I hate when vloggers make a controversial title and then It ends up being a Q&A where they briefly address the title topic. Absolutely it's clickbait. What this title tells me is that Missy knows Ollie is a spoiled brat and knew a title about him being humble would be sure to generate clicks because people comment all the time about how spoiled he is and she knows it's a hot topic.Playsinrain wrote:Know what i don't get? Missy asked for questions for a Holiday Ask Missy, even said in the first minute or less of the video that it was a Holiday Ask Missy... But yet they title the vlog "How i keep my Kid Humble.."???????????? It makes zero sense to me! Why? Clickbait? Digs at us here? Funny thing is, if she was doing it to try and prove us wrong she failed so badly! All we are doing is sitting back and laughing at how stupid she sounds bc her kid is the spoiled brat poster child all bc of their actions.
You can talk a good game all you want Missy, but the first time you told Ollie no you wouldn't get him a toy dino he had a huge meltdown and then tried to get someone else to take him home so he wouldn't have to go home with you. (her words not mine). Sure all toddlers have tantrums when they don't get what they want but you make a huge deal out of them bc they happen so infrequently. I would say thats a good thing, but we all know the reason he doesn't have public melt downs when they tell him no is bc THE NEVER TELL HIM NO!!!!!!!!
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