Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

lmmomSD wrote:
GA Peach70 wrote:The comments on YT are sometimes entertaining but creepy and strange as well. One lady says that Two Ton Titboy is "the best dad and husband." Then proceeds to compare Tyler to her own husband. Ummm...sorry but shouldn't you think your OWN husband is the best? I sure in the hell think mine is as I'm sure y'all do too. Another KAD remembers when Ass went on this trip last year and how the lazy fuck Tyler took girls to the park AND what the girls were wearing. Really? How the hell do you remember what some other family did and wore a year ago? That is creepy weird. Shit - I have a hard time remembering what I did yesterday let alone last year and I sure in the fuck don't remember what I wore.

I really have a hard time understanding how complete strangers can go on and on how much they love this family and they don't even know them. I have also read some comments before by the young KAD saying that they hope and pray they can have quads when they have kids. Why? So they can dress them up like dolls like Ass $ Titboy? Because they think they will get free shit like these two fucktards? Ass $ Titboy glamorize everything. When they vlog they are not showing the reality of having one kid let alone four. Being a parent is a full time job in itself, a hard full time job. But Ass $ Back Fat Tyler live in a fantasy world and not reality. I just have a feeling that some of these young KAD will try to deliberately get pregnant at a very young age - 14,15,16 - because they think all of this stuff will happen for them like Ass $ Blubber Butt. There are a lot of young girls that want a baby so they can hold on to a guy or so they can have someone to love them and someone they can love. My point is they are portraying that everything is easy and these young, naive girls just continue to soak it all in. They are definitely not good role models in my opinion.
You know what I don't understand? Is that the people who watch these vlogs (and others) take everything at face value and don't think that any of it is staged or creatively edited. They believe that everything is real, and these people have "perfect" marriages and lives, and aren't faking _anything_ for the camera. I find it sad that people are that gullible and that hungry to see a "happy family". And so invested in the fantasy, that if you challenge it, they go off on you. They really freak out!

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But we only see 20 minutes of their day, ImmomSD.

So even if they aren't perfect during the vlog, they just ASSUME they are showing an imperfect moment. Sure. Right. Ah huh. They are drinking a koolaide. I don't know what kind, but it has some strong shit in it.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Stellaboo wrote:Have you guys noticed that the girls' speech has deteriorated since they returned from Hawaii?

They are back to grunting and shouting instead trying to say actual words. Today's vlog was sad - I didn't understand anything they tried to say. Which makes it obvious that Bison's family members were the only ones who were actually working with them. Now that they are home with Dumb and Dumber every day it seems like they have regressed quite a bit. It really pisses me off that they are letting those girls fall further behind. And where is the imagination? It's distressing to see that they don't invent games or engage in creative play. That's not normal for 2 year olds. (This morning I asked my 2 year old what she was doing with the laundry basket and she said "I'm pretending it's a boat") The girls desperately need some playmates with non-fucked up parents so they can learn how to be kids.

It's gotten to the point where I really can't stand the girls anymore. They have ceased to be cute or funny, and all I can see is how annoying each one of them is. Indie was bratty and sneaky today, Esme kept freaking out over strange things, Scarlett was in her own world, and Evie....well, Evie was Evie. You can tell Esme doesn't trust Bison one bit by how she behaved with the hose. And when she finally got a turn to hold it Indie grabbed it away several times. Bison made her give it back once, but then he just let her have it. A 2 year old should NOT have anxiety like that over water from a hose! That poor kid.

Esme also freaked out at the end when Trashley took her book to read. She got really upset and frantic and kept trying to grab it back, or steal one from her sisters. I think she gets that way because she knows that nothing is ever really hers, and that her parents will not back her up if one of her sisters takes something from her. She's the same way with food. If she was a dog she'd be a resource guarder - desperately trying to protect what's hers in order to survive. How awful that her parents have made her this way.

And I love how Bison defines a "small" cookie. Those were enormous portions for a child. My kid would have gotten 1/4 of that at most. At this point I know I shouldn't be surprised by how much crap the girls get fed, but geez you assholes throw them a veggie once in a while. Bison doesn't know how to do anything in moderation does he? Everything is "super sized" in the Greedner family. So disgusting!
That's what happens when a child spends 15-19 hours/ day caged in a bed.( 12+hours at night 4+naps during the day) the behavior and interaction was so much better in Hawaii because they were let loose a bit. It's much like the children in an orphanage. Very very sad.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Okay the picture. I went and looked at Esme's leg. It could be the angle since she appears to be on a little hill. Her shoe doesn't match Grains. What is with the shoes? Why does Grain have different colors then the other 3 in this photo? That could not be Ashley's doing, could it?

PS: whoever came up with Grain: I love it!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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I like Loni's photography. My only issue is often that the pictures are taken from so far away that you rarely see the girl's faces. The one on the 4th of 2016 on the "lake", the girls were so small to capture all the background that you couldn't tell it was them. Of course now they are close up and their teeth are so bad . . . move it back, Loni, move them back.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Esme and Indie have always been my favorite. I thought they have always been cute and, until recently, were the most talkative and apparently brightest. And Esme was no fear! Scarlett and Evie were homely-dad look alikes for a long time. They are coming to their own but now their personalities make me angry. Scarlett is spacey. And Evie is a bully and mean.

I think they are reverting because they have no use for speech in their home. They aren't listened to or understood. Grunting works. Speech has to be constantly rehearsed by active parenting, rewarded, and trained. They don't get good examples from their parents. They will be talking baby talk or know how to say "you're beautiful" when they enter kindergarten. They could be a case study for those kids they find out in the forest that don't know how to talk. It has to be TAUGHT, Greedners!!!

And what 3 year old takes 3 hour naps? That tells me their bodies aren't healthy at all! Sugar and carbs force people to be tired. Veggies and protein wouldn't put kids into a coma. Of course, were they actually asleep? Or just in baby jail?

Something has traumatized Esme. It's horrible to see what a nervous nellie she is. She is the one I feel most sorry for. I can already see the issues she's going to fill a therapist's bank with. Eating issues, nothing is her own, no friends are her own, no toys or clothes are her own, fear of water, fear of things being taken, no ability to stand up for herself, hoarding . . . she is the one most in need of some private one-on-one time. She would thrive. Why can't Grandma just come get ONE of them at a time?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Last one. Um - so - TitAss took the girls shopping again? To Bath and Body works? How much damn f*cking soap do these people need? We never even see them use it! Does he bathe in this stuff? I get some for Christmas on sale and it can last most of the year. The girls are going to think parks and shopping is all the world has to offer.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Howlin17 wrote:I think Grains R leg got put on Esme.....
I agree!!!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Anybody want to guess what kind of new shoes the girls have on for fall????


Yes those sorryass moccasins
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Just watched IG (not sure what you call them) clips of the Busby quints outside playing and interacting with each other they are months younger than the Greedner quads yet so much more mature and advanced in their talking and motor skills.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Kryptonite wrote:Carry on, friends!

Title Credit: Night lady
Part 6: ... start=1075
Aww, thank you!! I'm so honored. Snark away sissies!!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Merikat wrote:
lovethispage wrote:The Busby's getting called out on IG for having a nanny. Oh the horror, the drama...Adam is doing damage control...he just sounds believable unlike ASS and FatASS. Now I don't regularly read their comments so I don't know if they get a lot of stuff like this unlike the Greedners...
I don't have IG; what is Adam saying about it?
They don't get nearly as many negative comments on Facebook, YouTube or TCL as the Greedners I don't think.

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They don't have a nanny.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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I was wondering why I wasn't getting notifications, LOL! Alas, I see we have another new thread. Yay!!
A big thanks to ball of my sisters in snark for choosing my idea for a title. Snark on...
Time to catch up now.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Stellaboo wrote:Those Rags to Raches rompers the girls are wearing are supposed to fold down easily for using the potty, but I've always thought they are butt-ugly. And too expensive.

I actually saw that designer when she was first on Shark Tank making her pitch.
She's also from Utah:

My guess is that the quads received the rompers for free in exchange for publicity.
Based on what we have seen of Trashley's style I doubt she would have paid money for those things.
Did the girls do a fashion shoot for that brand too, or am I thinking of something else?

I know it's the "in" brand, but I would never spend that much on a kid's play outfit.
Plus I think they are unflattering on just about everyone - especially when the child is still in saggy diapers all day.

But then again I dress my kid for function and comfort, so what do I know? ;)
Those outfits are butt ugly!!!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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SnarkieSophie wrote:Is Fall decorating a "thing" in the US? Sissies, do you decorate your homes for Fall, or what we call in Australia, Autumn?

It's not a "thing" here in Australia. Our seasonal decorating is limited to Christmas.

Awl done.
I do not decorate for any holiday or season. Just my preference. I hate that everything has become so commercialized. I just enjoy the scenery.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Snarky Lady wrote:Anybody want to guess what kind of new shoes the girls have on for fall????


Yes those sorryass moccasins

Freshly Picked. The "It" shoe for tiny feet.

The biggest size those moccs come in according to the website (yes a little bored and avoiding my tasks) is a size 7.

Just cram their feet in those moccs ASS anything so they will match.

How many times is that for Bath and Body Works? Think they're trying for a spot with them much?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Night lady wrote:
SnarkieSophie wrote:Is Fall decorating a "thing" in the US? Sissies, do you decorate your homes for Fall, or what we call in Australia, Autumn?

It's not a "thing" here in Australia. Our seasonal decorating is limited to Christmas.

Awl done.
I do not decorate for any holiday or season. Just my preference. I hate that everything has become so commercialized. I just enjoy the scenery.

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I decorate the centerpiece and something simple on a sofa table. I do decorate for Christmas. I love Christmas decorations


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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Snarky Lady wrote:
Night lady wrote:
SnarkieSophie wrote:Is Fall decorating a "thing" in the US? Sissies, do you decorate your homes for Fall, or what we call in Australia, Autumn?

It's not a "thing" here in Australia. Our seasonal decorating is limited to Christmas.

Awl done.
I do not decorate for any holiday or season. Just my preference. I hate that everything has become so commercialized. I just enjoy the scenery.

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I decorate the centerpiece and something simple on a sofa table for fall. I do decorate for Christmas. I love Christmas decorations


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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Night lady »

Snarky Lady wrote:
Night lady wrote:
SnarkieSophie wrote:Is Fall decorating a "thing" in the US? Sissies, do you decorate your homes for Fall, or what we call in Australia, Autumn?

It's not a "thing" here in Australia. Our seasonal decorating is limited to Christmas.

Awl done.
I do not decorate for any holiday or season. Just my preference. I hate that everything has become so commercialized. I just enjoy the scenery.

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I decorate the centerpiece and something simple on a sofa table. I do decorate for Christmas. I love Christmas decorations


Very pretty snarky lady!!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by snarksite »

Snarky Lady wrote:Anybody want to guess what kind of new shoes the girls have on for fall????


Yes those sorryass moccasins
So T$A whine about the girls needing fall shoes and "Ta-da", shoes appear.

T$A: I know you are too stupid to ever understand this but the shoes weren't free.

You paid for them with your girls.
Their right to privacy, their freedom to be children. Their right to be loved and appreciated for who they are instead of how much your greedy asses can make off of them.

You chose to be a circus show, your "miracles" were dragged along for the ride.

I loath and detest these people.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by DoodleBop »

I feel like someone needs to start mailing them DVDs [and paying them to open and watch] interviews with the Dionne quintuplets as adults. Those poor parents didn't have any choice but these parents do and don't care. When the girls write their tell all books they will sit back and act surprised...or when one or more of the girls expresses a need to suddenly go live with a family member or something....wait what...but you need to be here MATCHING in your dirty pants and too small\big outfits.

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