Agree with all of this. Can you imagine what it must be like on these date nights? Adults walking around with go pros and phones each vying for the camera's attention. Jumping and screeching and trying to outdo one another. Does the snoopy couple vlog now too? Just trying to figure out why they would even want to be a part of the nonsense.AthenaA wrote:I think you are all way off on the Trashley and Mr Mountable thing. These people are so in love with themselves there isn't room for anyone else. The over the top gushing is because of the camera. I do think Trashley prefers Mr B to Byson because who on earth wouldn't?
Love that even the KADs aren't interested in seeing their date night.
I also think that prescribing great sexy times to these guys is giving them too much credit-these nights are probably as boring as batshit.
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