DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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Dailyitmaystillbeagirl ha ha!
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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DailyBankrupt, since Bryan and Missy love to spend their money
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

ladykat1313 wrote:
geezeeuss wrote:
ProSubscriber wrote:I really wish they would invest in a professional trainer for Karma (and for themselves, since they'd need to do the work and maintain it!). This dog would be so much happier if he did learn how to walk on a leash and if he learned how to be around strangers. He was tense this whole vlog. Even when Missy and the other girl were petting him he looked stiff and like his ears were pinned. I was half expecting him to nip at someone. I think having him properly trained is only going to get that much more important as they add more young kids to the mix...
So, I am not an animal person. I have never owned a dog and I have no desire to own a dog. Or any other animal for that matter. With that being said, even I, a person who knows absolutely nothing about animals, could tell that something was odd/off about Karma. Is he really that uncomfortable around strangers? Is that normal? Even with the owners being comfortable around the "stranger"?
Yup it's normal. I have a White German Shepherd, he is about a year and a half old. And we got him when he was around 4 months old. He was way passed the socializing phase. Which really sucks. We tried everything, even puppy classes he wouldn't let the trainer get to close for the first two weeks. He's still the same way, he doesn't mind strangers but he won't let them pet him either. My dog really has to know the person before he can socializes with them and even then sometimes he won't want to. Maybe karma wasn't socialize by missy when she got him. Or maybe she got him to old like I did. Puppies need to have interactions with different humans from a very young age to grow up to be friendly around strangers.

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This is Missy. She got a puppy for sure.

Also again, this is Missy, I'd bet Karma wasn't socialized at all. I mean, Ollie isn't, so I'm sure Karma didn't get out anymore than Ollie does. The lack of leash training kind of illustrates that.

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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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Buggy2010 wrote:Can the name of the next thread be dailydyingincars in honor of missys dumbass statement? I still can't get over that. She is dumb
I still vote this one LOL

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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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actuallydear wrote:i vote the next topic is called 'dailymissyknowsbest'
still my vote.
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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HelloSweetie1 wrote:
ladykat1313 wrote:
geezeeuss wrote: So, I am not an animal person. I have never owned a dog and I have no desire to own a dog. Or any other animal for that matter. With that being said, even I, a person who knows absolutely nothing about animals, could tell that something was odd/off about Karma. Is he really that uncomfortable around strangers? Is that normal? Even with the owners being comfortable around the "stranger"?
Yup it's normal. I have a White German Shepherd, he is about a year and a half old. And we got him when he was around 4 months old. He was way passed the socializing phase. Which really sucks. We tried everything, even puppy classes he wouldn't let the trainer get to close for the first two weeks. He's still the same way, he doesn't mind strangers but he won't let them pet him either. My dog really has to know the person before he can socializes with them and even then sometimes he won't want to. Maybe karma wasn't socialize by missy when she got him. Or maybe she got him to old like I did. Puppies need to have interactions with different humans from a very young age to grow up to be friendly around strangers.

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This is Missy. She got a puppy for sure.

Also again, this is Missy, I'd bet Karma wasn't socialized at all. I mean, Ollie isn't, so I'm sure Karma didn't get out anymore than Ollie does. The lack of leash training kind of illustrates that.

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I got my dog at about 2 months old(on a whim at an animal shelter). We had 3 other dogs so he socialized with them and we took him to the dog park a couple times. We never really walked him since we have a huge backyard and play fetch a lot, especially during summer. I've started walking more and taking him with me and at first he was terrible on leash and only after a couple walks (using Cesar Milan's leash method) he is the perfect dog on leash. It really wouldn't take much for Karma to learn how to walk on a leash.
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by Greys Encyclopedia »

HelloSweetie1 wrote:
ladykat1313 wrote:
geezeeuss wrote: So, I am not an animal person. I have never owned a dog and I have no desire to own a dog. Or any other animal for that matter. With that being said, even I, a person who knows absolutely nothing about animals, could tell that something was odd/off about Karma. Is he really that uncomfortable around strangers? Is that normal? Even with the owners being comfortable around the "stranger"?
Yup it's normal. I have a White German Shepherd, he is about a year and a half old. And we got him when he was around 4 months old. He was way passed the socializing phase. Which really sucks. We tried everything, even puppy classes he wouldn't let the trainer get to close for the first two weeks. He's still the same way, he doesn't mind strangers but he won't let them pet him either. My dog really has to know the person before he can socializes with them and even then sometimes he won't want to. Maybe karma wasn't socialize by missy when she got him. Or maybe she got him to old like I did. Puppies need to have interactions with different humans from a very young age to grow up to be friendly around strangers.

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This is Missy. She got a puppy for sure.

Also again, this is Missy, I'd bet Karma wasn't socialized at all. I mean, Ollie isn't, so I'm sure Karma didn't get out anymore than Ollie does. The lack of leash training kind of illustrates that.

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I got my dog at about 2 months old(on a whim at an animal shelter). We had 3 other dogs so he socialized with them and we took him to the dog park a couple times. We never really walked him since we have a huge backyard and play fetch a lot, especially during summer. I've started walking more and taking him with me and at first he was terrible on leash and only after a couple walks (using Cesar Milan's leash method) he is the perfect dog on leash. It really wouldn't take much for Karma to learn how to walk on a leash.
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by FibroMommy »

*walks into the room afraid of being hit*

I have to say, after the last 6-7 months... I would rather have Bryan as a husband than my (soon to be) ex. Bryan at least tries to do things to provide for his family. My douchenozzle pays bills late and gets shut-offs. Bryan likes his family to be around nice things.. My douche canoe thinks I should have dealt with a 2 door car when he kicked me, and our children (including a 2 month old daughter) out because he wanted a divorce. Bryan actually cares about his kid.. My numbnuts... he sees them as burdens.

I am not going to jump into the minion wagon, I've just learned that sometimes there are things to appreciate... and accept.
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by cats-or-die »

FibroMommy wrote:*walks into the room afraid of being hit*

I have to say, after the last 6-7 months... I would rather have Bryan as a husband than my (soon to be) ex. Bryan at least tries to do things to provide for his family. My douchenozzle pays bills late and gets shut-offs. Bryan likes his family to be around nice things.. My douche canoe thinks I should have dealt with a 2 door car when he kicked me, and our children (including a 2 month old daughter) out because he wanted a divorce. Bryan actually cares about his kid.. My numbnuts... he sees them as burdens.

I am not going to jump into the minion wagon, I've just learned that sometimes there are things to appreciate... and accept.
I don't think any of us negate that Bryan isn't a good father. He does everything he can (and to his abilities) for Oliver. Thats commendable in my book, especially when he's compared to his lazy, entitled, spoiled wife who only cares about getting her little girl. That aside, Bryan is still selfish and up his own ass 90% of the time. He cares entirely too much about the image he's perceived as, and wants to appear very well off and successful. That alone annoys that living hell out of me. His vainness also annoys the daylights out of me.
But none of that compromises his ability to be a good father, which I think we all agree he is.
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

Today's vlog actually made me kind of sad. Bryan is just so much happier when he's around friends. I wonder if part of his "image concerns" are a struggle to fit in. He was a fat kid remember? I wonder if he's still that kid inside and just doesn't know how to be normal around people. He really seems to be at ease around Jared and Rachelle, and that's nice to see.

Missy on the other hand, clearly was annoyed at Bryan (and had just let him know) when they were up giving Ollie a bath. She finds it threatening for Bryan to have friends and a life outside of her and the Hollisters. I'm sorry, but if the roles were reversed this would be a controlling and emotionally abusive marriage. I mean, it still is, but society just doesn't recognize make victims.

Missy made her mom bring her stew... of course.

Isn't it funny that the TV has hardly been on because Missy doesn't want to show Rachelle how neglectful a parent she is?

You can really see Bryan is working on Ollie's language development. Missy, not so much.

The Ollie vlogging was super staged. Audrey Null did that 2 days ago. I don't buy the coincidence. Missy trying to make more cute moments.

Bryan refers to the baby as Ollie's "brother". Anyone else notice Missy just can't say it? Even after Bryan and Ollie were saying brother repeatedly

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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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Oliver vlogging was staged. Especially now that Kailand Null is vlogging and talking more than Oliver. Missy has to make sure Oliver is the cutest kid on YouTube.
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

babyspice wrote:Oliver vlogging was staged. Especially now that Kailand Null is vlogging and talking more than Oliver. Missy has to make sure Oliver is the cutest kid on YouTube.
She needs to stop caring about that because
1. His value has nothing to do with how cute he is!
2. He's laid back, and therefor won't stand out like some of the other kids. You can't stage "cute" moments and have them seem natural. Missy's a pageant mom, and sorry, there's nothing cute about Honey Boo Boo. Kai Null has loads of personality (like his dad and sister), and will ALWAYS steal the show.

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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by babyspice »

Oliver is an adorable kid, it's sad that his parents push him into stuff like Frozen and vlogging.
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

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I'm sorry but I cannot stand the sound of that girls voice. It sounds so creepy to me...
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by honeybear »

HelloSweetie1 wrote: Bryan refers to the baby as Ollie's "brother". Anyone else notice Missy just can't say it? Even after Bryan and Ollie were saying brother repeatedly
yep. Even in her bumpdate I don't think she ever mentioned it was a boy or said "he". She just kept calling it "the baby". Sad. :(
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

So Bryan and Missy HAD to sleep in Ellie and Jared's bed because they insisted, and it would be rude not to let the host have their way.

But.... They also HAD to let the guests do the dishes because they insisted and guests should have their way?

So basically, B&M are ride and just take advantage of people nicer than them. We already knew this of course, but this is pretty much proof

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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by Avocado_love »

Did anyone else watch Ellie and Jared's vlog for today?
I couldn't tell if Ellie was throwing major shade at Missy or not XD

Could just be coincidence.
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by Greys Encyclopedia »

I actually did watch E&J today and they were definitely throwing some shade
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Re: DailyUltrasounds Part 25

Unread post by rd_valo »

Avocado_love wrote:Did anyone else watch Ellie and Jared's vlog for today?
I couldn't tell if Ellie was throwing major shade at Missy or not XD

Could just be coincidence.
I seen it too, wasn't 100% if theyy were throwing shade or not. :)

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