smom12 wrote:Reading that screenshot thread... omg. Her life is a fucking shut show.
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Damn, I just finished reading this screenshot thread, what a fucking mess!!! I would be so depressed if 10% of this was my life, how can someone so "young" (I think she only 4 months younger than me or something like that) managed to create so much crap in her and other people's life
I am so happy with my much more boring life... when I watch her I feel like I deserve a trophy for being as old as her without managing to get pregnant even once (I thanks my pills for that
) OMFG...
I haven't posted a comment yet about C&J going to legoland (or Dysney? Didn't watch the video) without seeing C&T on the way. 2 possibilies for me:
1 -J&C didn't even think to ask Ashley if they could see C&T:
option A because Chris is a crappy dad (which is possible)
option B Ashley and Chris don't have a great relationship and it was not his time with the boys and he prefered not to ask (which is possible but in his place I would have tried even just to see my children for 2 min)
2- they asked and Ashley refused
Option A Ashley may have planned something already with the boys and a meeting was not possible (it sucks but it happens)
Option B Ashley just say no even if a meeting was possible because she doesn't want to see Chris or Jess which would be kind of selfish of her but at the same time understandable, if that was what happens, well it's not really C&J's fault.
Option C Ashley just say no even if a meeting was possible to avoid her children appearing in a new vlog which I would find very understandabl, if I were Ashley, I wouldn't want my ex and his new wife to post video of my children on the internet. Actually I don't get how she didn't manage to forbid C&J from posting videos with her children in them...
I read some here pretty much saying that it was hypocratical to consider that in the Jess and Drake situation, Jess is at fault for Drake not seeing the boys a lot but in the Ashley and Chris' sitiation, chris was the guilty one. I think that they are ALL at fault personally, they are the parents, they separated, true, but they should put their children first instead of continuing to be petty toward each other and also each situation is different, Drake doen't live that far from the boys, he could see them more if he dedicated more time to them (even if it would be easier without Jess bashing him) while Chris lives 6 hours away BUT chris choose to live 6 hours away so... I avoid normally comparing both situation.
About Ashley and Chris in particular, I don't know Ashley (well I don't know Jess, Chris or Drake either xD) but Ashley is not doing youtube video so I don't really have a good or bad opinion of her like I have with Jess that's why I tries to be as objective as possible. The fact is maybe Ashley is a really good mom who chose to marry, have children then divorce Chris but it's also possible that she is not that great of a mother, after all maybe Chris considers Jess is a great mother because he compare her with Ashley, who knows? Reason why, I think all the options I wrote above to explain why Chris didn't see C&T are for me possible.
Damn I wrote so much stuff