Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Ham Fried Rice wrote:
skipperpt wrote:One lie I noted from the live feed: Someone commented that they saw the Gardners craigslist post for their couch and was wondering if it was still for sale. Tyson replied back that the couch was in the basement to use in the makeshift playroom. We shall see if the couch is really there when they film the girls running around barefoot on the cold cement.

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They will have to have a couch or 2 down there. When the girls get banished there to play, at least on of the babysitters will need to be down there and you know they have to lounge their lazy asses somewhere.

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Maybe they are planning to put the white looking furniture in the basement for the girls and get a new living room suit!!! Makes about as much sense as building a house for looks instead of functionality!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by PrincessFrenchFry »

One of us mentioned something about Byson talking about his favorite 'charities' on the live feed (forgive me for not tagging you in this). Someone asked what his favorite charities were and he said there were so many, but couldn't name any actual charities. He said infertility and the NICU. Neither of those are actual charities. Another thing I found interesting was that he said yesterday was world AIDS Day. He said that was a cause that was very near and dear to their hearts. I remember some speculation at one point about how his father actually died. He's said that his dad got really sick and died, but never specified what he got sick from. If I remember correctly, someone even speculated that maybe it was from HIV/AIDS and that's why Byson never explained what happened. Pure conjecture on my part, I've got nothing to back it up. Anyone else have any thoughts on this??

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Ebbies turn »

[quote="PrincessFrenchFry"]One of us mentioned something about Byson talking about his favorite 'charities' on the live feed (forgive me for not tagging you in this). Someone asked what his favorite charities were and he said there were so many, but couldn't name any actual charities. He said infertility and the NICU. Neither of those are actual charities. Another thing I found interesting was that he said yesterday was world AIDS Day. He said that was a cause that was very near and dear to their hearts. I remember some speculation at one point about how his father actually died. He's said that his dad got really sick and died, but never specified what he got sick from. If I remember correctly, someone even speculated that maybe it was from HIV/AIDS and that's why Byson never explained what happened. Pure conjecture on my part, I've got nothing to back it up. Anyone else have any thoughts on this??

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I kind of got that impression about his dad having AIDS also.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

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Wow, Tyson actually said they designed the house for looks rather than functionality? Just, wow.

During the last house tour I thought the main floor looked nice---kitchen, fireplace, built-in drawers...but at the end of the tour I thought, wait a minute, where are you actually going to BE, most of the time? Where are the kids' toys going to be, where are they going to play? Turns out Tyson and Ashley actually did not wonder that themselves until the same time I did. :x
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by qsauntiem »

Why the fuck do these "parents" not LISTEN to their kids? At the very beginning of the vlog one of the girls (standing too close to the street, no surprise) was pointing to a truck that was stopped at the light. As soon as it started driving off she said "it's going". Stupid By$son said something like "No, I don't think it's Halloween." And she repeated "it's going." It's so maddening. Why can't they realize just how much they're missing of their kids' lives?

However, Scarlett was so cute with her nativity..."Baby Jesus, Mama Jesus, Daddy Jesus, Angel Jesus."
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Ham Fried Rice »

In today's vlog, a$$ is sitting on that hard ass wood floor they chose for a living space. I bet there will be an area rug purchase soon! Did they not think of their children playing on that floor when they designed their mansion?? No of course not. Idiots.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Night lady »

Holy cow, Evie was so close to the road!! Wtf? HELL no. How can Tyler be so neglectful? Dcf needs to intervene, NOW!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

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Snarky Lady wrote:New v'log Dec 1 Starts off with "What did you get from the doctor? Gucky So the girls are not sick, do you think they went for their 3 year checkup? Strange how nothing was said and the most important part was a sucker.
I wonder when Evie and Scarlett are in a size 12 and Esme and Indie are in a size 6 if they are still going to make the smaller girls wear the same size as the larger ones because it is EASIER
At Target of course it was Evie who opened a big bag of peanut M&M's and neither parent had enough balls to take them away from her. They bought the girls NAY-tiV-i-tee's After telling Evie (I think) angel, the rest was daddy angel, a wise man was a mama angel and so on. Scarlett did pretty well as did Indie and Esme and of course no one said, you are doing good this is the wise man etc you can tell by their..........
Quote of the day, "We are definitely thankful for our children, the have completely changed our lives" Yep you have EVERYTHING you have on the backs of your girls. Just remember Greedners, the higher you climb the further you have to fall and its coming. Enjoy it now.

At that point the girls will be responsible for buying their own clothes and doing their own laundry.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by eyesandears »

Have not commented in awhile because you all see exactly what I see and comment for me! I do want to say that Tyler was also signing paperwork at closing. So he does seem to be on the loan and deed.

Something that irritated me recently was a comment Tyler made on IG to a follower that suggested he give the girls water instead of sugary drinks. His sarcastic snap back was "I never thought of that". Really? Have any of you ever seen the girls offered water? Ice, yes....water, no.

So Tyler admitted they did not plan the house with function in mind for their four little girls. Obviously all about the Queens. And wait until they bring in a dining table and chairs. That open space will be gone, too.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by DoodleBop »

It would be hard to switch the girls to water now because they're so used to everything being sweet. Even more so when they probably ask Dad for sips of his soda all the time or just outright steal it. Which is why i think he holds his drink so they won't take it. Unlike other parents who teach their kids not to touch the coffee mug etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the girls grows up to reject all this girly no dresses, ruffles, floral, complicated outfits. Can you imagine the eye twitch Ass will have if one of her girls comes to visit with short hair in jeans, tee shirt and some running shoes or flip flops lol.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Tammylcc303 »

alannah62 wrote:Because a link to a Bingham vlog popped up I watched it because I'm so sick of the Greedners. So I have questions even tho I know this isn't their page.

Where is older daughter Madi? Is she a kid of only one of them? How old is younest boy? Shouldn't he be in school, he looks big enough? Hazy definitely doesn't like the FF, she ignored them at the dance studio. She is way smarter than FF and way more personable although that ugly cry she did when her brother didn't kiss her good bye was annoying! But they really are loving and good kids. I shop a Sam's club which is 2 miles away. Recently a Costco opened up about 12 miles away but I have n o desire to switch although I know many that are. But I noticed watching the Bingham's blog how much alike sams and Costco are even have same tables to eat at, 2 in 1 pizza slices etc. Love to eat at sams too. Cheap deals with pop. And all beef Nathan hot dogs. Love that the binghams are so much more appreciative to their followers for the gifts, although don't understand people sending stuff to strangers. Sorry sissies, but Brandon's hyperness just gets on my nerves, was glad mindy did majority of blog.

Madi lives in California with her mom! She is only Brandon's daughter. Braxton - sp? is 5 years old I believe. I think he goes to preschool or maybe even Kindergarten but not the whole day. I really like watching the Binghams more than the Greedners. Brandon is super hyper and I didn't like that at first but I am use to it now. Its funny going back to the beginning videos of the Binghams - he wasn't so hyper back than! One reason I enjoy watching their blogs is they aren't always trying to sell stuff and get you to buy stuff like the Greedners are!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

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Snarkadoodle Doo wrote:
Cavmom20 wrote:
Stellaboo wrote:So how come none of you mentioned that Trashley made the girls wear oversized bedroom slippers to dance class?
(I would have actually watched the vlog sooner ;) )

WTF? All the money she spends on outfits and she can't even bother to get them actual dance shoes?
The looked like clowns! :bozo:

Not only is that SO tacky, but the were so big and floppy it was dangerous. It would have been safer for them to just go barefoot.
(Which I realize they eventually did - I wonder if the teacher asked them to?)
How long do you think it will take until 4 pairs of new ballet slippers arrive for the FF?

And did Heavy take 4 pieces of candy? How do you watch that and not say anything to your kid?
Hey Greedners - no one likes it when you allow your kid to be rude and greedy! She's going to grow up to be a massively spoiled brat!
Omg you're right... look at these things! You can see how far beyond her heel they extend! But of course this is esme and we all know they only buy shoes in the bigger girls' size so no wonder these are too big for the littles. Assley said indie had already removed her...yeah, ya think? She probably couldn't walk in them! It really surprises me given how much they love shopping and the girls to look perfect that she wouldn't have gone out and bought the best, most expensive dance shoes. But then again, I guess it's just an opportunity to let the KAD buy it for them. Ughhh.
You guys I hate this family as much as the next guy, but I am going to play devils advocate for once and say that almost every little girl first starting in dance has those slippers. They likely bought the smallest pair, which would still swim on those kids, especially the tinys. Even Hazyl Bingham wears them and they swim on her too. You would be hard pressed not to find a dance class with toddlers and not see those slippers. They are idiots, but almost any first time dance parent is bound to buy these.
I took ballet for years and my sister even teaches ballet at this age and I've never seen these before. Then again, I assumed people actually went to a dance store to get the outfits. These people have more than enough money to get the girls fitted for actual slippers. They're not that expensive. And they have leggings, not tights on. Have they ever seen a real dance outfit?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Night lady »

DoodleBop wrote:It would be hard to switch the girls to water now because they're so used to everything being sweet. Even more so when they probably ask Dad for sips of his soda all the time or just outright steal it. Which is why i think he holds his drink so they won't take it. Unlike other parents who teach their kids not to touch the coffee mug etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the girls grows up to reject all this girly no dresses, ruffles, floral, complicated outfits. Can you imagine the eye twitch Ass will have if one of her girls comes to visit with short hair in jeans, tee shirt and some running shoes or flip flops lol.
Or if 1 or more of their girls is gay or bisexual? Not being mean here, my own daughter is bisexual so I know what it's like. I love my children no matter what!! Let's just understand that. But knowing that these 2 are into perfection and beauty, it would definitely be a shock their systems.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by eyesandears »

Ok, yes, they do sell these "ballet shoes" at Target next to the leos and tutus BUT most mothers would recognize that what they bought does not FIT. These girls were flopping into class with these clown slippers. I also cringe at the too big boots that they have to clunk around in and attempt to play at playgrounds. Made me sad/mad to see the girls twirling and enjoying the princess dresses in dance class when a follower spent hard earned money to send dresses to them that were worn once and trashed. Grrr.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by DoodleBop »

Night lady wrote:
DoodleBop wrote:It would be hard to switch the girls to water now because they're so used to everything being sweet. Even more so when they probably ask Dad for sips of his soda all the time or just outright steal it. Which is why i think he holds his drink so they won't take it. Unlike other parents who teach their kids not to touch the coffee mug etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the girls grows up to reject all this girly no dresses, ruffles, floral, complicated outfits. Can you imagine the eye twitch Ass will have if one of her girls comes to visit with short hair in jeans, tee shirt and some running shoes or flip flops lol.
Or if 1 or more of their girls is gay or bisexual? Not being mean here, my own daughter is bisexual so I know what it's like. I love my children no matter what!! Let's just understand that. But knowing that these 2 are into perfection and beauty, it would definitely be a shock their systems.

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I can imagine the meltdown those two would have if any of the girls aren't cishet.

I think one of my saving graces as a parent is I never had this plan in my head of watching Princess movies with a girl child or a boy child playing football. Parents who seem to have decided what their child's interests will be before they're even born seem to struggle more when their kids don't follow along.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Morning Glory »

I don't know anything about dance outfits for toddlers, but I was surprised and pleased to see the girls dressed differently from one another. Gives the teacher and the other kids a chance to get to know them.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

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If the smallest slipper at Target is too big for the FF, then don't buy them! Perv & Screech, no doubt, didn't buy them......KAD gift.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Harkette »

Aussiegal2017 wrote:It’s got to be freezing down there not finished: I don’t they thought of the girls once when designing the house just wrapped up in what ass and Tyler wanted and nothing else .

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My kids are 4 and 7 and even they wouldn't play down there all alone. Although, we don't have basements in CA so maybe that's a common place for playrooms in Utah?

When we were house shopping after we had kids I actually rated houses based on which ones had a dedicated space to make a play area.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by Oma66 »

Did anyone else notice in Tyler’s live feed , he was talking about Evie and Scarlet getting into the lipshit, he said “ITS A GOOD THING ASSLEY HAD HER CAMERA ON TO THE CATCH THEM, AND SHE WAS SO GOOD ABOUT IT SHE SAT DOWN AND RECORDED THAT MOMENT, IF I WOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE WHO CAUGHT THEM, I WOULD HAVE FREAKED OUT” In the attempt to go viral video it shows Assley running down the stairs say “no, no, no” and Tyler standing at the door watching them.....proof it was TOTALLY STAGED!!!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad A Miracle Freeloading (Part 13)

Unread post by BellaCat »

Snarkadoodle Doo wrote:
Cavmom20 wrote:
Stellaboo wrote:So how come none of you mentioned that Trashley made the girls wear oversized bedroom slippers to dance class?
(I would have actually watched the vlog sooner ;) )

WTF? All the money she spends on outfits and she can't even bother to get them actual dance shoes?
The looked like clowns! :bozo:

Not only is that SO tacky, but the were so big and floppy it was dangerous. It would have been safer for them to just go barefoot.
(Which I realize they eventually did - I wonder if the teacher asked them to?)
How long do you think it will take until 4 pairs of new ballet slippers arrive for the FF?

And did Heavy take 4 pieces of candy? How do you watch that and not say anything to your kid?
Hey Greedners - no one likes it when you allow your kid to be rude and greedy! She's going to grow up to be a massively spoiled brat!
Omg you're right... look at these things! You can see how far beyond her heel they extend! But of course this is esme and we all know they only buy shoes in the bigger girls' size so no wonder these are too big for the littles. Assley said indie had already removed her...yeah, ya think? She probably couldn't walk in them! It really surprises me given how much they love shopping and the girls to look perfect that she wouldn't have gone out and bought the best, most expensive dance shoes. But then again, I guess it's just an opportunity to let the KAD buy it for them. Ughhh.
You guys I hate this family as much as the next guy, but I am going to play devils advocate for once and say that almost every little girl first starting in dance has those slippers. They likely bought the smallest pair, which would still swim on those kids, especially the tinys. Even Hazyl Bingham wears them and they swim on her too. You would be hard pressed not to find a dance class with toddlers and not see those slippers. They are idiots, but almost any first time dance parent is bound to buy these.
No one at my daughters dance studio wears those things. They wear real ballet slippers that fit. Those things are a slippery hazard.

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