Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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violet-kelsey black wrote:I don't watch many of their vlogs but when I do I can't stop thinking about how cute June is!! In their recent vlog I was thinking about how chill she seems until she started crying when Missy was holding her on the horse
June is cute, but part of me worries the SoCal move might also mean they will try to get June into baby modeling/acting - like Missy and Bryan are trying to do with their kids. Using those poor kids for an income is so gross and shouldn't be legal.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

ewokfan11 wrote:
ja14 wrote:Did they insinuate they paid cash for the car? I thought they were clear about having a payment and it being a better deal for them.
We all know they didn't pay cash for the car. But did they get a loan or a lease? I'm going with lease. The monthly rates where they got their car seem pretty good - but leasing is NOT really a good deal. It's basically "renting" a car for a few years. ... oregon.htm
Without re-watching the video, it's my recollection that they didn't address very much at all about the logistics of the car purchase. I think they said that it "made sense" financially. They don't seem very savvy, I could see them justifying a lease by comparing it to daily car rentals. I think they wanted to focus on the click bait and drum up excitement for their young viewers but didn't talk at all about the adult side of a car purchase. The lack of details or explanation to me indicated that they were trying to insinuate that they could afford to buy this car when any adult viewer would be skeptical.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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If they financed or leased that car then they are still paying at least $300/month. Add that to the rent of that shoebox, utilities, taxes and insurance premiums and I'm pretty sure there isn't much leftover YouTube earnings for things like luggage, plane tickets and food trucks. They are most likely scraping by. Good thing they have all those organic baby supplies partnerships.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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ja14 wrote:Did they insinuate they paid cash for the car? I thought they were clear about having a payment and it being a better deal for them.

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I'm sure they'd like for us to believe they payed cash. But I don't see how that's possible - even when Kelsey was pregnant and they 'didnt need' a swing, car, house, etc. - they were still living beyond their means day to day and both have been to college (and art school for Kelsey) but don't have a job between them to they've gotta be $$$$$$$ in debt. Unless they're heading for a full on 'totally bankrupt, moving back to Idaho to live in our parents' basement' situation, they've gotta be putting quite a lot of money towards just keeping their head above water each month right? No way they'd be able to pay outright.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by luci417 »

Actually now that I think about it, how tf are they going to afford this move to Lumpland? Moving cross country, especially with a kid, is EXPENSIVE. And they may be spending about the same on rent for a house out there even if it's Bryan and Missy's. I know they think they'll get sooooo many views for being a part of that but has that ever really worked? Maybe, but that's a hella fickle audience. It sounds boring but it would have been better business to focus on their 'cool young Portland family' vibe and bring in adult viewers - in fact if Corbin had a cool job (like the radio station) that would probably only help them. I can't think of a channel like that in mainstream yt and ofc they could use their DB connection to pimp it out. Idk it seems like they're hinging a lot on becoming a Great Value version of the Lumps.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Pency »

My goodness I just watched a video for the first time in a while. No wonder nobody is tuning in, nobody wants to hear you talk to your baby like that for 20 minutes a day "OHHHH my gooooodnessss Juuuuuunnneee loook at papa feeding the chiiiiiickens!"

kill me.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

luci417 wrote:Actually now that I think about it, how tf are they going to afford this move to Lumpland? Moving cross country, especially with a kid, is EXPENSIVE. And they may be spending about the same on rent for a house out there even if it's Bryan and Missy's. I know they think they'll get sooooo many views for being a part of that but has that ever really worked? Maybe, but that's a hella fickle audience. It sounds boring but it would have been better business to focus on their 'cool young Portland family' vibe and bring in adult viewers - in fact if Corbin had a cool job (like the radio station) that would probably only help them. I can't think of a channel like that in mainstream yt and ofc they could use their DB connection to pimp it out. Idk it seems like they're hinging a lot on becoming a Great Value version of the Lumps.
Well, it's obvious Missy and Bryan are helping them out financially - and have been for a LONG time. I'm sure all moving expenses to SoCal would be covered by Missy.

Also, I think you meant Corbin's TV news station job. Well, that FOOL quit after about a week and totally burned all his bridges. There's no way he can get another TV job in Portland again. Those jobs are HARD to get and he massively F'ED up when he quit and made that video blaming the station and acted like a TOTAL ASSHOLE about the situation!

SN: It's so weird that Kelsey wants to start doing June's nails. They've certainly changed their minds about being "non-gender" with their child - but I think it's Missy influencing her.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by luci417 »

ewokfan11 wrote:
Well, it's obvious Missy and Bryan are helping them out financially - and have been for a LONG time. I'm sure all moving expenses to SoCal would be covered by Missy.

Also, I think you meant Corbin's TV news station job. Well, that FOOL quit after about a week and totally burned all his bridges. There's no way he can get another TV job in Portland again. Those jobs are HARD to get and he massively F'ED up when he quit and made that video blaming the station and acted like a TOTAL ASSHOLE about the situation!

SN: It's so weird that Kelsey wants to start doing June's nails. They've certainly changed their minds about being "non-gender" with their child - but I think it's Missy influencing her.
I'm being stupid, I can't believe I didn't think about the DBs covering moving expenses. Honestly I'd be mortified to accept any amount of money from friends I'd gone to high school with. I'd feel awful about myself if I had to rely financially on my parents but Jesus, it's not like the Lumps are family. They really have absolutely no shame. Corbin is so interesting because he's in this headspace that people only usually occupy when they've been really famous on yt for a long time. I guess it's easy to slip into that when you have millions of dollars and arenas of screaming fans but this dude can't even support his wife and baby on their channel's salary. Where the actual fuck does he get off acting like that?

Also I agree - poor June. I think it's validation influencing Kelsey. It makes me feel so bad - my own girls are a little younger than June and I'd never do that to them. Sexism and unfair beauty standards exist and they're going to carry that shit their entire adult lives. Let June grow up to wear dungarees and get dirty and be as carefree as they can make her while she's still oblivious to all of that mess. Little adventurers don't wear Disney Princess tutus before they can walk.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by janem »

So missy paid for them to have a limo take these two from her house to his cousins house. They flew into Orange County and had a limo drive them to the Lumps house in murrietta which isn't anywhere close to the airport. Such a waste of money but why do any of these people care? The Lumps have millions and K&C are living off of them.
So this side of the family has seen the baby more than his own parents. So strange.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

janem wrote:So missy paid for them to have a limo take these two from her house to his cousins house. They flew into Orange County and had a limo drive them to the Lumps house in murrietta which isn't anywhere close to the airport. Such a waste of money but why do any of these people care? The Lumps have millions and K&C are living off of them.
So this side of the family has seen the baby more than his own parents. So strange.
B&M are definitely spoiling them. I'm sure it's part of Missy's ploy to get them to move. Sort of like, "see all that you can have if you move to SoCal."

Aside from that, what the heck was their sponsorship about???! How can they work with a company they've NEVER used??? And people in the comments are saying the company is a scam. They really need to work on their research before promoting something. Same with the life insurance sponsorship last month - I'm sure they've don't have life insurance or use that company. It's just BS for $$$$$$.

Also, what's up with all the spray tans and nail salons??? What happened to the Kesey and Corbin who lived in a van and didn't seem to care about material things??? Now they are clearly just wannabe DBs.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by onbreak »

Maybe she has bad stretch marks.. My bff gets spray tans to cover hers

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

110 in Portland yesterday? BS, Corbin! Here come their weather complaints!! It was only about 97 in PDX yesterday...but it "could" be about 107 today/tomorrow. I'm pretty sure they have AC, so it shouldn't be too hot in their apartment that they rarely leave. How are they going to survive living in the Inland Empire where it gets into the high 90s-100s on a regular basis??

Does he think he looks okay shirtless? He looks awful! At least put on a shirt for the vlogs! My eyes can't take it!! :-o :-o :-o

I noticed they have 175K subs now. Shockingly, that's almost as many a Samika (181K)!!!!! I wonder why didn't they go to CVX Live?? That seems like a good, smaller convention to grow their family channel independent of DBs, but I get the feeling they can't do the conventions without DBs to give them a room, pay for their food, emotional support, popularity, friends, etc. It's gross how they depend on Missy for everything!!
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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If they have AC they are in the lucky minority of Portlanders (true for all of PNW). I used to just work late and hit the gym those days. And suffer half naked on the couch with fans lol!
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

ohaudrey wrote:If they have AC they are in the lucky minority of Portlanders (true for all of PNW). I used to just work late and hit the gym those days. And suffer half naked on the couch with fans lol!
They live in almost brand new construction, so I'm 100% they have an AC unit (probably not central). Central AC isn't in a lot of the older houses/apartments in Portland, but anything built after 1980-ish likely has it. My parents have central AC and they still ditched Portland for the beach for the next few days. It would be AWFUL without AC, but I just looked it up and all the apartments in their complex DO have AC.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ohaudrey »

ewokfan11 wrote:
ohaudrey wrote:If they have AC they are in the lucky minority of Portlanders (true for all of PNW). I used to just work late and hit the gym those days. And suffer half naked on the couch with fans lol!
They live in almost brand new construction, so I'm 100% they have an AC unit (probably not central). Central AC isn't in a lot of the older houses/apartments in Portland, but anything built after 1980-ish likely has it. My parents have central AC and they still ditched Portland for the beach for the next few days. It would be AWFUL without AC, but I just looked it up and all the apartments in their complex DO have AC.
Yea, that was my experience but I was a college kid so... And that was 10 years ago. The home we own in Seattke also doesn't have AC but like you said it's built in 83 & we aren't in a place where we want to spend the money on AC that we will use 1-2 weeks out of the year. My wealthier friends have AC but it certainly is not the norm. You just get over it and deal.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ohaudrey »

That was a tangent tho- I just meant, if they whine it'll be obnoxious cuz they are lucky to even have AC.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

Today's vlog is back to the boring Portland routine - you're not missing anything if you don't watch. They eat out for breakfast, take June to get ONE vaccine shot and order pizza for dinner. Over.

I am curious why they don't plan to get her flu shots or the chickenpox vaccines and said "only essential" vaccines.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by lmmomSD »

ewokfan11 wrote:Today's vlog is back to the boring Portland routine - you're not missing anything if you don't watch. They eat out for breakfast, take June to get ONE vaccine shot and order pizza for dinner. Over.

I am curious why they don't plan to get her flu shots or the chickenpox vaccines and said "only essential" vaccines.
Because they believe that stupidity that vaccines cause autism. Even though the doctor who said it has lost his right to practice medicine and even Jenny McCarthy (big medical expert that she is) has said that she was wrong.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Pency »

lmmomSD wrote:
ewokfan11 wrote:Today's vlog is back to the boring Portland routine - you're not missing anything if you don't watch. They eat out for breakfast, take June to get ONE vaccine shot and order pizza for dinner. Over.

I am curious why they don't plan to get her flu shots or the chickenpox vaccines and said "only essential" vaccines.
Because they believe that stupidity that vaccines cause autism. Even though the doctor who said it has lost his right to practice medicine and even Jenny McCarthy (big medical expert that she is) has said that she was wrong.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Nothankyou »

ewokfan11 wrote:
luci417 wrote:Actually now that I think about it, how tf are they going to afford this move to Lumpland? Moving cross country, especially with a kid, is EXPENSIVE. And they may be spending about the same on rent for a house out there even if it's Bryan and Missy's. I know they think they'll get sooooo many views for being a part of that but has that ever really worked? Maybe, but that's a hella fickle audience. It sounds boring but it would have been better business to focus on their 'cool young Portland family' vibe and bring in adult viewers - in fact if Corbin had a cool job (like the radio station) that would probably only help them. I can't think of a channel like that in mainstream yt and ofc they could use their DB connection to pimp it out. Idk it seems like they're hinging a lot on becoming a Great Value version of the Lumps.
Well, it's obvious Missy and Bryan are helping them out financially - and have been for a LONG time. I'm sure all moving expenses to SoCal would be covered by Missy.

Also, I think you meant Corbin's TV news station job. Well, that FOOL quit after about a week and totally burned all his bridges. There's no way he can get another TV job in Portland again. Those jobs are HARD to get and he massively F'ED up when he quit and made that video blaming the station and acted like a TOTAL ASSHOLE about the situation!

SN: It's so weird that Kelsey wants to start doing June's nails. They've certainly changed their minds about being "non-gender" with their child - but I think it's Missy influencing her.
Did she say she wants to do her nails now? If so that's really stupid on so many levels, not to mention unsafe for the baby!

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