Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by lmmomSD »

God, can you imagine being in a birthing class with them? "My loove, you need to breathe like _this_! My looove, our birth plan is perfect. Our little adventurer will pop right out and be ready to travel!"

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by RecklessDisregard »

I literally can't stand Corbin. I have opened many, but never finished an entire vlog of theirs because the dude drives me nuts. But to piggyback on what another poster said... I can imagine there being a good amount of "friend envy" going on with B&M. It's not exactly like B&M are the definition of cool or were ever likely to make it in "show business." They were probably voted most likely to work in a municipal office and have an early dad-bod in high school. So if those two dingbats can strike it rich on YT, then anyone can... right? So these two will be equally successful if they can just get the formula right, right? It must be frustrating to watch your well-below-average friends accumulate wealth while you struggle in a studio apartment.

Just offhand, I don't know that I would have realized a permit was necessary for the pod. But I have never lived anywhere with on-street parking either.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by onbreak »

I feel like they don't need the formula.. They were handed 2M subs directed towards the channel several times and on the wander vlogs not a damn poop emoji in sight.. Fucking lazy!

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

I'm curious how they were able to get utilities and internet set up at the new house if they haven't even signed the lease. That seems odd.

Best Western must be paying for their hotels - both nights they've stayed at Best Westerns.

Also, Corbin's earrings make me want to pull them out of his head. They look SO FREAKING STUPID!
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by amyfalafal »

Im here from the Daily Bumps thread.. just wondering if anyone thinks Corbin and Missy had a thing when Missy and Bryan were split up? The chemistry is real with these two..I've never seen Bryan and Missy have the same sexual chemistry.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by GymChick »

I've just watched a couple vlogs? I haven't watched since they were pregnant. Omg hoop earrings for a baby!? I am sure this has been already discussed to death but WHAT!? For starters piercing baby's personally for me is not something I would ever do. BUT to put HOOPS on???? Lol my LO would have stopped those things right out or some other baby would have and then proceed to eat them

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by valeryjackson »

their new house is gorgeous, but there's no way they are able to pay for it without BM's help
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

They went from espousing minimal city living to a large house in the suburbs in 8 months’ time. That kitchen is massive, but the living area and dining area seem tiny for a four-bedroom house. What is Kelsey thinking with those over-sized Marge Simpson pearl earrings and necklace?

The last house that Corbin filmed was on the market for around $1,995 a month if I remember correctly, so I imagine this house is probably also around $2K a month. I’m guessing based on their Social Blade stats that they’re making around $5K a month. They can technically afford it if that’s indeed their income, but they don’t seem financially responsible. So I’m guessing they don’t have retirement accounts, rainy day funds, college tuition savings, etc. and they probably have debt/fixed expenses like student loans, credit cards, that car, etc. In that case, I would say that $2K a month in rent is not wise. They could have gotten a two-bedroom apartment and saved for a home that they could be building equity in.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by lmmomSD »

And you know DB had to pay the security deposit for the house. There's no way they have first and last months rent saved up.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by tintin15 »

I've only watched a little of the house tour so far, but it's a nice house. Of course they had to mention that they have no TV :roll:
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Shorty02 »

tintin15 wrote:I've only watched a little of the house tour so far, but it's a nice house. Of course they had to mention that they have no TV :roll:
They also had no car, no house, etc. and suddenly they do. I'm sure the tv is right around the corner...

I know they love to think they are nature-loving hipsters, but it seems deep down they were always suburbanites.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by aurora85 »

How much you think Missy is gunna spend gettin them all set up with furniture, guestbeds, linens, decor ect? Cue the shopping montage.
For people who are supposedly minimalist and nature loving...They sure didn't hesitate to grab the biggest house they could find and I bet they will happily jump on the chance to drop cash on all new everything to fill this place. I already get the impression that they will NEED a hot tub soon. You can tell they want one now that the previous tenants had one. I'm surprised they didn't try for a place with a pool. Gotta keep up with the Jonses....I mean Landings!

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by luci417 »

Shorty02 wrote:
tintin15 wrote:I've only watched a little of the house tour so far, but it's a nice house. Of course they had to mention that they have no TV :roll:
They also had no car, no house, etc. and suddenly they do. I'm sure the tv is right around the corner...

I know they love to think they are nature-loving hipsters, but it seems deep down they were always suburbanites.
I was actually just about to post this. i think they're going to LOVE the suburbs. They so badly want to be travellers but I've never seen such homebodies in my life, they obviously like creature comforts. I mean they must have really wanted that house and car to be spending money they obviously don't have on them. Have they ever even been to see a play or a band in Portland? They have absolutely no interest in culture or partying or anything like that. And they think the world revolves around them and June (in my experience people in cities tend to be a bit more realistic about their kids than suburbanites who think theirs are at the centre of the universe) and they can drive a big car, fill a big house with crap, and still eat junk food whenever they want. I think they were secretly starting to dislike Portland quite a bit and jumped on this move as an excuse to get out without looking bad. They're going to pride themselves on being the coolest family in the neighbourhood but really they're as lame as anyone you might find in the suburbs of central California.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ButterflyB »

I'm interested to see if there new empty house fills up with brand new furniture quickly. They didn't have much in their tiny apartment. If they do get a bunch of new stuff in the next week or two then you know they are being funded at least partially by DB

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ja14 »

That video and their nice house just makes me hate them more.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by alightershadeofgray »

They are totally selling out! It is such a bummer. Corbin and Kelsey are so much more interesting than DB and in their older vlogs they seemed much more down to earth. (although still a bit entitled/naiive) Watching them get so excited about this house just shows how different they've become. They didn't even showcase the backyard, which if I can remember was one of the main reasons they wanted to move into a bigger place anyway! SMH.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by webbygurl626 »

Wow Corbin is really trying to sell the perfect little housewife with that opening why can't they just be themselves oh yeah cause they are pathetic and they know it!!

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by justkidding »

To be fair, weren't people saying their apt wasn't big enough when they rented it? Now people say they are a sell-out for wanting a house. I wanted a house once I had a baby. I get that they went from a 600 square foot apt to a 4-bedroom house but it seems like I read on here that their apt cost about $1200/month. If they got this much house for $2000/month, I'd say it's way better than spending that much on a tiny apt.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by RecklessDisregard »

The house doesn't really bother me. I think it's far better for a young family than a studio apartment, and if it's $2k/month, that doesn't seem unreasonable considering it's in CA. I actually liked that it seems like a normal family home, not a McMansion or gray & white Pinterest Palace. I like that big, spacious kitchen with so much storage, and personally would sacrifice some living/dining space for it, as I presently have & hate the opposite (huge living, miniscule galley kitchen). I do agree with the poster who predicted they will love the burbs and start filling up all that space pronto.

It is interesting to see an actual friendship on YT, as opposed to a "collab," though of course their channel has & will continue to benefit from proximity to DB. I criticize the shit out of E&J for never helping or giving shout outs to friends & family, so despite not being a fan of DB as humans (and actively HATING the way they parent Ollie), it is a bit refreshing to see vloggers care about other people (though Bryan's heart clearly isn't in it). Also, I can't imagine Missy having sexual chemistry w/ anyone, but is there a particular vlog where you guys noticed it that I can go look at?

I went back and watched their ear piercing vlog. It was the least-awful baby ear piercing I have ever seen on YT (and I have seen a lot), until I saw in the comments that June hasn't been vaccinated. Gah.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by lmmomSD »

justkidding wrote:To be fair, weren't people saying their apt wasn't big enough when they rented it? Now people say they are a sell-out for wanting a house. I wanted a house once I had a baby. I get that they went from a 600 square foot apt to a 4-bedroom house but it seems like I read on here that their apt cost about $1200/month. If they got this much house for $2000/month, I'd say it's way better than spending that much on a tiny apt.

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It's not so much that their apartment wasn't big enough. It's that they insisted it was. That they were minimalist city dwellers, (who also love nature) and that their little studio would be just fine, so STFU, haters! Just like they didn't need a car because they were going to be hipster city dwellers and use public transit. Then what did they do but not only buy a car, but a Subaru Forester. And now, after everyone tried to tell them a studio was no place to raise a baby, and all their haughty defensiveness, they're getting not only a house, but a four bedroom one. They don't need one that big. They don't have enough stuff for it. And nobody visits them.
And I don't think they really care about Bryan and Missy at this point. They're too selfish. They just want the views.
And for sexual chemistry, go check out the vlog where Missy and Bryan arrive in Medford for the wedding. She runs to Corbin, jumps into his arms, and wraps her legs around him. While Bryan is literally standing there, filming and saying "And wrapping her legs around him. Yeah, I'm totally ok with that" and not _sounding_ ok at all. It's been posted in the DB thread-- I can't remember the name. But I think it was October 2014-ish.

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