In all fairness you have to give them some kudos for making an attempt, however I'm not a fan of food or toy rewards for that matter. The girls are craving parental attention, perhaps a reward at the end of a set time period by allowing them to choose an activity to do with a parent one on one?Enough wrote: I agree on the behavior in this one. Tyson wasn’t there and I think Ashley even has a different demeanor when he isn’t around. She and Nanny Ash actually handled it the best I have seen.
She also explained a new reward system they are doing to help the girls appreciate things more. When they are nice, etc they put jellybeans in a jar. At the end of the day they can choose to eat the jellybeans or trade them for a toy. She said all of their gifts are basically stored away and that is what the girls can pick from.
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I would like to think that Tyler and Trash had a lightbulb moment over Christmas / Birthday and realised the girls had way too much stuff and there house is now a storage unit for discarded and broken toys. Somehow I doubt this was the case, however I hope for the sake of those girls that they are turning over a new leaf and any curbing of greed and excessive overconsumption extends to the parents / babysitters in the house as well.