I honestly think Ollie going to preschool would be good for them. It would give them some sort of structure in their lives. Plus, they would have alone time with Finn, which that poor child desperately needs.laughsatytfame wrote:I bet it wasn't so much picking out the best preschool as it was what preschool would take him. Not Ollie's fault his parents are dolts.PostyMcPosterston wrote:I think ever since Missy chose whatever preschool for Ollie, they have been making major efforts to get Ollie on track. Like Jesus fucking Christ. Your almost 4 year old should have known his colors 2 years ago! I would have loved to sit in the meeting going over expectations for entering the pre-k program and the curriculum. Poor kiddo is behind in the education department. But seriously... COLORS!
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I think the only reason they are even sending him to preschool is 1. to get time to themselves and 2. many other yt's that age are going. I don't see this being a decision based on what is best for him because that's not how the lannings roll. I am wondering though how long it will last since B+M hate having to do anything besides going out to eat and napping. Besides it might get one of the cars dirty. lol
Unfortunately, I forsee preschool only lasting a few weeks... maybe a month before they unenroll him. Either because the preschool can't deal with his behavior (since he has never been properly disciplined) or because they can't be bothered to get up early to get him there on time. Oh and they would have to enforce a bedtime for him, too. He would throw a fit and they would cave and let him stay up.