skipperpt wrote:Snarky Lady wrote:Today's v'log is just a repeat of Instagram stories from last week. Not worth the watch.
I agree. A couple things stood out:
Tyson lying flat on his back snap chatting when his family is playing with the kids.
Nanny Ash trying to sort out puzzles with the girls that have been dumped in a huge bin together. It's time to get rid of puzzles and toys meant for 1-2 year olds.
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They really do refuse to let those poor girls grow up. Still calling them “babies”. Seriously? They are 3 years old. They are stifling any progress those girls could make all the time. Playing a matching game? “They love it!” Well, no kidding since they LOVE everything apparently. I can think of two major things they may not love, deservedly so: Their idiotic, money hungry at whatever the cost “parents”. Stop treating them like babies. They need out of their crib prisons. They need to learn and play...with activities and toys which are their age! Not baby puzzles and matching games. They should have played the matching game 2 years ago! Wow. They’re geniuses. They are 3 and they can match cards! Amazing! Seriously?
Do they really believe that is at their level? Well, considering how intelligent the parents are, they probably do believe the girls are advanced. I think they are noticing Hazy and Leah, who are months younger, can speak much better and know so much more, how to do so much more, they are seeing their “miracles” have a lot of cathching up to do. Step it up! They should know their colors and basic shapes by now for sure. They should be able to count items and recognize numbers. They should be able to identify the letters in their names; most letters, honestly, but given the fact they are behind, not from being preemies, strictly from lack of good, caring parenting, I’ll go with most of other letters.
What they need most RIGHT NOW is DISCIPLINE. Sitting on their bottoms, not whining, not fighting, screaming, pushing, etc. If they can’t follow the rules, they have to sit in a corner and wait until they can. It boggles my mind, and hurts my heart for the girls, these idiots (and by idiots I’m now including the “parents”, “Nanny”, “friends” and ANY family member who refuses to help those girls learn how to behave and learn in general) are SO far behind. It’s shameful and they are all at fault at this point.
Yes. Discipline will be TOUGH at this point, which is why these idiots should have disciplined from the very beginning. But, here’s a huge clue for dumb and dumber: If you don’t get those girls in control NOW, your lives will only get worse. It will be ALL YOUR FAULT. Your daughters will have a very hard time making and keeping friends. Yes, Hazy and Leah, when they get a couple years older, may express their wishes to not have to be around these people; that they don’t like the girls. If you don’t get off your lazy butts (litterally, Tyson), put down your damn phones and actually PARENT YOUR CHILDREN, you will certainly be hearing from their teachers in the future...about SEVERAL issues: Low level in subjects, attention issues, discipline issues, etc.
ALL of their issues will be your own damn fault. Why? Because both of you are too SELFISH, LAZY and in awe of yourselves you simply, clearly DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FLIP about the care and teaching of YOUR DAUGHTERS. I just cannot comprehend parents who behave like this. BOTH OF YOU ARE NEGLECTFUL PARENTS. Those little girls deserve so much better than you two...and you just do not care.
How can a truly loving, “blessed” parent behave as you two do? How can family and friends sit by and watch this treatment of 4 little girls and not step in and speak up for them? That question bothers me even more than stupid parents lack of care. I hope at some point, and soon, all the family and supposed friends realize they are now at fault for failing each one of those girls as well. They hold some responsibility for their utter lack of concern and compassion for the girls.
I’m to the point of not watching any more. It kills me to see where those poor girls are headed all because they have stupid, selfish, greedy parents, grandparents, other family and friends. Actually, I’m to the point of getting off social media all together. I WASTE far too much time wondering about people I don’t even know. It’s pathetic. I find myself wondering how much of a better person, how much of a better way I could help my family and others, if I wasn’t constantly checking FB, IG, Twitter and this site. I’m pretty sure the answer to that question is easy: A FAR, FAR BETTER PERSON IN EVERY WAY.
Part of my heart does want to see what happens with the girls in the future. I hope only good things come their way, but reality shows it’s doubtful. Plus, the “evil” part of my heart can’t wait for the fairytale led by greed to complete come tumbling down, and hard. I guess each of us has that part to our personalities, sadly. I just am not sure the sadness of these girls lives is worth my time. I really wish they would have been born into a much, much batter family and Dimwit and Lazy Ass would have never been given the blessing of any children. They have proven again and again THEY DO NOT DESERVE CHILDREN at all. Ever.