It’s hard to make out. But in the ultrasound of their “shocking emotional pregnancy test reaction” video, the ultrasound screen shows a date of 01/01/2019. If that was the date of Kelsey’s last period, her due date would have been 10/8. In this video, the doc said that they’re “definitely not 7 weeks.” I had an ultrasound that looked similar to theirs in that vid (clear sac, mostly clear wedding ring, questionable fetal pole) at 5w 3days. So let’s say they THOUGHT they would be 7 weeks based off of her Jan 1 period and they turned out to have ovulated 2 weeks late and were 5 weeks along in that ultrasound. Putting them at a due date of 10/22. That means she would be 39 weeks right now.
But she’s saying “38 weeks this week”???
They uploaded a vlog on May 1st saying she was 13 weeks, which would make her 37 weeks pregnant today if that were true.
So basically this whole time they’ve wanted people to believe this baby was due Halloween/early nov. but if that’s the case, why would you pre-record a Halloween cupcake video that you upload on Oct 8th? If you’re due Nov 1 for example, there would be no reason to think you need to prerecord your Halloween content. You would have plenty of time. So I’m inclined to think that their true due date was somewhere around now, but certainly no later than the 22nd.
But regardless, the ultrasound screen shows her last period was Jan 1. If she got her IUD out in November, that means at BEST (at worst?) she had two negative cycles before conceiving. So, infertility my ass.
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