Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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lip wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:21 pm Random questions:

Watching skipping through one of the newest vlogs I wondered who this "Rachel" is. I assume she is a relative of the Tanners?

She has been in the vlogs before, together with Olivia (far right), which I assume is also a relative of the family? A cousin, maybe?

Maybe someone watches the vlogs more religiously (LOL) than me, and has more knowledge. These mormon vloggers have just to many damn kids. For example I can hardly keep up with who that big bearded fellow and that new nanny and her BF-in-tow are...

Hence I need an update.
I think the bearded guy is Rachel's husband. Rachel and Olivia are both Sarah's sisters and the other girl might be Rachel's daughter. Olivia is about the same age as Daniell...but her aunt. Lol
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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So I have been holding off on posting because I have missed so many vlogs, but hell has frozen over, Branson and I agree on something. Ever since the newlyweds had to move into a "Lego Jail" in his parent's living room, his family is all up in their marriage. They were caught arguing about having a baby....BRANSON thinks they should wait until they can afford a home not made from colorful toy bricks on loan. His family attacked him. Johnny gave him a big lecture on how the right thing to do is have a baby without any money, shelter or job, because that is what Jesus would want. That they would be blessed if they did. Then they all prayed and vowed to starve themselves next Sunday to put a baby in Mara's uterus. Allie noted that they would have to have sex too. I don't know if she was bragging that she knew how babies were made, or knows about her brother's sex life, but.....gross. Mara reacted to their offer to skip lunch like she believed she would be impregnated by dinner, despite having a college degree in Biology.

Through all this, Johnny implies that he won't bail Mara and Branson out of poverty until they produce a child for them, which I assume is what happened when they got pregnant with Branson in high school. So insanely manipulative. And cruel, because Mara seems to be having fertility issues. If they want them to have sex so bad, maybe let them stay in one of your extra houses, only used for Big Love baptisms and COVID parties, instead of making them sleep in a "Lego jail"?

The vlog ended with Daniel lecturing us on how kids should do what they want and not listen to people who encourage them to get an education or a decent career. Saying that nobody is "making them" go to school, etc. Looks like the Sophomore high school drop-out doesn't know most states don't let you do that until you turn 18. Or understand that when people say their parents are "making them" get a degree, it is because they will be kicked out of the house/shut off financially, and and not get celebrated like she was. Or supported while doing nothing like Allie and Branson. Funny that her Dad got into a huge fight with Allie when she wanted to follow her dreams to live as a party princess. I still can't figure out if he wanted her to just do YouTube, keep trying for Disney, or what, but that fight seemed like a doozy.

Seriously, in one vlog we are preached to about the importance of having children you can't support in any way, and to drop out of high school at 16 to follow your dreams. Advice of your closest friends, family and employers be damned! Fabulous job Johnny and Sarah. Way to prove that teen parents can be successful too!
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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Step 1: Drop out of high school and make babies at 17 - Step 2: Exchange your kids privacy for money.

Alternative step: Just pregnancy-blackmail everybody else for help.

Add some preachy bubble-wrap-speach and you're good to go.
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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Sorry for the double (and mega-post) but I wanted to get out my thoughts saved over the last couple of months.

1. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT CANYON: In this same vlog Canyon drew on the couch with pen. That kid just never seems to learn. Isn't 6 too oId for that crap? I am also thinking that he is far more violent than his parents have been letting on. In a recent vlog Johnny does his usual spiel projecting random emotions onto Canyon. Apparently Canyon was "scared" to go on a bike ride, so he expresses the desire to punch Johnny in the face when he brings it up. Johnny says that Canyon doesn't understand the damage that punching people in the face can do, and that hopefully one day he won't want to punch people all the time. That doesn't sound reasonable at all, but okay? So Savannah responds "hopefully", thinks a moment, and then replies again more seriously "hopefully".

I know he has been physically terrorizing Az and the puppy, but have we heard him physically beat up on anyone stronger than him? Not a great sign if he is only picking on the easy targets, and doing it in secret. If it was just uncontrolled emotions, he should be physically acting out against everyone. Maybe he is though and they aren't telling us? When they made Allie be his teacher, she actually said it was the worst part of her day at family dinner and seemed quite upset (I can't remember if she cried). Allie got a job not long after and escaped him. Branson got married to get out of being his teacher/parent (I find it odd that Mara never had to teach, despite being the smartest one in the house). Sarah gave it a try at one point, but apparently he would have insane tantrums. They also swap in Aspyn to play teacher sometimes. Even Johnny who is too good for women's work had to take a turn once when his actual teacher said he was terrorizing the class and her. So it only makes sense to force little Savannah to be his teacher now, right? And right after her new role is assigned, she starts making comments hoping repeatedly that he will eventually want to stop punching people in the face. How terrible must Canyon's behavior be that they have to rotate through so many "teachers"? What is he doing to them that Johnny doesn't force them to stick it out?

2. SPEAKING OF HOW WEAK AZ IS: They recently told Az to stop getting bloody noses all the time, and that must be why he is so skinny. I have been worried for a while about the amount of debilitating headaches such a young kid gets, but that combined with bloody noses, low body weight and all the vomiting, I am concerned. Has anyone noticed if he has seemed to stop growing, or lost more weight? Canyon is a "sturdy" kid, so it is hard to tell if it is genetics or something else. They weren't going to take Az to a doctor for a concussion, so I doubt they are even concerned.

3. ALLIE AND HER PRINCESS GIG: I am happy she seems happy, but it is disturbing that she was so excited to get to play Elsa because her boss had COVID. Only in Utah would a party planning business be booming in a pandemic. Have they admitted to having the virus yet? I know they were being so shady when Allie was sick and wanted to get tested a while back. They didn't let her and acted like she was faking it. Then they got tested with Daniell not long after. Also as noted above, does anyone know why Johnny fought with Allie over her wanting to take this job? You would think that is better than staying home. I have seen her vlog channel and I would rather watch paint dry. She definitely isn't making a career out of that. She could open her own princess party planning business after learning the ropes though. Where they banking on forcing her to raise Canyon since they can't handle him?

Or is Johnny just mad because she isn't out there trying to get pregnant like Jesus wants? Daniell made a comment at Christmas about her, Savannah and Lizzie having kids. When asked about Allie, she said that Allie isn't having kids, and that she already knows it. I know the dating series was an awkward flop, and she said that her parents want to marry that friend of hers, but she doesn't want to. Other than that has she said anything? It wasn't that long ago Allie was taking about kids and marriage for herself. I wonder what makes Daniell say that, other than Allie wanting to be a child playing dress up for the rest of her life. Was it just a joke because Daniel forgot about her when considering grandkids? Are they all frustrated that she isn't married and pregnant yet and have written her off? She did abandon the dating series "because COVID", then immediately got a job entertaining at pandemic parties...

4. JOHNNY'S GROWING EGO AND SHRINKING IQ: I can't with all of his preaching anymore. Lecturing two trained hair dressers, about how you have to bleach dark hair before you can dye it a bright color as if they hadn't considered that. Lecturing Sarah about letting drippings on the oven nearly catch fire, when he literally sets the smoker on fire the next day for the same reason. Treating Sarah like an idiot for using a tool to defrost the freezer when the ice buildup was too much to continue storing their apocalypse stash, giving a "solution" of letting it defrost outside last summer? He is a dick to Drake, rubbing one mistake into his face over and over (while doing hard labor for Johnny - does he even get paid?). Not to mention that he does nothing all day while forcing other people to teach and raise his kids, make his videos, clean his house and renovate his office. There are so many more things that I can't think of right now, but he just gets worse and worse as time goes on.

5. "ARE BLESSINGS SCARY?" Apparently one night they all decided they needed "blessings", which I have learned from ex-mormon vlogs that only men can perform, and appear to be like some combination of a prayer/horoscope/"way to harness the power of god"/manipulative way to force woman and children to do what a man wants. So for instance, they believe that Branson and Johnny healed Az's concussion through a "blessing". The Franke family uses a "blessing" before every school year to make a prediction/horoscope for each child and tell them what "god" wants them to do better and what will happen that year. There are also "patriarchal blessings" where teens are told, usually by a stranger, anything from what instrument god wants them to play, to what college degree they will get, to what career, to how many kids, etc. Shockingly, I have been told that when your close relative is the local "patriarch", god seems to know you much better and you get a quite detailed list of predictions for your life that coincidently reflect what your family wants for you. Per ex-mo accounts, their god never tells the patriarch when the child is gay and going to leave the church.

Anyways, they made a comment that Canyon has always run away whenever they tried to give him a blessing in the past, but said he finally let them do it. He looked terrified though, sitting curled up in Sarah's lap afterward not wanting to talk. I have never seen one in action. Is it a scary thing? Do they tell their kids terrible things will happen to them if they don't obey Dad/god? Is it like when people in those mega-churches dramatically lay their hands on a man in a wheelchair yelling prayers and demanding for the man to stand and walk, fully healed? Or is there intense chanting? I just don't get it, Canyon is scared of nothing, not even water pouring into his home like a waterfall. It's just weird that he is terrified of a religious ritual he must see all the time.
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

Unread post by Kattiness Everdeen »

And right on cue, Az is vomiting again today. They need to get that kid into a doctor. He is always sick, bleeding or in pain.
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

Unread post by Kattiness Everdeen »

So I have a renewed interest in this crew, because they seem to be spilling more than usual. I even watched one of Allie's normally unwatchable vlogs. She takes her 7 yr old cousin on a Valentines day date and gets into a car accident.

1. I thought only the Griffiths thought it was cute to date family. Is this a Mormon thing, or did I just grow up in closed minded community where we didn't teach little kids that dating and marrying family members was what you do?

2. Johnny was an idiot like usual. The driver's door was super damaged so Johnny decides to roll the window down and can't get it back up. She needs to drive the car home, so what does he do? Rolls it down even further so she will get blasted in the face with winter air as she drives. I am starting to wonder if he has some type of intellectual impairment at this point. He does this $hit every vlog where he pretends to have knowledge and makes things worse because he is an idiot.

3. It was very well edited. For an Allie video at least; normally you can't even her people speak over the background music and she just drones on without any cuts. I wonder if they had to hire Drake because Aspyn is making her vlogs now too?

4. Daniell looks so good with short hair. I am so glad she didn't listen to Branson who was trying to tell her that long hair is always prettier on girls. She looks a lot older too. I do wonder who at beauty school hates her enough to have stolen her very expensive mannequin head and tripod though. I can't decide if her only friends are family members, because that is what Mormons do, or if her peers don't like her. She seems far more likable than her siblings from an outside perspective.
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

Unread post by rulatows000 »

This family is just a mess. The 'family prayer' for a baby is just ridiculous. They have no home, no jobs, no plans for a future... but they should have a baby?! Their couple's channel seems to have been a bust because they barely post videos on it and haven't even reached 100k subscribers when it has been almost a year since they started. Branson's channel is barely growing and he's only going to keep losing views and subscribers because his videos are, frankly, stupid and uninteresting. It's just funny to me how if one of the kids got pregnant at 22 out of wedlock, the parents would be all up in arms about it, but their unemployed homeless son and daughter-in-law need to have a baby when they haven't even been married a year yet.
One of their daughters is a high school drop out and I haven't heard anything about her receiving her GED or attempting to. Waiting for the beauty school plan to fall through.
Their other daughter is a party princess and seems very depressed and lonely. Not getting anywhere because her parents aren't providing her with the support or education she needs to be an adult because they resent her for not being married and pregnant out of high school.
Canyon is a holy terror and seems to need some professional help, and the other three kids seem very malnourished, sickly, immature, and just very 'off' in general. Johnny is a controlling and senseless father and husband, and Sarah just seems plain clueless about everything.
The above posts are right on. I am very curious, and very scared, about what this family is like off cameras. They are just so bizarre and awkward on camera...
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

Unread post by MelE »

I haven’t watched them in a long time but I never really got over the mattress with beddys on it in the sound proof room....

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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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They posted Canyon's birthday vlog recently. I still can't believe he is six years old - he talks and acts so much younger. A couple things I noticed - Drake 'bonked' him on the head really hard with his gift. Even Aspen, kind of gasped and rubbed his head. He was also grabbing and squeezing Canyon's head while Canyon sat looking stiff and uncomfortable. Then, Canyon wished that Drake and Aspen would 'have some babies', that Allie would get married, and for a couple of the girls to 'grow up'. Is it just me or are those odd wishes for a six year old to make? This family just seems so obsessed with having babies, getting married, and growing up and being an adult. It's sad that even at six these kids think that is all life is. I don't know, I feel like when I was six I would've wished something like, "I wish you'd get that toy you want", "I wish you would play this game with me", "I wish you'd catch a big fish", lol idk, I just don't feel like I would've been wishing babies and marriage and adulthood on all my siblings/cousins.
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

Unread post by GGF1987 »

"You don't need a dime to make babies".... well technically no but you do need a dime to provide for one. These people are so frustrating! It's okay to be married for awhile without having kids. It's a good thing to wait until you are more stable financially to have a child. Quit telling your kids that having babies is more important than anything else, it's not.
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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Canyon's wishes were as strange as promised above (although not surprising)! I was particularly suspicious that he wished that the little girl could grow up to be a "good girl". I started wondering if that "blessing" that him him so rattled the other day might have literally been used to try and put the fear of their god into him to finally behave.

The new vlog "Parents Mess Up TOO!" supports my theory, with Canyon telling his parents "his stomach keeps telling him he should turn 5 again". Later he tells Sarah that he is sad he isn't 5 anymore and that he is asking heavenly father to make sure he never turns 7. J&S believe it is because they keep telling him to stay little and not grow up, which they do, like every other Mormon vlog Mom who starts to feel irrelevant when their youngest grows up. However, it seems so much more than that.

They claimed he has been crying again, though they never catch it on camera, saying he "keeps it in" when they film (I don't blame him if true). Sarah even mentions that Canyon has been so "so sweet since his birthday....just so humble, and grateful and sweet and loving....and it's been awesome". But his birthday was only last week, and back then he was still destroying the house and wanting to punch everyone in the face. So what suddenly changed him into a perfect angel?

Maybe because he is only allowed to "sin" until the age of 8 in Mormon culture, at which point he will be at "the age of accountability"? Could the looming pressure to be a "perfect Mormon" be too much for a kid who went 6 years with serious unchecked behavioral issues? I fear the time has come and gone for early intervention, and they are now doing permanent damage to the poor kid. Then again, Allie just talked about how Daniell was "a little devil as a child" and now she seems the most functional family member.....
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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So now Daniell asked Canyon out for Valentines Day. I see that that Tanners are engaging in serious timeline manipulation now, like the Frankes. Johnny notes that they have to watch the cat, Mim, like a hawk because Canyon is torturing her as well. Who could have seen that coming?
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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And today feels like day 98 of the Tanner's Valentines celebrations, where Savannah takes her cousin? (I can't keep track of all these extras) on a "date". I take back what I said lumping this crew in with the Griffiths who intentionally match up same age, opposite sex cousins to "date" and put sexual connotations on the pairings.

Savanah took that adorable little girl Vivian as her date. It has become obvious that this excruciatingly long Valentines Day dating series was about the older kids making the younger kids feel special. Thank god. This family has enough issues. Had they not dragged out two days of footage to a dozen different vlogs, that would have been clear from the start.

Nothing else of interest to report, other than Lizzie doing a school project and listing their last name as "Tannerite". Do you think she knows her real last name, or is she just so well trained that she knows it has to use "Tannerite" any time she shows something to the camera? Sad either way. Branson is still doing his channel where he hosts a fake game show so his family can pretend to win hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and prizes every week. I feel like that is illegal? Does anyone know how much money he makes on it?
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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Do you guys think they are buying subscribers/views? Just looking at Socialblade their stats seem very off. I just got interested because they announced recently that they hit 3 millions subs for the Tannerites channel. Idk how accurate socialblade is, but according to it they are gaining about 10k subscribers almost every week for Yawi and 10k almost every day for Tannerites. If you take a look at the graph below, apparently Yawi gained 228,000 subscribers in one month. I also noticed around that same time Tannerites got a similar drastic bump up in views for that month, too. It's just odd, Yawi has 1.24 million subs, Tannerites 3 million - who is watching these people? Lol, they are just not interesting at all and their videos seem to get more and more dull as they go along. I never really thought they measured up in popularity to a lot of other vloggers, too, just never seemed to hear much about them. Maybe that's just me, though. Still, most family vloggers I know seem to slow down a lot once they hit a million subs, I have no idea how this family is keeping up the momentum. Something seems fishy to me.
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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rulatows000 wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:21 pm Do you guys think they are buying subscribers/views? Just looking at Socialblade their stats seem very off. I just got interested because they announced recently that they hit 3 millions subs for the Tannerites channel. Idk how accurate socialblade is, but according to it they are gaining about 10k subscribers almost every week for Yawi and 10k almost every day for Tannerites. If you take a look at the graph below, apparently Yawi gained 228,000 subscribers in one month. I also noticed around that same time Tannerites got a similar drastic bump up in views for that month, too. It's just odd, Yawi has 1.24 million subs, Tannerites 3 million - who is watching these people? Lol, they are just not interesting at all and their videos seem to get more and more dull as they go along. I never really thought they measured up in popularity to a lot of other vloggers, too, just never seemed to hear much about them. Maybe that's just me, though. Still, most family vloggers I know seem to slow down a lot once they hit a million subs, I have no idea how this family is keeping up the momentum. Something seems fishy to me.
I just looked at the Tannerites channel for the first time in a very long time and it look like they turned it into a kids channel, where they do terrible skits and play stupid games. One of the videos has 43 million views. Kid channels do really well on YT though, so that one makes sense. They must have an arrangement with YT Kids or private sponsors now?

As far as who is watching YAWI? I assumed nobody except me!
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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Was Allie laughing or crying at the end of today's vlog?
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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Az is getting very frequent nosebleeds. Three times in one day seems like a lot. Maybe not anything serious, but I think that would be something to get checked out. Johnny was claiming that it is because he is growing and his body is generating more blood... he finally said he was making it up when Sarah and one of the girls kept telling him that it wasn't true, but he sounded pretty serious to me. sigh.
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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rulatows000 wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:10 pm Az is getting very frequent nosebleeds. Three times in one day seems like a lot. Maybe not anything serious, but I think that would be something to get checked out. Johnny was claiming that it is because he is growing and his body is generating more blood... he finally said he was making it up when Sarah and one of the girls kept telling him that it wasn't true, but he sounded pretty serious to me. sigh.
Came her to say that. Getting 1-3 nosebleeds each day indicates some sort of problem that should be evaluated by a doctor, especially with the debilitating headaches and vomiting all the time too. It is most likely just something like allergies, but do they not want the piece of mind to rule serious conditions like Leukemia or permanent damage from his concussion? Even if they just cauterize some vessels so he doesn't stain every shirt he owns with blood, that seems like a valuable intervention to me.

Johnny is such an idiot, and is always speaking out of his a$$. Surprised he admitted it this time. At least it seems they finally figured out who owned the land they are living on, since they broke ground on the pool. How careless do you have to be that you buy a house not understanding if you also bought the surrounding land?
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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Kattiness Everdeen wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:41 pm
rulatows000 wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:10 pm Az is getting very frequent nosebleeds. Three times in one day seems like a lot. Maybe not anything serious, but I think that would be something to get checked out. Johnny was claiming that it is because he is growing and his body is generating more blood... he finally said he was making it up when Sarah and one of the girls kept telling him that it wasn't true, but he sounded pretty serious to me. sigh.
Came her to say that. Getting 1-3 nosebleeds each day indicates some sort of problem that should be evaluated by a doctor, especially with the debilitating headaches and vomiting all the time too. It is most likely just something like allergies, but do they not want the piece of mind to rule serious conditions like Leukemia or permanent damage from his concussion? Even if they just cauterize some vessels so he doesn't stain every shirt he owns with blood, that seems like a valuable intervention to me.

Johnny is such an idiot, and is always speaking out of his a$$. Surprised he admitted it this time. At least it seems they finally figured out who owned the land they are living on, since they broke ground on the pool. How careless do you have to be that you buy a house not understanding if you also bought the surrounding land?
I came here to comment on Az's nosebleeds as well. They need to stop "playing doctor" and take him to a real doctor. As pale as he is and how small he is compared to his little brother, I would be worried he has some kind of cancer... and I would get him checked out ASAP. And if it turned out to be only allergies, well at least they could get him on some good allergy medication for them and he could start feeling better. J&S are POS parents. Just throw a bowl in front of their kid who is throwing up.. (I hope they don't use those bowls for food later.. disgusting) and for nosebleeds, ehh... here's a tissue, lets hold it there, it'll stop! And headaches.. here's some tylenol! wtf, there's something going on. Kids don't just feel like that and display those symptoms for no reason!

I agree Johnny is an idiot... but, I think even I might dumbly assume I was purchasing the whole lot... seeing as it's all fenced in together. But, I have an excuse, my brain was poked... and that's why I am not allowed to make huge decisions without running it by other people... I get confused easy. I doubt Johnny has had brain surgery... so, he makes stupid decisions all on his own!
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Re: Tannerites/YAWI: Failing our kids as they fail homeschool | Part 2

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The omnipresent baby pushing would drive me nuts if I was Mara.
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