T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Jessrip25 »

What's really sad is she will never be genuinely happy with this cheater/perv of a husband she has, she will always wonder if it will happen again. He is a narcissist that has her brainwashed and eventually That will cause her "anxiety" to rise. Also Tiff is 1 of the MANY WOMEN THESE DAYS that believe that having many children with a man will somehow cause him to love her more or not cheat on her more. However she like most of those women is completely wrong and is only causing her children future trauma from the divorce that will soon come as well as their own mother becoming even more psychotic than Tiff already is.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by RealityBites »

Just last week my mom called me and told me that their dog passed away. The dog I got as a child. Of course I was and still am sad. I also cried and grieved for a day or two. However I wasn't a blubbering mess, didn't let my kids see me fall apart, still acted as a mother and wife and went about my daily life. I also didn't post anything on social media about it either. We've all most likely experienced pets pass away and unfortunately its a part of life that sucks.

I feel sympathy for the dogs and her kids. I don't feel any sympathy for her or her little wuss of a husband. They knew damn well that dog was sick and if they didn't than she shouldn't have a nursing degree, they shouldn't own anymore pets or have anymore kids. How can you not notice a large tumor or your dog being malnourished???

I just watched a vlog the other day before they said all this about that dog and thought he looked skinny and didn't look right and it's not even my dog! So how if this narcissistic witch snuggles him and has her lazy lay in bed all day coffee and naps with her dog beside her not notice a large tumor or that he was malnourished?!? That's what makes my blood boil about her. That she's so full of HERSELF and doesnt give a rats ass about her own pets or kids. Except Ewwa. Because she's her "petite mini me" GAG.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by RealityBites »

Lil Shrimp Dick will have his big buggy eyes in the camera soon enough like the creeper he is with their clickbait titles trying to milk their dogs death. Trash bag with her onion in her pocket trying to squeeze out a fake tear while she interrupts him 5 million times and lays in bed. They will be SO worried about the baby paycheck #4 because surprise, Trashys not eating. Like others said working their way up to a miscarriage. If they do I'm out. Done.

She's going to show all the free swag and sympathy gifts and flowers she gets from the internet stans that care.

Soon it will be a new pet, new house and new baby.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by AryaStark »

Little leprechaun will probably run out next week and get a dog to shove in a basket for Easter as a surprise. They’ll name the dog Ratchet after her beloved weave. Hopefully the dog can get outside and run away, escaping these two viruses.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by yeahsureok »

This is unreal. Bri didn’t even carry on like this when she was her fathers primary care taker for a year when he passed away. Want to go through hell and back Tiff? Watch someone you love lose every ounce of their dignity and pass away from a terminal fucking illness long before they ever should have. She’s such a sick fuck.

Yeah it’s sad her dog (who was older) passed away, but like cranky pants said... she’s feeling guilty and this over the topMess is her way of conning her stans because it’s literally this easy. Never show you interact with the dog the 3 years youre on YouTube, neglect him, announce he has cancer and then after he dies pretend you cared. Cool!

I bet she’s never even met those girls who sent her flowers lol. They’re probably just internet fans. What a sad life for them and her.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by luxe0780 »

she’s such a raging cunt. that dog was poisoned slowly by her selfishly and ignorantly using those oils. a simple google search immediately brings up a list of oils commonly known to be toxic to dogs. but she never addressed it, never cared to do her homework. she’s a selfish bitch. poor romeo, he’s in a better place now away from her. negligent bitch.

i saw her ugly fake crying. those jowls have gone even saggier, those canines are so prominent. she’s seriously vile looking. i also don’t believe she’s pregnant. i think it was all an attention grab to steal bri’s thunder. she’s staged it for clickbait. so she’s had the pregnancy announcement, dead dog and guess what’s next? miscarriage, of a baby she’s not even pregnant with. and as predicted above, after that it’ll be a new house. because this one will have “too many painful memories”.

we are onto you t.fangs 🤓
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by yeahsureok »

I don’t think this will be a wake up call for her. She won’t change. If anything this will make her even more negligent because she’s a sick fuck and likes any attention.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by yeahsureok »

Sorry for the influx of posts but I’m just sitting here mind boggled. This is obviously the first hard thing she has had to do in her life. So many people by this age have already experienced hardships/deaths and so on, on such deeper levels that it’s just obvious she hasn’t really been through anything. Instead of just being appreciative she had 9 years with a dog who was supposedly her rock, she wants more more more. he was sick, with cancer and malnurished because they’re neglectful and all she can think about is how it’s effecting HER. She’s a selfish cunt.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Woahhh »

Her clothing haul....

90% of these clothes are things I would have picked out in high school. She even said it reminds her of what she wore in elementary school. Girl, grow up. There are plenty of fun, cute and youthful looking clothes available that are appropriate for a 30+ year old mother of 4. She really has not evolved past age 18. Also, this girl must have a department store worth of clothes in her closet.

“No matter what I do Ella ruins all her clothes” so yes by all means spend a bunch of money on a handful of brand new, rather expensive, clothes. If you wait for a sale you can get outfits at old navy, tjmaxx, and carters for $2-3. Her idea of “affordable” is so unrealistic and unrelatable. I don’t understand why she’s making such a huge point of saying Ella is sooooo petite? She looks like a normal sized kid and is wearing the size that coordinates with her age.

I looked up that Bogg bag because I just moved to a beach town and plan to go to the beach very often (once it’s safe to do so) and it’s $85. WHAT! Minimalist my ass.

The Easter baskets... “you know the boys go on their fire every morning, poor Ella doesn’t have one so we’ll need to get her one” ... SHES NOT EVEN TWO. And as everyone else has said, 95% of that entire video was for herself and Ella. 🙄🙄🙄
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by yeahsureok »

Because it’s cool to push your body dysmorphia on your two year old. Besides, everyone knows that TRUE happiness comes from being a size 0-2 and having size small shirts be baggy... shit, look how happy Tiffani is.

If you are this size, don’t take it personal. This is about Tiffani and her humble bragging about her what size she is as if anyone cares.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by snarkaholic »

Woahhh wrote:Her clothing haul....

90% of these clothes are things I would have picked out in high school. She even said it reminds her of what she wore in elementary school. Girl, grow up. There are plenty of fun, cute and youthful looking clothes available that are appropriate for a 30+ year old mother of 4. She really has not evolved past age 18. Also, this girl must have a department store worth of clothes in her closet.

“No matter what I do Ella ruins all her clothes” so yes by all means spend a bunch of money on a handful of brand new, rather expensive, clothes. If you wait for a sale you can get outfits at old navy, tjmaxx, and carters for $2-3. Her idea of “affordable” is so unrealistic and unrelatable. I don’t understand why she’s making such a huge point of saying Ella is sooooo petite? She looks like a normal sized kid and is wearing the size that coordinates with her age.

I looked up that Bogg bag because I just moved to a beach town and plan to go to the beach very often (once it’s safe to do so) and it’s $85. WHAT! Minimalist my ass.

The Easter baskets... “you know the boys go on their fire every morning, poor Ella doesn’t have one so we’ll need to get her one” ... SHES NOT EVEN TWO. And as everyone else has said, 95% of that entire video was for herself and Ella. ImageImageImage
May as well get one for the fetus while they’re are it so they can shove it in front of a screen the second it pops out Image

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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

I cant get past this dog situation. I dont understand how her followers don't see the neglect. Has anyone here let their pet get to the point of extreme malnourishment?

And for her to say they didnt notice because they arent home ... where were they? They "work" from home, they don't go out to see friends, they don't go on vacation..

Like is she considering the internet world a different place then earth? Are they just so involved in their fake internet life that they can't see what's going on inside their own home?
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by GoAwayTiffani »

Former Beaston Fan here. I want to barf just typing that.

1. The dog was CLEARLY neglected. That tumor didn’t pop over night and he didn’t become severely malnourished overnight either.

2. I sure hope she’s not actually pregnant. She doesn’t need another kid.

3. I don’t feel the least bit bad for her that she’s with Chris. She’s just as, if not more narcissistic than him.

4. Ella is NOT petite!!!! If anything I’m willing to bet she is ABOVE the 50% percentile for weight. She’s not fat. But she’s average sized. Just like my 2nd daughter. My oldest daughter was petite. Could fit 18 month old size until past age 2.5. But I’m not some freak who thought “oh my daughter is so petite”. It’s just genetics. Now she’s tall and thin like her dad. Tiphoni with an I gets off on 2 things- breastfeeding and being skinny. Now she’s projecting her sick weight/size obsession on a 1 year old. She’s vulgar.

5. I’m honestly ready for these YT mommy channels to crash hard into the ground and die a permanent death. I don’t want these witches pissing in a pot under a bridge. But they deserve to have to either get jobs or be at home moms themselves without a house bitch husband like the rest of society.

6. We are literally on the brink of a GLOBAL RECESSION titty brains. People are dying by the thousands every day. Your dog you neglected dying is nothing compared to anything going on. I’m glad the dog is out of misery. I don’t like seeing animals die. I can’t even watch those nature shows where a lion gets a zebra for dinner. But come on!! Cranky Pants lost her sister, my mom lost her job today. Millions of people around the world don’t have a way to feed their families or pay their bills now. And she says she’s never going to be the same because a dog died????? Her channel cannot crash and burn soon enough.

7. Stans- wake the F up!!!!!! These people are either just as evil and personality disordered as her, or they are extremely naive. You don’t have to watch her long to realize she ain’t right.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by GoAwayTiffani »

Also, all her fake tears 🙄 trying to act like a dog dying is a tragedy. Please. You know what’s a tragedy titty? These coronavirus victims are dying ALONE. That’s right, their families aren’t there to comfort them as they leave this world. They aren’t allowed. 1,000s of people a day are dying hooked up to machines all alone. It’s horrible. THAT is a tragedy. Not your dog you neglected.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Bluecoconut »

lol ur so right... but she doesn’t give a shit about the people dying of the Coronavirus. She’s only worried about how much attention she’s getting. She posted her “thank you again for reaching out” message. That’s all that matters to her. She’s made this entirely herself. She’s barely Even mentioned Chris!!! It’s me me me me me ... this effects me. I’ll never be the same. Me me me. Reach out to me. It’s sickening.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Henno »

yeahsureok wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:50 am This is unreal. Bri didn’t even carry on like this when she was her fathers primary care taker for a year when he passed away. Want to go through hell and back Tiff? Watch someone you love lose every ounce of their dignity and pass away from a terminal fucking illness long before they ever should have. She’s such a sick fuck.

Yeah it’s sad her dog (who was older) passed away, but like cranky pants said... she’s feeling guilty and this over the topMess is her way of conning her stans because it’s literally this easy. Never show you interact with the dog the 3 years youre on YouTube, neglect him, announce he has cancer and then after he dies pretend you cared. Cool!

I bet she’s never even met those girls who sent her flowers lol. They’re probably just internet fans. What a sad life for them and her.
Nope. Sorry. I usually agree with you. But Bri carried on like a headless chicken when her dad died. She went slightly insane, and based on her videos since, hasn't recovered. Plus she's also claiming to be 5 or 6 weeks pregnant. Wtf 😲

I do agree with everything else you said though. Lol 🙂
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Megyjames7 »

1 of shrimpo’s friends (I guess u could say that ... does he have any friends left?) dog died recently I saw it on Facebook I think. I wonder if shrimp bothered to say sorry??? I’m gunna go with a big fat no!! But ya know for shits n giggles I’m gunna ask someone 2 find out.
Last edited by Megyjames7 on Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by yeahsureok »

Henno wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:07 am
yeahsureok wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:50 am This is unreal. Bri didn’t even carry on like this when she was her fathers primary care taker for a year when he passed away. Want to go through hell and back Tiff? Watch someone you love lose every ounce of their dignity and pass away from a terminal fucking illness long before they ever should have. She’s such a sick fuck.

Yeah it’s sad her dog (who was older) passed away, but like cranky pants said... she’s feeling guilty and this over the topMess is her way of conning her stans because it’s literally this easy. Never show you interact with the dog the 3 years youre on YouTube, neglect him, announce he has cancer and then after he dies pretend you cared. Cool!

I bet she’s never even met those girls who sent her flowers lol. They’re probably just internet fans. What a sad life for them and her.
Nope. Sorry. I usually agree with you. But Bri carried on like a headless chicken when her dad died. She went slightly insane, and based on her videos since, hasn't recovered. Plus she's also claiming to be 5 or 6 weeks pregnant. Wtf 😲

I do agree with everything else you said though. Lol 🙂
I know lol. I’m always the odd man out when it comes to Bri but part of me always felt for her because of the stress she was under being her dads care taker. Her mom seems like a wack job and idk... I just have a soft spot for her. 😬
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Jessrip25 »

BlondeQueen96 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:09 am Agreed! She is copying Brittany by milking a death. Brittany did the same thing posting on her stories photos of her on the floor crying I just thought who really thinks of doing that in a time of sadness??!
She makes me sick. I am so sick of Ewwa. I refuse to watch her videos. Notice her views are even down. Cause nobody cares about her lame pregnancy (bless that child as he or she is coming into a neglectful family) Shoving Ewwa down our throats is annoying and Carter and ewwa. Tanner is the best kid so maybe post about him more. Otherwise nobody cares.
I thought the same about Britt! I mean who does that? "Hey our son is dying take a pic of me while I sit on the floor and cry ok?" Wtf!! I was amazed no one was saying anything about that on her thread. Tiff is the same, Sorry off topic
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Henno »

yeahsureok wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:29 am
Henno wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:07 am
yeahsureok wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:50 am This is unreal. Bri didn’t even carry on like this when she was her fathers primary care taker for a year when he passed away. Want to go through hell and back Tiff? Watch someone you love lose every ounce of their dignity and pass away from a terminal fucking illness long before they ever should have. She’s such a sick fuck.

Yeah it’s sad her dog (who was older) passed away, but like cranky pants said... she’s feeling guilty and this over the topMess is her way of conning her stans because it’s literally this easy. Never show you interact with the dog the 3 years youre on YouTube, neglect him, announce he has cancer and then after he dies pretend you cared. Cool!

I bet she’s never even met those girls who sent her flowers lol. They’re probably just internet fans. What a sad life for them and her.
Nope. Sorry. I usually agree with you. But Bri carried on like a headless chicken when her dad died. She went slightly insane, and based on her videos since, hasn't recovered. Plus she's also claiming to be 5 or 6 weeks pregnant. Wtf 😲

I do agree with everything else you said though. Lol 🙂
I know lol. I’m always the odd man out when it comes to Bri but part of me always felt for her because of the stress she was under being her dads care taker. Her mom seems like a wack job and idk... I just have a soft spot for her. 😬
I always felt she was over the top and exploited her dad. Regardless: T.payattentiontome will be so annoyed that we're talking about Bri on her gossip page. Lol, love it! 🐶

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