Ughhhh!! These kind of pregnant bitches drive me insane. (Ayla, I'm looking at you too.) "pregnancy brain is real guys! Oh excuse my pregnancy brain! Did you know I'm pregnant? I stubbed my toe because I'm PREGNANT. #pregnancybrainisreal #imsopregnant
I mean come on! When your following has been built on infertility and loss, could you MAYBE be a tad sensitive towards others still struggling??? No??? Everything and everyone now revolves around your pregnancy? OK got it.
This sums up rachelle nicely. She got whet she wanted, and now she no longer gives a flying F about anyone else still struggling with what she was crying about just 2 years ago!
Now, I'm NOT saying pregnant women shouldn't celebrate their pregnancy just because people are still struggling. But speaking from experience, when it took me 5 years to get one kid, I try to be so aware of things I say and how I say them, and HOW MUCH I "flaunt" being pregnant. It just comes naturally after you have walked the journey yourself..... At least for most people. Not princess Rash. Sinxe she got her way, she's completely forgotten about the infertility and loss community. Selfish cow. [IMG]
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