Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Emmakins »

lindseyy wrote:maddies mom replied to me on instagram about how maddie paid $500 to change her flight to come home and blah blah blah we don’t put our loved ones in a bubble when they’re sick. well y’all should cuz nobody else wants ur diseases. and then she deleted that comment and wrote a different one about how there was a major stomach virus outbreak in colorado and ev didn’t cause that. (ev and maddie probably brought that shit into the state tho tbh)

that stomach outbreak was about two months ago in one part of the state going around schools. I haven’t heard of an outbreak since then and i live in Colorado. Unless I suck at keeping up with the news. I don’t/wouldn’t believe it because it would have been on the news by now.

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

itsmeKaren wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:49 am Imagine calling Everly ugly and retarded and making MULTIPLE wholeass VIDEOS about how ugly and fat etc Everly is and then trying to play victim when someone FINALLY calls you out lol.... Also explain the logic of saying someone with 300 posts has no life when you are the one who downloads Maddie’s videos and edits clips together lmao...... Couldn’t ever be me
Yes! Uploading videos takes longer than writing a post. She even gave them titles. Titles! This Liz3kki person is full of so many contractions and bs, it’s not even funny.
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by jayann »

I fail to see how there is a correlation between me enjoying watching a train wreck & sharing my opinion on it and it meaning I hate my life.
Last edited by jayann on Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Frootloops3 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:00 am
itsmeKaren wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:49 am Imagine calling Everly ugly and retarded and making MULTIPLE wholeass VIDEOS about how ugly and fat etc Everly is and then trying to play victim when someone FINALLY calls you out lol.... Also explain the logic of saying someone with 300 posts has no life when you are the one who downloads Maddie’s videos and edits clips together lmao...... Couldn’t ever be me
Yes! Uploading videos takes longer than writing a post. She even gave them titles. Titles! This Liz3kki person is full of so many contractions and bs, it’s not even funny.
Also, does she think we spend all our time on this website, checking it every minute? At least for me, I check it when I think about it to see what's been posted, maybe posts something myself and then I move on with my life. It's not a lifestyle lmao.
I truly hope Liz3kki is a child, because otherwise it's kind of embarrassing to know that there is an adult out here who are acting like a toddler when they get called out.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

jayann wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:12 am I fail to see how there is a correlation between me enjoying watching a train wreck & sharing my opinion and it meaning I hate my life.
This! I don't understand how me liking to gossip and share my opinion with people who agree with me means I'm a miserable human being.
Especially since Liz3kki even posts about Everly and bullies a 2 year old, while the rest of us mostly talks about how Maddie should better herself for her baby, there's a difference.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Justheretogossip »

jayann wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 9:54 pm GRWM review (whew might take me a while cause I can't take 32 min of Maddie at once.)

1. Nice hair
2. Nice nails
3. Nice wake up time
4. Gotta make sure we go spend money that $6 daily on that caffeine fix.
5. I would be legit shocked if your daughter actually said waffle in a way that any other human besides your family could understand. With that said, even if she did, it is like one of a handful of words she can even say let alone use in the proper context (dinna is yes and no one corrects her?). Please get your daughter some help. If for no other reason, think of the content and views you could spin from it. I don't care what motivates you to do it as long as you do it.
6. Oh look! It's one of the 5+ princess dresses.
7. Everly did not say "this is for the doggy" Melissa. We all know better. I love how you guys spin what she supposedly says. If anything, she probably said something that sounds like dog and that is what you make of it.
8. Getting a dog would not be great for your channel because I promise people will be talking shit about your ability to care for a dog considering Everly and all.
9. EXPOSED!! Melissa told Everly to "say no Maddie". VERY telling! Also "you don't even clean your room". You are not even embarrassed by these facts considering you left those parts in the edit.
10. Does Slate have any impulse control?
11. Whoa! Are you aware that the weight gain is causing the beginnings of a double chin (see 6:56)?
12. Yes you are indeed having an eyebrow crisis. Knowing is half the battle.
13. What in gods name makes you think the spray tan makes you look skinnier? It does not.
14. I can also promise that there is no correlation between your views going down and you being orange. That is NOT the issue.
15. You didn't "forget " to brush your teeth, you just normally don't.
16. Glad to see you waste money on expensive makeup as well!
17. I know, i know. English is hard when you drop out in 8th grade.
18. You could probably find shades of makeup that would work for you if you stopped focusing on trying to get trendy name brands.
19. WOW you are OK with using a cheap highlighter?!? SHOCKING
20. What the hell is this makeup look that you are going for? Future porn star look (see 24:52)?
21. That crop top/ mom jean look with the weight gain. LOL
22. That's not naturally wavy Maddie. That is the result of not brushing or washing it for 3 days.
23. Wow! Holy shit! You are brushing your hair! Please notice that after running a brush through it, aside from it being dead, it looks nice, not "more frizzy" as you claim. The frizz comes from your lack of self care and obsession with trying to be blonde.
24. ROFL "People come after me for saying I have naturally curly hair". Literally the only place anyone says that is on here. Your minions would never allow someone to comment such a negative thing on your social medias. Keep it coming with the continued affirmations (ask mommy what that means) that you are obsessed with what the "Karens" have to say.
25. What do you know! Look at that! Your hair is capable of not looking like an un-bathed homeless when you actually care.
26. For the love of god, please stop trying to make her perform for the camera. She IS very clearly telling you no. Just as she has in past videos. We all know the reason you do it is to try and prove the Karens wrong about Everlys delay. You are actually doing the opposite.
27. Ahhh there it is. "Everyone is saying Everly is developmentally slow. Do you see the statement above how I called that before ever even seeing the next clip of you ACTUALLY addressing this. Regardless if she actually did count to 13 which I highly doubt, she is still very much delayed in her speech. She should be saying FAR more than the few words we ever hear and just so you are aware, to the naked ear, the words also sound as if there is a speech problem.
28. AGAIIN... she is telling you no she doesn't want to perform for you. I know she is your cash cow but can't you at least respect when she tells you no she doesn't want to do something? You seem to be ok with respecting her other choices such as proncess dresses (since its all she wants to wear and wont let you take it off). You respect that NP! This is immediately followed by "dinna" her version of yes and guess what? No one corrects her!
29. "This is how we get ready in the mornings". No Maddie, you don't get ready in the morning let alone even wake up. Also, stop pretending that you even "get ready" 5 out of the 7 days a week.
30. Back to point 27...
Maddie: "say bye guys.
Everly: "bye dyes"
Maddie: "can you say like this video?"
Everly: "be bo"
Maddie again slowly "like... this... video"
Everly: "not dis be vo"
Maddie: "and"
Everly: "end"
Maddie: "subscribe"
Everly: "dibe"
Maddie: "to"
Everly: "beece".
*insert Everly making her whining noise cause she wants something*
Maddie: "oh the bath bomb?"
Everly: "dinna" (again uncorrected).
Just review that a couple times and maybe reconsider that Everly does indeed have a problem.

*update* I posted before actually getting caught up on here but I see many sharing my very sentiments Maddie. Just think about that.
You are a true hero for this. I really didn’t want to watch her garbage routine 😂
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by lindseyy »

itsmeKaren wrote:Imagine calling Everly ugly and retarded and making MULTIPLE wholeass VIDEOS about how ugly and fat etc Everly is and then trying to play victim when someone FINALLY calls you out lol.... Also explain the logic of saying someone with 300 posts has no life when you are the one who downloads Maddie’s videos and edits clips together lmao...... Couldn’t ever be me
i didn’t realize she made videos so i went to find them and clicked on the video but she deleted them from youtube lol

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by ilovemaddielambert »

I don't mind Maddie, but Slate annoys the crap out of me.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by jayann »

As far as I am concerned and in my humble opinion, I am CLEARLY helping Maddie and Everly. Her transparency about reading here and being obsessed with what the Karens think is at least causing her to attempt to make changes. She has had reactions to a large amount of what we say. It's like she can't help herself from not responding in some way.

Talk about her having her child forward facing so addresses it directly by spending time in a video justifying it.
Talk about the sugar and table licking and suddenly she gives Everly lemons at a meal on camera instead.
Talk about her clothes and what she is wearing and suddenly she cares about fashion.
Talk about her hair and she addresses it directly on more than several occasions through out multiple videos.
Talk about her being dumb for wanting another baby so she addresses that directly with a response.
Talk about her not taking care of herself and she makes a GRWM video doing the opposite of what we always see.
Talk about them both not brushing their teeth and she makes an Instagram posing with the toothbrush.
Talk about Everly being delayed and she FINALLY addresses it directly in a video.
I am sure there are plenty more examples.

With that said, I definitely don't want to ruin the momentum and progress so let me just say... I am proud of you Maddie because I know deep down you know the truths when you read here and I can see from your obvious transparency and reactions that you are actually self reflecting. Baby steps...
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by propertyoferen »

MorganH87 wrote:
lindseyy wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:48 am
MorganH87 wrote: I just tried to find those comments on Instagram but I may have over looked them.. what’s the Instagram name you used?
it’s on the picture of everly, coco and ella! it’s the top comment i think

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For some reason all of the comments are filtered out of order and weird. The first one I see says “Ellas faceImageImageImage

I’ll keep looking
@lindsey.franzone if no one has answered it already

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by ConcernedViewer »

Just wanna talk a bit about the sugar on the table.
Maddie I use to bus tables and let me tell do not want to eat anything off those tables. The water/bleach bucket used to wipe them down gets nasty as fuck before someone decides to switch it out for a new one....I’m talking you can’t even see the rag inside the bucket anymore that’s how dirty it can be at times. Plus people are careless and might even use that same rag wipe down the seats. Honestly if I would have never bussed tables I would have lacked knowledge about it too and let my daughter eat a piece of food that may have fallen on not a chance.
There’s no way you could have known this but now that you do...please avoid it.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Nicole242 »

I’ve read this forum for months and only made an account now to say I am so relieved that Lizzie girl is gone! Omg she was atrocious. I’ve been waiting for people to call her out on her shit for so long and couldn’t believe that no one had. I couldn’t understand why. THANK YOU! For it finally happening. On another note, I keep up with other moms like Sophie, Yasmyn and Haylee from hayleeandfamily more then I do Maddie. Maddie has been losing my interest pretty quickly. I just hope she can mature a bit for her and her daughters sake. There is so much dysfunction in that household.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Essiac4 »

jayann wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:54 am As far as I am concerned and in my humble opinion, I am CLEARLY helping Maddie and Everly. Her transparency about reading here and being obsessed with what the Karens think is at least causing her to attempt to make changes. She has had reactions to a large amount of what we say. It's like she can't help herself from not responding in some way.

Talk about her having her child forward facing so addresses it directly by spending time in a video justifying it.
Talk about the sugar and table licking and suddenly she gives Everly lemons at a meal on camera instead.
Talk about her clothes and what she is wearing and suddenly she cares about fashion.
Talk about her hair and she addresses it directly on more than several occasions through out multiple videos.
Talk about her being dumb for wanting another baby so she addresses that directly with a response.
Talk about her not taking care of herself and she makes a GRWM video doing the opposite of what we always see.
Talk about them both not brushing their teeth and she makes an Instagram posing with the toothbrush.
Talk about Everly being delayed and she FINALLY addresses it directly in a video.
I am sure there are plenty more examples.

With that said, I definitely don't want to ruin the momentum and progress so let me just say... I am proud of you Maddie because I know deep down you know the truths when you read here and I can see from your obvious transparency and reactions that you are actually self reflecting. Baby steps...
I agree she is starting to listen to what we say and slightly implement improvement into her life. And it's good to see. She hasn't quite let go of her pride though yet, and fully committed herself to doing what's best and not just making excuses for her actions or doing something on video, so than later when she addresses us again (I can sense it coming) she can call us liars.

I sincerely hope she continues to see these comments and improve. I hope the comments on Everly's development and speech impairment keep her up at night and one day she decides to get her tested and get her a speech therapist, and I hope the tests come back clear and we are all wrong. I hope she improves her diet, exercise and discipline as well as teach her better personal hygiene.. but as said before.. baby steps.

I think that for the most part we all just want to see an improvement in her and Everly's life to the point we have nothing to comment on anymore and this forum dies. And I think it's good that Maddie has somewhere she can go where we tell her the truth, and aren't 10 year olds who have no conceivable idea about the reality and responsibility of actually raising a child that praise and defend her for any wrong action she takes.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by finewbu »

i don't know if im the only one that had the thought of maddie ending up like jess from JesssFam. 3 baby daddies and she has like a 137 part thread on here. She's also super irresponsible and all about 'fake it til you make it'. I cant stand the both of them equally.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

"I look deader than I feel on the inside" Maddie Lambert who's native language is English.
deader. Really?
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Also, if Everly isn't developmentally slow (okay maybe not slow, but she has difficulties, you do not need to be a doctor to see that), but why does it bother Maddie so much then? It wouldn't bother you if you didn't know it was true, just realize that she needs help, it's not your fault. But it is your fault if you don't get her the help she needs
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

Nicole242 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:39 pm I’ve read this forum for months and only made an account now to say I am so relieved that Lizzie girl is gone! Omg she was atrocious. I’ve been waiting for people to call her out on her shit for so long and couldn’t believe that no one had. I couldn’t understand why. THANK YOU! For it finally happening. On another note, I keep up with other moms like Sophie, Yasmyn and Haylee from hayleeandfamily more then I do Maddie. Maddie has been losing my interest pretty quickly. I just hope she can mature a bit for her and her daughters sake. There is so much dysfunction in that household.
I always thought about calling her out, but didn’t want to waste my energy on her. Especially with the ignorant things she said. But yesterday, when she was trying to act all high and mighty, I reached my breaking point. Someone who said wild shit like she did, wasn’t about to call out other people. That just wasn’t going to happen.
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by MorganH87 »

Frootloops3 wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:42 am
Nicole242 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:39 pm I’ve read this forum for months and only made an account now to say I am so relieved that Lizzie girl is gone! Omg she was atrocious. I’ve been waiting for people to call her out on her shit for so long and couldn’t believe that no one had. I couldn’t understand why. THANK YOU! For it finally happening. On another note, I keep up with other moms like Sophie, Yasmyn and Haylee from hayleeandfamily more then I do Maddie. Maddie has been losing my interest pretty quickly. I just hope she can mature a bit for her and her daughters sake. There is so much dysfunction in that household.
I always thought about calling her out, but didn’t want to waste my energy on her. Especially with the ignorant things she said. But yesterday, when she was trying to act all high and mighty, I reached my breaking point. Someone who said wild shit like she did, wasn’t about to call out other people. That just wasn’t going to happen.

Melissa is really trying to make money off of as many kids as possible lol first her pride and joy, the 8th grade drop out, now Slate has a channel and Avie thinks she’s a singer.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by jayann »

MorganH87 wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:08 pm
Frootloops3 wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:42 am
Nicole242 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:39 pm I’ve read this forum for months and only made an account now to say I am so relieved that Lizzie girl is gone! Omg she was atrocious. I’ve been waiting for people to call her out on her shit for so long and couldn’t believe that no one had. I couldn’t understand why. THANK YOU! For it finally happening. On another note, I keep up with other moms like Sophie, Yasmyn and Haylee from hayleeandfamily more then I do Maddie. Maddie has been losing my interest pretty quickly. I just hope she can mature a bit for her and her daughters sake. There is so much dysfunction in that household.
I always thought about calling her out, but didn’t want to waste my energy on her. Especially with the ignorant things she said. But yesterday, when she was trying to act all high and mighty, I reached my breaking point. Someone who said wild shit like she did, wasn’t about to call out other people. That just wasn’t going to happen.

Melissa is really trying to make money off of as many kids as possible lol first her pride and joy, the 8th grade drop out, now Slate has a channel and Avie thinks she’s a singer.
Whats weird about this is if you go to socialblade ( ... hFw0paSf1Q), it shows the "Play date with Slate" channel was created in 2011. So, considering Slate was not even born yet and Maddie would have been 7 or 8, that means Melissa has been trying to get going on Youtube for a while now. I guess when it didn't work out for her, she decided to start pimping out the kids instead and converted her old channel to Slates.

BTW if anyone is curious about what Maddie makes from all of this, here is her socialblade ... h7qnfALjFg. Kaylie Varney said in one of her videos that hers is fairly accurate and that the real number is somewhere around the middle of the low and the high.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by alyssa »

[IMG]// ... 9f5b65.jpg[/IMG]

Lol maddies most recent post on everlys Instagram... okay Maddie...

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