natalka81 wrote:Honestly I feel that as a kid I wouldn't have even enjoyed facetiming with Santa- not that it was an option in the 80s! But isn't the whole magic that we DON'T see him? It's bad enough that these kids get multiple expensive presents every week and have no idea that Christmas is supposed to be a special time for presents, but now they can't even enjoy Santa on the day he's supposed to actually come!
Also: Apparently they do Christmas now, you guys, by buying hand-crafted items from Nepal. Hm.
Those videos and phone calls are all a free thing now when you order a package from Santa. I mean, you can order just a video, but this is B&M and I'm sure they got the biggest package possible. I've done "packages from Santa" since my oldest was young, and as fun as it is the first year, it's not something you can just not do the next year without the child feeling naughty. I regret ever starting it tbh. We would order the Santa letter and it would come with little treats and a nice list certificate. The personalized videos and phone calls are just freebies, and I seldom shared those with my son because frankly, I found it creepy and unnecessary. I bet we see Oliver get a package in the mail soon. And yes, they could have included Finn in a better way, but I think it's safe to say he is 100% the scapegoat child. They have the money to afford two separate videos, and could have just done Finn's when Ollie wasn't there so he didn't wonder why he wasn't the centre of attention. Golden child vs scapegoat scapegoat child is a form of abuse we often see from YTers (Ellie and Jared are awful for it), and I'm just not sure whether the fans are somehow reinforcing it, or if it's just the type of person drawn to YT in the first place.
As for a present Ollie and Finn would really love, I bet they would appreciate a quiet little vacation to say, Oceanside or somewhere close by with JUST Bryan and Missy. No Hollisters, and no cell phones. I think they would love just having their mom and dad to themselves with no distractions. No work calls, hair appointments, etc...Delay the vlogs and upload candid footage they took when they are back. I think that gift would not only be great for the vlogs, but for the whole family. It sounds so simple, but it would never happen.