Night lady wrote:Ashley did not look too thrilled to be home with her miracles. She was probably thinking she wishes she was on a permanent vacation with her social influencers. Acting like a teenager because she never had the chance to actually be a teenager. Tyson made sure of that. If anyone is guilty of anything, its Tyson for robbing Ashley of her youth. Rather than going out with her friends on Friday nights and going to parties as a teenager, she was planning a wedding at age 14. So sad.
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I agree. I know Ashley is a horrific mother. That’s a given.
I will always feel she has been molded and groomed by both her papa and her hubby to never believe she was or is allowed to have a thought of her own or do what she wants...much like those poor girls are currently. That it has always been more important for her to be beautiful than smart and independent.
This has to bring some amount of sadness for the young girl she was obviously never allowed to be. Again, I know she sucks as a mother. I know she is utterly self centered. But what do you expect when she went directly from daddy telling her what a princess she was, how beautiful she was, right into the arms of perverted Scumbag, who groomed her and brainwashed her into believing HE IS ALL SHE NEEDS; THAT NO ONE WILL LOVE HER LIKE HE DOES?
Yes. She needs a huge and hurtful awakening. She needs to see the harm she has done to those girls. I’m just not sure she knows any better.
How was Mimi, as a mom, when it comes to her? Was Mimi told by odd papa to not worry about her? That he was going to promote her “beauty” and she would be fine? Was Papa as controlling with Mimi and Ashley as Scumbag is with her and “his” girls? Consider that. Think about young Ashley being so much like those poor girls. Can you remotely see how that would put her where she is now as a mother? Think about those girls...if nothing changes...will they be any different with their own children than she is with them? I doubt it. Do you?
We do have to step back and honestly look at her childhood; in the same manner we look at those poor girls’ childhoods. Perhaps the only difference is her childhood wasn’t filmed 24/7, but she was still sold out by her daddy? Think about those “model” pictures he had taken of her, “for her”. Do you honestly believe that was good for her belief of who she was? Who she could become? Was she only “so beautiful”? Or was she so smart as well?
Yes. Right now, she utterly sucks. I get that. 110%! But I do feel she had been abused emotionally and mentally as well. This has to be considered. Not forgiven, but considered; acknowledged by us , and her, in order for her to move forward to make a better life for herself...and most importantly those poor little girls.
They deserve a better mom; a mom who can teach them beauty doesn’t mean as much as smarts. That they don’t need a man in their lives to be successful and strong, wonderful women. That she wants her girls to better than she is. Imagine how much that will/would hurt, to her core, to have to admit. That she had treated her own daughters the same or less than she herself had been treated for all those years. That would hurt to your core, right? Imagine having to admit to yourself you were emotionally, mentally, and perhaps physically abused. Some of us have had to admit that ourselves. Remember that feeling? I do. Then add to that utter pain the knowledge you had treated your own daughters that same way...or more than likely worse. How painful would that be?
I was an emotionally abused child. I was never...will as good a person or as much of a wonderful “Christian” as my older sister, especially, but also my younger sister. I will never be the good child. I get that and I don’t care. I had to deal with my mom only liking; not loving, but liking me...only because a married a local “celebrity” first; then giving her her first grandchild. But that’s me. It takes some people a lot of trauma and pain to get that and understand it’s “whatever”. I simply do not care. I know my heart. I know I’m a good person even if my own blood family doesn’t. Others cannot get through that as easily. I’m sure Ashley is one of those.
“You must love your parents and respect them...especially if you are a “Christian””. Sorry. I disagree. My God gave me a mind and a heart and I know differently. I do not have to love my family if they treat meet like I’m so far less than them. Being a Christian does not mean you are a wet noodle to be walked all over. Jesus did not play; He did not allow people to walk all over Him. And I certainly refuse to raise my daughter to think she needed to have a man around, that she couldn’t be strong and independent while being a good human who followed Christian beliefs. It was far easier for me to stand up for myself and say, “Screw you” to my blood family than it obviously is to Ashley. I can only hope there are people in her life telling her she deserves better, but more importantly, at this point in her life, her girls deserve so much better.
Hopefully she had/has someone telling her to knock off the stupid, beautiful act, to grow the hell up, be a real mom and that those girls come first. She needs to know that if she stands up for herself and those girls, it won’t mean she’s horrible, not faithful and a disgrace.
In no way am I trying to say she is innocent in the abuse and neglect of those poor girls. There is no doubt she is. She must acknowledge that for sure. I am saying maybe the reality of what she’s gone through growing up does play a HUGE part in how she behaves and who she is.
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