Midia wrote:
Sorry, I was thinking vaginal birth and instead I wrote Vbac (my bad, i am tired!) But Kelsey didn't have a "natural birth", she had an epidural I think (unless I don't have the same definition of natural birth)
There are so many different variations of birth now, that labelling seems kinda useless.
There's completely "natural". Which would mean vaginal, no induction techniques, no pain relief (epidural, gas, iv) or interventions (pitocin, forceps, vacuum delivery).
There's augmented delivery. Which could include induction or intervention (forceps/pitocin).
There's medicated (iv, gas or epidural)
And then there's surgical.
The word "natural" has too much sanctimony attached to it now, and there's far too much stigma about augmented birth.
I had one augmented birth (pitocin, forceps, iv pain relief), and two "completely natural" (no meds, no assisted delivery). I wasn't a better or stronger woman for my last two deliveries. And I'm not stronger because I birthed three kids without an epidural.
You birth the way you need to in order to have a healthy mum and baby. Period. Unless the kid was grown in an artificial womb, it was a natural birth.