The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Part 8

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by lmmomSD »

ClassyCat wrote:Image

During church



When she had her endo surgery

I think his Mom has had a boob reduction

First IUI




One of these things is not like the other

Nice outfit for a graduation





A BABY crawled to another highchair? :-o :-o :-o
What are they doing in the church picture? All I can see is a blur...

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Night lady »

Snarky Lady wrote:
Night lady wrote:
tusky wrote:my god esme was literally asking to go to the bathroom and ashley still squeals like a fucking pig over the top of her
I thought that's what I heard esme say! Ashley is seriously delusional. Take your daughter to the bathroom for God sake

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What part of the v'log was that?
When they were showing the house

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

snarksite wrote:[img]// ... 195f65.png[/img][img]// ... 6f6b13.png[/img]

Couple more from T$$ IG.
Couple things I noticed while gagging through his IG account.

He has ALWAYS been way too obsessed with food.

His political preferences are right out there for anyone to see. And his racism is blatantly apparent in a couple of his President Obama photos.
Can I still win the $50.00 for proving who he voted for in the last Presidential Election?

Oh, and there are an awful lot of suggestive pics with other people's kids. I won't post them because its not the kids' fault.

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I guess I don't know why it's a big deal what his political preferences are. Isn't this a country where we can vote for who we want to? Utah is a uber conservative state and LDS people tend to be uber conservative. My guess any day would be they are republicans. Does it matter? I guess I don't understand the big deal about that.

He does have some Mitt Romney stuff on his board but I sure didn't see anything I'd label racist? Just because someone doesn't agree with Obama doesn't mean they are racist.

I don't want to get into political stuff since I don't think this is the place. Just wondering why it matters? Who cares?

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

As I was going through IG this morning, I noticed a few things that definitely make their age and maturity level apparent. And I think it speaks of this whole generation.

My hell they are self-centered. I've never seen so many pictures of the same 2 people over and over and over again. I don't think I have that many pictures of myself ever. And I'd never post many of those. Why does one want to take embarrassing pictures and then post them? Okay, my husband and I have been in goofy moods and taken some photos, but I would never ever post them. This generation doesn't get that they NEVER go away.

Second, what is with him taking pictures with his shirt off and his mouth open? Not attractive on either count.

Third, it has been six years since he started his IG account and they've had four girls that were born very premature. For most people, that would force them to grow up fast. Not these idiots, they have the same types of photos in 2011 as they do in 2017. Ashley is breastier and Tyson weighs more and has let himself go, but the same. Grow up people. It's time!

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

[img]// ... af3a4d.jpg[/img]

I love this quote and believe it. But find it unbelievably ironic on Tyson's page. I've never met two more self-centered individuals.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

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[img]// ... a24c7e.png[/img]

They have some really odd stocker-ish fans.

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

[img]// ... d34ba8.jpg[/img]

I can't unsee these photos. But honestly - who does this? And why? I feel like they are forever stuck as teenagers. And it's not cute.

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by lmmomSD »

Something_Relevant wrote:Did anyone else notice the IG story of Scarlett putting more salt on her French fries? They captioned it that she takes after her dad. How is that a good thing? I highly doubt these girls need more sodium in their lives. Why would you teach her that?
And I was wiping salt _off_ my fries yesterday!
I know that the Binghams are better parents than these two (doesn't take much), but they gotta get a handle on Hazy screaming. I know she's two and needs a way to express herself, but I feel for anyone listening to the vlog with headphones. And they just laugh and say "Oh, Hazy's excited."

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by spoiled2bits »

Sandocan wrote:Look what someone posted on TLC Rattled discussion group. I copied it hiding the name of the poster.

I sent them a very generous gift to the girls which was expensive. They never said anything or showed it so I PMd tyson to find out if they got it. They did. I asked if the girls liked it and he himhauled around and finally said they sold it without the girls seeing it. That was about a year ago. I have continued to watch the blogs to see the girls. They have gotten worse and worse for their begging etc. Those poor girls need to be raised by parents who have some sense, which these two do not.
Himhauled? Image

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by OldCountry »

I spent some time scrolling through Uncle Tyty's IG.. I should have been doing other things, but I got sucked in. I never went that far back before, but with this wealth of info the past few pages, I had to go :D I would refer to him as a pig in the past mostly because of his eating habits, but after seeing and reading those pages, he is a pig in all aspects. There is a picture of ASSwit eating a piece off BBQ chicken May 2, 2013. Tytass- This girl is a carnivore! Trashley- I like me some big juicy meat! Tytass- That's what she said! :oink: Trust me I am no prude, but who would put that out there for all to read? I don't get it..
Another picture is last Thanksgiving when loaded up the car with socks & bread rolls to go feed the homeless. He is so full of hot air and then says.. "Wish us a good day and pray we've brought enough food to feed the lot".. the LOT?? Surprised he didn't say Those People :x The next photo shows the handing out of the items, there were other people giving items also, that should not have been allowed to be photographed. Show them some dignity. There is a certain mind set out there that is probably T$A's also.. One comment he received- That's good you are giving them items and not money.. they would just go buy drugs if you gave them money. I hate this bubble these people live in.
Does he think by throwing in a Jesus or religious picture once in a while, he will be 'saved'?
It was actually sad to back as far as I did because I got to see the girls when they were the "littles" and they were cute back then and had little faces of hope. It's just a horrible shame what their parents are turning them into. :x
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by lmmomSD »

spoiled2bits wrote:
Sandocan wrote:Look what someone posted on TLC Rattled discussion group. I copied it hiding the name of the poster.

I sent them a very generous gift to the girls which was expensive. They never said anything or showed it so I PMd tyson to find out if they got it. They did. I asked if the girls liked it and he himhauled around and finally said they sold it without the girls seeing it. That was about a year ago. I have continued to watch the blogs to see the girls. They have gotten worse and worse for their begging etc. Those poor girls need to be raised by parents who have some sense, which these two do not.
Himhauled? Image

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Poor person probably means "hemmed and hawed". But wow.
Sending expensive gifts to vloggers or any "celebrity" is just throwing money away.

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by girlielove »

Vlog recap: food orgy

So gross. First there are snacks all over Tubby's nightstand, then he brings home more Sodaliscious and take out Kneaders. They are all so excited for this food. The girls are already drinking juice and they are begging for soda.
They have to go "fall shopping," even after Assley says that she's expecting a ton of packages of fall clothes today. Back to the same mall. They go into Baby Gap but Assley moans that she can't find all the sizes she needs so they come out empty-handed, Assley with a pout on her face. What are they going to dress these girls in now???
Scarlett pulling at her diaper. Obviously it's uncomfortable. They actually take them to the play center today, probably because they have their helpers. They are approached by NO ONE. These celebs were completely ignored. I noticed they were the only parents who hovered over their kids, filming their every move, saying after Evie comes down the slide, "Did you go down Evie??" Evie just ignores them and goes back to playing. I want to tell T$A to shut up and let the kids play without narrating every move they make to them. Evie pulls on her diaper. Sticky and itchy, I bet. Indie picked her nose. They are going to love all this public footage when they are older.
They go to the house again because all their followers need to see how it's going along. Assley squeals the entire time. Their helpers look bored out of their minds. Assley says "good job!" a total of 11 times. Kid hands her a rock -- good job! Kid takes a drink -- good job! I like how Aunt Becca was at least talking to the girls in a normal voice, enunciating her words carefully. Too bad they can't be around Becca all the time. Instead they get a high-pitched "wheeeee!!" in their ears every time they go down a slide.
Tubby says "we worked up some hunger." I bet you did, it's been a couple hours since he ate. They get put in the back corner, where NO ONE approaches them. Now that the kids are getting older, the fact that they're quads isn't as attention-worthy.
The footage of the restaurant is vomit-inducing. Nevermind the sitting on the table, standing in the chairs to eat, the lack of basic manners. We get to hear T$A croon "yummy!" over a dozen times, and we see the girls stick handfuls of food in their mouth, with food all over their faces. Tubby says to Esme "K put it in your mouth ... ohhhh oh oh oh!" at 19:45. Remembering all the photos that were recently uncovered of him from his Instagram, I realized just how creepy and disgusting he is. Then to say that, and drill into Esme how frantically obsessed with food he is, those poor girls don't stand a chance. They had soda in their cups, and Assley ordered a strawberry drink, then she says that they need to order fried ice cream, then the girls are still eating suckers right after lunch. Total gorge-fest, like always.
Assley says, while lying in bed at the end of the vlog, that the rest of the day is going to involve spending time with family and eating. Do they think seeing the girls covered in food, sticking food into their giant mouths, and going on and on about how yummmmmmmy everything is makes for good family memories?
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Harkette »

BumblebeeBubbles wrote:
snarksite wrote:[img]// ... 195f65.png[/img][img]// ... 6f6b13.png[/img]

Couple more from T$$ IG.
Couple things I noticed while gagging through his IG account.

He has ALWAYS been way too obsessed with food.

His political preferences are right out there for anyone to see. And his racism is blatantly apparent in a couple of his President Obama photos.
Can I still win the $50.00 for proving who he voted for in the last Presidential Election?

Oh, and there are an awful lot of suggestive pics with other people's kids. I won't post them because its not the kids' fault.

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I guess I don't know why it's a big deal what his political preferences are. Isn't this a country where we can vote for who we want to? Utah is a uber conservative state and LDS people tend to be uber conservative. My guess any day would be they are republicans. Does it matter? I guess I don't understand the big deal about that.

He does have some Mitt Romney stuff on his board but I sure didn't see anything I'd label racist? Just because someone doesn't agree with Obama doesn't mean they are racist.

I don't want to get into political stuff since I don't think this is the place. Just wondering why it matters? Who cares?

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I can only speak for myself: I don't care if people are republican, democrat, libertarian, or nothing at all.

I do care if people support Trump. So for me, it's not a republican thing. It's a Trump thing.

And that's all I am going to say on the matter of politics.

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Something_Relevant »

I started going through his IG too and I noticed that around the time they got pregnant, they were actually eating pretty healthy! So they do know how. I'm guessing they did it to try to help them conceive, which is smart. They can eat healthy to get the babies but now that they're here, they think they're impervious to health problems? They got their miracles so nothing bad can happen. No need to give them a fighting chance against obesity.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

lmmomSD wrote:
spoiled2bits wrote:
Sandocan wrote:Look what someone posted on TLC Rattled discussion group. I copied it hiding the name of the poster.

I sent them a very generous gift to the girls which was expensive. They never said anything or showed it so I PMd tyson to find out if they got it. They did. I asked if the girls liked it and he himhauled around and finally said they sold it without the girls seeing it. That was about a year ago. I have continued to watch the blogs to see the girls. They have gotten worse and worse for their begging etc. Those poor girls need to be raised by parents who have some sense, which these two do not.
Himhauled? Image

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Poor person probably means "hemmed and hawed". But wow.
Sending expensive gifts to vloggers or any "celebrity" is just throwing money away.

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hem and haw, to hesitate or falter: She hemmed and hawed a lot before she came to the point. to speak noncommittally; avoid giving a direct answer: He hems and haws and comes out on both sides of every question.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Something_Relevant »

Wait a second.... I sense some hypocrisy.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Premmie101 »

Today's vlog. Little geniuses in bed with mum and dad more stickers and Aunt Becca being encouraging. They get up and go downstairs and aunt Becca is doing dishes. Asswipe tells us Aunt Becca is always cleaning up after them when she is there. I would be mortified. Soooooo freaking lazy.
Off to the mall after a huge takeaway breakfast. Poor kids how many trips has it been this week. And they don't buy anything. More eating out for lunch. I just can't get over the atrocious manners of this family.
Off to the house. The girls go upstairs but they have to be held cos there is wet paint. Really why would you bother. And the playroom is now going to be in the basement. I don't know. I always found my kids wanted to be able to see me most of the time when they are playing. Hope they all plan on spending a lot of time in the basement.
And lastly all having a nap to prepare for the evening's family event. I'm hoping Aunt Becca has got in their ear and told them to turn the fucking camera off and pay attention to your kids. As someone else has said they'd be way better off with her.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Abbiedownunder »

omg Her screaming about the tiles was punch worthy. They keep asking the girls 'do you love it'? The poor girls have no idea what they are talking about. Why does she scream like a child so much? It really pisses me off mainly because the girls don't even get a chance to reply when she asks them anyway. Their constant asking the girls for approval of things shows just how immature and insecure they are. In a year or two when the girls can talk properly, just wait for her complaints of 'I don't understand why they scream so much'!!!!!!! Talk normally to them dickheads. And for what it's worth, the tiles in the bathroom are horrible. :)
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by snarksite »

BumblebeeBubbles wrote:
snarksite wrote:[img]// ... 195f65.png[/img][img]// ... 6f6b13.png[/img]

Couple more from T$$ IG.
Couple things I noticed while gagging through his IG account.

He has ALWAYS been way too obsessed with food.

His political preferences are right out there for anyone to see. And his racism is blatantly apparent in a couple of his President Obama photos.
Can I still win the $50.00 for proving who he voted for in the last Presidential Election?

Oh, and there are an awful lot of suggestive pics with other people's kids. I won't post them because its not the kids' fault.

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I guess I don't know why it's a big deal what his political preferences are. Isn't this a country where we can vote for who we want to? Utah is a uber conservative state and LDS people tend to be uber conservative. My guess any day would be they are republicans. Does it matter? I guess I don't understand the big deal about that.

He does have some Mitt Romney stuff on his board but I sure didn't see anything I'd label racist? Just because someone doesn't agree with Obama doesn't mean they are racist.

I don't want to get into political stuff since I don't think this is the place. Just wondering why it matters? Who cares?

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It matters to me because they act all holier than thou but post pictures of the then President and First Lady with extremely racist captions.

I would've agreed that politics was not necessary on this board but T$A put it out there when they dared anybody to find proof of their political affiliations. I found the proof.
So, I was simply asking for my $50.00.

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Sandocan »

Wow the last few days this board has been more interesting that the blogs will ever be. TyCannonball is simply disgusting in all aspects. I will never be able to unsee that sperm sample specially when he is holding it with his legs spread open. Pig! Not to mention the other pictures who just show a complete pervert. Everyone does silly things now and then but why would you publish it for the world to see?

I have not been able to watch vlogs for a week. I get too worked up by these two idiots that refuse to help their daughters grow up. Thanks for your recaps though, they have been quite entertaining.

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