They seem to put all the comments into one vlog, healthy snacks, arts and crafts, real dinner ware, prayers and sitting nice at the table.AuntieEm wrote:That vlog was the so fake. Tyler trying to elicit excitement with his over the top enthusiasm every time a child moved, took a breath, made an utterance. Trying to make the vlog interesting. Did anyone notice that Esme asked for a bag to put the fruit in instead of the bowl they gave her? Tyler's answer was "No, it's cuter in a bowl". Bahahahahaha--the whole vlog was so planned to try and make it more appealing to viewers. I guess they think bringing out real plates will increase views. LOLOL I have news for Ty, his constant fake exclamations every 10 seconds is the worst. It's laughable and so transparent.lisajohnson120 wrote:And did anyone else notice they ate their dinner off of REAL plates? And snacks out of real bowls? I seen a lot of comments about all the paper products they use... Sad part is all the dishes will be left for Nash to do today .... lolLak wrote:I thought the whole vlog seemed loud and a bad acting job. Very fake by "the parents". Trying to keep nanny Ash out of most of it he vlog and acting as if they were bonding with their children.
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They must have been exhausted by the end of that hour
One thing that will never change is nanny ash giving them baths at 4:30 in the afternoon before she leaves for the day.