Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Dani_465 »

I can’t wait to see went to the hospital... still 3 cm. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Buttt glad she’s going the baby could have been here by now if she was induced. 🙄
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Dani_465 »

Mookiel wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:40 pm
Dani_465 wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:16 pm Can I play devils advocate a second?

Maybe someone can help me. Alex had contractions at 3 cm, labor was halted when she took morphine and vistral. Last night she went on IG saying the contractions picked back up and are lasting 2 minutes. But contractions are 20 mins apart. (I didn’t think that would be possible, but what do I know)

At what point would this be a danger that the labor won’t progress?

It seems odd to me that the contractions are 20 mins apart but lasting 2 mins. Something doesn’t sound right.
Alex is not even full term yet. There’s no danger here. This is VERY normal. It’s just her body prepping and getting ready for real labour to begin.
Ok thanks. Whew! I was getting nervous for the baby.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Scandiqueen »

Elliecat wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:38 pm 5 days ImageImage

I predict ARM and pitocin followed by an epidural and most probably leading to a c section. I genuinely can’t see this woman managing an unmedicated vaginal birth after the last few hours of prodromal labour leading to 4 hospital visits, having to “breathe through” what are effectively Braxton Hicks, morphine, an inability to count, some weird porny Jesus loves you behaviour and complete abandonment of her existing children.

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This just summed up everything so perfectly. Bravo!
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Elliecat »

My first vaginal birth, I was in prodromal labour for 5 days. We went to IKEA, spent time with our son and watched comedies on Netflix. My midwife appointment on due date picked up my bump was measuring small so I had a scan and they decided to start to augment labour. They artificially ruptured my membranes and I then flipped into actual labour. 12 hours later, my daughter was born.
First vaginal birth, many women find they have a few days of mild contractions on and off while the cervix starts to dilate. I didn’t find them painful at all. Alex is being rather ridiculous.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Tiredofspoiledbrats »

Wasn’t yesterday “3 days in labor” how’d we get all the way to 5 now? All logic has gone out the window here and these followers are just eating it up
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by FlowersTar 68 »

She said a few days ago she started labour at 1:30am Tuesday, by my calculations that's 4 days 14 hours ish.

Even I worked that out and I'm in a different country!
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by skiingmama1 »

Let’s not forget that 3 weeks ago Alex was saying how she HOPED she would go past her due date because she wanted to be pregnant for as long as possible. fast forward a few days before her due date and she’s sooooo uncomfortable “in labor” 😂 you’re no different than any other pregnant woman... even though you may think you’re carrying a world changing unicorn savior baby.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by FlowersTar 68 »

This is it he says.....

Till they tell her she's 4cm and send her home again
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by FlowersTar 68 »

This is it he says.....

Till they tell her she's 4cm and send her home again
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by PinkMoscato »

I couldn’t get on this forum for daaaays (like a lot of you)

But has anyone else picked up on how SUPER CREEPY Phil is about this whole thing??

Alex being in labor is like his wet dream. The announcement video that this screenshot is from was so disturbing to me. The weird satisfied smirk and lingering looks... bobbing around her in the back.

Just... somehow so gross.

He tells her when SHE is about to have another contraction. Like she won’t feel it herself.

He keeps saying “we” - “we” are in labor, “we” are dilated to 3cm... no, Phil, Alex is in labor. She is dilating. If anything in your body is dilating, you have a problem.

His pregnancy fetish is so apparent and possessive and weird.

Also- I agree that “getting help” means she’s getting induced. She’s already past the point of her own pain threshold, and she’s not even in real labor, so she’ll get on pitocin and claim she needed an epidural because of that, and not because she just would have wanted one anyway. She was never going to have a natural labor. Just like she was never going to naturally conceive. And that’s okay.

[IMG]// ... ffb456.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by PinkMoscato »

I couldn’t get on this forum for daaaays (like a lot of you)

But has anyone else picked up on how SUPER CREEPY Phil is about this whole thing??

Alex being in labor is like his wet dream. The announcement video that this screenshot is from was so disturbing to me. The weird satisfied smirk and lingering looks... bobbing around her in the back.

Just... somehow so gross.

He tells her when SHE is about to have another contraction. Like she won’t feel it herself.

He keeps saying “we” - “we” are in labor, “we” are dilated to 3cm... no, Phil, Alex is in labor. She is dilating. If anything in your body is dilating, you have a problem.

His pregnancy fetish is so apparent and possessive and weird.

Also- I agree that “getting help” means she’s getting induced. She’s already past the point of her own pain threshold, and she’s not even in real labor, so she’ll get on pitocin and claim she needed an epidural because of that, and not because she just would have wanted one anyway. She was never going to have a natural labor. Just like she was never going to naturally conceive.

[IMG]// ... ffb456.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

Scandiqueen wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:44 pm
Elliecat wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:38 pm 5 days ImageImage

I predict ARM and pitocin followed by an epidural and most probably leading to a c section. I genuinely can’t see this woman managing an unmedicated vaginal birth after the last few hours of prodromal labour leading to 4 hospital visits, having to “breathe through” what are effectively Braxton Hicks, morphine, an inability to count, some weird porny Jesus loves you behaviour and complete abandonment of her existing children.

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This just summed up everything so perfectly. Bravo!
It's funny to me how after her preachy "all natural" lip service, morphine became "medicine" and an induction became "heading to the hospital for some help" after some prodromal labor over a couple days.

I agree, they were never going to let this be a normal delivery, it had to be the most hyperbolic, attention grabbing labor ever. This is the kind of attention she always dreamed of, but I think the reality is going to be quite different. When the dust settles, no one is going to care to watch the couple with 3 children cry infertility. Their weird, adoring fans love to pity them, Phil and Alex are going to get more and more desperate to play the perpetual victims. And once the baby with a CHD is born, the focus is going to be on her. Alex isn't going to like that one bit, she'll be right back in the fertility clinic so she can once again be the center of her own universe.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by rd_valo »

IVFwarrior wrote:
HashtagBlessed wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 7:22 am
namalot wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 6:23 am Alex said in her stories that one of the next blogs was them telling their family some special news. I'm betting its the baby's name, so we might not have to wait the full 2 weeks until Alex is actually in active labor + editing time to find out!

It would look so bad if they give the baby a family name for first or middle name. Because it would show they were 'saving' the chance to honor one of their parents etc for a bio kid.
They didn't use family names at all for their adopted daughters? I know that's how some people do it, but that's so odd to me. My daughter's middle name is a family name, and everyone in my family has a family name for a middle name. I agree it's going to be so obvious if they reserved a family name for the biological child. I can't believe how little attention has been paid to their two young children during this "labor" fiasco.

Isn't Callie's middle name (Jo) named after her grandmother or something?

And Kinsley's middle name is Grace so that one is taken. But I wouldn't put it past them to choose another virtue name as the middle name for their miracle baby.

Maybe we'll see the 3rd 2-syllablue, hard "c" at the start and "ee" sound at the end. Charli, Kasie, Chloe, Kadee, Kaymee etc...

I still think they'll pick a name with meaning to them though. Something that means miracle, god's gift, beautiful unicorn bio-baby etc...
I'm calling either faith or hope or miracle as a nameImage

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by nebralaska »

They're going to rewrite the entire labor story & completely ignore when & what they posted all over social media. Despite what Phil says Alex has shown many times that she has Z E R O pain tolerance, there is NO WAY IN HELL that she can deliver all natural. IF they admit to her getting an epidural they'll spin it into some outrageous claim that it was 'forced' & 'medically necessary' for the health of the miracle unicorn baby & Alex fought them about it the whole way.
I was admitted into the hospital on a Monday morning for a scheduled induction & had been 3cm dilated since the Friday before. I was uncomfortable but nothing crazy. They started the pitocin at 7am & I the monitor reflected I was having contractions all day long but it was NEVER bad enough to take my breath away just uncomfortable. My dr checks me at 7pm & says i'm STILL at 3cm so they're going to break my water & double the pitocin. In a half hour I went from being perfectly calm steady & able to function to contractions every 1.5 minutes that lasted for a minute-it was EXCRUCIATING pain (22 years later I can remember it like it was yesterday & it's the reason I only had 1 child)
I begged for an epidural & once it kicked in I could have literally drove myself home. All that to say 3cm dilated is N O T H I N G & the contractions from pitocin S U C K!
Alex is in for a VERY rude awakening if she thinks she was in pain before!
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Here_2_talk »

PinkMoscato wrote:I couldn’t get on this forum for daaaays (like a lot of you)

But has anyone else picked up on how SUPER CREEPY Phil is about this whole thing??

Alex being in labor is like his wet dream. The announcement video that this screenshot is from was so disturbing to me. The weird satisfied smirk and lingering looks... bobbing around her in the back.

Just... somehow so gross.

He tells her when SHE is about to have another contraction. Like she won’t feel it herself.

He keeps saying “we” - “we” are in labor, “we” are dilated to 3cm... no, Phil, Alex is in labor. She is dilating. If anything in your body is dilating, you have a problem.

His pregnancy fetish is so apparent and possessive and weird.

Also- I agree that “getting help” means she’s getting induced. She’s already past the point of her own pain threshold, and she’s not even in real labor, so she’ll get on pitocin and claim she needed an epidural because of that, and not because she just would have wanted one anyway. She was never going to have a natural labor. Just like she was never going to naturally conceive. And that’s okay.

[IMG]// ... ffb456.jpg[/IMG]

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Yeah, between this extended labour season and Myka stauffer, scum of the earth, there couldn’t have been a worse time to be locked out.
I agree about creepy Phil, 100%, he’s finally giving her what she wants, pregnancy and a bio baby. That man is so horny, I bet he was suggesting a quickie to induce labour. (There will be a wink wink to the camera to say they tried ALL the methods!) He finally feels like a real man, also Alex won’t be able to hold this over his head. “Your sperm doesn’t work! I was put on this earth to be pregnant and have a bio child!” So now he’s sooooo turned on by seeing her pregnant, I bet she’ll be back for another transfer before baby is two.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Astrasia »

Elliecat wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:48 pm My first vaginal birth, I was in prodromal labour for 5 days. We went to IKEA, spent time with our son and watched comedies on Netflix. My midwife appointment on due date picked up my bump was measuring small so I had a scan and they decided to start to augment labour. They artificially ruptured my membranes and I then flipped into actual labour. 12 hours later, my daughter was born.
First vaginal birth, many women find they have a few days of mild contractions on and off while the cervix starts to dilate. I didn’t find them painful at all. Alex is being rather ridiculous.
This!! As soon as her braxton hicks start pinching a little bit, she immediately goes into panic mode. I really hope their next vlog shows her spending some time with her family, enjoying their company and not just isolating herself while "being in labor".

I get it, every birth experience is different, but this is just so Phil & Alex. "5 days of active labor, 8 years of infertility, lived "a full year" in an RV, 11 weeks miscarriage (which never even had a heartbeat to begin with, yet they refused to quit) would have been identical twin boys!" it never ends. Wonder what's next?
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Cstars124 »

I guarantee she is going to use the 5 days of labor as the reason she needed the epidural. Probably why they keep adding days. “I was so tired after being in labor for 23 days, i needed some pain relief”.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Katiekinss09 »

Astrasia wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 2:11 pm
Elliecat wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:48 pm My first vaginal birth, I was in prodromal labour for 5 days. We went to IKEA, spent time with our son and watched comedies on Netflix. My midwife appointment on due date picked up my bump was measuring small so I had a scan and they decided to start to augment labour. They artificially ruptured my membranes and I then flipped into actual labour. 12 hours later, my daughter was born.
First vaginal birth, many women find they have a few days of mild contractions on and off while the cervix starts to dilate. I didn’t find them painful at all. Alex is being rather ridiculous.
This!! As soon as her braxton hicks start pinching a little bit, she immediately goes into panic mode. I really hope their next vlog shows her spending some time with her family, enjoying their company and not just isolating herself while "being in labor".

I get it, every birth experience is different, but this is just so Phil & Alex. "5 days of active labor, 8 years of infertility, lived "a full year" in an RV, 11 weeks miscarriage (which never even had a heartbeat to begin with, yet they refused to quit) would have been identical twin boys!" it never ends. Wonder what's next?
I know this is horrid, and I really really hope that I’m wrong, but I’ve had a bad feeling this whole pregnancy. I don’t know if theyll be bringing a baby home.. like I mentioned, I REALLY REALLY hope I’m wrong!!! I’m hoping that a healthy baby is born!!
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by ErrorUser_606 »

It makes me feel terrible for the girls every time someone says that the new baby is the “mama’s biggest blessing.” I just don’t understand how people can just completely ignore Kinsley and Callie’s existence. At least they have their grandparents I guess.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Dani_465 »

Katiekinss09 wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 2:27 pm
Astrasia wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 2:11 pm
Elliecat wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 12:48 pm My first vaginal birth, I was in prodromal labour for 5 days. We went to IKEA, spent time with our son and watched comedies on Netflix. My midwife appointment on due date picked up my bump was measuring small so I had a scan and they decided to start to augment labour. They artificially ruptured my membranes and I then flipped into actual labour. 12 hours later, my daughter was born.
First vaginal birth, many women find they have a few days of mild contractions on and off while the cervix starts to dilate. I didn’t find them painful at all. Alex is being rather ridiculous.
This!! As soon as her braxton hicks start pinching a little bit, she immediately goes into panic mode. I really hope their next vlog shows her spending some time with her family, enjoying their company and not just isolating herself while "being in labor".

I get it, every birth experience is different, but this is just so Phil & Alex. "5 days of active labor, 8 years of infertility, lived "a full year" in an RV, 11 weeks miscarriage (which never even had a heartbeat to begin with, yet they refused to quit) would have been identical twin boys!" it never ends. Wonder what's next?
I know this is horrid, and I really really hope that I’m wrong, but I’ve had a bad feeling this whole pregnancy. I don’t know if theyll be bringing a baby home.. like I mentioned, I REALLY REALLY hope I’m wrong!!! I’m hoping that a healthy baby is born!!
That makes two of us. I hope I’m wrong too.

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