twinklepink88 wrote:I do feel a little bad now for mocking Bryan about his depression tweet, but I think this is one of those complicated issues that people just make too taboo to comment on at all, which isn't okay either. I know people who *actually* suffer from anxiety/depression/various other mental health issues, and there is no way they'd be able to run a million dollar business, or even get up and film every day. One of the main factors of a mental health disorder is that it interferes with your daily life, and this does not really *seem* to be the case with Bryan (or Missy, but she wasn't the one who tweeted about it). If it is, then I take it back, and who cares about my little random opinion that much anyway, but I don't see why not believing him on that count is any worse than other things people make fun of them for on here.
I definitely don't think it's good at all to dismiss legit mental health issues... but the flip side of the coin is that not EVERYONE in the world can suffer from anxiety and depression. And if you ask my facebook feed on one of those mental health awareness days, it seems like 75%+ of the world have self-diagnosed themselves with mental health issues..I think this only adds to the problem of not taking the people with actual disorders seriously. Life is hard for everyone, and I have spent my fair share of time curled up in a ball wanting to die, but it doesn't mean I have depression, and I am SO awkward in social situations and get nervous about them, but it doesn't mean I have an anxiety disorder. Bryan may have dug himself a hole with Missy and her family and is scared they will leave him when/if their Youtube income ends, but that doesn't mean he has a mental health disorder.
Anyway, I still don't really believe Bryan claiming to have actual anxiety and depression, just from what I know about him in general. Yes, he may have had a difficult childhood, yes, he almost definitely has low self esteem to let Missy treat him the way she does, and yes he acts way too happy and perfect all the time...but these people also have a bit of a track record of embellishing things, attention & approval seeking, and straight up lying.
Nope. If you think the main indicator of people with real Mental illness is that it interferes with their functionality, you’re incredibly misinformed.
The vast, VAST majority of people with the most common mental illnesses are what is called “high functioning “. It means that you are emotionally crippled, but you still get shit done.
Being high functioning is the number one reason those suffering with mental illness are treated with skepticism and very little sympathy. To most people they seem perfectly normal, so those around them have normal expectations of their abilities. The crushing weight of people thinking you are mentally typical, and having to put all of your mental energy into maintaining that facade is exhausting.
I’m high functioning bipolar. Most people, even my own mother still doesn’t believe it’s “that bad”, because she hasn’t seen me sobbing on the bathroom floor, or break my foot putting it through the wall. My home is kept, my children are well adjusted, I’m put together and friendly. I function in a socially acceptable manner until I’m by myself.
It affects me. It interferes with me. I DON’T let it affect anyone else. I get my shit done. My mental illness is real, even if you can’t see it. And it’s so much worse than I’ve ever let on.