GA Peach70 wrote:3momstrong wrote:pollycracker wrote:Here's my prediction of the true story: Tyler and Ass got caught fucking. She ended up pregnant and had an illegal abortion. This caused her to be unable to naturally conceive (explains the holes in her endometriosis story). She quit high school because her "backstabbing" friends shunned her. They couldn't be sealed or married in the temple (whichever it is) because of their sinful past.
Whatever the real story is, we aren't getting the whole truth. They've got some skeletons they don't want to share.
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I’d be curious to know where to go to find the “holes in her Endometriosis story”. My daughter was diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis at age 12, and she suffered for 9 excruciating years. I spent countless hours researching this autoimmune disorder, was by her side through 2 surgeries, and feel somewhat educated on the subject. I had to be her advocate when her GYN we’d been treating with for 9 years said “hysterectomy at age 20 only option”. I kept fighting for my daughter, advocating and researching. I found a specialist in another state and my daughter is doing very well. I would love to hear Ashley’s story. My guess is it’s not the truth.
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I’m sorry you and your daughter had to go through all of that. I’m glad she is doing well now.
Why is it she is all of a sudden cured after they crowd funded their IVF to have the chance of having multiples and are making money off of them? Why do we never hear of her hurting? Anyone who has had endometriosis knows how extremely painful it is and she would milk it for all it’s worth staying in bed for days. She goes on like everything is fine. If she would have had surgery we definitely would have heard about it, not unless she did and I missed that. I agree with DoodleBop2 that she didn’t want kids, didn’t want to have sex with Tyler, and thought the IVF wouldn’t work so she made it up. That’s why no doctor would agree with her self diagnosis. Of course now it’s mentioned here I see coming up soon at least one day maybe two days in bed because of it.
Why don’t they just admit they started dating when she was a 13 year old child? The proof is all there. It all came from them so we are not assuming anything. Just because the KADs are too dumb to figure it out doesn’t mean we are. It’s so obvious for everyone to see. Waddles doesn’t want anyone to think bad of him or think he is a pervert. Too late. You were attracted to a 13 year old child!!!! Who the fuck even does that? What 19 year old guy hangs around a little girl? Did she even hit puberty yet? Eww! So wrong on so many levels. Wrong of Waddles, his mom, Asswipe and especially her parents. I kind of wonder if they did have sex, got caught, and Asswipe was more or less forced to marry Waddles. Maybe her parents told her nobody else would want her since she was tainted by Waddles.
YES!!!!! (Ashley exclamation points!) I had endometriosis, and I was miserable for years. I had a hysterectomy at 33 because I couldn't stand it anymore, I had a boy and a girl, and as my best friend said, they were the only good thing my uterus ever gave me.
Unless she's on serious narcotics (l was), she doesn't have endometriosis. Because if she was on a hormonally induced menopause, she would be bitching about that for sure. And we know she'd be taking to her bed if she had any periods with endometriosis. The pain is just awful. You're basically bleeding all over the inside of your abdomen. Just like with migraines, I call BS.
PS although I was sad to absolutely shut off any chance of another child, that hysterectomy totally changed my life for the better.
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