Kryptonite wrote:That was so educational!blackbettybamf wrote:All eggs have an x chromosome. The sperm has either an x or a y. An x makes it a girl. An x tends to swim slower but live longer. A y makes it a boy, they swim faster but have a shorter life.
There's something called the Shettles method where you can "time" sex to sway the odds of one gender or the other in your favor. If you have sex too close to ovulation, the odds are more in your favor to have a boy because the y sperm will beat the x to the egg. If you do it a few days earlier, you have a better chance of a girl presuming most of the y sperm will die off giving the x a better chance of getting to the egg, though risky because you may end up not conceiving at all.
Of course it isn't 100%, but that's how people attempt to use nature to their advantage.
My daughter was conceived on the day I ovulated though.
Dr. Betty will be available by appointment. She prefers money but you may pay her in snacks.
Yes, I prefer payments in PayPal or gift certificates to my tattoo parlor of choice. Be generous! It's almost my birthday. :p