2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by fossilfinger »

I don't think Vanessa will last too long at her new job. She posted on Facebook about having to send "a million e-mails" and "a billion letters" in the mail (and some people on Facebook actually thought she meant that literally :? ). She probably thinks that a work-at-home job means you get to sit around all day and get paid for pretending to work and occasionally answering a short e-mail. You can tell she was not actually prepared to do real work and EARN her paycheck. She's probably going to say she's overwhelmed and quit within a few weeks.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by hannahbanana »

She posted a picture on IG last night saying that there was not going to be a vlog up because work was too overwhelming and needed to relax.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by _809lovely »

hannahbanana wrote:She posted a picture on IG last night saying that there was not going to be a vlog up because work was too overwhelming and needed to relax.
Already?? Well, then she just need to focus on work..imo
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by gypsophila »

I hope she keeps with it. I'd rather she work on her real life issues than put out a YT video. Priorities. ;)
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by HelloHolaHallo »

I agree with gypso, and she still expects us to believe she's doing school along with all of this.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by fossilfinger »

If she is making more money on YouTube than an office job, or she and David are comfortable with their income, then I don't care if she works outside of YouTube or not. But she needs to recognize her limits and not take on things that she's bound to give up on. She should focus on whatever will bring in a stable income over a long period of time, whatever that may be. For Vanessa, it's probably more realistic for her to wait until Lily is in school and then get a part-time job outside the home so she's not distracted while at work. But if she can motor through this job and it gives her what she needs, more power to her.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by gypsophila »

I agree fossilfinger. I just think it's healthier for all YT moms to concentrate more on their personal lives than YT. It's kind of a trap (YT). They start depending on that money, but unless they get really big, it can't even be counted as job experience. I'd rather see ANY of them quit YT and do school and/or a real life job. At some point YT won't be there for them. Better to keep it as a hobby, than a "job" IMO. ;) Plus, if they aren't on YT as much, the kids are more protected. I love the kids, but they do deserve some privacy at some point.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by hannahbanana »

Vanessa posted last night that her cat knock down her camera down in a sink full of water, so she's doing the whole rice thing.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by Anniekins »

Frozen pancakes? I just learned there was such a thing. My shortcut pancakes are from a mix, most of the time I make them from scratch. But, I love to cook!

Also...must have real maple syrup!
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by lovethekisses »

What happened to Lily ?

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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by BlondEvents »

So I watched her DITL. I really like V and all but why on earth does she make DITL's and they are like 14 minutes long and they barely show anything during her day besides cooking frozen pancakes in a toaster, followed by a shot of her vacuuming and lastly Lily in the bath? WTH?
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by applebutter_dreams »

What I thought was hilarious about the camera thing were some of the comments. A few people kept asking if her renters insurance would cover it. No, I'm pretty sure it doesn't kid. Unless the cat broke into her house and managed to steal her tv while he was there.

The thing is that I was happy for her to get such a luxurious job. Jobs like that are hard to find. But I am just getting so. Flipping. Angry. At this non stop complaining about her job. Every day for the last week she has complained about "omg, my job is like SO stressful, I just need to like, relax!" Girl, you sit on your computer, click the print button on your printer, send out emails and even GASP go to the post office! It must be so hard to not go to target whenever you want and not frolic about in your pretend home of South Carolina! Sorry lady, that's how it is for most of us.

It wouldn't make me so mad if I didn't know that a million moms would consider themselves lucky to have such a job, and be able to be at home and be with their child. Myself included. Appreciate what you have, V.

Hopefully this doesn't spark a video showing us how "busy her job keeps her!"
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by kiwi »

Am I supposed to believe she's taking 4 college classes on top of everything else?
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by gypsophila »

applebutter_dreams wrote:What I thought was hilarious about the camera thing were some of the comments. A few people kept asking if her renters insurance would cover it. No, I'm pretty sure it doesn't kid. Unless the cat broke into her house and managed to steal her tv while he was there.

The thing is that I was happy for her to get such a luxurious job. Jobs like that are hard to find. But I am just getting so. Flipping. Angry. At this non stop complaining about her job. Every day for the last week she has complained about "omg, my job is like SO stressful, I just need to like, relax!" Girl, you sit on your computer, click the print button on your printer, send out emails and even GASP go to the post office! It must be so hard to not go to target whenever you want and not frolic about in your pretend home of South Carolina! Sorry lady, that's how it is for most of us.

It wouldn't make me so mad if I didn't know that a million moms would consider themselves lucky to have such a job, and be able to be at home and be with their child. Myself included. Appreciate what you have, V.

Hopefully this doesn't spark a video showing us how "busy her job keeps her!"
No idea where you're getting all this from. And "luxurious job"? You consider that job luxurious. Unless you're being sarcastic, idk. It's just a clerical job. Where has she been complaining? Once that she needed a day off putting up a YT video? Priorities. The job should come first.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by Curtain06 »

I'd guess they meant luxurious by the fact that she gets to do it from home on a part time basis. And if that is the case then I agree with them tbh. There's many women who work part time (or even full time) who would jump up and down at the idea of working a couple of hours from home a week, myself included. Here I go off to work instead at 6pm...

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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by Rawr »

I also thought she meant luxurious as she gets to stay home with lily, not necessarily the job itself. She has been complaining a bit, but I guess I could understand. She's been a stay at home mom for a while now, she's adjusting. Hopefully she'll get used to it in a few weeks. Although now I think it's totally obvious that she never went to school this summer. If she did, she would have been complaining about it like she is with work. I don't get why she has to lie about it. School isn't for everyone, as long as she's doing something to better her future.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by gypsophila »

But there are lots of jobs or career fields where you can work mostly at home. I don't consider that luxurious. It would be luxurious to not have to work, have a beautiful house, a couple of cars, a decent savings account, bills easily paid and the time and money to do things. But I agree with Rawr, some people choose to work rather than go to school, and that is a valid choice since it provides steady income. Or income to save up so she can go to school later.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by Emcee »

I can understand her complaining, she's adjusting. I will be going back to work in less than 2 weeks, after being a SAHM for 3 1/2 years and I'm sure my husband will be hearing a lot of complains for the first couple of weeks.
What I don't agree with is complaining on a public facebook, you never know who is reading it and I'm sure no employer wants to hear about it.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by _809lovely »

Emcee wrote:I can understand her complaining, she's adjusting. I will be going back to work in less than 2 weeks, after being a SAHM for 3 1/2 years and I'm sure my husband will be hearing a lot of complains for the first couple of weeks.
What I don't agree with is complaining on a public facebook, you never know who is reading it and I'm sure no employer wants to hear about it.
Yea. Fb is the LAST place she needs to post stuff like that. I know of people who lost their job because of that.
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Re: 2011TeenageSelfEsteem360 Part 21

Unread post by Curtain06 »

gypsophila wrote:But there are lots of jobs or career fields where you can work mostly at home. I don't consider that luxurious. It would be luxurious to not have to work, have a beautiful house, a couple of cars, a decent savings account, bills easily paid and the time and money to do things. But I agree with Rawr, some people choose to work rather than go to school, and that is a valid choice since it provides steady income. Or income to save up so she can go to school later.

Not everywhere. If I could work a job at home like V's, I would snap it up without a shadow of a doubt. The only 'home employment' that is available around me is 'It Works' and catalogue sort of stuff which isn't really my idea of a job per say. Instead I'm working outside of the home.
It's pretty rare around here for someone to be working part time at home unless they were in full time employment in a certain role, had a child and then maintained that employment but part time.

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