respect. They love, cuddle, teach, read with, and take care of their son. Millions of children would be so lucky to have parents like them. Too many are abused or ACTUALLY neglected and it's heart wrenching.

-Appearance. This I don't understand. A lot of people claim that B&M are horrible, bitchy and rude people but then those same individuals call them fat, lazy, ugly, say they have bad skin, a wrinkly face, or have bad teeth. Making fun of the appearances of others is pretty rude and bitchy thing to do and just not necessary in my opinion.
-And finally, to everyone wishing that Missy has a hard, painful delivery or that Finley is 10lbs (or that B&M suffer any other physical harm) - that is not safe for either of them and if anyone wishes harm or pain to someone else you can't call yourself or act like a better person than B&M.

All of that said, I too, see a lot of things that bother me about the Lanning’s. Teaching Oliver wrong things (moose is a cow, peach is an apple, etc) the cultural insensitivity of the room design, the amount of TV Ollie is subjected to, the donation issue with the ranch and they could be doing more correcting on Ollie’s bad behaviour but ultimately they love their children and any implication that they don't isn't fair. I'm totally fine with discussion threads. I am a believer that if you put your life online as so many family vloggers do, they should be open and understanding of public criticism... but sometimes these criticisms are stretched into harassment and I don't think they are snarky, rude, or skeevy for getting rid of that negativity in the comments or replying to it with counter arguments (like replying to the blogger about the nursery decore).

Thanks for listening. I have the utmost respect for you all and I hope you won't just shun me because I have alternate opinions. Interested to hear what you guys have to say! :D
1. Sure, we might see 2% of their day but when they have been vlogging 2% of their day for 3 consecutive years you can see how a person is. If they were doing educational things with their son, going on play dates, family walks with Karma... You think they wouldn't vlog it? Not even once a week? They harp on about vlogging for their own memory keepsakes so I guess they really want to remember Missy laying on the couch with her phone instead of things like reading, etc, to her little miracle.

2. Not a minion? Okay.

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I started reading the first point and stopped because the minion radar was so strong! LMFAO. Oh man.
I'm having "poison troll" flashbacks.

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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by nmkstj »

cats-or-die wrote:I wasn't aware we were turning this board into a "let's find all the good in Bryan and Missy and completely disregard everything else we've seen over the last 2 years."
That is not what I was doing at all. I too pointed out a lot of the things that I have problems with when it comes to the Lannings. My point is that when you guys harp on EVERY little aspect of Bryan and Missy, when there is a serious concern and you guys call them out, like with the horse ranch, for example, all they have to do is go back and say, look, they call us out for EVERYTHING. It's all lies of course they'd make up lies about us, they clearly hate us!

But I just really wanted to discuss it. Sorry cats-and-die that I'm obnoxious to you. The idea was never to change your minds nor convert anyone just to talk about it and perhaps for those non-issues (such as the bookshelves, the "uncreative" room design, etc) and play devils advocate, as well as perhaps have my opinions changed as well and see what you all see. I really feel a lack of respect here and clearly this isn't a place for kind discussion, don't call me a minion I actually take offence to that.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by Sapphire »

nmkstj wrote:I was told that I wouldn't find any educational activity on the instagram. So I went and found some. Also, again, you can't say he was ignored 98% of the time it's a fallacious argument. We don't know what's happening when the cameras are off. It is sad that we don't see more stimulating or creative activities. I know that. And like I said, I don't believe the argument that he's unloved or that he will ever feel like he was neglected growing up. My parents worked full time and I was always with a babysitter. I was never read to, I was never played with, I never spent any quality time with my parents until I was 17. Ollie is so lucky to have parents that are present so I'm annoyed when people say he is ignored when the camera is off. Like, what? How could you possibly know that?

Also, there have been posts saying that they wish Finley is 10lbs and that Missy has a very hard delivery. I saw a post in an earlier thread (the poster later retracted some of the comments) saying that child services should be called. I wasn't implying you all do those things, but to those that do, I wanted to make it clear that those comments are unfair.
Hi, that poster who said child services should be called was me. I did realize that what I had said was harsh and rather '' inappropriate '' in a sense, and like you said, I took back what I said, and realized that some (and only some) of what I said was un-called for.
It's great that you are here, and it's good to have a discussion so long as we aren't attacking you for your opinions and you aren't attacking us for our opinions. I'm very interested in these kinds of discussions so long as we are all being respectful and civil to one another.

I would like to say though, that in my opinion, they would put it in the vlogs if they played with Ollie, took him to the park, did educational activities, etc. We would see that on the vlogs. That's their job. AT LEAST, we would see Bryan tweeting something like '' Just got back from the park with Ollie, he did x,y,z, so much fun! '' or something like that. We don't see them playing or teaching Oliver educational activities on the vlogs, and this is supposed to be the best of them. What they vlog consists of Missy complaining, eating crap, spending money, and sitting on the couch watching Disney movies that aren't really '' educational ''. Therefore, if they DID play with Ollie, or did anything interested with him, they would VLOG that! It's their JOB. If they don't do it on the vlogs, then we do not believe it happens off the vlogs either. There's absolutely NO proof of them doing much with Oliver.
Bryan does play with Oliver sometimes, more so than Missy, and we see that on the vlog's. So no, we can't just say '' oh, they probably play and do good things with him off the vlogs! '' because no. This is supposed to be the best of them, they vlog ridiculous crap, that of course they would vlog the interesting, FUN parts of his childhood, such as the park, drawing, painting, educational activities, as opposed to complaining, eating junk, spending tons of money and sitting on the couch doing nothing but watching movies.

Someone send Oliver a coloring book, Missy laughed and said '' obviously too young for that ''. Which he's not. She treated the viewer that send the coloring book like CRAP, and pretty much threw shade with the '' obviously too young for that ''. That's incredibly rude to who sent that. Oliver is NOT too young to expand his horizons and begin drawing. Buy him some poster boards and crayons. I do that with my son everyday. We're teaching him creativity and he's just two months younger than Oliver, and we started doing this a while ago. My son loves drawing and he's learning creativity, something that Missy doesn't know anything about. We never see her doing anything creative or productive, probably because Mimi didn't teach her that kind of stuff, so now Missy doesn't teach Ollie that stuff, and actually PREVENTS him of doing anything fun or creative, by storing the coloring book '' for when he's older ''. He's not too young to start coloring even if he's just scribbling or whatever. The point isn't to make sure he colors WITHIN THE LINES like a perfect picture, the point is he's learning. He's expanding his horizons. The point is drawing with him, doing something with him. The point is teaching him creativity.
But, no. Missy just scoffed and said '' obviously too young for that ''. And that, IS a stupid, rude thing to say. Not sorry for saying that, I actually mean it.

They don't teach him the ABC's, numbers, nothing. Ollie barely talks. He says some words here and there but barely. He's mumbling. When Ollie TRIES, Missy and Bryan just say '' yeah '' rather than responding and talking to him. SOMETIMES they do, and it's more Bryan than Missy. Missy tells Ollie that a peach is an apple which is complete bogus. And we agree on that.

None of us are saying that Missy and Bryan are horrible parents or are the worst parents. But they aren't that great.
They have the potential to BE better parents, but they don't do anything about it. Because Missy thinks she's perfect and doesn't have any room to improve. But that's not a humble way to live. There's always room for improvement. Be better than you were yesterday.
But Missy and Bryan are stagnant. They don't anything. Bryan does more than Missy. Missy just sits on her butt and does nothing, and that's a fact.
So while they aren't horrible parents, they aren't that great. And they don't do anything to change that, especially Missy. I see glimpses of Bryan trying harder but that's quickly shut down because of Missy. There's been MANY points where Bryan tries to be better, and Missy is NOT helpful or supportive at all. One example is that is the diet aspect.

So I agree with you, they aren't horrible parents maybe. But they surely aren't that great. And they surely don't deserve a '' wonderful parents award ''.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by Sapphire »

nmkstj wrote:I was told that I wouldn't find any educational activity on the instagram. So I went and found some. Also, again, you can't say he was ignored 98% of the time it's a fallacious argument. We don't know what's happening when the cameras are off. It is sad that we don't see more stimulating or creative activities. I know that. And like I said, I don't believe the argument that he's unloved or that he will ever feel like he was neglected growing up. My parents worked full time and I was always with a babysitter. I was never read to, I was never played with, I never spent any quality time with my parents until I was 17. Ollie is so lucky to have parents that are present so I'm annoyed when people say he is ignored when the camera is off. Like, what? How could you possibly know that?

Also, there have been posts saying that they wish Finley is 10lbs and that Missy has a very hard delivery. I saw a post in an earlier thread (the poster later retracted some of the comments) saying that child services should be called. I wasn't implying you all do those things, but to those that do, I wanted to make it clear that those comments are unfair.
Hi, that poster who said child services should be called was me. I did realize that what I had said was harsh and rather '' inappropriate '' in a sense, and like you said, I took back what I said, and realized that some (and only some) of what I said was un-called for.
It's great that you are here, and it's good to have a discussion so long as we aren't attacking you for your opinions and you aren't attacking us for our opinions. I'm very interested in these kinds of discussions so long as we are all being respectful and civil to one another.

I would like to say though, that in my opinion, they would put it in the vlogs if they played with Ollie, took him to the park, did educational activities, etc. We would see that on the vlogs. That's their job. AT LEAST, we would see Bryan tweeting something like '' Just got back from the park with Ollie, he did x,y,z, so much fun! '' or something like that. We don't see them playing or teaching Oliver educational activities on the vlogs, and this is supposed to be the best of them. What they vlog consists of Missy complaining, eating crap, spending money, and sitting on the couch watching Disney movies that aren't really '' educational ''. Therefore, if they DID play with Ollie, or did anything interested with him, they would VLOG that! It's their JOB. If they don't do it on the vlogs, then we do not believe it happens off the vlogs either. There's absolutely NO proof of them doing much with Oliver.
Bryan does play with Oliver sometimes, more so than Missy, and we see that on the vlog's. So no, we can't just say '' oh, they probably play and do good things with him off the vlogs! '' because no. This is supposed to be the best of them, they vlog ridiculous crap, that of course they would vlog the interesting, FUN parts of his childhood, such as the park, drawing, painting, educational activities, as opposed to complaining, eating junk, spending tons of money and sitting on the couch doing nothing but watching movies.

Someone send Oliver a coloring book, Missy laughed and said '' obviously too young for that ''. Which he's not. She treated the viewer that send the coloring book like CRAP, and pretty much threw shade with the '' obviously too young for that ''. That's incredibly rude to who sent that. Oliver is NOT too young to expand his horizons and begin drawing. Buy him some poster boards and crayons. I do that with my son everyday. We're teaching him creativity and he's just two months younger than Oliver, and we started doing this a while ago. My son loves drawing and he's learning creativity, something that Missy doesn't know anything about. We never see her doing anything creative or productive, probably because Mimi didn't teach her that kind of stuff, so now Missy doesn't teach Ollie that stuff, and actually PREVENTS him of doing anything fun or creative, by storing the coloring book '' for when he's older ''. He's not too young to start coloring even if he's just scribbling or whatever. The point isn't to make sure he colors WITHIN THE LINES like a perfect picture, the point is he's learning. He's expanding his horizons. The point is drawing with him, doing something with him. The point is teaching him creativity.
But, no. Missy just scoffed and said '' obviously too young for that ''. And that, IS a stupid, rude thing to say. Not sorry for saying that, I actually mean it.

They don't teach him the ABC's, numbers, nothing. Ollie barely talks. He says some words here and there but barely. He's mumbling. When Ollie TRIES, Missy and Bryan just say '' yeah '' rather than responding and talking to him. SOMETIMES they do, and it's more Bryan than Missy. Missy tells Ollie that a peach is an apple which is complete bogus. And we agree on that.

None of us are saying that Missy and Bryan are horrible parents or are the worst parents. But they aren't that great.
They have the potential to BE better parents, but they don't do anything about it. Because Missy thinks she's perfect and doesn't have any room to improve. But that's not a humble way to live. There's always room for improvement. Be better than you were yesterday.
But Missy and Bryan are stagnant. They don't anything. Bryan does more than Missy. Missy just sits on her butt and does nothing, and that's a fact.
So while they aren't horrible parents, they aren't that great. And they don't do anything to change that, especially Missy. I see glimpses of Bryan trying harder but that's quickly shut down because of Missy. There's been MANY points where Bryan tries to be better, and Missy is NOT helpful or supportive at all. One example is that is the diet aspect.

So I agree with you, they aren't horrible parents maybe. But they surely aren't that great. And they surely don't deserve a '' wonderful parents award ''.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by Sapphire »

nmkstj wrote:
cats-or-die wrote:I wasn't aware we were turning this board into a "let's find all the good in Bryan and Missy and completely disregard everything else we've seen over the last 2 years."
That is not what I was doing at all. I too pointed out a lot of the things that I have problems with when it comes to the Lannings. My point is that when you guys harp on EVERY little aspect of Bryan and Missy, when there is a serious concern and you guys call them out, like with the horse ranch, for example, all they have to do is go back and say, look, they call us out for EVERYTHING. It's all lies of course they'd make up lies about us, they clearly hate us!

But I just really wanted to discuss it. Sorry cats-and-die that I'm obnoxious to you. The idea was never to change your minds nor convert anyone just to talk about it and perhaps for those non-issues (such as the bookshelves, the "uncreative" room design, etc) and play devils advocate, as well as perhaps have my opinions changed as well and see what you all see. I really feel a lack of respect here and clearly this isn't a place for kind discussion, don't call me a minion I actually take offence to that.
I'm very sorry you feel that way. I like discussing these things, so long as we are being civil and respectful of one another and we are allowed to have different opinions. I personally don't want to condescend you or attack you, but I do want to state facts and reasons why I feel and think a certain way, and in return, you can either agree or disagree and state your feelings and thoughts. I appreciate this discussion board and I hope that you stick around.

And PS: My last post isn't an attack on your thoughts, feeling or beliefs, I was stating what we've seen, facts, and just stating why I feel or think a certain way of Missy and Bryan. Please don't take my last post as an attack on you personally, I'm just discussing.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by nmkstj »

sapphiretrinity, thank you for the very kind and respectful response :) I appreciate it. I completely agree with everything you are saying. I'm sorry to have brought that up I know you were very apologetic for some of the comments you made in that post which is why I wanted to make it clear that you had retracted some of the comments.

On the home schooling note, I feel so sad for Oliver if that's the case. Socialization is SO important and he already has such a limited vocabulary... and now doing swim lessons at home it's even less socialization.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by AutumnLane »

Look at that and nice adult discussion with no name-calling or attacking because somebody has a different point of view. No "FFS for the last time" crap. Thank you for not scaring away the new member. :D lol
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by MKitty »

Speaking on the topic of limited socialization... does anyone else feel that Ollie is going to become shy or introverted? I guess I'm comparing it a lot to my life because I was home schooled and Missy wants to home school Oliver. (which is even less socialization for him) If they don't get him out and do more things with kids his age I'm afraid that he's not going to know how to work with people his age and become shy. If he did, Missy and Bryan seem like the kind of parents to criticize him for being shy. Which is honestly one of the worst things you can do to a shy person. They're already afraid of judgement. Due to limited socialization I was super shy for 15+ years. It wasn't until recently when I started working at a place where I felt comfortable and accepted that I sort of opened up.
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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by cats-or-die »

I'm all for the discussion aspects and giving them credit where credit is due, but your original post basically just outlined all the things we were being "mean" about. And I've never wished any ill harm to B or M. I've never thought calling child services was a valid response to their shitty parenting.

Eh whatever. I'm sorry if I came off harsh. And I'm sorry if being called a minion was offensive, but with all due respect, your original post was a tad miniony.

Agree to disagree!

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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by PostyMcPosterston »

nmkstj wrote:I totally agree! We can use this medium and forum to encourage that. Even if they're only doing it because they're trying to prove us wrong, isn't that better than not doing any educational activities at all? For Oliver's sake? I found some instagram posts with Oliver on walks, doing creative things and being read to. I'll post it for the sake of it but I don't know what point I'm really proving there because we all know we don't see much educational activity with Oliver. Mimi was counting with him the other day I'd love to see more of that. The boy loves to sing, get him on those ABC's...

All of those images were in vlogs. Except maybe the last one?

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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

sapphiretrinity wrote:
nmkstj wrote:I was told that I wouldn't find any educational activity on the instagram. So I went and found some. Also, again, you can't say he was ignored 98% of the time it's a fallacious argument. We don't know what's happening when the cameras are off. It is sad that we don't see more stimulating or creative activities. I know that. And like I said, I don't believe the argument that he's unloved or that he will ever feel like he was neglected growing up. My parents worked full time and I was always with a babysitter. I was never read to, I was never played with, I never spent any quality time with my parents until I was 17. Ollie is so lucky to have parents that are present so I'm annoyed when people say he is ignored when the camera is off. Like, what? How could you possibly know that?

Also, there have been posts saying that they wish Finley is 10lbs and that Missy has a very hard delivery. I saw a post in an earlier thread (the poster later retracted some of the comments) saying that child services should be called. I wasn't implying you all do those things, but to those that do, I wanted to make it clear that those comments are unfair.
Hi, that poster who said child services should be called was me. I did realize that what I had said was harsh and rather '' inappropriate '' in a sense, and like you said, I took back what I said, and realized that some (and only some) of what I said was un-called for.
It's great that you are here, and it's good to have a discussion so long as we aren't attacking you for your opinions and you aren't attacking us for our opinions. I'm very interested in these kinds of discussions so long as we are all being respectful and civil to one another.

I would like to say though, that in my opinion, they would put it in the vlogs if they played with Ollie, took him to the park, did educational activities, etc. We would see that on the vlogs. That's their job. AT LEAST, we would see Bryan tweeting something like '' Just got back from the park with Ollie, he did x,y,z, so much fun! '' or something like that. We don't see them playing or teaching Oliver educational activities on the vlogs, and this is supposed to be the best of them. What they vlog consists of Missy complaining, eating crap, spending money, and sitting on the couch watching Disney movies that aren't really '' educational ''. Therefore, if they DID play with Ollie, or did anything interested with him, they would VLOG that! It's their JOB. If they don't do it on the vlogs, then we do not believe it happens off the vlogs either. There's absolutely NO proof of them doing much with Oliver.
Bryan does play with Oliver sometimes, more so than Missy, and we see that on the vlog's. So no, we can't just say '' oh, they probably play and do good things with him off the vlogs! '' because no. This is supposed to be the best of them, they vlog ridiculous crap, that of course they would vlog the interesting, FUN parts of his childhood, such as the park, drawing, painting, educational activities, as opposed to complaining, eating junk, spending tons of money and sitting on the couch doing nothing but watching movies.

Someone send Oliver a coloring book, Missy laughed and said '' obviously too young for that ''. Which he's not. She treated the viewer that send the coloring book like CRAP, and pretty much threw shade with the '' obviously too young for that ''. That's incredibly rude to who sent that. Oliver is NOT too young to expand his horizons and begin drawing. Buy him some poster boards and crayons. I do that with my son everyday. We're teaching him creativity and he's just two months younger than Oliver, and we started doing this a while ago. My son loves drawing and he's learning creativity, something that Missy doesn't know anything about. We never see her doing anything creative or productive, probably because Mimi didn't teach her that kind of stuff, so now Missy doesn't teach Ollie that stuff, and actually PREVENTS him of doing anything fun or creative, by storing the coloring book '' for when he's older ''. He's not too young to start coloring even if he's just scribbling or whatever. The point isn't to make sure he colors WITHIN THE LINES like a perfect picture, the point is he's learning. He's expanding his horizons. The point is drawing with him, doing something with him. The point is teaching him creativity.
But, no. Missy just scoffed and said '' obviously too young for that ''. And that, IS a stupid, rude thing to say. Not sorry for saying that, I actually mean it.

They don't teach him the ABC's, numbers, nothing. Ollie barely talks. He says some words here and there but barely. He's mumbling. When Ollie TRIES, Missy and Bryan just say '' yeah '' rather than responding and talking to him. SOMETIMES they do, and it's more Bryan than Missy. Missy tells Ollie that a peach is an apple which is complete bogus. And we agree on that.

None of us are saying that Missy and Bryan are horrible parents or are the worst parents. But they aren't that great.
They have the potential to BE better parents, but they don't do anything about it. Because Missy thinks she's perfect and doesn't have any room to improve. But that's not a humble way to live. There's always room for improvement. Be better than you were yesterday.
But Missy and Bryan are stagnant. They don't anything. Bryan does more than Missy. Missy just sits on her butt and does nothing, and that's a fact.
So while they aren't horrible parents, they aren't that great. And they don't do anything to change that, especially Missy. I see glimpses of Bryan trying harder but that's quickly shut down because of Missy. There's been MANY points where Bryan tries to be better, and Missy is NOT helpful or supportive at all. One example is that is the diet aspect.

So I agree with you, they aren't horrible parents maybe. But they surely aren't that great. And they surely don't deserve a '' wonderful parents award ''.
I would like to stick my neck out and say For the record that I do think they are horrible parents. Missy is all about herself and the Hollisters and Bryan is all about Missy. Oliver is left out. He follows them around to whatever store or restaurant Missy wants to go to. I truly believe they have a narcissistic dynamic going on and, if this is the case, we will see the two sons pitted against eachother in the future. The better behaved one will be glorified and the other totally vilified. I hope I'm wrong, but all signs point to Missy being narcissistic.

I mean.... why does it take Missy being away, to finally see Ollie being a priority? Bryan makes him dinner, gives him snuggles, etc. the focus is on Ollie! I mean, you can argue that Bryan was taking those pics to make himself look good, but I really do get the feeling he lives Ollie. Why is Bryan horrible then? Because he CAN do better.

I really do think CatsorDie is right and he's ignored and in doing so, is being emotionally abused.

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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by CanYouJustNot »

I have to disagree that us nitpicking what they do is too harsh. We're a forum devoted to "gossiping" about these people. If we only called them out on the Craigslist/Gym Ad, Horseranch, and other big mess ups, we would end up beating a dead horse on the same 3-5 topics over and over again. Yes we're harsh about B&M's life, but that's what happens when you put your life on the internet for the world to see in exchange for way too much money.
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DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by cats-or-die »

HelloSweetie1 wrote:
sapphiretrinity wrote:
nmkstj wrote:I was told that I wouldn't find any educational activity on the instagram. So I went and found some. Also, again, you can't say he was ignored 98% of the time it's a fallacious argument. We don't know what's happening when the cameras are off. It is sad that we don't see more stimulating or creative activities. I know that. And like I said, I don't believe the argument that he's unloved or that he will ever feel like he was neglected growing up. My parents worked full time and I was always with a babysitter. I was never read to, I was never played with, I never spent any quality time with my parents until I was 17. Ollie is so lucky to have parents that are present so I'm annoyed when people say he is ignored when the camera is off. Like, what? How could you possibly know that?

Also, there have been posts saying that they wish Finley is 10lbs and that Missy has a very hard delivery. I saw a post in an earlier thread (the poster later retracted some of the comments) saying that child services should be called. I wasn't implying you all do those things, but to those that do, I wanted to make it clear that those comments are unfair.
Hi, that poster who said child services should be called was me. I did realize that what I had said was harsh and rather '' inappropriate '' in a sense, and like you said, I took back what I said, and realized that some (and only some) of what I said was un-called for.
It's great that you are here, and it's good to have a discussion so long as we aren't attacking you for your opinions and you aren't attacking us for our opinions. I'm very interested in these kinds of discussions so long as we are all being respectful and civil to one another.

I would like to say though, that in my opinion, they would put it in the vlogs if they played with Ollie, took him to the park, did educational activities, etc. We would see that on the vlogs. That's their job. AT LEAST, we would see Bryan tweeting something like '' Just got back from the park with Ollie, he did x,y,z, so much fun! '' or something like that. We don't see them playing or teaching Oliver educational activities on the vlogs, and this is supposed to be the best of them. What they vlog consists of Missy complaining, eating crap, spending money, and sitting on the couch watching Disney movies that aren't really '' educational ''. Therefore, if they DID play with Ollie, or did anything interested with him, they would VLOG that! It's their JOB. If they don't do it on the vlogs, then we do not believe it happens off the vlogs either. There's absolutely NO proof of them doing much with Oliver.
Bryan does play with Oliver sometimes, more so than Missy, and we see that on the vlog's. So no, we can't just say '' oh, they probably play and do good things with him off the vlogs! '' because no. This is supposed to be the best of them, they vlog ridiculous crap, that of course they would vlog the interesting, FUN parts of his childhood, such as the park, drawing, painting, educational activities, as opposed to complaining, eating junk, spending tons of money and sitting on the couch doing nothing but watching movies.

Someone send Oliver a coloring book, Missy laughed and said '' obviously too young for that ''. Which he's not. She treated the viewer that send the coloring book like CRAP, and pretty much threw shade with the '' obviously too young for that ''. That's incredibly rude to who sent that. Oliver is NOT too young to expand his horizons and begin drawing. Buy him some poster boards and crayons. I do that with my son everyday. We're teaching him creativity and he's just two months younger than Oliver, and we started doing this a while ago. My son loves drawing and he's learning creativity, something that Missy doesn't know anything about. We never see her doing anything creative or productive, probably because Mimi didn't teach her that kind of stuff, so now Missy doesn't teach Ollie that stuff, and actually PREVENTS him of doing anything fun or creative, by storing the coloring book '' for when he's older ''. He's not too young to start coloring even if he's just scribbling or whatever. The point isn't to make sure he colors WITHIN THE LINES like a perfect picture, the point is he's learning. He's expanding his horizons. The point is drawing with him, doing something with him. The point is teaching him creativity.
But, no. Missy just scoffed and said '' obviously too young for that ''. And that, IS a stupid, rude thing to say. Not sorry for saying that, I actually mean it.

They don't teach him the ABC's, numbers, nothing. Ollie barely talks. He says some words here and there but barely. He's mumbling. When Ollie TRIES, Missy and Bryan just say '' yeah '' rather than responding and talking to him. SOMETIMES they do, and it's more Bryan than Missy. Missy tells Ollie that a peach is an apple which is complete bogus. And we agree on that.

None of us are saying that Missy and Bryan are horrible parents or are the worst parents. But they aren't that great.
They have the potential to BE better parents, but they don't do anything about it. Because Missy thinks she's perfect and doesn't have any room to improve. But that's not a humble way to live. There's always room for improvement. Be better than you were yesterday.
But Missy and Bryan are stagnant. They don't anything. Bryan does more than Missy. Missy just sits on her butt and does nothing, and that's a fact.
So while they aren't horrible parents, they aren't that great. And they don't do anything to change that, especially Missy. I see glimpses of Bryan trying harder but that's quickly shut down because of Missy. There's been MANY points where Bryan tries to be better, and Missy is NOT helpful or supportive at all. One example is that is the diet aspect.

So I agree with you, they aren't horrible parents maybe. But they surely aren't that great. And they surely don't deserve a '' wonderful parents award ''.
I would like to stick my neck out and say For the record that I do think they are horrible parents. Missy is all about herself and the Hollisters and Bryan is all about Missy. Oliver is left out. He follows them around to whatever store or restaurant Missy wants to go to. I truly believe they have a narcissistic dynamic going on and, if this is the case, we will see the two sons pitted against eachother in the future. The better behaved one will be glorified and the other totally vilified. I hope I'm wrong, but all signs point to Missy being narcissistic.

I mean.... why does it take Missy being away, to finally see Ollie being a priority? Bryan makes him dinner, gives him snuggles, etc. the focus is on Ollie! I mean, you can argue that Bryan was taking those pics to make himself look good, but I really do get the feeling he lives Ollie. Why is Bryan horrible then? Because he CAN do better.

I really do think CatsorDie is right and he's ignored and in doing so, is being emotionally abused.

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Thank you. I know it's been thrown around that they should have child services called, but so many people jumped on that saying it was ridiculous, because Oliver isn't "neglected" in that sense.
But it is neglectful to put your kid in front of the tv all day, to make him nap when he doesn't need it, and to never find a single minute of the day to play with him unless you're being filmed for a play montage.

Do I think Missy and Bryan are the worst parents ever? Hell No.
Do I think they lack parenting skills and understanding of their toddler? Hell Yes.

We've completely diverted and started discussing things from the past. Why?

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Re: DailyLiars&Spenders -Part 33

Unread post by Hershey »

cats-or-die wrote: Thank you. I know it's been thrown around that they should have child services called, but so many people jumped on that saying it was ridiculous, because Oliver isn't "neglected" in that sense.
But it is neglectful to put your kid in front of the tv all day, to make him nap when he doesn't need it, and to never find a single minute of the day to play with him unless you're being filmed for a play montage.

Do I think Missy and Bryan are the worst parents ever? Hell No.
Do I think they lack parenting skills and understanding of their toddler? Hell Yes.

We've completely diverted and started discussing things from the past. Why?

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I think this says it well. Honestly I was taken aback a bit to read the level of hate for this couple when I wandered onto this site. Yes, I do notice a lot more things now than I did before so it's not like I think/thought they were awesome-cakes. Lazy? Yea (especially Missy), Aloof (Missy)? Spend way to much money? immature? Family over an awful lot and taken for granted? Ollie watches way too much TV? Sure. I sure did not/do not think they were outright ignoring Ollie... thought they could do more educational things with him? Sure.

I have wondered if Missy is just so introverted with a case of RBF that she comes off more aloof than she may be- and I did notice her seeming to set herself apart form everyone at Vidcon in the "suite" videos. I do think they have gotten wrapped up in the fame (especially Bryan). I honestly don't see Bryan as anything more than a immature very extroverted attention-seeking person. <shrug>. I DEFINITELY have gotten tired of them laughing at Ollie instead of disciplining. That has driven me crazy for months.

I also just don't get the whole manic reaction to how they got the idea for Ollie's room. I mean ... in the age of Pinterest, do vloggers have to have a bibliography of all the credits?

That said, I do watch them a lot less lately after just getting tired of the same things- so I haven't watched that vlog. I do like gossiping and talking about things I've noticed, so don't think I am all high and mighty... just think some of it is a little more than I see.

And no, not a minion... you don't have to be to start a discussion about these topics. I guess I just give people benefit of the doubt. I even tried to do that for Sam and Nia... well, at least Nia. :p

Gonna stop rambling now. :)
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