Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by icant »

Double post SORRY! But for someone who says she didn’t care the gender, she nearly had an orgasm when she saw those pink balloons.

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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by bcuzimnosey »

I am calling bullshit on the neighbor getting the gender. These two dumbasses can’t keep up with their lies. They talk shit about their neighbors all the time. They even use their neighbors as an excuse to move out of that neighborhood. So NO not buying that one.

For someone that wanted the family included so badly, why not have the results emailed to a family member instead of a neighbor that you hate? They then could have done something creative like a family zoom call to involve everyone and announce it that way.

That reveal was so fake and dull. No one was involved but them. Boring!
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by violet08 »

What if they are pretending it’s a girl so they can say it was wrong later to get views and be dramatic about it
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by RealityBites »

I added some comments on their boring reveal. Fast forwarded it to see Trash Bag nearly cum with excitement over the pink balloons. Being the NASTY evil witch that she is, she of course hugs every single person except Tanner. How disgusting that she acts like she doesn't even care about him at all. Gross woman.

Did the neighbors get any donuts or cupcakes for coming into their virus ridden house and doing them a favor? Probably not since the Beastons are selfish people. Always expecting handouts and favors and doing nothing for anyone else.

Shrimpy is wearing his super cool Children's Place elastic ankle pants again!

I would love if karma bites her in her ass and it ends up wrong.
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by Vlog101 »

luxe0780 wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 2:10 pm she doesn’t even hug tanner. everything is about this ugly bitch and being the center of attention and getting what she wants. she radiates such negative energy though, even when she’s “happy”, she looks ugly and negative anyway. deep down, she will never be happy because she will never get what she wants, whatever that may be. so instead she fills her time with short term fillers and buying stuff. but nothing will ever fill that void that is her dark and unhappy soul.

she looks fucking atrocious in that dress. obviously going for the summery, light, “earth mama” look, but she looks like a hungover britney spears getting dragged out of vegas after a bender of a weekend.

as soon as she saw those balloons she pretty much dropped rookie.

the gender reveal itself was pretty flat i thought. and someone should call the cops on them for flaunting the social distancing rules and having their neighbors in the house. i thought they hated the neighbors and talked shit about them? why the hell did the neighbors help them anyway?

anyway, good luck beastons, you’ll need it. once the novelty and gravy train of a new baby wears off, and the real hard work sets in, sleeveless nights etc, then she will be back to her old complaining self. meanwhile no-balls beaston has just added 2x to his workload with new baby and new bitch (dog, they’re getting a girl dog aren’t they)? not sure why, he’s already married to one 😂

those two boys will be left out and forgotten, meanwhile ewwa and new golden child will be front and centre. ugh.

Hungover Britney Spears literally made me laugh out loud 😂😂
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by Vlog101 »

I haven’t been on this board in so long but had to come today after that gender reveal. So staged so dumb and poor Tanner! The way they treat that poor kid is horrible. Wait until he’s older and sees he won’t want anything to do with them! I read a few comments saying Chris cheated. Can someone fill me in on what happened and how you found out!
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by Mv1256 »

luxe0780 wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 3:34 pm what it all really boils down to, is that chris cheated on tiffani. and deep down, she knows that nothing she ever does or buys or how many babies she has with him, will reverse that fact. even if he’s sorry or remorseful or full of regret, there’s nothing that can change that moment in time when he cheated on his wife. and she knows that. if my hubby did that to me, it would cut me so deep. even if he was sorry and tried making it up to me after, that deep sense of betrayal and abandonment would never fully go away. sure she tries to numb the deep pain she feels by distracting herself with buying stuff, babies, dogs, constant chaos. she can’t just sit and be still because the pain she would be forced to sit alongside is too painful and too uncomfortable. until she faces these demons, she will forever be unhappy. she can have all the therapy or whatever it is she is flogging lately, but until she addresses these issues on a soul level, she will forever be haunted by what chris did to her.

Wait... he cheated on her? Did they make a video about it or is it just speculation?
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by charliema16 »

Mv1256 wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:54 pm Wait... he cheated on her? Did they make a video about it or is it just speculation?
It’s speculation that he got a BJ from a coworker while away on a golf weekend, while Tiffani was pregnant with Ella. Supposedly that led to him getting fired from his job.

Some people here who say they know them in real life have said it is true.
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by AussieMum »

Damn it annoys me that it's a girl haha I can't deal with all the 'little princess girl' crap to follow.
For some reason I had a feeling they knew it was a girl. What happened to "I think I want a boy" and "Better not be another girl she'll never match Ella"

Maybe I'm just bitter cos I have 3 boys :D :D
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by AussieMum »

Actually wait, you guys are right. Ella will be in her terrible twos when new little princess arrives … can't wait to see that dynamic hahaha. Tanner can come over to Australia and live with me in my boy house <3
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by bcuzimnosey »

I wouldn’t be shocked to find out there was gender selection involved. I know that’s not possible with natural conception but let’s be honest this nasal flaring slut would not hesitate to fake TTC in private just to select the gender. She’ll stop at nothing.
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by Salamisammich »

Pinklizard623 wrote:Who the hell eats a cucumber like this?! I thought it was a popsicle at first until she posted someone asking if it was a cucumber
You have no idea how cringe this is for me personally. I hate the mushy, seedy center of a cucumber, I actually bite all around the seeds and throw the middle away Image

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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by Salamisammich »

I just did some quick googling and it said that the sneak peek test can give you a false girl if you do it too early and it’s best to wait til 10 weeks... she’s only 8 weeks right? Idk I think they should have waited I don’t trust these tests

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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by palmtreemomma »

Ten bucks says we are not done with the gender reveals yet. I think they are going to drag her family out and do some type of parade, she alluded to something like that earlier. Also one of them mentioned they ordered “a couple of things” from the gender reveal company and that they would be using them all, so yeah, get ready for Phase 2, if you can stomach it. Makes sense bc I follow her sister and she has said boo about the gender reveal on her page so I’m guessing they don’t know yet. Unless she is just “shooketh” that it’s a girl so now Scarlett won’t be able to be the sister Ewwa never had and they won’t have that SpEcIaL BoNd! Plus didn’t she ask people to be “respectful” and not say anything or some nonsense like that? Omg get on with it already! What a couple of attention whores! I’m way more interested in what Bri’s having now anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by palmtreemomma »

Salamisammich wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 9:03 pm I just did some quick googling and it said that the sneak peek test can give you a false girl if you do it too early and it’s best to wait til 10 weeks... she’s only 8 weeks right? Idk I think they should have waited I don’t trust these tests

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She was trying to beat Bri but the jokes on her lol
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by PrincessUnicorn »

palmtreemomma wrote:Ten bucks says we are not done with the gender reveals yet. I think they are going to drag her family out and do some type of parade, she alluded to something like that earlier. Also one of them mentioned they ordered “a couple of things” from the gender reveal company and that they would be using them all, so yeah, get ready for Phase 2, if you can stomach it. Makes sense bc I follow her sister and she has said boo about the gender reveal on her page so I’m guessing they don’t know yet. Unless she is just “shooketh” that it’s a girl so now Scarlett won’t be able to be the sister Ewwa never had and they won’t have that SpEcIaL BoNd! Plus didn’t she ask people to be “respectful” and not say anything or some nonsense like that? Omg get on with it already! What a couple of attention whores! I’m way more interested in what Bri’s having now anyways ImageImage
I also think she is gonna try and have a parade, because Bri had a parade for her sons bday and Trashy has to copy her on everything!

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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by sd9008 »

GoAwayTiffani wrote:
sd9008 wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:44 am
Salamisammich wrote:She posted about Rachelle having her twins and I’ve never watched her before but I am now and Tiff needs to take some notes! This chick is pregnant with twins, and takes care of her toddler by herself and does art projects and stuff with her! Take some notes Tiff! This is a mom!!

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Lol follow her long enough you will see how lazy she actually is. I follow rachelle more than i follow tiff.. Go to her thread here! Her poor daughter gets given "activities" and then she walks away. She teaches her animals are named by their sounds- its not a cow its a moo moo its not a sheep its a baa baa. The girl is in speech therapy and rachelle still cant be bothered to teach her things properly.

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How old is the kid? Sometimes speech therapists will instruct parents to use sounds for animals because the sounds needed to form the names is beyond the child’s abilities. Speech therapy is complex and methodical. I don’t know who Rochelle is but it’s possible the SLP told her to use those words. I only speak from experience of having one kiddo who has been in speech for 3 years and one of who will need to start speech therapy soon as well.
My son also had therapy I didn't experience that with his. Thats interesting i didnt know but shes almost 2.

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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by AussieMum »

bcuzimnosey wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:40 pm I wouldn’t be shocked to find out there was gender selection involved. I know that’s not possible with natural conception but let’s be honest this nasal flaring slut would not hesitate to fake TTC in private just to select the gender. She’ll stop at nothing.
I totally thought the same but because IVF has been cancelled due to coronavirus I thought it wouldn't be possible
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by luxe0780 »

AussieMum wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:49 pm
bcuzimnosey wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:40 pm I wouldn’t be shocked to find out there was gender selection involved. I know that’s not possible with natural conception but let’s be honest this nasal flaring slut would not hesitate to fake TTC in private just to select the gender. She’ll stop at nothing.
I totally thought the same but because IVF has been cancelled due to coronavirus I thought it wouldn't be possible

just noticed your name, whereabouts in oz are you from 😂
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Re: Veruca Salt aka T.Misery: I don’t care how, I want it NOW | Part 14

Unread post by yeahsureok »

I wonder what theme she’ll beat to death with this spawn? Ella’s was uNiCoRnS cause she’s their 1 in a million UnIcOrN... except now she’ll have a sister so, not really. just some idiotic shit they said when they found they were having a EWWA.

I had no clue what the Shettles method was (call me crazy... I’m just happy with a baby... like actually happy, not just for the camera) and it said “shallow penetration ”.... something tells me they don’t even have to try too hard for this. 😉😂 little man and his cocktail weenie.

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