Snarky33 wrote:After reading Bison’s latest pontifications, I do agree that some of us do parent differently.
Some parents feed their children good nutritious foods, to protect their health and brain growth and to teach good habits for their future. And some parents let their kids eat nothing but non-nutritious sugar, fat laden foods that are bad for their health. Some parents cook most of their meals while others do what is easier and eat out. Some use little paper products to teach environmental responsibility while others live in a throw away and wasteful world.
Some parents teach their children to value things and have something special. Other parents constantly give their children more, more and more which ends up unused and forgotten in an unfinished basement. Some parents think that teaching their children to give back is important. Others solicit and take from others even though they already have more than they could possibly use or appreciate.
Some parents don’t put their children in dangerous situations. For instance, realizing serious injuries can occur by not using car seats or seat belts properly. Other parents constantly put their children on counter tops next to hot stoves, or high surfaces where if an accident should happen, serious or permanent injury could occur. Some parents yank their children up by one arm which could cause dislocation because they always have their cell phone or camera on “record” with the other.
Some parents don’t pose their children provocatively in suggestive, sexualized poses with mouths open, legs spread, or underwear showing especially when warned that porn sites can use these images; while others who say “you parent the way you want and I’ll parent the way I want” DO.
Some parents choose age appropriate activities and help their children to obtain milestones such as drinking from cups, giving up pacifiers, potty training or transitioning to beds. While other want to keep their kids babies because it is easier for them. Some throw drinks and toys into their children’s cribs so they can sleep in longer every day instead of getting up the same time as their children because it’s all about their priorities.
Some people speak TO their kids not At them and use a varied vocabulary instead of the same limited words and phrases over and over again. Some parents teach proper enunciation while others teach baby talk and encourage nonsensical speech. Some parents set limits and expectations while other laugh at undesirable behaviors and give mixed messages.
Some parents are different because they don’t exploit their children for financial gain and some do. Some parents live in the moment and others constantly have some kind of recording device in their children’s faces. Some parents have no respect for their children’s privacy not to mention the privacy of everyone else filmed who have not given consent to appear in some online video. Some parents work outside the home to provide for their children, while others give up their children’s privacy so they can quit their jobs and pretend it’s a job to film your children. But then eventually it becomes more and more about them and the fact they think everyone wants to see their fat or spackled face or hear their pervy laugh or screeching.
Some people think of their children’s needs first and prioritize how they spend their money based on what is best for their children. Others think of themselves and their needs first. Some parents plan for the future and put money away, while others live for today with no thought of tomorrow’s needs for their children.
I could go on and on, but the point is made. Yes Bison, some of us do parent differently and we get it that you don’t want one type of parenting labeled as “wrong”. Call it what you want, but I think everyone can see what kind of “different” you choose to be.
This is a great post. I hope he reads here and sees it. The KADs fall for his BS when he pulls out the "you haters aren't good Christians." First of all, like someone above said, maybe not everyone is trying to be a Christian. Personally, as a Christian myself, I feel that it is very Un-Christian to judge how others interpret and live their
religion. He can answer to his God and everyone else can deal with
themselves. Wouldn't it just be so convenient for him if all the "haters" went away and all the sycophants stay so that he can continue to exploit his children? And that includes serving images of their bikini clad bodies up to pedophiles, so that he doesn't have to work. Because he doesn't have to work, he has plenty of time to sit around and try to get rid of people who call him out on his disgusting behavior.