Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Tiger27 »

Pency wrote:
lmmomSD wrote:
ewokfan11 wrote:Today's vlog is back to the boring Portland routine - you're not missing anything if you don't watch. They eat out for breakfast, take June to get ONE vaccine shot and order pizza for dinner. Over.

I am curious why they don't plan to get her flu shots or the chickenpox vaccines and said "only essential" vaccines.
Because they believe that stupidity that vaccines cause autism. Even though the doctor who said it has lost his right to practice medicine and even Jenny McCarthy (big medical expert that she is) has said that she was wrong.

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They are complete idiots. Stupid anti-vaxxers are the WORST
I AGREE! And good luck getting her into a proper school if they move to California...they have some great vaccine laws in place, preventing parents from pulling this nonsense.

Immunizations required to enter Kindergarten:
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
Hepatitis B
Varicella (Chickenpox)

Immunizations required to enter Child Care (depends on age when enrolling):
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
Haemophilus influenzae type b
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
Hepatitis B
Varicella (Chickenpox)

Who are they to decide what vaccines are important? Even if vaccines did cause that really worse than your child potentially dying from a preventable disease?! Ugh, the ignorance. I hope these two buffoons aren't planning on homeschooling...
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

I’m not sure why they are addressing the flu and chicken pox vaccines at this point. The flu shot isn’t recommended until 6 months and the chicken pox vaccine isn’t recommended until 12 months. June isn’t old enough for either. But I agree, it's super ignorant of them to decide these vaccines somehow aren't life threatening and therefore she doesn't need them. Poor kid.

They see conflicting information out there about vaccines, and rather than do their research and determine which arguments are factual and scientific and which are based on fear and anecdotal information, they just go with a middle of the road route and decide they’ll do a “delayed” schedule.

There’s a reason the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts out guidelines. Their schedule is well-tested. Choosing to spread out vaccines is not well-tested and their “naturopath” has no idea how well that schedule will work. There’s actually some evidence that delaying increases the risk of an adverse reaction, plus you’re leaving your child at risk longer. One study found that the risk of a febrile seizure following the MMR is approximately one case in 3,000 doses for children aged 12 to 15 months but one case in 1,500 doses for children aged 16 to 23 months. It’s actually riskier than sticking to the CDC guidelines and there are no benefits. It’s just a middle of the road alternative to make people like Kelsey and Corbin feel better without them having to do any research or come to an informed decision. I say that because if they had done any research, they would have seen an abundance of sources discrediting delayed vaccination schedules.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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I get particularly crabby about this because my aunt died of polio, and I took care of a little boy who had mumps encephalitis. He went from a bright, happy little boy to a vegetable who had almost constant seizures. Even if vaccines did carry a risk of autism, I would rather take that chance. And they endanger others-- remember the measles outbreak at Disneyland? People like them make me twitch. And it's supposedly educated people who are acting this way. Both of these two have degrees, and the town with the most waivers for vaccinations in California is Montecito. The median income there is $130K.
Sorry for going OT. I just get so angry at people like this who don't do their research.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

I don't think they do any research. Whooping cough (pertussis) is VERY common in Portland - even the county health department says to start vaccines at 2 months. My hair stylist was out of work for almost 6 months when she got it. Not something to play around with IMO.

I'm curious why they can't get a storage unit outside their apartment complex or SELL the things they aren't using. The apartment is TINY and having to store a big bed and big chair are a waste of space! Makes me think their big move to SoCal is coming soon - where they will need more furniture.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Shorty02 »


I hope they regret not listening to all of the comments saying they should rent that house they looked at (or not getting the car we all said they needed!) You have a kid now, stop being so damn selfish!

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by luci417 »

lmmomSD wrote:
ewokfan11 wrote:Today's vlog is back to the boring Portland routine - you're not missing anything if you don't watch. They eat out for breakfast, take June to get ONE vaccine shot and order pizza for dinner. Over.

I am curious why they don't plan to get her flu shots or the chickenpox vaccines and said "only essential" vaccines.
Because they believe that stupidity that vaccines cause autism. Even though the doctor who said it has lost his right to practice medicine and even Jenny McCarthy (big medical expert that she is) has said that she was wrong.

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Speaking as someone who has genetic autism in their family (yes it's a thing! there's not a ton of research about why it happens tho)...autism is really not the worst thing in the world. Aspergers Syndrome is actually relatively common and there are millions of adults who have it but just don't know it. Why? Because most of the time it's not noticeable - it's more of a 'delay' in social skills that people usually catch up on than anything. Of course more severe Aspergers and other types of autism exist but that's the minority. The idea that any parent thinks 'i would rather my child be dead than have autism' is disgusting.

Also yeah...autism is a neurological disorder you're born with. It's not possible to develop it. I think that vaccines should me mandatory and if you don't want them for your kid then you shouldn't be allowed to do things like enrol them in public school where they could infect other children.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

These two obviously like to live above their means. Rather than buckle down and save, they think they need to have the high-end SUV, the brand new apartment as close to the city as they can afford, meals out every day, pricey gifts, etc. It's all an illusion if they can't actually afford to BUY the car and they're wasting their money on rent and eating out. They couldn't even wait to start their family, they decided to start trying when they were both unemployed, with no prenatal coverage, living in a van. Now they're going to pay a monthly fee for a storage unit? They are incredibly short-sighted.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by lmmomSD »

luci417 wrote:
lmmomSD wrote:
ewokfan11 wrote:Today's vlog is back to the boring Portland routine - you're not missing anything if you don't watch. They eat out for breakfast, take June to get ONE vaccine shot and order pizza for dinner. Over.

I am curious why they don't plan to get her flu shots or the chickenpox vaccines and said "only essential" vaccines.
Because they believe that stupidity that vaccines cause autism. Even though the doctor who said it has lost his right to practice medicine and even Jenny McCarthy (big medical expert that she is) has said that she was wrong.

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Speaking as someone who has genetic autism in their family (yes it's a thing! there's not a ton of research about why it happens tho)...autism is really not the worst thing in the world. Aspergers Syndrome is actually relatively common and there are millions of adults who have it but just don't know it. Why? Because most of the time it's not noticeable - it's more of a 'delay' in social skills that people usually catch up on than anything. Of course more severe Aspergers and other types of autism exist but that's the minority. The idea that any parent thinks 'i would rather my child be dead than have autism' is disgusting.

Also yeah...autism is a neurological disorder you're born with. It's not possible to develop it. I think that vaccines should me mandatory and if you don't want them for your kid then you shouldn't be allowed to do things like enrol them in public school where they could infect other children.
My son has Asperger's. He worked really hard, and he's doing awesome. I would rather have him, exactly as he is, than have him dead from a preventable disease. Or going around endangering immune suppressed people or infants.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by gossipqueen »

They are so stupid

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by usernamessuck »

We just had a measles outbreak on my campus last semester. My friend caught it (after she had the vaccine because it's probably some new strain due to all the people skipping vaccines). She was out of school for a month. When she was allowed to come back to class, she could only come for a few hours a day because she was exhausted from fighting off the disease. If it can do that to a 20 year old, what could it do to a baby? And then, is that really worse than autism? Is that really worse than the "chemicals" (btw everything is chemicals. Chemicals help you stay alive)? Is subjecting your child to the risk of this easily preventable disease really worth it?

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by fossilfinger »

The problem with parents deciding their kids' vaccine schedules is that they don't do it in an informed manner at all. They take the false assumption that the mainstream health guidelines are incorrect and that anything else must be better, which means they believe anything anyone against regular vaccine schedules must be correct, so they follow what the quacks say. Parents should do research on what they are putting into their children's bodies, but they need to seek out peer-reviewed sources and have conversations with their doctor, not just do a quick Google search, cherry pick information, and assume they are more intelligent than someone who has gone to medical school.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

fossilfinger wrote:The problem with parents deciding their kids' vaccine schedules is that they don't do it in an informed manner at all. They take the false assumption that the mainstream health guidelines are incorrect and that anything else must be better, which means they believe anything anyone against regular vaccine schedules must be correct, so they follow what the quacks say. Parents should do research on what they are putting into their children's bodies, but they need to seek out peer-reviewed sources and have conversations with their doctor, not just do a quick Google search, cherry pick information, and assume they are more intelligent than someone who has gone to medical school.
Yep, and as I wrote above, neither the parents nor their "naturopath" in this case have done the research necessarily to make up their own timeline. The CDC knows how vaccines potentially interact and interfere with one another and they have actual studies about the adverse reactions at different ages and the risk of exposure. They don't just pull the guidelines out of thin air. This is the CDC's schedule: ... scent.html.

At four months she should have already had her first AND second dose for six major immunizations. According to Kelsey, she's had one vaccination. Are they really going to come in for an appointment to get ONE vaccine at a time? I know they do nothing all day, but that's a lot of appointments and they don't stay on top of things. How can Kelsey claim they aren't anti-vaccine when Corbin is chiming in that they'll only do the vaccines they deem necessarily? Someone who is pro-vaccines doesn't deny their child the flu vaccine or the chicken pox vaccine.

And what was that BS about being supportive of other people's opinions? Some opinions are wrong and some ideas are bad ideas. They're putting their child's health at risk and they're putting other people at risk.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

Vaccines are bad, but Kelsey's EXTREMELY unhealthy diet is fine for June?? What weirdos! They don't even pretend to eat healthy anymore. They eat basically every meal out or get delivery - then eat ice cream, cakes, brownies and pies all the time too! They also drink a lot of alcohol, but they've obviously cut those shots from the vlogs now after it was mentioned in their comments and here.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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What happened to the marathon Corbin was going to run in?

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

webbygurl626 wrote:What happened to the marathon Corbin was going to run in?
They ditched that idea months ago. Poor baby Corbin "hurt" his foot. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by wendigo »

Tiger27 wrote:
Pency wrote:
lmmomSD wrote:Because they believe that stupidity that vaccines cause autism. Even though the doctor who said it has lost his right to practice medicine and even Jenny McCarthy (big medical expert that she is) has said that she was wrong.

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They are complete idiots. Stupid anti-vaxxers are the WORST
I AGREE! And good luck getting her into a proper school if they move to California...they have some great vaccine laws in place, preventing parents from pulling this nonsense.

Immunizations required to enter Kindergarten:
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
Hepatitis B
Varicella (Chickenpox)

Immunizations required to enter Child Care (depends on age when enrolling):
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
Haemophilus influenzae type b
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
Hepatitis B
Varicella (Chickenpox)

Who are they to decide what vaccines are important? Even if vaccines did cause that really worse than your child potentially dying from a preventable disease?! Ugh, the ignorance. I hope these two buffoons aren't planning on homeschooling...
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't private schools have different regulations than public? If so, they could always get B+M to pay for June's schooling (because Lord knows they could not afford private school) and then they wouldn't have to vaccinate her.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by bunny88 »

I dont know about all states, but in Texas you can sign a paper that says vaccines are against your religious beliefs. And kids can go to school, anyway, because it is protected under the 1st amendment. I definitely DON'T agree with it, but that is how so many anti-vaxers get around the law.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by lmmomSD »

bunny88 wrote:I dont know about all states, but in Texas you can sign a paper that says vaccines are against your religious beliefs. And kids can go to school, anyway, because it is protected under the 1st amendment. I definitely DON'T agree with it, but that is how so many anti-vaxers get around the law.
That's how they get around it in California too. You can request a waiver. It's ridiculous. You don't have to prove anything, because freedom of religion is a First Amendment right. Which I am all for, believe me-- but using that to back up your idiocy without actually practicing the religion you're claiming it's against is not ok.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by bunny88 »

lmmomSD wrote:
bunny88 wrote:I dont know about all states, but in Texas you can sign a paper that says vaccines are against your religious beliefs. And kids can go to school, anyway, because it is protected under the 1st amendment. I definitely DON'T agree with it, but that is how so many anti-vaxers get around the law.
That's how they get around it in California too. You can request a waiver. It's ridiculous. You don't have to prove anything, because freedom of religion is a First Amendment right. Which I am all for, believe me-- but using that to back up your idiocy without actually practicing the religion you're claiming it's against is not ok.

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You worded that much better than I did... so to clarify my post:

I love the 1st Amendment, and know that the waiver has to exist for certain religions. I am outraged by the liars that are using that waiver as a loophole. A loophole that puts sooo many ppl at risk.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by alyssadt »

I don't think these two realize that if they want June to be such a little world traveler they better fully vaccinate her. Especially if they want to start taking her abroad like they've said. I also don't think they realize how potentially dangerous the flu and chicken pox can be.

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