Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by bunny88 »

Juniper Emily.... which doesn't flow very well in my opinion.

A one syllable middle name would sound so much better.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ja14 »

I think Juniper is becoming a trend name, I know of 3 Junipers. Two go by June, the other was just born so I'm not sure if they are calling her June yet.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Playsinrain »

I absolutely love unique names, so Juniper, Gaines and Finley all seem fine to me (Hell. my daughter's name is Tatum, so i can't talk much about names and hell no shes not named after channing tatum, i had no idea that dude was even a thing until WELL after my daughter was born lol) I do know 2 grown men name Finley actually, one goes by Finley and one by Finn. As someone who was born in the south and was called by my middle name my whole life, its really never been a big deal to me that my first name wasn't my called name. I only got called that by teachers on the first day of school and sometimes when they would pass out report cards or during testing. It never was a issue. With Gaines, it wasn't my favorite name when i first heard it, but now it's grown on me and i think it fits her perfectly. I'm not a fan the name macey at all, never was, so i for one am glad they call Gaines. I like the name Juniper actually too, i don't think they need to change her name just bc they call her by a nickname. I hardly ever call my son by his given name bc his nickname has always been Bubby, but i'm not going to the courthouse to legally change it.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by S_tine05 »

I tried so hard to choose baby names that could not be shortened but people always find a way I don't like Juniper I prefer June but I think its nice that as she gets older she could choose to be called either depending on her personality if we had a girl we liked the name Morghanna and I liked it because she could have gone by Morghan or Anna (or even Hanna) for short depending on her personality so Finn could choose to go by Finley as he gets older, I really don't like Gaines as a name though Macey is so cute and it could be fine as she gets older as well.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by janem »

Are you kidding me??? She needs to put on her big girl panties and stop the whining!!! Boo hoo her lazy husband isn't there to help her! They've sold themselves to the Lumps so get used to it. Except we know that once they move to Cali missy will step in to help her.
What about all those military wives and mothers who give birth and raise kids on their own while their husbands are deployed? Or even mothers whose husbands work regular jobs everyday?
This whole thing made me really really dislike them even more.
They really have such a strange relationship with him being so controlling. Wonder what their families think when they see this stuff.
Orange County airport to the Lumps house is NOT close! Really asking a lot of his cousins. What Bryan wouldn't spring for a rental car?

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by lmmomSD »

I don't understand why he's flying in and out of Orange County. Isn't San Diego closer?
And yes. The whining is ridiculous. I was lucky enough that my ex was home for Christmas every year and both our kids' births', but as a Naval Aviator, he was gone a LOT. And we weren't supposed to whine. Although we did. With wine. When it was only a trusted few of us.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

They are BOTH whiners. Some parents BOTH have to go back to work with babies younger than June.

Any ideas why Corbin is there? I'm thinking they (Missy and Bryan) are house shopping and they invited Corbin to look too, since Corbin and Kelsey will live in the house. What other "project" would require Corbin to GO there?? M&B have loads of other paid lackeys to help them out with "projects." Corbin certainly doesn't have any specific skills...other than whining, complaining and being annoying.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by KaterTot »

Playsinrain wrote:I absolutely love unique names, so Juniper, Gaines and Finley all seem fine to me (Hell. my daughter's name is Tatum, so i can't talk much about names and hell no shes not named after channing tatum, i had no idea that dude was even a thing until WELL after my daughter was born lol) I do know 2 grown men name Finley actually, one goes by Finley and one by Finn. As someone who was born in the south and was called by my middle name my whole life, its really never been a big deal to me that my first name wasn't my called name. I only got called that by teachers on the first day of school and sometimes when they would pass out report cards or during testing. It never was a issue. With Gaines, it wasn't my favorite name when i first heard it, but now it's grown on me and i think it fits her perfectly. I'm not a fan the name macey at all, never was, so i for one am glad they call Gaines. I like the name Juniper actually too, i don't think they need to change her name just bc they call her by a nickname. I hardly ever call my son by his given name bc his nickname has always been Bubby, but i'm not going to the courthouse to legally change it.

Tatum is a cute girls name. Tatum O'Neal is in her 50s so I think of a girl actually with that name. I like Finley and Macie but still not on board with Gaines as a girl's name. Juniper is cute but I probably wouldn't be brave enough to name a child that. Maybe a pet. lol But it is trendy as I had heard it a lot in 2016. But like I said when it's your kid it is totally your choice and I have never seen them complain that people don't like her name so it's totally cool with me. Now people who go out of the way for an outlandish name should expect a little feedback when they make their living off their family, it's going to happen to a non YouTube family as well.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Nothankyou »

Oh my lord, the complaining about Corbin being away was so over the top. They'd never survive as a military family. Even more so was the acting all exhausted from doing the morning routine by herself. She does realize that 95% of stay at home parents have the other parent away at work and they accomplish the morning routing by themselves at least 5 times a week right!? They are so codependent it's ridiculous.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by tnchk1187 »

So I don't have to watch... did they explain why Corbin went to cali or was it the normal "meeting"

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by wandering_meg »

tnchk1187 wrote:So I don't have to watch... did they explain why Corbin went to cali or was it the normal "meeting"

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Corbin said it was to help Bryan and missy with a project. Bryan said in his vlog that Corbin is there to house hunt...

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by freshEyremom »

I HATE THEM. And I'm not even embarrassed to say it's because they are both home all FUCKING day. I won't get into my life right now-but I'm home with 6 kids daily. I'm drowning in school work for myself. It's summer. JUST KILL ME. She so stupid on top of it. You have no move out date, but yet you are packing? Why? What do you pack? Uhhh shit your aren't using maybe? I just moved for the 4th or 5th time. BTDT. It's not rocket science. Ugh. I'm so tired my looooove. STFU. Lazy assholes. How about she take her pudgy butt out and walk in the park with her immobile infant and dog and stop whining. They have no idea how real people live and I hope they fall hard on their asses one day.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

freshEyremom wrote:I HATE THEM. And I'm not even embarrassed to say it's because they are both home all FUCKING day. I won't get into my life right now-but I'm home with 6 kids daily. I'm drowning in school work for myself. It's summer. JUST KILL ME. She so stupid on top of it. You have no move out date, but yet you are packing? Why? What do you pack? Uhhh shit your aren't using maybe? I just moved for the 4th or 5th time. BTDT. It's not rocket science. Ugh. I'm so tired my looooove. STFU. Lazy assholes. How about she take her pudgy butt out and walk in the park with her immobile infant and dog and stop whining. They have no idea how real people live and I hope they fall hard on their asses one day.
<3 <3 <3

I don't think the DBs money train is going to last long for these two. YT already seems to be over-saturated with family vloggers and - let's be honest - K&C are just NOT interesting and seem to complain about EVERYTHING.

I really think they are going to HATE living in SoCal - especially WAAAAAY out in the 'burbs/sticks like DBs. Everything they say they love about Portland will be gone and they will have to drive everywhere. Their views didn't even go up much when DBs visited for the eclipse. I wonder if they are also on DBs payroll now??
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

I actually just watched the vlog. They must be moving within a few weeks or a month if she's already packing up that much stuff. I originally thought September because they got to enjoy the summer and leave before the rain and cold come back.

I'm guessing they will get movers because I can't see Kelsey driving alone all the way to SoCal with Juniper. Missy and Bryan must be footing all the moving bills. Moving is insanely expensive and they probably have to pay to get out of their lease early.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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Of course Corbin is going to CA to give his 2 cents on whatever rental property Bryan and Missy purchase to rent out to these two while Kelsey is left behind. His opinion is the only one that matters, right? They have such a strange dynamic.

Personally I think Kelsey looks miserable. They may be fortunate enough to both stay at home with their daughter for the time being, but they're not engaging or likable enough on their own to carry a channel, and like others have said YouTube is getting over saturated. And staying at home all day must be like a prison sentence when you're married to one of these two idiots. I don't think they have the happy go lucky marriage they want people to think they have.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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On second thought, it doesn't necessarily sound like a house purchase is on the horizon. The way Kelsey was talking about it and packing, it sounds like she plans to be out of there soon. Closing on a house can take weeks even after you find the right property. The housing market is going to be slim pickings too with school back in session. Maybe they are renting a house on their own. Or they're just so ignorant to the buying process that they don't know what a realistic timeline is for Missy and Bryan to find and purchase a rental property. That apartment is small, I can't imagine why they would start packing now. It's interesting that they didn't share any footage of "house hunting."
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by lmmomSD »

They have been on DB's "payroll" one way or another for quite a while. I accept help from family and friends _occasionally_. And if family helps, that's one thing. But B&M were contributing to their Patreon while they were on the van "tour". And I will bet that Missy has been paying for their Amazon purchases.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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We bought our home in mid-November, closed in mid-December, and did some minor renovations for about a month before we moved in mid-January to align with the end of our lease. We moved out of a similar small apartment and I stretched the packing out over several days so that it wouldn't have to be done all at once, and I still think we didn't start packing until one or two weeks max before our move-out date. Actually the first thing I started doing weeks beforehand was purging and donating stuff we don't need and I didn't want to move. Only after that process did I start packing.

It just doesn't take THAT long to pack up a small apartment. Even with a baby, I don't think Kelsey and Corbin have that much stuff. Or at least they didn't when they moved in less than a year ago. I find it pretty strange that Kelsey is packing already, it's not fun to have lots of big boxes sitting around in a small apartment. I think they're finding a rental. That process moves a lot quicker than purchasing a home.

I do wonder if they're moving to CA to start formally working for the Lumps on "projects" aka behind the scenes personal assistants, and they're anxious to move down there already and start collecting that paycheck. It would be pretty foolish to break their lease so that they can put all their stuff in storage and move in with Bryan and Missy and continue to look for a place to live unless there was a financial incentive.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

The Lumps can probably buy with cash - which changes closing time a lot. I bought my house with cash and we closed in less than two weeks. My only contingency was the inspection. Once that was complete, we transferred the funds and signed. Yes, I totally believe M&B can buy a $300-400K-ish house with cash. It's sort of depressing those two bozos got THAT rich SO fast. SMH.....

But, they could also just be renting. I'm guessing they still need a co-signer with their "job" and non-reliable income. I wouldn't rent to K&C probably even WITH M&B signed on. Too unreliable. Maybe M&B are "acting" as their employers to help them get a rental?? Sort of fraud, but I could see them going that route.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

Kelsey is a fucking idiot. She feels "empowered" by doing something as SIMPLE as driving and taking her child to the doctor ALONE. FFS, do I feel empowered and need extra credit EVERY DAY when I do my usual stuff - like driving and getting REAL work done?? No.

Jeesus, the complaining and whining these people do is just unbearable. I really think they are becoming too much like M&B and expecting EVERYTHING while doing basically nothing.

Now I'm not surprised Corbin's parents aren't in his life. He's a total asshole. Kelsey is pretty terrible herself - I think June was "planned" so she didn't have to get a job. (Just being honest)
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