Off Topic Banter Part 8


Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Very close. Exciting but nerve wracking.
I'm ready for her to be here.

My last day of work is 2 days before my due date... Hoping I make it to then, haha.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

Watching this children's version of Elf on NBC. It's really cute. Filmed like the old school Christmas movies like Rudolph.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by whatsername_ »

I watched a little of that earlier. Very cute. :)

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Kryptonite wrote:
whatsername_ wrote:I watched a little of that earlier. Very cute. :)
OT but... your signature. I rarely get on desktop and I just wanted to tell you how amazing it is. <3
Bahahhahaha. I had to do it.
It makes me laugh every time.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

I can't see sigs. I have them turned off because they sap my crappy Internet usage.

I had to go for a pelvic ultrasound today. I had one when I was pregnant with my daughter and didn't have a problem so it surprised the hell out of me how painful it was. Labour was less painful. Good news is everything was normal, left ovary seems a bit lazy but it was even when I was 20. I conceived off my right ovary both times. Right ovary is still going gung-ho, covered in follicles so I could still be a mummy again if I so chose. thanks.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

Sorry that sucked goose. Glad all was okay. You have been probed a lot lately. Sending you a glass of wine. ;)

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by TaylorKnows »

Glad all went okay goose!

So my brother just shared a post how a mom was mad that Alex Trebek didn't let her child go through to Final Jepoardy despite her daughter having a negative amount of money (It was Kids' Week). Because her daughter was upset, apparently she should be able to finish the game.

I just wonder why this world is coming to this. I see it all the time at my brother's go-kart track. Everyone needs to get a trophy, every child needs to win and if they lose, oh boy do parents raise hell. I don't remember this being a problem when I was younger. If you won, you won. If you lost, you lost and you moved on from it. We got participation ribbons for field day and the Science fair, but that was it and we all knew they gave them to everyone who entered anyway. It just disturbs me. Teach your child how to lose gracefully. Sorry, rant over.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by whatsername_ »

There's a certain age when that becomes appropriate.

I think it's fine to play a game to play, and have fun, with no winner and no loser.
Like, 5 year olds playing soccer. There's no point in having a "loser".

I see what y'all are saying, though.
That's ridiculous. That girls mom made her look like a weenie, lol.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by TaylorKnows »

If it's just a fun game, NBD. But a competition? Where the point is for someone to win or lose? Yeah, no. That's where I have to draw the line. I just see it happen way too often in sport and other things now.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by MamaJoAnna »

Related to Jeopardy!, did anyone see the kid struggling with "non-common core math"? God, that made me cringe.
RIP Dad - 09/30/2017 :angel:

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Someone I know is going to be on Jeopardy tonight...

Hahaha. He's super smart and we're dying to find out if he wins. He can't tell anyone until after it airs!
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by MamaJoAnna »

One of my community college professors was on Jeopardy! back in..2007/2008-ish. He made it through one game but lost the next one.
RIP Dad - 09/30/2017 :angel:

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by Medic »

Hah I wish I was smart enough to even try to be on jeopardy.

Random, but I've come to the conclusion that I probably won't have anymore kids and if I could find a doctor to get my tubes tied or something so I can't have anymore kids I would. Being a single mom was rough and im scared of that happening again on top of that the bond I have with my son is amazing and I don't feel like I could have that again after it being just him and i for so long. I've talked to 2 doctors about it and they bth said because I'm so young I could change my mind so that's why they want me to wait. Which I understand but im terrified of birth control failing and getting pregnant again. I wish implanon was available in Canada lol damn it.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Just make sure you use whatever you use according to instructions and, if you still doubt it, back it up with a condom.

Most accidental pregnancies are the result of user error rather than the contraceptive itself failing.

You are too young to have your tubes tied. You don't know what the future holds. Having your tubes tied is also surgery and any surgery carries it's own set of risks. Tubal ligation is also not infallible, I do know someone who got pregnant after having it done.

I get that it was hard being a single mother. That's not necessarily what's in the future for you if you were to become pregnant again. Are you in a relationship now? If not, you might meet the man of your dreams, he may treat you like a princess, accept your son as his own and might want to have more babies. Don't rule that out now.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by Medic »

Yeah I get the shot because I'd forget to take a pill everyday.
Only thing that is similar in Canada to implanon is mirena but that's pretty different and my doctor (family doctor) doesn't want me to get it because of the risks with it.

Goose you're right. But I don't see myself changing my mind but I think for now I'll just stick with the depo shot until later in life. Never know what the future holds :)

Random question again, but in Australia do you have free health care or is it more like the states health care system. Genuinely curious because I know nothing about other countries and always wondered.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Well, I don't know how the American health care system works so I can't compare.

It's a complicated question. I've typed out a response 3 times and it ends up being a whole page long and very complicated.

I'll try again and see if I can condense it.

No, healthcare is not free. We have a system called Medicare which everyone is entitled to and is paid for through taxes. If you go to a doctor, they charge you about $70, you pay it and then put in a claim to Medicare. Medicare gives you about $35 back. (There are lots of different ways it works, some people don't pay at all, some people get more back etc but this is the basic way it works).

On top of that, most people also have private health insurance which costs around $5000 per year, depending on what extras you want to be covered for. Private covers you if you need more than just a basic consultation, like if you need surgery etc. We do have public hospitals that are mostly free but waiting lists can be a problem.

If you don't take out private health insurance, the government charges you more for Medicare in your taxes.

What most people tend to do is use public if they need to go to Emergency. You have to wait but they will fix you up and it's free. However, if you then need to be admitted to hospital, you switch to private because you will get quicker and better treatment, can choose your own doctor and have your own room etc. You get wine with dinner ;)

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

Wine with dinner? Shit, we get a bill for a band aid that costs a bottle of wine. Healthcare here really upsets me. $5,000 plus dental, which we have the best. I hate that people are put in debt for saving a childs life.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Yes, our healthcare works pretty well, I guess. The only thing is we need more GPs. It's hard to get in to see a specific doctor and some clinics just don't accept new patients. I like to see a particular doctor and ai have to book appointments with her 6 weeks in advance.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by MamaJoAnna »

Our insurance is a damn joke. For my OB bills, our insurance pays a whopping THREE DOLLARS...leaving the rest to us, but with no co-pay at the time of appointment. We had better insurance before the Obamacare BS came into play and we got switched.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by sleep84 »

Hi girlies <3 I was again MIA for a long while, I just thought of you guys from Australia and that stuff is pretty damn scary. It's terrifying and infuriating. You go on living your life and you can't predict anything. Some asshole can wreck everything you build in your life. I'm fuming mad just at the thought of it.

On a happy note I notice Jo is pregnant, hurray!

What went down with LizLee? Where can I find the thread? Any other dramas?

I just noticed Lindsey from our mommies, she is writing a book (uahahahahahah) and wants to go to Ellen because she is an inspiration to other teen moms (double hahahahahahahahahah)

Lots of love to you lovely YTMD ladies :)
up all night, got demons to fight

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