T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by Autumn2455 »

They can't stop people from calling, but the moderators can shut down the thread if people go on and on about threatening to do it. I'd personally rather that not happen.

For the record, I think locking the kids in the room is wrong and I'm sure most other people do too. However, people can be bad parents and still not be "CPS call worthy" parents. In fact locking the door at night is pretty common, especially for kids who were just recently switched to a regular bed. I know people who put gates up, who put child locks on the door, etc. You do not want them wandering around the house alone at night at 2 years old - that's also a safety hazard. Now, I realize these kids are older, I'm just saying that CPS isn't going to investigate people who are doing something to keep their kids from wandering around the house at night. People keep kids in cribs for as long as possible for the same reason - to keep them contained and sleeping better - and I guess they can't escape in a fire either (unless they can climb out).

Also, why do we think they are locking them in? I thought they complain about the kids getting up and harassing them in the middle of the night.
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by Tonesbay »

Views are down. No one cares anymore. Go pose in your underwear for views. Their fake followers and firm will make up some great #bodygoals #momgoals comments Meanwhile the song "do your ears hang low" plays in repeatedly my head.

Probably took two days to photoshop fat and skin.

They're definitely filtering and ALMOST scared. Hi t.deperate & creepy shrimp!!!
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by nl_s »

Ssmith90 wrote:If I hear her complain about no sleep one more time... ugh! She should remember some of the sick precious NICU babies she took care of. Some of those sick babies go home requiring basically constant care. She has a stay at home bitch boy husband. How can she even complain about about being tired? #blessed
My son didn’t start sleeping through the night until he was 1, then went through a horrendous 18 month sleep regression that lasted 2 months. Guess what my husband and I decided? To postpone having another baby from having them 3 years apart to having them 4 years apart. We weren’t ready to chance going through that again. Guess what we DIDNT do? Pop out 3 more kids. It makes no sense why she chooses to do this to herself.

Also, a baby waking up 2x a night to feed is nothing. Imagine your 9 month old waking up 2x an hour at times still after 9 months of hell on earth trying to even catch 2 straight hours of sleep, then we can talk.

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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by GGnella »

Another chop up veggies video 🤪🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by meanmuggin »

Why is she making another meal prep video? This is legit the 6th video in a row of meal prepping and groceries. She has NO content at all.
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by Hjein23 »

They are in a brand new house and she’s doing nothing but meal prep videos?? Now would be a great time for them to do some decorating videos.. ANYTHING to help her lack of content. But that’s probably too much work for them. I truly believe they regret this home and miss their old home.
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by NotAnotherUserName »

She should do a laundry video or something to change it up. 🤣 At this rate even her stans will get bored of her in a couple weeks.
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by CancelVlogMoms3 »

another gross meal prep using the garbage ingredients again ...explaining the same bullshit that comes out of her jowled mouth. any person who knows nutrition knows that consuming the amount of caffeine Trashi does strips you of nutrients... i mean the baby is 4 months old give it up the ridiculous "replenishing my nutrients back" shit... also she enjoys alcohol... plenty of it... if your a health nut your not pounding starbucks all day long and wine and margaritas at night. whenever my kids were tiny babies the thought of alcohol and how it makes you feel grossed me out! if youre sooo intent on nutrients, healthy foods your not in the chikfila line or starbucks line 3-4 times a day 🤡🤡🤡 shes such a lying piece of shit. we all know shes not eating any of that dried out vegetable mush she makes. It lives on coffee, snack bars, and takeout.. her kids live on granola bars, chocolate, chips and donuts. they all look like they have bad breath and unhealthy systems. and her spit string cotton mouth voice over is foul sounding.
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by CancelVlogMoms3 »

GGnella wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:59 am Another chop up veggies video 🤪🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

just in case you forgot what broccoli, carrots and CHIKUN looks like😂😂😂
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by CancelVlogMoms3 »

NotAnotherUserName wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:31 am She should do a laundry video or something to change it up. 🤣 At this rate even her stans will get bored of her in a couple weeks.

or delete her channels cuz shes a laughing stock loll 🤡
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by ina25 »

How do we know they lock them in their rooms?
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by CancelVlogMoms3 »

Autumn2455 wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:57 am They can't stop people from calling, but the moderators can shut down the thread if people go on and on about threatening to do it. I'd personally rather that not happen.

For the record, I think locking the kids in the room is wrong and I'm sure most other people do too. However, people can be bad parents and still not be "CPS call worthy" parents. In fact locking the door at night is pretty common, especially for kids who were just recently switched to a regular bed. I know people who put gates up, who put child locks on the door, etc. You do not want them wandering around the house alone at night at 2 years old - that's also a safety hazard. Now, I realize these kids are older, I'm just saying that CPS isn't going to investigate people who are doing something to keep their kids from wandering around the house at night. People keep kids in cribs for as long as possible for the same reason - to keep them contained and sleeping better - and I guess they can't escape in a fire either (unless they can climb out).

Also, why do we think they are locking them in? I thought they complain about the kids getting up and harassing them in the middle of the night.
keeping a five year old and four year old locked inside a room like babies is demented... most ppl have baby monitors for their infants... my kids are able to use the damn the bathroom in the night if they need to... putting a gate up by the stairs is what normal ppl do. when my 3 daughters need to be comforted and have a bad dream or dont feel good they can run to my room anytime... i check on my kids all through the night as well even our oldest who is ten gets checked on and i make sure she is tucked in..... its disgusting to "contain" a human being ... babies are put in cribs because they are BABIES. Carter and Tanner are not and shouldnt be confined.... Ella also seems to get around just fine all day on the videos... they have one baby..it sleeps i their room. what they do is SELFISH. they also dont feed their children a proper diet .. everything is rushed so they can get rid of them in bed at night so they can film their weird perverted life. they have said it tons of times they are locked in on old vlogs.

and for the record i had an old co workers friend years ago lock her four year old son in his room nightly (he wasnt allowed water even) and he opened the window and got out(they lived in a one story ranch)the neighbors found him in the yard out back the next morning. CPS were called for child endangerment. so yes its a severe issue. add the filming and exploiting its not a good look 👎🏼
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by RottieMama »


This is getting ridiculous! Stop talking about contacting CPS! Now it’s “they should be reported bc a child isn’t getting enough attention on social media!” Are you kidding me! Guys, this has to stop! Please!

Also, ‘hypothetical/what-if’ conversations normally wouldn’t be a big deal (and are actually encouraged!), but since ppl are hellbent on reporting them, all conversations regarding CPS must cease, at least for the time being.

If you have ANY questions, reach out to me ANYTIME!
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by sweetgirl1979 »

gee another video of her chopping Veggies. So borning.

Also guys we dont know for sure if they lock the kids in their rooms at night. I am not defending them i am just saying they never said they did and we dont know if they are doing it
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by Tonesbay »

Maybe now that her sister has her hair license, she will do something with her dead hair. (graduation on IG yesterday)
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by AreUkiddingme22 »

Tonesbay wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 4:16 pm Maybe now that her sister has her hair license, she will do something with her dead hair. (graduation on IG yesterday)
The sister should have been using her on her practice head in beauty school. Noticed the Mom has the long hair too. She probably complains about the postpartum hair hoping some exclusive salon will give her a free makeover.
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by geeceena »

Her half naked breast pumping frontal photo is not getting enough attention on here I came here immediately after seeing it. Girls, let’s talk about this one... what the actual fuck. We get it you’re a size 0

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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by KLDigs »

Drinking game...take a drink every time beastly says “but, yeah” or “and, yeah”
It’s a disgusting habit
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by Tonesbay »

geeceena wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:30 pm Her half naked breast pumping frontal photo is not getting enough attention on here Image I came here immediately after seeing it. Girls, let’s talk about this one... what the actual fuck. We get it you’re a size 0 ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

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She wishes she was a size 0. Saggy tiny boobs and photoshop city with horrible roots and a leopard phone cover.

She's a wannabe stripper but is too old looking without a million filters.

I like how they paid for likes on that one and had the most and then when they went back to content they didn't pay for they had like 3,000 likes.

Those comments were bottish. Every good PR person knows when and how to activate those. And someone saying her bathroom was pretty was a dead giveaway. Fake. It's all fake. Their lives are pretty meaningless but it's too late to try and stop the train now. Too much debt.
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Re: T. Trashi: Parenting is slacking, new house is lacking, jowls are smacking! | Part 20

Unread post by Damask1988 »

geeceena wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:30 pm Her half naked breast pumping frontal photo is not getting enough attention on here Image I came here immediately after seeing it. Girls, let’s talk about this one... what the actual fuck. We get it you’re a size 0 ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

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Pics, please and thank you. I am blocked from her Instagram😂😂

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