2011Teenagemom Part 18

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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by OwlEyes »

I'm sorry but I wouldn't believe for a SECOND that it's a coincidence she mentioned asking for a developmental specialist RIGHT after we all had a long discussion about Lily being delayed.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by Yue195 »

Lily is so adorable. " I want a sticker " " Lily it's okay you can be loud " "..... I want a sticker ". She cracks me up sometimes.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by Eponine24601 »

Lily seemed spunkier in today's video. It was nice to see them go to the park.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by RoseandI »

Wow can this girl be more obvious! She asks for a developmental specialist when it was discussed on here a while back!
AND she captions what lily says so we can understand her and see that she CAN talk, not just repeat words!

I think its pathetic she posted that old pic of her working out when she really isnt!!
She always seems to do that with statuses and pics. Its frustrating. If you are going to post something have the balls to back it up!
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by stephh+ »

long time lurker here! I don't watch all of her videos, just the ones mentioned here usually.. but this has only been a recent thing lol I just can NOT handle the way she touches everything.. if I do "watch" a video she posts, I just use It as background noise lol I just cant handle her fingers all over everything. I know that's alittle odd but honestly it is weird that she feels the need to touch every corner of every item lol. her cooking and haul videos are especially bad for this. As for lily's speech, I agree that she has a delay, my son is a few months younger and my friends daughter is a week younger than lily and has a speech delay as well, my son speaks clearly and he is two and a half, where my friends daughter and lily are both three and I have a really hard time understanding them both. Im not saying its a real problem because I know someone who had a speech delay and then at age four they started talking really well with alittle help for a year with a speech therapist, but Vanessa should be doing something other than playing frozen all day... ipad apps will not help your child even if they claim to be educational lol... I also agree with the blank stare, my cousin had that same blank stare I have noticed that lily has, its like she has zoned out of life. my cousin ended up having dyslexia, learning disabilities and is autistic, we noticed the blank stare around the age of two so I think that is something she should bring up with lilys doctors. Not that there is anything wrong with lily having disabilities that doesn't make her any less special, I think Vanessa likes that lily has a syndrome as apposed to a disability.. because when you say oh a syndrome, it doesn't sound like she is "slow" and im not saying she is slow at all, just what I have noticed from experience with my cousin. I have no doubt that Vanessa loves lily, I think she just doesn't want to admit to herself that lily might have more than "just a syndrome" but who know, I could be completely wrong.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by things2say »

I agree with a lot of what you said stephh, but people get very touchy when the subject of autism is brought up. I know it's a spectrum and there is no clear cut 100% diagnostic criteria due to every child being unique. I worked with children on the spectrum at a children's sensory gym, they all were different.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by gypsophila »

OwlEyes wrote:I'm sorry but I wouldn't believe for a SECOND that it's a coincidence she mentioned asking for a developmental specialist RIGHT after we all had a long discussion about Lily being delayed.
But to everyone preaching about Lily's delays, aren't you HAPPY about this? I mean give her a break. Either she sees a specialist and confirms YOUR beliefs, or she doesn't and she still confirms YOUR beliefs. :roll: What is she supposed to do? Well I guess now we get EXPERT opinions. Yay.

Lily was so cute in this video. I agree, spunky. Not sassy! She was just so happy. :)
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by pitbulllove »

Yay! All the people on the "delayed" train can be happy now she has an expert, and we can hopefully stop hearing about Lily's "delays."
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by Dumbledore »

Yeah its been proven time and time again she's NEVER stopped reading here. If you want to add your 2 cents, post here because she doesn't seem to care about the comments on her yt.
I appreciate it when she takes useful info or suggestions and applies them in her life, not just doing things to spite ytmd but to actually improve on things. I mean, I don't think she asked about the specialist for the sole purpose of getting people here to shut up about lily's development, she may have had some doubts of her own. Nothing wrong with that, she may just need some reassurance that lily is on the right track.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by _809lovely »

I don't think saying she has a delay is mean, but of course it depends on the way it is said. People just get offended.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by stephh+ »

things2say wrote:I agree with a lot of what you said stephh, but people get very touchy when the subject of autism is brought up. I know it's a spectrum and there is no clear cut 100% diagnostic criteria due to every child being unique. I worked with children on the spectrum at a children's sensory gym, they all were different.
I totally agree, people are sensitive about the subject. I wasn't at all saying that lily for sure has any issues, I think she is a very bright little girl, she is also smart, but that being said, autistic people are often very bright people and excel at one subject. Again, not at all saying lily has any disabilities, but there's always the possibility and if there is a possible sign then Vanessa should talk with her doctor, they could suggest ways to help lily get the needed attention to help her excel when she starts school. I also agree with everyone saying that they should NOT send lily to a private school the kids there will tease her and make her not want to goto school. I think lily would definitely be better at a public school where there are special classes, helpers who are there to help students having any problems with certain subjects, and other children who have similar difficulties with certain subjects.. when I was in elementary school they were great with students who were having a hard time in certain classes and they had tutoring after school and helpers in the classrooms. they should definetly not send her to private school, they are setting her up to be teased and made fun of.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by Snow White »

Dumbledore wrote:Yeah its been proven time and time again she's NEVER stopped reading here. If you want to add your 2 cents, post here because she doesn't seem to care about the comments on her yt.
I appreciate it when she takes useful info or suggestions and applies them in her life, not just doing things to spite ytmd but to actually improve on things. I mean, I don't think she asked about the specialist for the sole purpose of getting people here to shut up about lily's development, she may have had some doubts of her own. Nothing wrong with that, she may just need some reassurance that lily is on the right track.
I agree. I am glad she is taking that extra step prior to Lily starting school. Having had that assessment and a doctor behind her, she will be able to confidently & without doubt, get Lily the education she deserves. Let's be honest people are going to always assume things about Lily based on her appearance alone (which is incredibly sad) but like I said with having a developmental diagnosis Vanessa will be able to be very clear with Lily's future teachers on any issues Lily *may* or may not have.

I find it incredibly annoying that people here would rather be "right" than to look at the bigger picture and see this is a good thing for Lily (&Vanessa). Whether or not any diagnosis is given, it's good to have for Lily's future as well as Vanessa's piece of mind. The world and society are going to be a hell of a lot more cruel than this gossip board. Her Instagram already is!

Good Job Vanessa. I sincerely hope it's a positive appointment, as I would NEVER wish hardship on any parent or child.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by Snow White »

stephh+ wrote:
things2say wrote:I agree with a lot of what you said stephh, but people get very touchy when the subject of autism is brought up. I know it's a spectrum and there is no clear cut 100% diagnostic criteria due to every child being unique. I worked with children on the spectrum at a children's sensory gym, they all were different.
I totally agree, people are sensitive about the subject. I wasn't at all saying that lily for sure has any issues, I think she is a very bright little girl, she is also smart, but that being said, autistic people are often very bright people and excel at one subject. Again, not at all saying lily has any disabilities, but there's always the possibility and if there is a possible sign then Vanessa should talk with her doctor, they could suggest ways to help lily get the needed attention to help her excel when she starts school. I also agree with everyone saying that they should NOT send lily to a private school the kids there will tease her and make her not want to goto school. I think lily would definitely be better at a public school where there are special classes, helpers who are there to help students having any problems with certain subjects, and other children who have similar difficulties with certain subjects.. when I was in elementary school they were great with students who were having a hard time in certain classes and they had tutoring after school and helpers in the classrooms. they should definetly not send her to private school, they are setting her up to be teased and made fun of.
You are like a breath of fresh air! Most member's here have a VERY negative opinion on Autism. I believe it to be plain ignorance.
A simple google search of Turner's and Autism brings up a lot of reading material. Mostly outlining similar behaviors, though I must admit I lack the time and desire to fully educate myself fully on the topic.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by Curtain06 »

On the whole autism talk I know that most psychologists & specialists are reluctant to even look into a child having the possibility of autism before age 3 as there can be SO many smoke screens and false positives that can be thrown into the mix before that & for a goodly while afterwards.

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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by stephh+ »

Thank you snow white! I agree, a lot of people here are pretty negative.
Curtain06 wrote:On the whole autism talk I know that most psychologists & specialists are reluctant to even look into a child having the possibility of autism before age 3 as there can be SO many smoke screens and false positives that can be thrown into the mix before that & for a goodly while afterwards.

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Lily is now three, and my aunt noticed my cousin doing things a little differently and his blank stares around two, I don't think that mentioning it to a doctor is a bad thing. Then they can make a plan and determine if she does need a little bit of extra attention when she starts preschool and kindergarten, its never to early to get children the help they need. whether she has a learning disability or not, I am sure lily would benefit from some tutoring and maybe one on one time with a teacher who is trained to help children having a tough time with a subject. Like I said in my post above, I have no doubt that lily is a very smart little girl, and just because she may not be talking a three year level, doesn't mean she is not a bright child, we could all be very wrong and she could just be very shy maybe she just doesn't feel comfortable being on camera all the time. who knows, but I do not think it would be a bad idea for Vanessa to atleast mention it to lily's doctor. Then if he/she feels there could be an issue they could make a plan to help her.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by stephh+ »

Snow White wrote:
stephh+ wrote:
things2say wrote:I agree with a lot of what you said stephh, but people get very touchy when the subject of autism is brought up. I know it's a spectrum and there is no clear cut 100% diagnostic criteria due to every child being unique. I worked with children on the spectrum at a children's sensory gym, they all were different.
I totally agree, people are sensitive about the subject. I wasn't at all saying that lily for sure has any issues, I think she is a very bright little girl, she is also smart, but that being said, autistic people are often very bright people and excel at one subject. Again, not at all saying lily has any disabilities, but there's always the possibility and if there is a possible sign then Vanessa should talk with her doctor, they could suggest ways to help lily get the needed attention to help her excel when she starts school. I also agree with everyone saying that they should NOT send lily to a private school the kids there will tease her and make her not want to goto school. I think lily would definitely be better at a public school where there are special classes, helpers who are there to help students having any problems with certain subjects, and other children who have similar difficulties with certain subjects.. when I was in elementary school they were great with students who were having a hard time in certain classes and they had tutoring after school and helpers in the classrooms. they should definetly not send her to private school, they are setting her up to be teased and made fun of.
You are like a breath of fresh air! Most member's here have a VERY negative opinion on Autism. I believe it to be plain ignorance.
A simple google search of Turner's and Autism brings up a lot of reading material. Mostly outlining similar behaviors, though I must admit I lack the time and desire to fully educate myself fully on the topic.
I have googled turners and autuism and whether turners girls are more likely to have autusm or learning difficulties and it doesn't really say, but I have seen quite a few people in the comments saything their daughter has mild autism or had issues with math and English or whatever subject. that is why I think it would be a good idea for Vanessa to mention it, then they can evaluate her. Vanessa shouldn't be embarrassed, if she is embarrassed with the thought of lily having a learning disability or autism then I feel very bad for lily she will not only be judged by other kids, but by her own mother. Vanessa needs to suck it up and help lily learn English and get her any extra help needed for her daughter to have the best possible life she can have. I don't think that turners syndrome will hold lily back, but I do think Vanessa could. And I am definetly not hating on Vanessa at all, I know how hard it is even the thought of your child being judged. I just hope that she isn't judgemental or embarrassed by lily.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by gypsophila »

I don't think it's being "sensitive to the subject" to say that Lily shows no signs of autism. She really doesn't. It's true that the autism card comes up in virtually every thread where people don't like the mother though. Lily is an easy target, I get that. But she shows more signs of being just perfectly normal. She's sociable, loving, likes being hugged, doesn't try to remove herself from physical contact, she's engaging, happy, active and obedient. Where are the markers for autism spectrum? I don't get why people take joy in hoping something is really wrong with almost every child on here. Then they are the ones to call others "sensitive". No, we are just objective. When you obviously hate the mother, you're not going to be objective about her child or any decisions she makes. I've yet to see one kid on here actually diagnosed with anything that people speculated about. But like I always say, time will tell. It's not something that can be hidden. ;)
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by stephh+ »

gypsophila wrote:I don't think it's being "sensitive to the subject" to say that Lily shows no signs of autism. She really doesn't. It's true that the autism card comes up in virtually every thread where people don't like the mother though. Lily is an easy target, I get that. But she shows more signs of being just perfectly normal. She's sociable, loving, likes being hugged, doesn't try to remove herself from physical contact, she's engaging, happy, active and obedient. Where are the markers for autism spectrum? I don't get why people take joy in hoping something is really wrong with almost every child on here. Then they are the ones to call others "sensitive". No, we are just objective. When you obviously hate the mother, you're not going to be objective about her child or any decisions she makes. I've yet to see one kid on here actually diagnosed with anything that people speculated about. But like I always say, time will tell. It's not something that can be hidden. ;)
Really though I don't hate Vanessa lol. I have no reason to hate her, sure things she does annoy me but I don't hate her. I think I made it VERY obvious that even if lily did have a learning disability that there is no issue, it happens. My point in all of this was that with her speech she could have a delay, and if Vanessa doesn't get her the right help then she could experience problems once she starts school, and as someone mentioned, she has a speech therapist which is awesome. A visit from a speech therapist a few times a week though will only hep so much, Vanessa needs to take away the ipad and frozen movie and work with her on other things. she said that turners girls usually have difficulties in math? I believe it was (could be wrong on the subject) but she should be working on that specific subject to help lily get a jumpstart. My other point was that with my cousin it was the blank stare that tipped his mom off, and as he got alittle older he started showing more signs, we really haven't seen lily around new and different kids enough to fully tell. My cousin was fine around our other cousins that were close in age to him, but he was very attached to his mom anywhere else and he was stand offish.... which everyone has a different opinion but just small things she does remind me of how my cousin was at her age. It wouldn't hurt for Vanessa to just simply mention it to the doctor, autism and learning disabilities are nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of. Everyone who is disagreeing with lily having one seems to have an issue with autism and disabilities, and they act as if its extremely taboo. It is only that way because people are so offended by the thought of a child having a disability. Lily is special, and she deserves the best that her parents can give her. I see no problem with asking about autism or disabilities in certain subjects. Get her all the help she needs to excel. she deserves it.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by gypsophila »

About the speech delay, there's nothing left to say on that. It's public knowledge from Vanessa's own mouth that Lily has a speech delay and they're working on it with a speech therapist. So yes, for the 1000th time, Lily does have a speech delay. We all know that and Vanessa knows it too since she's the one that told us about it. You don't know what exercises she's been given. Only Vanessa knows that. She's working on it. There's nothing left to talk about on the subject.

Some Turners girls have difficulty with math, but not all. That's an issue for experts to assess. Vanessa tries to work on numbers with Lily, but maybe Lily will need an educational specialist for that. Too soon to tell. She very well could have a learning disability but it's too soon to know.

My point is Lily shows no signs of autism. A blank stare in some videos does not a diagnosis make. She might just be thinking. Or is she zoning out watching tv like kids do. Limit the tv time, no big deal. Vanessa has no reason to ask about autism because Lily just had an assessment done with 5 specialists to see if she was able to start preschool at the same "level" as other kids. They observed her. They found nothing wrong. Why try to second guess a panel of experts? Obviously they know Lily better than any of us ever will. We didn't get to sit in a room and observe her like they did. If something does pop up, it will be handled. Lily has a team of doctors.
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Re: 2011Teenagemom Part 18

Unread post by stephh+ »

I think you may be forgetting this is a gossip site, where people talk about possibilities and hypothetical situations. I am not disagreeing with you, but people are allowed to discuss whatever they like.

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