Lovethesnark wrote:Has the option to send them money directly through youtube always been on their channel? I first noticed the option to support a few weeks ago when I was looking at the Nive Nulls channel. I remember looking at all of the channels I subscribe to because I was curious to see how many other vloggers accept money from directly from the viewers. I only saw one other channel with the option at the time, but now I see it on Bryan and Missy's channel. Has it always been there? The channel has to meet certain requirements before Youtube will give it the option to take contributions directly from the viewers. When the channel meets those requirements, they have to ask for the option to be added. It's not something Youtube does automatically. I think it would be gross if they just recently started taking donations from the viewers.
Is this a new thing? I've never heard any youtubers talk about it. It's on their DB channel also. So people send gifts and now they want money haha Imo this is ridiculous they are no charity case why would anyone send them money? If you need money that bad why not get a "second" job?