Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part 23

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Hoe4Christmas »

did ass ever confirm she has fake tits? how do we know? this isn’t criticism or anything, i was just wondering since i haven’t been around super long. do we know if she’s had any other work besides the botox? i think a mommy makeover may be next lol

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

Veggies4lunch wrote:Bench pic up. Indie is wearing two left shoes. He says the faith blog is up. Who is going to post it here. I didn’t read the last one. Just couldn’t.
I read the last one full of complete and utter lies. Skimmed this one very quickly. Nope. Not interested. They both lie so much I swear I can smell their nasty, too tiny for Mormans pants on fire from where I sit.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by 4kkids »

Quick! Someone just posted a warning on "This is how..." IG to keep Ass away from B....
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by bikerchick »

Took one for the team, here is the blog post.

Back for another chapter in your favorite blog series, FAQs! These questions came from my Instagram post last week. Some very fun ones, and also deep questions. Ill do my best to get to the top ones!

-How is Faith part of you and your girls lives?

I feel like this is a great question to get the blog started. As I’ve previously stated on many forums, faith is a huge part of our daily lives. Ashley and I have said time and time again we would be nowhere without our faith. I can remember specifically those times when we wanted to give up, stop trying, felt lost and alone. It was our faith that held root and gave us something immovable to hold on to. It was through our faith that we overcame our obstacles and found our successes. Our faith was a constant light in our lives, beaming and never dimming. We both relied heavily on our faith to overcome all of the trials that live had thrown our way. We still do the same today. That being said, we feel overwhelmingly confident that sharing our faith with our children will give them the same rock to build their hopes and dreams upon. Now faith alone is not how much is accomplished. We know that we have to put in the work ourselves. We cant just wish something to happen, pray for it, and believe it will be there. Faith without works is dead! We truly believe that statement. Our girls will be taught that faith is a good thing, but it goes hand in hand with hard work. Through our own sweat and hard work, combined with our faith, miracles occur.

-What religion/faith are you?

We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Most people know us as Mormons. You can learn more about our faith here.

I’ve also written a blog about this if you’d like to read. Check it out here.

-Does your religion do baptism?

Yes! We believe that baptism by immersion is the first saving ordinance of the gospel. It is also necessary to becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We believe this is the first step toward eternal salvation. Our Savior Jesus Christ was baptized, and therefore we follow his example of being baptized and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, our constant companion in this life if we so choose.

-Truthfully, did infertility ever make you question your faith? Even in the slightest? If not, how did you stay so strong while going through infertility?

Excellent question. Ashley and I are always open about this topic and question and have been happy to address is in interviews all over the world. I feel that this is a “he said, she said” questions, because we both might have a different take on it. That being said, i’m going to answer to the best of my ability, and then have Ashley give her thoughts below!

Tyson- Personally, infertility never made me question my faith. I don’t know the reason why, other than I feel like God has blessed me with an abundance of faith, and that is what I’ve always relied on as far as I can remember. There are many stories of my life to give as examples to why, but we’ll save those for another blog. When trials enter into my life, the first thing I always do is rely on my faith. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve really come to the realization how important and critical faith has been in my life. My savior Jesus Christ suffered more than any of us could imagine. He took on the sins of the world, died and was resurrected. He knows anything and everything that I could ever experience in this life perfectly. Therefore, why wouldn’t I turn to him when I have questions or struggles. He is the one perfect example that will always be in my corner showing me the way. He is my constant example, loving brother, giving me unconditional love no matter what choices I make in this life. That is what gives me inspiration each day as I wake and make decisions for myself and family. I know he is always there and will always be there. That being said, infertility was hard! So hard! It was hard on our marriage, our families, and ourselves. Life is hard. That is just a fact. But the hardships don’t come without purpose. I’ve taken so much from our infertility years, I don’t think I would be who I am today without those struggles. I wouldn’t be the same man, husband or father. I needed those struggles. I needed the trials of life. I needed to know the bad so I could appreciate the good! Those are my simple thoughts on this question.

Ashley- This is kind of a trick question for me. I want to say yes and no at the same time. Infertility was one of the hardest trials I have ever been though and there was a time that I didn’t feel like anyone was actually there. I have very strong faith in the church that I am a part of and I know with all my heart this is the true church so I never stopped believing in that. But there were times that I just didn’t want to care about it anymore because the pain was so great that I turned my back on it all. But that was not because I didn’t believe it was because I needed someone to be mad at and God for some reason seemed like the easiest person to be mad at. It wasn’t until I completely turned back to him 100% and put my faith, what little was left, In him that I felt a peace in my heart that I know whatever happened, baby or no baby I was going to be ok!

-How did you guys discover your faith and how did you know it was right for you?

We were brought up members in our faith. Both sets of our parents were members. We came from very strong roots in the gospel. Even though we traveled different paths in life growing up, we always had one constant in our homes, and that was the gospel.

-Is it hard dealing with all the misconceptions and assumptions about the LDS religion?

I think this is a very good question, and one I love to address! That being said, I feel that each person you ask may answer this question differently. Being a member of the LDS faith, I have been taught certain things. I have been taught that we have a Heavenly Father who created us all and who has perfect plan for us all to return and live with him and our families forever. I have been taught that we have a savior, Jesus Christ, who died for each and every one of us, giving us all the opportunity to repent of our sins and be saved for time and all eternity. I have been taught that families can be together forever if we so choose. I have been taught to love my God with all my heart and mind. I have also been taught to love my neighbor the same. This is one of my favorites lessons I’ve been taught. Loving my God and my neighbor the same. What does that tell you about how loving our God is; that he commands us to love not only him, but the rest of his children. There are many more teachings which you can learn about here. I am always open to discussing questions and topics about our religion, but I hope this blog and the church website help tremendously!

On a side note, Ashley and I have gotten really used to misconceptions and assumptions as we deal with them daily putting ourselves in the public eye. It has taught us how to not only defend ourselves, but also given us opportunity to show and educate who we really are. This goes hand in hand with showing our religion. I hope people can see our family, and know what our faith is about. That would be the ultimate compliment for me.

-Some people practicing strong faith use it to judge or condemn those with different lifestyles (like gay people). How does your family react to this?

Like I’ve stated before many times, it is not our place to judge. Only one person will be the judge of all of us, and he was perfect. We have been taught to love one another, not judge. That being said, people are human. They will make their own decisions. That is point of this life, to experience it, choosing between right and wrong, and learning from those decisions. We have been taught from our Savior what we all should strive to do. It is up to us to do that. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I choose to follow my savior Jesus Christ. He taught of love, charity, and kindness. He was empathetic, understanding and forgiving. He didn’t choose favorites, and he didn’t care if you have a dollar or a million. He cared what was in your heart and what you did with your talents. This is the example I choose to follow.

I know that we are not all perfect, however. I have been judged and shamed from many others just like all of you. Its almost like its a life challenge we all have to go through. Sometimes it can make us bitter, sometimes mad. The bottom line though, is how we react to the hardships. How we stand up and keep moving in the face of trials. We may experience these hardships from within the walls of our own home. Again the key is how we respond.

I don’t know if I’ve answered this question justly, but I do know that their are many assumptions about our faith based on the actions of people. Remember people are not perfect. Our savior was perfect. His church is perfect. We can strive to be perfect, one day at a time.

I hope you have all enjoyed this blog as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Big shout out to Ashley for making time to chime in on one of the questions. Hope you’re enjoying this series of blogs, plenty more to come! In case you missed any, here are the most recent FAQs below:

Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Guest »

Speaking of his faith; I watched a documentary on nNetflix the other day called "Tabloid" that is worth looking at.

Let me say right away I am paraphrasing here so I may have some details wrong; please feel free to correct my mistakes.

Without going into too many details here it talks about the "mission"; what a male learns on the mission; how they earn the undergarments; what the garments mean, what the symbols on them mean; the woman's role to the man; what happens when the man dies; beliefs about Jesus; beliefs about some races.

I don't want to give it away for you but I would be interested in hearing what others think of the movie. It answered several questions we ask here often
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by My806 »

Whooo, needed my waders for that blog.

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Wgchick22 »

4kkids wrote:Ever notice how it's always Tyler writing and proclaiming his faith and NEVER Ass.
She just likes to say the haters are the unhappy ones in life Image

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by nebulae116 »

Mormon leaders had a worldwide meeting yesterday where they asked the youth to take a 7 day fast from social media. Many adults in the Mormon church are participating. I think Ass and Tyabetes should be pressured into doing the same. After all, they are ambassadors of their faith, as we just read.

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Wgchick22 »

-How did you guys discover your faith and how did you know it was right for you?

We were brought up members in our faith. Both sets of our parents were members. We came from very strong roots in the gospel. Even though we traveled different paths in life growing up, we always had one constant in our homes, and that was the gospel.

Im just curious, his mother doesn’t go into Temple, when would she not be considered a member anymore? If their faith was such an important part of his life, why didn’t Tyler complete a mission?

That blog was sickening. He is so high and mighty. Thank you Ashley for taking the time to respond, what, between coloring her hair purple and prancing around her yard in her swimsuit, she found the time?

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Guest »

I also wanted to mention this YouTube
Growing Up Quiverfull - The Duggar's Destructive Cult

Although it mostly addresses the Duggars; it is more about the Quiverfull movement which the Duggars believe in. The reason I mention it here are the themes that seem to come up for the Greedners. I don't know if Quiverfull us a religion or a belief system followed by some faiths. It seemed also to contain many issues we talk about here. I don't know if the Greedners believe in the Quiverfull movement.
"Quiverfull is a movement of conservative Christian couples. It is most widespread in the United States but has adherents in Canada,[1 Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and elsewhere. The movement sees children as a blessing from God and it encourages procreation, abstaining from all forms of birth control (including natural family planning) and sterilization. Adherents are known as quiver full, full quiver, quiverfull-minded, or simply QF Christians. ... One 2006 estimate put the number of families subscribing to this philosophy as in "the thousands to low tens of thousands".
... Quiverfull authors and adherents express their core motivation as a desire to obey God's commandments as stated in the Bible. Among these commandments, "be fruitful and multiply",[ "behold, children are a gift of the Lord"), and passages showing God acting to open and close the womb are interpreted as giving basis for their view. Quiverfull adherents typically maintain that their philosophy is first about an open, accepting and obedient attitude toward the possibility of bearing children. Within the view, this attitude may result in many, few or even no children, because God Himself maintains sole provenance over conception and birth. The duty of the Quiverfull adherent is only to maintain an "open willingness" to joyfully receive and not thwart however many children God chooses to bestow. ...
Quiverfull's principal authors and its adherents also describe their motivation as a missionary effort to raise up many children as Christians to advance the cause of the Christian religion...
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by eskayem »

How we know they're fake?
There's nothing wrong with implants but it's just more of her perfect image she presents not being real.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Wgchick22 »

Sorry for my many posts.. just catching up!

Look at their feet- that’s disgusting!

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Night lady »

Wgchick22 wrote:-How did you guys discover your faith and how did you know it was right for you?

We were brought up members in our faith. Both sets of our parents were members. We came from very strong roots in the gospel. Even though we traveled different paths in life growing up, we always had one constant in our homes, and that was the gospel.

Im just curious, his mother doesn’t go into Temple, when would she not be considered a member anymore? If their faith was such an important part of his life, why didn’t Tyler complete a mission?

That blog was sickening. He is so high and mighty. Thank you Ashley for taking the time to respond, what, between coloring her hair purple and prancing around her yard in her swimsuit, she found the time?

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Members? Don't you get brought up either Christian or not Christian? I've never heard of being brought up a member....

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by lmmomSD »

My806 wrote:Whooo, needed my waders for that blog. Image

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You said it! That bit about how he loves his neighbors as God loves us? Urgh. I threw up in my mouth a little. He doesn't love anyone but himself! And how God doesn't care if you have money? That's true, but they sure don't believe that money isn't important. It may not be important to God, but it sure is important to them! The only part I found remotely believable was Asswipe talking about being mad at God. That I buy.
Personal: I remember being really pissed at God about my daughter's special needs. Not mad for myself, but because of her suffering. She was in a special day class where most of the kids were pretty low functioning, and the "normal" kids wouldn't hang out with her, and she was lonely and knew that other kids were going to sleepovers and parties that she wasn't invited to, and it hurt her. And that pissed me off. And God seemed a reasonable target for my anger. So, what Asswipe said actually sounded like it came from a real place. But "Tyler" (lol!)? He's so full of it his eyes are brown.

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Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part 23

Unread post by 3momstrong »

bikerchick wrote:Took one for the team, here is the blog post.

Back for another chapter in your favorite blog series, FAQs! These questions came from my Instagram post last week. Some very fun ones, and also deep questions. Ill do my best to get to the top ones!

-How is Faith part of you and your girls lives?

I feel like this is a great question to get the blog started. As I’ve previously stated on many forums, faith is a huge part of our daily lives. Ashley and I have said time and time again we would be nowhere without our faith. I can remember specifically those times when we wanted to give up, stop trying, felt lost and alone. It was our faith that held root and gave us something immovable to hold on to. It was through our faith that we overcame our obstacles and found our successes. Our faith was a constant light in our lives, beaming and never dimming. We both relied heavily on our faith to overcome all of the trials that live had thrown our way. We still do the same today. That being said, we feel overwhelmingly confident that sharing our faith with our children will give them the same rock to build their hopes and dreams upon. Now faith alone is not how much is accomplished. We know that we have to put in the work ourselves. We cant just wish something to happen, pray for it, and believe it will be there. Faith without works is dead! We truly believe that statement. Our girls will be taught that faith is a good thing, but it goes hand in hand with hard work. Through our own sweat and hard work, combined with our faith, miracles occur.

-What religion/faith are you?

We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Most people know us as Mormons. You can learn more about our faith here.

I’ve also written a blog about this if you’d like to read. Check it out here.

-Does your religion do baptism?

Yes! We believe that baptism by immersion is the first saving ordinance of the gospel. It is also necessary to becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We believe this is the first step toward eternal salvation. Our Savior Jesus Christ was baptized, and therefore we follow his example of being baptized and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, our constant companion in this life if we so choose.

-Truthfully, did infertility ever make you question your faith? Even in the slightest? If not, how did you stay so strong while going through infertility?

Excellent question. Ashley and I are always open about this topic and question and have been happy to address is in interviews all over the world. I feel that this is a “he said, she said” questions, because we both might have a different take on it. That being said, i’m going to answer to the best of my ability, and then have Ashley give her thoughts below!

Tyson- Personally, infertility never made me question my faith. I don’t know the reason why, other than I feel like God has blessed me with an abundance of faith, and that is what I’ve always relied on as far as I can remember. There are many stories of my life to give as examples to why, but we’ll save those for another blog. When trials enter into my life, the first thing I always do is rely on my faith. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve really come to the realization how important and critical faith has been in my life. My savior Jesus Christ suffered more than any of us could imagine. He took on the sins of the world, died and was resurrected. He knows anything and everything that I could ever experience in this life perfectly. Therefore, why wouldn’t I turn to him when I have questions or struggles. He is the one perfect example that will always be in my corner showing me the way. He is my constant example, loving brother, giving me unconditional love no matter what choices I make in this life. That is what gives me inspiration each day as I wake and make decisions for myself and family. I know he is always there and will always be there. That being said, infertility was hard! So hard! It was hard on our marriage, our families, and ourselves. Life is hard. That is just a fact. But the hardships don’t come without purpose. I’ve taken so much from our infertility years, I don’t think I would be who I am today without those struggles. I wouldn’t be the same man, husband or father. I needed those struggles. I needed the trials of life. I needed to know the bad so I could appreciate the good! Those are my simple thoughts on this question.

Ashley- This is kind of a trick question for me. I want to say yes and no at the same time. Infertility was one of the hardest trials I have ever been though and there was a time that I didn’t feel like anyone was actually there. I have very strong faith in the church that I am a part of and I know with all my heart this is the true church so I never stopped believing in that. But there were times that I just didn’t want to care about it anymore because the pain was so great that I turned my back on it all. But that was not because I didn’t believe it was because I needed someone to be mad at and God for some reason seemed like the easiest person to be mad at. It wasn’t until I completely turned back to him 100% and put my faith, what little was left, In him that I felt a peace in my heart that I know whatever happened, baby or no baby I was going to be ok!

-How did you guys discover your faith and how did you know it was right for you?

We were brought up members in our faith. Both sets of our parents were members. We came from very strong roots in the gospel. Even though we traveled different paths in life growing up, we always had one constant in our homes, and that was the gospel.

-Is it hard dealing with all the misconceptions and assumptions about the LDS religion?

I think this is a very good question, and one I love to address! That being said, I feel that each person you ask may answer this question differently. Being a member of the LDS faith, I have been taught certain things. I have been taught that we have a Heavenly Father who created us all and who has perfect plan for us all to return and live with him and our families forever. I have been taught that we have a savior, Jesus Christ, who died for each and every one of us, giving us all the opportunity to repent of our sins and be saved for time and all eternity. I have been taught that families can be together forever if we so choose. I have been taught to love my God with all my heart and mind. I have also been taught to love my neighbor the same. This is one of my favorites lessons I’ve been taught. Loving my God and my neighbor the same. What does that tell you about how loving our God is; that he commands us to love not only him, but the rest of his children. There are many more teachings which you can learn about here. I am always open to discussing questions and topics about our religion, but I hope this blog and the church website help tremendously!

On a side note, Ashley and I have gotten really used to misconceptions and assumptions as we deal with them daily putting ourselves in the public eye. It has taught us how to not only defend ourselves, but also given us opportunity to show and educate who we really are. This goes hand in hand with showing our religion. I hope people can see our family, and know what our faith is about. That would be the ultimate compliment for me.

-Some people practicing strong faith use it to judge or condemn those with different lifestyles (like gay people). How does your family react to this?

Like I’ve stated before many times, it is not our place to judge. Only one person will be the judge of all of us, and he was perfect. We have been taught to love one another, not judge. That being said, people are human. They will make their own decisions. That is point of this life, to experience it, choosing between right and wrong, and learning from those decisions. We have been taught from our Savior what we all should strive to do. It is up to us to do that. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I choose to follow my savior Jesus Christ. He taught of love, charity, and kindness. He was empathetic, understanding and forgiving. He didn’t choose favorites, and he didn’t care if you have a dollar or a million. He cared what was in your heart and what you did with your talents. This is the example I choose to follow.

I know that we are not all perfect, however. I have been judged and shamed from many others just like all of you. Its almost like its a life challenge we all have to go through. Sometimes it can make us bitter, sometimes mad. The bottom line though, is how we react to the hardships. How we stand up and keep moving in the face of trials. We may experience these hardships from within the walls of our own home. Again the key is how we respond.

I don’t know if I’ve answered this question justly, but I do know that their are many assumptions about our faith based on the actions of people. Remember people are not perfect. Our savior was perfect. His church is perfect. We can strive to be perfect, one day at a time.

I hope you have all enjoyed this blog as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Big shout out to Ashley for making time to chime in on one of the questions. Hope you’re enjoying this series of blogs, plenty more to come! In case you missed any, here are the most recent FAQs below:
Biker Chick ... thanks for taking one for the team. As far as Tyabetes’ “blog” I call bullshit. He did not write this. Maybe he tweaked it and added the exclamation points. That’s waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too many big words for him. My money is on Pervy Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by 3momstrong »

However ... notice that he had Ashley give her short response????? Someone posted on IG last week when he was asking for topic suggestions that they’d like to hear from Ashley.

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Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part 23

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PollyKrome wrote:Speaking of his faith; I watched a documentary on nNetflix the other day called "Tabloid" that is worth looking at.

Let me say right away I am paraphrasing here so I may have some details wrong; please feel free to correct my mistakes.

Without going into too many details here it talks about the "mission"; what a male learns on the mission; how they earn the undergarments; what the garments mean, what the symbols on them mean; the woman's role to the man; what happens when the man dies; beliefs about Jesus; beliefs about some races.

I don't want to give it away for you but I would be interested in hearing what others think of the movie. It answered several questions we ask here often
Thanks, PollyKrome! I am going to watch it.

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

4kkids wrote:Quick! Someone just posted a warning on "This is how..." IG to keep Ass away from B....

For those of you that are blocked, the first pic is what was said. I also included 2 posts that were from a week ago that are obviously still there. So the Binghams don’t delete any negative comments made about their so called vlogger besties? (I absolutely despise those two words - vlogger besties. Why can’t y’all just say friends? What are you 12?) I bet Mindy leaves them up to embarrass Assface and because Mindy knows it’s true as well.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

Hoe4Christmas wrote:did ass ever confirm she has fake tits? how do we know? this isn’t criticism or anything, i was just wondering since i haven’t been around super long. do we know if she’s had any other work besides the botox? i think a mommy makeover may be next lol

I have to say, for one, no one has EXTREMELY ROUND LIKE A BALL side boobs. You can see they are odly round sticking out of her bikini top and that red top or suit she wore with the tiny shorts. Her side boob looks even rounder than most fake boobs I’ve ever seen on anyone. I’m a 38D and my waste is far smaller than my top and my boobs don’t hang out of tops like that, even if my top is tight because I’m just out in the yard and going no where. Granted, mine just turned 51...but still. Hers look so odd, thus VERY fake.

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by 3momstrong »

nebulae116 wrote:Mormon leaders had a worldwide meeting yesterday where they asked the youth to take a 7 day fast from social media. Many adults in the Mormon church are participating. I think Ass and Tyabetes should be pressured into doing the same. After all, they are ambassadors of their faith, as we just read.

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Only when it’s convenient for him and his perception of what his viewers/funders want. He will NEVER last 7 days. Oh wait ... he even posted his “breakfast of champions” on IG yesterday ... isn’t Sunday their day of no posting? I’m new here so I could be wrong.

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