BritneyandSponsoredVideos Part 12

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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by hmmmmmm »

Co-sleeping worked well for my family, especially while breastfeeding, we co-slept with all 3 of our kids from birth until 2. I worked full time and I wouldn't have done it differently. They're 11, 9, and 4 now and sleep just fine in their own rooms every night.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by LynnGLOVE8989 »

Our family also co-sleeps and it works really well for us. We started at the advice of my daughter's pediatrician when she was very young (I'm serious, even with all the advice out there against breastfeeding - her old pedi is from a latin american country and that is what they do) I feel like it is really rude to say she is being "lazy" for co-sleeping. Nolan does seem like a needy infant, and if it works for her and Ean is ok with it, why should we judge? Co-sleeping actually is beneficial for "needy" infants because they need that extra closeness. Despite what many people believe, it does NOT create an extra needy infant.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by LynnGLOVE8989 »

Our family also co-sleeps and it works really well for us. We started at the advice of my daughter's pediatrician when she was very young (I'm serious, even with all the advice out there against breastfeeding - her old pedi is from a latin american country and that is what they do) I feel like it is really rude to say she is being "lazy" for co-sleeping. Nolan does seem like a needy infant, and if it works for her and Ean is ok with it, why should we judge? Co-sleeping actually is beneficial for "needy" infants because they need that extra closeness. Despite what many people believe, it does NOT create an extra needy infant.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

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I should specify... while my daughter was young (as in infant) not the pedi lol I wrote that post really fast.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Yue195 »

Lol who said she was lazy for co-sleeping? It's fine if it works, but seems that it just isn't for them anymore if Britney is always complaining about being tired and needing her coffee because Nolan kept her up and Ean ended up on the couch in the middle of the night. Either stop complaining or transfer him to a crib.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by LynnGLOVE8989 »

I dont get the whole sleeping with your baby thing. I have 2 kids and never slept with either and they sleep fine on their own. Okay she breastfeeds Nolan so feed him then put him in his bed sheeesh is she that lazy to walk to his room to feed him? I cant imagine what kind of relationship she has with Ean if they cant have any alone time together, not even during the night.
This is the one that mentioned the laziness thing (I removed the username, I see no point in "calling someone out" lol because I like the author who wrote it. :) )
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

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Nolan will cry out for her whether he's in her room or in his own crib, in his own room. Unless she forces him to go longer stretches at night. She has said she isn't going to attempt to do that like she did with Aria, that's her decision. So to me it makes sense to have him in their room.

I'm personally very pro cosleeping and I'm not a fan of "sleep training" or the CIO method. My youngest was like Nolan, so I can relate. You push on, you respond to your baby's needs and you remember that it doesn't last forever. I could not imagine putting an infant in their own room, but that's just me.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by flightlessbird »

gypsophila wrote:
Lor3na wrote:
gypsophila wrote:No no no. Do NOT get a dog. I don't want to see some dog get neglected and not taught any manners. I don't even trust them with a cat. They'd accidentally let it out of the house probably. No, stick to fish. :D
Why would you say something like that? Did they had a pet before or you're just assuming?
I feel strongly about the treatment of animals, so that plays a huge part in what I said. She is overwhelmed with her 2 kids and their issues. She doesn't have time to properly train a dog, and the kids would be rough with it at their ages. I don't believe in outdoor cats, they should be indoors for their own health and safety. Once the kids are in school, sure, adopt a pet when you have time to devote to training both the pet and the kids. It's just my version of a PSA. Also, pet health coverage is very expensive, and it is essential to take your pets to the vet at the first sign of any trouble. On the other hand, fish are pretty, don't need training, and are known to be short lived anyway. Good first pet for kids.
She would be one of the people who gets a puppy and then dumps it off at the shelter when it's a few months old because she can't take care of it.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Yue195 »

Let's be honest, Nolan cries for her all the time. Tattoo Parlour incident anyone?

I have nothing against co-sleeping, I was a co slept kid. I would also sleep through the night majority of the time as well. I'm just saying, Britney going on about getting little sleep and being tired all the time is not doing her favours. She asked for help and a majority of people said maybe start transferring him into a crib and she flipped out, just get a play crib and put it up in your room and put him in there, see how it goes at least. Trial and error is your best shot.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Blueberry »

I guess it really just does depend on the child. With my son I wanted to co-sleep but it just didn't work. He slept in our room every night til 6 months (and woke up every hour). At 6 months my husband said "enough is enough". I was devastated the first night we put him down in his crib in his room, but he slept a full 8 hour stretch and has every night since then (hes now 18 months). I feel like my son is a lot like Aria though, I don't have a child like Nolan so I can't really say much about him. I'm just extremely annoyed with the fact she got a whole new crib and HAD to move for an extra room when he doesn't even use it. Ridiculous. Totally random, but the puppy comment LOL. Britney would bitch 24/7! "This life is just so crazy! TWO KIDS and a DOG!!!!!! My life is just so hectic and crazy!!! I deserve a treat damnit!"
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Blackswan »

Blueberry wrote:I guess it really just does depend on the child. With my son I wanted to co-sleep but it just didn't work. He slept in our room every night til 6 months (and woke up every hour). At 6 months my husband said "enough is enough". I was devastated the first night we put him down in his crib in his room, but he slept a full 8 hour stretch and has every night since then (hes now 18 months). I feel like my son is a lot like Aria though, I don't have a child like Nolan so I can't really say much about him. I'm just extremely annoyed with the fact she got a whole new crib and HAD to move for an extra room when he doesn't even use it. Ridiculous. Totally random, but the puppy comment LOL. Britney would bitch 24/7! "This life is just so crazy! TWO KIDS and a DOG!!!!!! My life is just so hectic and crazy!!! I deserve a treat damnit!"
Cue "A day in the life of a teen mom with 2 under 3 and a dog"
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Blackswan »

We co-sleep with my 3 year old. I love being able to turn around and cuddle with my son. As for intimacy...when he goes to sleep I put him in his bed and he'll stay there anywhere between 1 to 5 hours. Sometimes the whole night. When he wakes up he just comes back to bed with us and falls right back to sleep.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Curtain06 »

I slept with my daughter until she was 8 months old and then she began to wake every hour of the night & I realised it was being in the room, cosleeping with me which was causing the problem so against my wishes transitioned her and haven't looked back. She's now a wonderful sleeper, sleeping 12 hours a night with hardly any slip ups.
I think if you want to cosleep, great. It is fantastic for developing a bond between mother and child, however it's also incredibly important that your child learns appropriate sleep skills as well... If they are constantly disrupting your sleep and you theirs, then there's a problem because they aren't getting the sleep they should which is far more important to them than you. I read lots about this when I was contemplating the transition.

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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by HelloHolaHallo »

B pulls out sponsored videos when money is tight, I'm guessing shpotles and moving burned a hole in her wallet. Her hair has been looking good lately though snaps for Britney.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by KatherineLouvain »

I had to sleep in my parents' room until I was five because there wasn't another bedroom for me. I can safely say I'll never cosleep as I've had sleeping problems ever since, I dread the idea of sleeping when I'm not at my boyfriend's and I only get about 4 hours a night because I constantly wake up. If it works for Britney then great, but their disrupted sleep and way Nolan pines for her makes me think it really doesn't.

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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Ellagrace »

Re; her wanting to get a dog... And I haven't read all the comments yet so I apologize if this has already been brought up.

Just one of the reasons I think a dog would be a really bad idea for their family is simply because they don't have a fenced yard. Now before anyone come back at me with "well I don't have a fenced yard and I have a dog and it works out perfectly for me." Let me just say that Norman is quite a clingy kid so every time B would need to take the dog out for a walk to go potty she'd have to lug Norman along too. Otherwise, she'd have to leave him screaming bloody murder alone in the townhouse the whole time she's walking the dog outside while its taking its sweet time finding that perfect spot. Multiple dog owner here and I've temporarily lived somewhere there was no fenced yard for them. It sucked! She'll be walking the dog multiple times a day in rain, snow and triple digit weather and lugging her child/ren along with her every time.
Orrrr... I guess she could just lock the poor thing up in a closet and let it pee and poop in there. For some reason I don't think B would find that was a viable option, though.
If I were her and just had this burning desire to get a pet I'd get a cat, or better yet, some kind of small critter that lives in a cage. Like a hamster or something. I think she has said she's allergic to cats anyway so a cat it probably out if the question. When I put myself in her shoes I think a pet of any kind is a bad idea right now. With N's surgery and therapies coming up on top of caring for both kids, I don't think she'll have the time needed to care for a pet too. I mean come on, her current life is just so, so busy and exhausting as it is. Lol!
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Yue195 »

As someone else said before, Britney seems like the kind of person who would get a puppy at Christmas, then when the novelty cute factor wears off and it starts to become high matinence and need training, it will either be running the household with Aria, be given away or go the pound. I can't see Britney properly training a puppy to listen what she says, Aria barely listens. I think a pet rock is best for them, I can't envision Britney cleaning a rabbit cage, Guinea pig, hamster or fish tank weekly with a clingy baby and a high energetic toddler.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by karmarosee »

Yue195 wrote:As someone else said before, Britney seems like the kind of person who would get a puppy at Christmas, then when the novelty cute factor wears off and it starts to become high matinence and need training, it will either be running the household with Aria, be given away or go the pound. I can't see Britney properly training a puppy to listen what she says, Aria barely listens. I think a pet rock is best for them, I can't envision Britney cleaning a rabbit cage, Guinea pig, hamster or fish tank weekly with a clingy baby and a high energetic toddler.
Lmaooo a pet rock
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Ellagrace »

Yue195 wrote:As someone else said before, Britney seems like the kind of person who would get a puppy at Christmas, then when the novelty cute factor wears off and it starts to become high matinence and need training, it will either be running the household with Aria, be given away or go the pound. I can't see Britney properly training a puppy to listen what she says, Aria barely listens. I think a pet rock is best for them, I can't envision Britney cleaning a rabbit cage, Guinea pig, hamster or fish tank weekly with a clingy baby and a high energetic toddler.
I whole heartedly agree with everything you said here.

Let's just hope she thinks long and hard about the pros and cons and responsibility of bringing any kind of pet into her household. The last thing this world needs is another unwanted, homeless pet. If she really loves dogs but realizes that pet ownership is a responsibility she doesn't need right now I think a great activity for her and Aria to do is go volunteer a day or two a month at an animal shelter or rescue organization. Hell, she can vlog it for her YT channel and educate all her preteen subbies a thing or two about what happens to unwanted pets and how they too can help out. I don't know why more YT moms/families don't do things like that in their communities. I'd definitely be more inclined to watch and support them if they did.
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Re: BritneyandSponseredVideos Part 12

Unread post by Blackswan »

Blackswan wrote:We co-sleep with my 3 year old. I love being able to turn around and cuddle with my son. As for intimacy...when he goes to sleep I put him in his bed and he'll stay there anywhere between 1 to 5 hours. Sometimes the whole night. When he wakes up he just comes back to bed with us and falls right back to sleep.
I just want to add that as much as I love co sleeping with my son (he'll outgrow this and I'll never be able to cuddle with him this way again :( ) that I will NOT be co-sleeping with our next baby lol I love it but I've learned my lesson. Our bed isn't big enough lol

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