BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by ellabelle »

I was excited about the video and quickly realized it was a waste of time. I skipped through big chunks of it because of cherry bomb mom not shutting the hell up. She didn't ask any good questions and coddled Brittany with every single one. She also talked about herself every other minute. IDK about others but I go over the MDA thing years ago. She clearly at some point made the donation. I just decided I will never support anything she does again, especially if she claims it for charity, and she's the one that has to sleep at night knowing what she did. All the questions were about "controversies" we have all discussed at length years ago. What about her not being registered to vote? What about her husband's clearly conservative views and the impact it has on her LGBT sister? What about taking her kids on a non-sponsored trip? What about the suspicions about Frank leaving his job not just because he could help around the house but because he violated some parts of the fire department's policies? What about Frank deleting pictures of Nolan when he went on his "father-of-two" nonsense? What about the money that was raised for her dad's procedures that she never showed receipts for? What about her ingesting oils when even the most oil obsessed can agree that it's potentially dangerous? What about getting a dog walker when she and Frank are home full time? What about her avoidance of getting the girl tested as potential carriers of DMD when it can have consequences on their health?

I literally could go on and on. She got someone who was going to kiss her ass and ask the "hard" questions that none of us are actually asking. I was actually angry that I wasted my life watching that video (even skipping huge parts of it I watched for at least an hour). She is clearly never going to be really honest with us. The only person who will probably tell us the truth will be Frank when they inevitably break up and he makes a tell-all video because we all know he's not leaving without destroying her. She better be prepared for that day.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Anne Bonny »

LilSeb1010 wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:15 am
The only things we know about Ean come through Britney and she’s not an unbiased source so maybe we can get off his dick??? It’s not like she would show or acknowledge if he was involved more. No one knows what he’s up to. Maybe he is a trash parent, maybe he’s not, we don’t know, so stop projecting. Damn.
None of us know anything beyond what we have been shown. I don't count Britney's passive aggressive comments. I'm solely going off of what we can see and observe of the custody situation/who is doing the primary parenting AND what I observed of Ean when they were together and he was caught on vlogs. No one is projecting, some people here sound like the children who watch Britney's videos in terms of having no idea how actual divorce, co-parenting, custody, or single parenting works and some of us who have actual experience with it are sharing that experience. Especially because the same people are the ones on here all the time trying to say Ean needs to get custody of the kids because he built a racetrack or some shit also think we haven't seen enough to know. Saying he is doing the bare minimum is not an insult, no one is calling him a terrible father. He's just not particularly hitting it out of the park either from what we observed and its perpetuating this double standard with dads getting pat on the back for pushing a stroller or changing a diaper while moms are villainized for anything short of perfection (and he's working hard outside and doesn't have to play with them but he did but Britney, the primary breadwinner who was also raising his 3 kids and cleaning his house obsessively back then and cooking (or coordinating takeout orders lets be real lol) is doing no work at all). She's a total trainwreck, that is clear. Doesn't make Ean dad of the year or better than average. Maybe some of y'all need to get off Ean's dick.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Anne Bonny »

Mamadrama wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:07 am
Anne Bonny wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:10 am
Lalalilylove wrote: Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:30 pm
How do we even know he is doing the “bare minimum”? Photos alone posted to his mother’s fb page show how happy and loved those kids are when they are with Ean... we don’t know what kind of dad he is now but he was a decent hard working dad when he was with Britney - she even showed him playing with the kids and shit. So tired of people assuming men are being praised for doing the bare minimum just because they are men. He works his ass off when they were together but he would get home late and still help with bedtime routines, setting up race tracks for Nolan, taking aria to swim classes. He was a good dad and I’m sure he still is, but the court ordered him less time because Britney is a stay at home mom and woman.

Everything you listed is literally the bare minimum lol. Anything less than that is being a shit parent. "His mom posts photos of the kids looking happy with him" is not evidence. My kids look super happy when they're with their dad. Its their extra fun no-rules, no-xbox limits time. He doesn't have to homeschool them either. I'm sure Ean loves his kids but that doesn't mean interacting with your kids and not ignoring them, coming in, putting your feet up, and "asking the old bird for a drink and to keep the kids quiet" is "above and beyond". "She even showed him playing with the kids and stuff" BARE MINIMUM to play with your own goddamn kids. I know white men have it sooooo hard but FFS, would we give Britney a pass if she just showed herself playing with her kids or taking Aria to a swim class that Ean set up for her, or showing a bedtime routine? I've seen people women reamed out here for not doing enough development/sensory play activities or taking them to the library enough, there is absolutely a double standard when building a race track for your son, playing with your kid, or taking them to a swim class (its not even like he came up with the swim class and booked it and then made a commitment to take her every week, he just drove her) is a good involved father not doing the bare minimum.

Secondly, I'm not sure if you've gone through a custody dispute in the last 10 years but that is NOT how it works in most places anymore. The courts are no longer heavily stacked toward mothers. I have several friends who are divorcees and as I mentioned, I am one myself and have been a single mom and I have seen some fathers who should honestly only be able to have supervised visitation or who absolutely should not get overnights because they are actively harmful to their kids get them because the court is so set on being fair. If he wanted 50/50 custody, he could have it. Thats the default they try to go for now. But a lot of men who are fairly involved in the way you mention Ean being are only comfortable being involved on the basis of the kids visiting for the weekend. Not having to deal with school, after school care, appointments, meal planning, communicating on every single issue with the other parent...etc. Even my ex, who literally beat me and threatened to kill me but who was an involved parent by your terms (he played with his kids! the kids love him! he occasionally dropped them off at an extracurricular if I was stuck doing something else!) has our kids more than Ean does.

Its also hard to understand the way that work and stress gets divided when you get divorced. When I got divorced, I was in nursing school full-time, working full-time + overtime to make sure I had enough to support the kids, my husband was a med student and only had to pay $100/mo in child support per kid which didn't even cover half of our youngest' child's monthly nursery school payment, and on top of being responsible for all the financial and emotional stress, I was the one who had to keep up with regular doctor/dentist appointments, extra curriculars, homework help, school meetings, iep meetings, therapy....etc etc while they went to him and had a fun time for the weekend and came back. I didn't play much with my kids TBH. Maybe if we were actually even slightly splitting some of the weight, I would have had time to do and not been crying in my car from exhaustion.
Thank you. That is exactly the bare minimum. That’s a privileged white man and double standards when it comes to women. It’s almost 2021 and women are still fighting for equality. You’re praising him for playing with his kids and putting them to bed? Seriously? That’s going out of his way or something? He came home late because he worked out of town for a few nights a week. So Britney was the sole parent taking care of those kids 24/7. Why aren’t we praising women and mothers for doing what they do? But a man can change one diaper and suddenly father of the year? Lol

Let her remove her tubes for fucks sake. You’d be blaming her if she asked Frank to get snipped and say “why isn’t she more proactive and taking responsibility of her body!?”

I understand we all dislike her, but without being honest about some stuff then you’ll dislike her no matter what she does, not because of what she’s doing wrong.
Seriously, this. Cannot like this enough.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Anne Bonny »

ellabelle wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:38 am I was excited about the video and quickly realized it was a waste of time. I skipped through big chunks of it because of cherry bomb mom not shutting the hell up. She didn't ask any good questions and coddled Brittany with every single one. She also talked about herself every other minute. IDK about others but I go over the MDA thing years ago. She clearly at some point made the donation. I just decided I will never support anything she does again, especially if she claims it for charity, and she's the one that has to sleep at night knowing what she did. All the questions were about "controversies" we have all discussed at length years ago. What about her not being registered to vote? What about her husband's clearly conservative views and the impact it has on her LGBT sister? What about taking her kids on a non-sponsored trip? What about the suspicions about Frank leaving his job not just because he could help around the house but because he violated some parts of the fire department's policies? What about Frank deleting pictures of Nolan when he went on his "father-of-two" nonsense? What about the money that was raised for her dad's procedures that she never showed receipts for? What about her ingesting oils when even the most oil obsessed can agree that it's potentially dangerous? What about getting a dog walker when she and Frank are home full time? What about her avoidance of getting the girl tested as potential carriers of DMD when it can have consequences on their health?
I only was able to get through a bit of it but yeah, this. So many good questions that didn't get asked. And then there was no rebuttal for responses. For example, she talked about having kids after Nolan's DMD diagnosis and compared it to someone who is already pregnant facing a terminal fetal diagnosis and whether they are considered selfish for continuing the pregnancy instead of terminating and CBM replied by saying, "thats a good point" with no follow-up. Uh, no it isn't. Because she is purposely creating these pregnancies and conceiving these children INTENTIONALLY knowing that if its a boy, there is a high probability that he will have a terminal diagnosis (even though she has the money to do genetic counseling and IVF to avoid it) and that isn't anything near the same as someone who is already pregnant and surprised by a unfortunate diagnosis.

Also, I'd really like to get some tea on the dynamic between conservative redneck evangelical Frank, airheaded but left-leaning agnostic Britney, and Alyssa (liberal AND a lesbian). In the beginning, it seemed like she was trying to assimilate and "consider" his faith and stuff but as time goes on it seems more like it was a hard pass. With the election being as heated as it was (and I would bet cash on Frank being MAGA), I can't imagine there wasn't any fighting in that house.
ellabelle wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:38 am I literally could go on and on. She got someone who was going to kiss her ass and ask the "hard" questions that none of us are actually asking. I was actually angry that I wasted my life watching that video (even skipping huge parts of it I watched for at least an hour). She is clearly never going to be really honest with us. The only person who will probably tell us the truth will be Frank when they inevitably break up and he makes a tell-all video because we all know he's not leaving without destroying her. She better be prepared for that day.
Part of me wants the dirt and was waiting for that drama but this also makes me sad because I think for many women, fear of having things they confided in a partner or their secrets aired to people they know is a reason that they stay in toxic relationships and I imagine its amplified when you are a YT figure like she is with more to lose and more people to judge you when you fall off the pedestal. I hate to think that that might be why she is trying to make it work when it is clearly not work.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by LilSeb1010 »

Anne Bonny wrote:
LilSeb1010 wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:15 am
The only things we know about Ean come through Britney and she’s not an unbiased source so maybe we can get off his dick??? It’s not like she would show or acknowledge if he was involved more. No one knows what he’s up to. Maybe he is a trash parent, maybe he’s not, we don’t know, so stop projecting. Damn.
None of us know anything beyond what we have been shown. I don't count Britney's passive aggressive comments. I'm solely going off of what we can see and observe of the custody situation/who is doing the primary parenting AND what I observed of Ean when they were together and he was caught on vlogs. No one is projecting, some people here sound like the children who watch Britney's videos in terms of having no idea how actual divorce, co-parenting, custody, or single parenting works and some of us who have actual experience with it are sharing that experience. Especially because the same people are the ones on here all the time trying to say Ean needs to get custody of the kids because he built a racetrack or some shit also think we haven't seen enough to know. Saying he is doing the bare minimum is not an insult, no one is calling him a terrible father. He's just not particularly hitting it out of the park either from what we observed and its perpetuating this double standard with dads getting pat on the back for pushing a stroller or changing a diaper while moms are villainized for anything short of perfection (and he's working hard outside and doesn't have to play with them but he did but Britney, the primary breadwinner who was also raising his 3 kids and cleaning his house obsessively back then and cooking (or coordinating takeout orders lets be real lol) is doing no work at all). She's a total trainwreck, that is clear. Doesn't make Ean dad of the year or better than average. Maybe some of y'all need to get off Ean's dick.
Unless you know Ean, I don’t see how you can claim to know what he does or doesn’t do for his kids at this point in time. He and Britney broke up almost 3 years ago. He doesn’t have public social media and Britney doesn’t even say his name on her channel. My entire point is that people should really stop pretending they know what type of parent he is, good or bad. I have never claimed that Ean is dad of the year so that’s irrelevant.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by honeybunny921 »

Lily_ wrote:Anyone else thought when she was introducing who was going to interview her, it would be Sloan? Lol
I thought it was Ean. Actually, Sloan would have caught me off guard, but it was best for her not to do him because he would have questioned putting his address on the internet. When CBM brought up about the MDA Britney’s face went red like CBM’s face. Just because she is a YouTube doesn’t mean she isn’t a crook. I still don’t believe what she said happened.

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Joie de Vivre »

Britney says she's closed up shop on her MLM, but didn't tell her down-lines about it. Nice. I blurred the names for privacy.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by mama_atl »

That “interview” was so gentle. Cherry Bomb Mom wasn’t even tossing softballs. It was a “wiffle ball on a T with Alex Rodriguez guiding your swing” interview. No hard questions whatsoever. She let her dodge anything potentially difficult. And everything that was said had already been said. The bit of new information I could find was about Fletcher’s DMD status to which she lies and says she doesn’t know... I’m sorry... she knows. Guess I’m a *hAtEr* for not believing her.

Also, the part that really annoys me is how CMB was ass kissing towards the end. Saying how the *hAtErS* are all jealous of her... Yeah, no. None of us are jealous of Britney selling out her children’s privacy for a tract home filled with Target. And we could all have spotless homes too if we had half the help Britney has, which she didn’t even acknowledge in their discussion. Sister lives with them now, stay at home husband, grandparents taking Scarlett, sharing custody of ANH... not to mention the MAID she’s bragged about before. No one is asking you to “lower your standards” Britney! Just stop being so damn fake and pretending like you’re able to do it all!

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Lalalilylove »

Mamadrama wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:07 am
Anne Bonny wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:10 am
Lalalilylove wrote: Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:30 pm
How do we even know he is doing the “bare minimum”? Photos alone posted to his mother’s fb page show how happy and loved those kids are when they are with Ean... we don’t know what kind of dad he is now but he was a decent hard working dad when he was with Britney - she even showed him playing with the kids and shit. So tired of people assuming men are being praised for doing the bare minimum just because they are men. He works his ass off when they were together but he would get home late and still help with bedtime routines, setting up race tracks for Nolan, taking aria to swim classes. He was a good dad and I’m sure he still is, but the court ordered him less time because Britney is a stay at home mom and woman.

Everything you listed is literally the bare minimum lol. Anything less than that is being a shit parent. "His mom posts photos of the kids looking happy with him" is not evidence. My kids look super happy when they're with their dad. Its their extra fun no-rules, no-xbox limits time. He doesn't have to homeschool them either. I'm sure Ean loves his kids but that doesn't mean interacting with your kids and not ignoring them, coming in, putting your feet up, and "asking the old bird for a drink and to keep the kids quiet" is "above and beyond". "She even showed him playing with the kids and stuff" BARE MINIMUM to play with your own goddamn kids. I know white men have it sooooo hard but FFS, would we give Britney a pass if she just showed herself playing with her kids or taking Aria to a swim class that Ean set up for her, or showing a bedtime routine? I've seen people women reamed out here for not doing enough development/sensory play activities or taking them to the library enough, there is absolutely a double standard when building a race track for your son, playing with your kid, or taking them to a swim class (its not even like he came up with the swim class and booked it and then made a commitment to take her every week, he just drove her) is a good involved father not doing the bare minimum.

Secondly, I'm not sure if you've gone through a custody dispute in the last 10 years but that is NOT how it works in most places anymore. The courts are no longer heavily stacked toward mothers. I have several friends who are divorcees and as I mentioned, I am one myself and have been a single mom and I have seen some fathers who should honestly only be able to have supervised visitation or who absolutely should not get overnights because they are actively harmful to their kids get them because the court is so set on being fair. If he wanted 50/50 custody, he could have it. Thats the default they try to go for now. But a lot of men who are fairly involved in the way you mention Ean being are only comfortable being involved on the basis of the kids visiting for the weekend. Not having to deal with school, after school care, appointments, meal planning, communicating on every single issue with the other parent...etc. Even my ex, who literally beat me and threatened to kill me but who was an involved parent by your terms (he played with his kids! the kids love him! he occasionally dropped them off at an extracurricular if I was stuck doing something else!) has our kids more than Ean does.

Its also hard to understand the way that work and stress gets divided when you get divorced. When I got divorced, I was in nursing school full-time, working full-time + overtime to make sure I had enough to support the kids, my husband was a med student and only had to pay $100/mo in child support per kid which didn't even cover half of our youngest' child's monthly nursery school payment, and on top of being responsible for all the financial and emotional stress, I was the one who had to keep up with regular doctor/dentist appointments, extra curriculars, homework help, school meetings, iep meetings, therapy....etc etc while they went to him and had a fun time for the weekend and came back. I didn't play much with my kids TBH. Maybe if we were actually even slightly splitting some of the weight, I would have had time to do and not been crying in my car from exhaustion.
Thank you. That is exactly the bare minimum. That’s a privileged white man and double standards when it comes to women. It’s almost 2021 and women are still fighting for equality. You’re praising him for playing with his kids and putting them to bed? Seriously? That’s going out of his way or something? He came home late because he worked out of town for a few nights a week. So Britney was the sole parent taking care of those kids 24/7. Why aren’t we praising women and mothers for doing what they do? But a man can change one diaper and suddenly father of the year? Lol

Let her remove her tubes for fucks sake. You’d be blaming her if she asked Frank to get snipped and say “why isn’t she more proactive and taking responsibility of her body!?”

I understand we all dislike her, but without being honest about some stuff then you’ll dislike her no matter what she does, not because of what she’s doing wrong.
So what would make him an amazing dad?? Because Britney sits on her lazy ass doing nothing all day from the day she conceived aria. She does and has done nothing for those kids but she gets some slack because she is a woman? Really? He was working his ass off. So really, tell me what he could have done to be an amazing dad. She sure as hell should be the one engaging with them primarily to encourage their development - hello, that’s why she’s with them all day not working outside the home. That’s the reason ean was the one working - to provide a home and food and activities and toys for his kids. 🤦🏻‍♀️she was not making enough on YouTube to provide the majority of that
when she first started. Which is why she scammed the mda so she could leave.
Edit to add her sole responsibility was caring for the kids. He had you know... a real job (I’m a sahm too so it’s not said as an insult to her). Her situation was different t than two parents working outside the home and the woman being responsible for everything in addition to full time work or school.
Last edited by Lalalilylove on Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by penny17 »

Im newer to this mom so I have just kind of been catching up. I cant speak on the donation etc because I wasnt following her. But just from the last few videos and I watched the whole interview... I do not like CBM. She just gave me bad vibes and definitely super annoying interrupting. OMG WOMAN. If you are reading when you interview someone YOU DO NOT INTERUPT EVERY 2 seconds. STFU.

As far as the father of 2 i think i can speak on and i think she came up with that after the fact like "he technically would be a father of 2" as something after the fact to try to make ppl think Frank isnt as ass. Sorry but no... if you are a step father- those kids are your kids siblings and you live in the home and take care of them and thats your thought process? Father of 2. As soon as divorce is on the table. No. She needs to leave him in the dust. I can't. There is zero excuse for that. That is WEIRD. And she is weird to stand up for that or try to.

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by honeybear »

Also her language alone tells me she's in denial and not taking it seriously. She kept mentioning Nolan and a "disability" and then referring to others as quote normal unquote.

A real advocate would use more inclusive language, like able-bodied or something. This might be a small thing to nit pick but it's something I picked up on

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BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

Joie de Vivre wrote:Britney says she's closed up shop on her MLM, but didn't tell her down-lines about it. Nice. I blurred the names for privacy.
Of course she closed up shop...she got her sponsorship money....she reeled enough dummies into her pyramid scheme so her job’s done. She’s like “I’m not good at selling” which is true but she knew damn well she never intended to do this long-term. Britney got everything sent to her for free and now all the suckers that invested their real money into her MLM are left out to dry and she didn’t even have the decency to let anyone know.
Last edited by Resting_Bitch_Face on Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Kayla »

Lalalilylove wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:11 pm
Mamadrama wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:07 am
Anne Bonny wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:10 am

Everything you listed is literally the bare minimum lol. Anything less than that is being a shit parent. "His mom posts photos of the kids looking happy with him" is not evidence. My kids look super happy when they're with their dad. Its their extra fun no-rules, no-xbox limits time. He doesn't have to homeschool them either. I'm sure Ean loves his kids but that doesn't mean interacting with your kids and not ignoring them, coming in, putting your feet up, and "asking the old bird for a drink and to keep the kids quiet" is "above and beyond". "She even showed him playing with the kids and stuff" BARE MINIMUM to play with your own goddamn kids. I know white men have it sooooo hard but FFS, would we give Britney a pass if she just showed herself playing with her kids or taking Aria to a swim class that Ean set up for her, or showing a bedtime routine? I've seen people women reamed out here for not doing enough development/sensory play activities or taking them to the library enough, there is absolutely a double standard when building a race track for your son, playing with your kid, or taking them to a swim class (its not even like he came up with the swim class and booked it and then made a commitment to take her every week, he just drove her) is a good involved father not doing the bare minimum.

Secondly, I'm not sure if you've gone through a custody dispute in the last 10 years but that is NOT how it works in most places anymore. The courts are no longer heavily stacked toward mothers. I have several friends who are divorcees and as I mentioned, I am one myself and have been a single mom and I have seen some fathers who should honestly only be able to have supervised visitation or who absolutely should not get overnights because they are actively harmful to their kids get them because the court is so set on being fair. If he wanted 50/50 custody, he could have it. Thats the default they try to go for now. But a lot of men who are fairly involved in the way you mention Ean being are only comfortable being involved on the basis of the kids visiting for the weekend. Not having to deal with school, after school care, appointments, meal planning, communicating on every single issue with the other parent...etc. Even my ex, who literally beat me and threatened to kill me but who was an involved parent by your terms (he played with his kids! the kids love him! he occasionally dropped them off at an extracurricular if I was stuck doing something else!) has our kids more than Ean does.

Its also hard to understand the way that work and stress gets divided when you get divorced. When I got divorced, I was in nursing school full-time, working full-time + overtime to make sure I had enough to support the kids, my husband was a med student and only had to pay $100/mo in child support per kid which didn't even cover half of our youngest' child's monthly nursery school payment, and on top of being responsible for all the financial and emotional stress, I was the one who had to keep up with regular doctor/dentist appointments, extra curriculars, homework help, school meetings, iep meetings, therapy....etc etc while they went to him and had a fun time for the weekend and came back. I didn't play much with my kids TBH. Maybe if we were actually even slightly splitting some of the weight, I would have had time to do and not been crying in my car from exhaustion.
Thank you. That is exactly the bare minimum. That’s a privileged white man and double standards when it comes to women. It’s almost 2021 and women are still fighting for equality. You’re praising him for playing with his kids and putting them to bed? Seriously? That’s going out of his way or something? He came home late because he worked out of town for a few nights a week. So Britney was the sole parent taking care of those kids 24/7. Why aren’t we praising women and mothers for doing what they do? But a man can change one diaper and suddenly father of the year? Lol

Let her remove her tubes for fucks sake. You’d be blaming her if she asked Frank to get snipped and say “why isn’t she more proactive and taking responsibility of her body!?”

I understand we all dislike her, but without being honest about some stuff then you’ll dislike her no matter what she does, not because of what she’s doing wrong.
So what would make him an amazing dad?? Because Britney sits on her lazy ass doing nothing all day from the day she conceived aria. She does and has done nothing for those kids but she gets some slack because she is a woman? Really? He was working his ass off. So really, tell me what he could have done to be an amazing dad. She sure as hell should be the one engaging with them primarily to encourage their development - hello, that’s why she’s with them all day not working outside the home. That’s the reason ean was the one working - to provide a home and food and activities and toys for his kids. 🤦🏻‍♀️she was not making enough on YouTube to provide the majority of that
when she first started. Which is why she scammed the mda so she could leave.
Edit to add her sole responsibility was caring for the kids. He had you know... a real job (I’m a sahm too so it’s not said as an insult to her). Her situation was different t than two parents working outside the home and the woman being responsible for everything in addition to full time work or school.

I’m definitely not on Ean’s dick but I do have to agree with this point. Looking back to the old vlog’s I remember Ean working A LOT since the beginning and Britney even mentioned him getting a big promotion once or twice. He was obviously paying most of the family’s bills and providing them with a pretty nice environment to live. A nice place, good meals, toys, books, clothes, etc... This is better than a lot of young parents/ families have.

Everyone has a different opinion of an “amazing dad” but I feel like it qualifies as a man that puts his whole life into his kids and does everything he possibly can to see them happy and give them what they need to be the best they can be. Yes, we always saw Britney doing the cooking, cleaning, and interacting with the kids, but that was because Ean was at work all day every day, to make money to provide for 2 adults and his kids. If it wasn’t for him, Britney wouldn’t have had the life that she did from just YouTube money at the time.

Although I can’t speak for the present since we never see or hear about him, my point is that in the past, even though Ean wasn’t seen on camera everyday spoiling the kids, cleaning the whole house, cooking gourmet meals, taking them to 5 different extra curriculars... he was in the background waking up early everyday, dragging his ass to work to make enough money to comfortably support a family of 4-5 practically BY HIMSELF. As well as on days off, he was often seen WITH the family going on walks or going to the park, spending quality time together... it just looked like he was really all about his family and kids. Generally a really good dad.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by kitkatpattywhack »

Lalalilylove wrote:
Mamadrama wrote: Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:10 pm I’m going to agree with the poster who said Ean was a mediocre guy, at best. I don’t know why we are celebrating men for doing the least minimal PARENTING. Why is the bar set this pathetically low?

There are much more validated reasons to leave someone other than cheating or abuse, she obviously didn’t feel loved or wanted because he just wasn’t that into her, it’s not hard to see that. I remember that engagement video after she had Nolan and her sister was there during it and how delighted and surprised Britney got because she was like finally! You can’t blame her for walking away for not feeling loved. Unless you lived in a loveless relationship you just can’t relate.

Frank is a POS and she’s damaged and she knows she’s destroyed her life without a way out, she knows she made a mistake out of maybe desperation, stupidity, excitement thinking someone wants you even with 3 kids.

If she’s reading on here let’s encourage her to leave him, for those kids sake, not hers. Frank seems abusive because he is abusive, if not physically at least emotionally and mentally. She doesn’t seem like a horrible person, she seems like a really lost and damaged person who needs lots of therapy to shake her back into reality. My sister was married to an abuser and had 2 kids with him, you’ve no idea how hard it is to pull someone out of this toxic prison, just thinking about it makes me cry.
How do we even know he is doing the “bare minimum”? Photos alone posted to his mother’s fb page show how happy and loved those kids are when they are with Ean... we don’t know what kind of dad he is now but he was a decent hard working dad when he was with Britney - she even showed him playing with the kids and shit. So tired of people assuming men are being praised for doing the bare minimum just because they are men. He works his ass off when they were together but he would get home late and still help with bedtime routines, setting up race tracks for Nolan, taking aria to swim classes. He was a good dad and I’m sure he still is, but the court ordered him less time because Britney is a stay at home mom and woman.
Exactly! And even if he was/is just doing the bare minimum, it’s all Britney probably let’s him do!

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

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Just had to add... you know how I know Britney knows Fletcher’s DMD status? It’s bc she told CBM that she’s more worried about what people will think of *HER* if and when she reveals if he’s positive/negative. Excuse me?! Aren’t you worried about... umm... you know... the TERMINAL DISORDER that could be afflicting your son?!

She got an amnio around 16 weeks. Go back to her vlog on March 29th where she talks about her “important” prenatal appointment she has coming up... not a “regular” one... an “important” appointment she can’t cancel. She mentions it in the first minute.

She’ll tell everybody one day bc she always caves and then sugarcoats reality so that her audience won’t turn against her.

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by dazzled »

If Ean does the bare minimum, Brit does even less than the bare minimum.

Freenk is definitely gonna leave her once he wants more kids and finds someone else who has low enough standards to mate with him.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Smallfri111 »

mama_atl wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:55 pm Just had to add... you know how I know Britney knows Fletcher’s DMD status? It’s bc she told CBM that she’s more worried about what people will think of *HER* if and when she reveals if he’s positive/negative. Excuse me?! Aren’t you worried about... umm... you know... the TERMINAL DISORDER that could be afflicting your son?!

She got an amnio around 16 weeks. Go back to her vlog on March 29th where she talks about her “important” prenatal appointment she has coming up... not a “regular” one... an “important” appointment she can’t cancel. She mentions it in the first minute.

She’ll tell everybody one day bc she always caves and then sugarcoats reality so that her audience won’t turn against her.

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To answer this and another poster that asked, Britney claimed that fletcher HAS NOT been tested for DMD yet. She also explained why she couldn’t have it done while pregnant (although I forget the reasoning). I ain’t a supporter, but I believe this statement. I think they’re terrified of knowing the potential truth and will put it off for a while.

CBM drove me absolutely bananas. She interrupted so much. Stupid me sat through the whole thing though.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Mamadrama »

Again, providing for your family is what any dad should do, just like when they call it babysitting when a dad is literally just watching his kids like he SHOULD be. We all have a different idea of what a good dad is according to maybe our own childhoods and backgrounds, I’ll just leave it at that.

Back to her “interview”. I can’t believe she defended that onion head. Is she really that stupid to forgive him for that cold careless dick move he did “father of two!” Comment? Is that pure denial or is she just putting up a front? Because either way that’s just so fucked up. If that was my husband something in me would forever be broken and it could never just go back to normal. Her lame ass defense “we were headed in the road with no return” yeah but you weren’t really... it wasn’t official.

Plenty of stepdads still love their step kids even after a divorce and still consider them their step kids, they even walk them down the aisle. You can’t just unlove your kids, if he ever really considered them his kids.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Buckeyebaby »

I think the relationship between frank and Alyssa (or lack there of) has been very evident in the last several vlogs. There are segments of Britney with Alyssa, and Britney with frank, but none of them all together even in the same room (that I can recall). I’m sure you could cut the tension with a knife in that house, and I can’t imagine it’ll last much longer

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by natalka81 »

I almost never comment on this board, but I just have to say that Britney even doing an interview like this is the height of self-indulgence and grossness. Those poor, poor kids.

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