I think the date nights are interesting, and speak of their insecurities.mommyluvv wrote:Gosh.. another freaking date night. SMH
I don't understand why they think that's okay. Some people with only 1 child don't have the opportunity to go out on date nights because they don't have family to use as live in babysitters.
Ugh, I am pregnant with #4 and would love to go on as many date nights as they do...
We have both sets of grandparents nearby, as well as aunts and uncles that would LOVE to babysit. We are more like E&J though. We have family nights at home with the kids, and rarely have date nights. Not because we can't have a sitter, but because we have other things we can do together at home. We also just don't need that many breaks from the kids. I think Missy needs the date nights because she feels like she competes with Ollie for Bryan's attention.
I just don't see why Missy would have ever desired more kids. Even girls are work, and she's just not into it.
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