Off topic:
Oh my gosh, I just remembered a screenshot I had taken in November of 2016 that I have wanted to share for quite some time that bothered me to no end.
It’s from a Macey Gaines fanpage (I watched like two Cullen&Kate videos, tops) that is obviously run by a young fan but …
Those are toddlers. (Well, at the time they were
No one knows if these kids will stay friends even until their teen years, and I’m being rather generous here; let alone if they even consider(ed) each other friends.
No one knows if they ever will marry someone.*
No one knows if MG will marry a man.*
I personally strongly dislike people shipping real life people and being annoying about it, especially online – and I’m referring to people shipping famous actors or pop singers.
But these are children and —
I’m struggling to make my point, but I’m certain you will know what I’m trying to bring across. I mean, their parents (either individually or both) are demonstrating and discreetly encouraging the shipping of their children …
*No offence, but I can imagine that keeping the children’s predominantely Christian ‘upbringing’ (more or less *cough*) will surely influence this to a degree however.
I don’t know who Kailand is though.