I remember having sooo much respect for Bri because she bucked the YT induction trend with P and tried to wait for her to come on her own. She went to 42 weeks! Just another example of how she keeps getting worse and worse as time goes on...Lifeisfun wrote:As much as I’m here for the drama of Bri vs Tiffani, I agree that gma segment was underwhelming. It was definitely just filler and they kept acting like cleaning channels were a new thing. Nevermind the fact that they had Jessica Tull on there and the camera was on her ass half the time. In my opinion, cleaning channels are dying, not up and coming.
Anyway I’m laughing at the Instagram q&a because someone asked how she felt about being going to Disney during a pandemic aka Tara. Apparently she has a trip planned for next fall so when you have an almost one year old? Yeah good luck with that. She also mentioned again that she was thinking about scheduling her induction because baby is due the week of thanksgiving. Tough shit Bri. I know this has been discussed before but she disgusts me with that. There are always medical reasons for an induction. Having your baby fit into your fake scheduled life isn’t one of them. I believe the decision she is making would be very selfish. Not saying others don’t have appropriate reasons but she is just trying to be the first as usual.
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