Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by eab424 »

I have to agree they do overshare, and no they don’t help people. I think it’s hilarious they think they help people.

I agree GGF1987 they’ve been lead to say the things they do about having a sibling Alex has filmed herself doing that very thing so many times. 

As a person who has experienced miscarriage and stillbirth it’s sickening that they by choice would potentially put themselves through that. The girls will be older because they did say they were going to implant the healthy ones first. Kinsley is 4 now and will likely be in school at a point where these bad memories will be burned into her memory.

There are compassionate ways of dealing with those embryos. I don’t feel like they truly have the information or do and are just stupid to make a wise decision in this case. 

 As far as the turner syndrome, they have no problem with their baby having these issues but Alex having IF issues, the world is ending if she doesn’t get what she wants. Alex is so childish. They called themselves old souls no their selfish and stupid. 

No Phil and Alex what you provide the IF community with is heartache and no at all any sort of encouragement. Hopefully with what happens with youtube soon they stop this nonsense. 

And for what everyone said about Callie’s hips yeah Alex’s wants and needs come before that just imagine what a child with turner syndrome would go through. 

As far as those embryos there’s such a thing as compassionate FET where pregnancy has no chance of happening. 

As far as donor egg and sperm, that’s overboard since there is a thing called embryo adoption and that’s a lot cheaper than getting donor eggs and sperm. Sperm is cheap, but getting donated eggs isn’t at all.
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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by FlowersTar 68 »

I skimmed through the vlog but 2 things stood out for me and it was something Phil said both times... this isn't word for word.

They've had "several" miscarriages!

When they got married they wanted as many children God would bless them with. Maybe, just maybe, God only wants them to have two children? Has Phil not thought that?
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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by Amelia322 »

I have a feeling they will have their baby and just stop trying fora bigger family. They don’t seem like the people to add more pain to themselves by transferring abnormal embryos just to give them a chance at life. They should have kept this all private. Now we will watch and judge them on all of their future decisions when it’s none of our business. They could just share IFV journey.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by Tiger27 »

[IMG]// ... 53fb99.jpg[/IMG]

Someone posed the question of why would you purposefully bring a disabled child into the world and it’s the most liked comment on the post..but people jumped down her throat.

I will explain my position on this here. I know this all leads into giant ethical pro-life/when life begins debate BUT there are key differences here from the situations people are explaining.

I guarantee you not one of these people with TS commenting to say they’re fine now and are glad they were aborted were known to have TS PRIOR to their parents getting pregnant with them. Their parents just got pregnant and had a baby with a disorder. No decision was made to purposefully have them be sick. P&A are NOT pregnant. They know before pregnancy the life this baby will live. Like I mentioned, they certainly know the type of TS this embryo has and by not disclosing it, I’d guess it’s not one of the better forms that most of these women have. They are making a conscious decision to impregnate her with an abnormal embryo. These peoples parents made a conscious decision to carry on a pregnancy (most were probably not aware their child had TS in utero). That is completely different than what P&A are doing. Like I said, all these women with TS have survivor’s bias because they lived and turned out okay. Great for them, but don’t discount the 90% that died in utero and the thousands of others who suffer greatly or died as a result of this.

I’m sorry to those people who believe life begins at conception, but a tiny clump of cells, living in a Petri dish and frozen in a lab are NOT a life in my opinion. Sure they can love on those embryos and see them as future children, but they are not yet. I just don’t see how one could be so attached to that idea, so much so they’d risk that embryo growing up to deal with great suffering. A huge portion of TS girls are infertile. Alex would be subjecting another human to that.

To the lady who called the person questioning this is Alex any better? She’s picking and choosing which embryos get to live. She’s forcing an embryo to be born that could suffer immensely. They’re literally playing God. To be clear, I don’t think Alex is hitler for these decisions BUT if you are going to enter the IVf world and genetically test, you better be prepared to make some decisions that don’t fully align with your conservative Christian beliefs. Otherwise, why freaking bother?! Just go adopt a kid. Or adopt a known healthy embryo so you don’t have to compromise any of your own beliefs in the process. They should have never entered this arena if they were willing to make decisions like this. I know some people may see it differently but I find it complete unethical and selfish to impregnate yourself with genetically abnormal embryos. That is a decision they’re making to make themselves feel better about not “killing a baby”, not a decision out of love for the life the future child will have to live.

I’m just rambling now but I’m so annoyed and angry at this.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by LexiRae »

Tiger27 wrote:Y’ALL I AM PISSED OFF!

I predicted this weeks ago (when I set off the debate about the Moran fam mom who carried a genetically abnormal baby incompatible life) when I said I could see Alex the purposefully transferring abnormal embryos.

For those who don’t want to give them a view because only 20% of this video contained useful info while the rest was preaching, “encouraging” and repeating themselves: here’s their 5 embryo recap.

1. Genetically normal and graded 4AA, frozen day five
2. Genetically abnormal, has Turner’s syndrome (one X chromosome instead of normal 2)
3. Genetically abnormal “high mosaic”
4. Genetically abnormal “high mosaic”
5. Lone embryo from last cycle, genetically normal, 6CA. Was frozen on day 6 last time and when thawed and refrozen, grew to a day 7.

A high mosaic means of the cells tested, some were normal but 70-80% were abnormal and deemed incompatible with life. You can also have a low mosaic which carries a 25% chance of live birth.

They note that the Turner Syndrome embryo has a 90-99% chance of miscarriage but they’ve googled and read about adults with Turner syndrome.

SO. Here’s why I’m pissed. These selfish assholes who care so much about life clearly don’t give a shit about QUALITY OF LIFE. It’s one thing to naturally conceive a genetically abnormal baby. It’s a whole other beast to subject a HUMAN BEING to potential great suffering because of your selfish desire to have a giant family.

Anyone watch Vanessa (can’t remember her channel name)...her daughter Lily has TS. You can’t look at her story and tell me she has not faced great struggles! I am by no means saying Lily should have been aborted because of her disorder, but what parent would CHOOSE to have a child go through that?!

Let’s look at some of the complications of Turner Syndrome. [IMG]// ... 788f97.jpg[/IMG]

Who would want their child to go through that?! If there was a way to prevent that suffering, by oh I don’t know NOT TRANSFERRING THAT EMBRYO, why not do that? Sure there’s a minuscule chance the embryo is even born but they could live a life of surgeries and challenges. Phil of all people should know what it’s like to live with a congenital heart defect.

They shouldn’t have tested the embryos if they didn’t care about the results. They seemed hesitant to admit it but seemed to support transferring of the other 2 incompatible with life embryos as well.

Absolutely crazy. Sorry, I know there’s lots of ethical debates around this but in my opinion, it is completely unethical to purposefully have a baby with that type of disorder. A few people with Turners syndrome commented on her Instagram. Those are the 1% of people who survived to birth and made it to adulthood. They (not purposefully) suffer from survivor’s bias. Sure it’s great these handful of people made it but for all of them, there are thousands who didn’t survive birth or live to adulthood. Alex fails to mention that Turner syndrome has different forms and it is also “mosaicism” as different people can have variable amounts of abnormal cells. I’m sure P&A know exactly which type they have and what the predicted outcomes for that type are. Their unwillingness to say leads me to believe they do not have one of the “better” outcome types.

Here’s a detailed look at the genetics and numerous problems a child with TS may face. My favorite is increased risk for aortic dissection, which can lead to sudden death. This is NOT a benign disorder. ... 5#51301408

For two people who can’t/won’t even deal with Callie’s hip issues, can you imagine them having a child with special needs?! If their concern about playing God and meddling too much in the process clouds them from making decisions that could gravely impact another’s humans life, they should have never done IVF or genetically tested in the first place. If they don’t care about where the child comes from, actually put some effort into adopting for once!! Thousands of kids out there in need and they want to risk a person suffering their entire life just so Alex can fulfill her selfish need for all the bio babies.

This makes me so angry I don’t even know what to say.

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I also said the exact same thing that I believe Alex would thrive off the attention from carrying a sick baby. People telling her how great it is that she’s giving it a chance at life and what not. I swear Alex has Münchausen syndrome

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by Sorn »

Haven't they been counseled about a compassionate transfer? Someone here mentioned it before. You can transfer the abnormal embryos at a time during the cycle where it would be unlikely to implant. That way you avoid the ethical issue of "discarding" or "destroying" your "beloved children".

Never in a million years did I ever think that there was even the option of TRANSFERING ABNORMAL EMBRYOS! In my brain, before this video, I just assumed the abnormal ones would be discarded. I never could have guessed these two nut jobs would be thinking about transferring. They are seriously mentally ill.

Did Phil really believe they would all come back normal and they wouldn't have to deal with this? Even though Alex shared the statistic that even for typical couples something like 25 to 50% of embryos come back normal. It seems like they live for the constant drama and are trying to purposely live a life filled with never-ending controversy.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by FlowersTar 68 »

It's all very clickbaity to me
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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by marissalasel »

gossipdottir wrote:Oh what a pain to watch.

So basically 1 normal embryo from the last round. Which was the worst of the batch, otherwise it would have been transfer sooner than then the others. What that says to me, is that the chance of her already having had genetically normal embryo's transferred is kind of high. But still no results.

This is such a big deal! And YOU KNOW Alex is thinking about it!

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by NowAndThen87 »

eab424 wrote:I have to agree they do overshare, and no they don’t help people. I think it’s hilarious they think they help people.

I agree GGF1987 they’ve been lead to say the things they do about having a sibling Alex has filmed herself doing that very thing so many times. 

As a person who has experienced miscarriage and stillbirth it’s sickening that they by choice would potentially put themselves through that. The girls will be older because they did say they were going to implant the healthy ones first. Kinsley is 4 now and will likely be in school at a point where these bad memories will be burned into her memory.

There are compassionate ways of dealing with those embryos. I don’t feel like they truly have the information or do and are just stupid to make a wise decision in this case. 

 As far as the turner syndrome, they have no problem with their baby having these issues but Alex having IF issues, the world is ending if she doesn’t get what she wants. Alex is so childish. They called themselves old souls no their selfish and stupid. 

No Phil and Alex what you provide the IF community with is heartache and no at all any sort of encouragement. Hopefully with what happens with youtube soon they stop this nonsense. 

And for what everyone said about Callie’s hips yeah Alex’s wants and needs come before that just imagine what a child with turner syndrome would go through. 

As far as those embryos there’s such a thing as compassionate FET where pregnancy has no chance of happening. 

As far as donor egg and sperm, that’s overboard since there is a thing called embryo adoption and that’s a lot cheaper than getting donor eggs and sperm. Sperm is cheap, but getting donated eggs isn’t at all.
Oh I totally think the donor egg or sperm is totally overboard as well. I only made that suggestion because the two of them seemed more obsessed with a BIO child. For some people they are just not compatible making a child for genetic reasons. Phil and Alex seem like the unlucky ones where they both have faulty genes and when put together unfortunately make abnormal embryos. In those cases you find a donor egg or donor sperm that doesn’t have those problems. In that case one of them would then be the biological parent.
Embryo adoption is in the end just adoption. But I guess it would at least satisfy her need to be pregnant.
But again they have a ton of other options to expand their family. With the money they’ve spent on IVF they could’ve done international adoption or even another domestic adoption. But it’s this obsession with being pregnant and having a bio child that has literally stopped them from having the large family they want. They are their own worse enemies at this point.
But I am also extremely pro choice and I believe a woman can do with her body what she wants. I just can’t help but want to pull my hair out because they have already achieved the goal of becoming parents. And they should know that adopted vs bio kids is no different in terms of love.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by gossipdottir »

wildwild94 wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 6:20 am
gossipdottir wrote: And yes, your children, the ones you should focus on, the ones who should say how much they want ice-creams, and bikes, and dolls, and ballerina dresses, they only want what mummy wants, a baby and a dog. Big surprise there. They have been so indoctrinated that's painful to watch.
Did you see the tweet she posted a few days ago about indoctrinating children (or close enough, it reminded me of this)? It came off SO bad to me personally.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by StreetTacosTalking »

I really think they’re talking about transferring the abnormal ones to protect themselves from the wrath of their large pro-life “life begins at conception” following. The majority of their followers are conservative Christians and I think Phil and Alex don’t want to get an onslaught of “MURDERERS!!!” comments if they said they were disposing the abnormal ones.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by GGF1987 »

anneraingirl wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:10 am I have always been pro life. However, learning about IVF through these two makes me second guess the "life begins at conception". Life can't be frozen and thawed. That's science fiction. With the high rate of abnormal embryos these 2 produce I don't believe they would have even had a chance at them naturally. For example, if Phil's swimmers could not be ADD and knew where to go, they would not have developed into abnormal embryos but since they are making them join in a lab, you get these abnormal results. Am I way off about this? I think I'm still pro life on not ending a pregnancy, but I would not transfer any abnormal embryos if I were doing IVF.
If those same embryos were conceived naturally, they still would've been genetically abnormal. But would those particular sperm and eggs have met, without help probably not. That doesn't mean they still wouldn't conceive genetically abnormal embryos on their own. The basics of genetics are already in place in each individual sperm and egg long before conception. So if one or both are genetically abnormal, no matter how they come together they will produce a genetically abnormal embryo. So if either one has an issue with the genes they are passing on with their egg or sperm, it wouldn't matter how they conceived, it would still be an issue. Now is IVF potentially putting together sperm and eggs that would never come together? Yes of course but you can't automatically say their genetic issues are due to IVF.

The reality is genetic abnormalities are pretty common. Most miscarriages are a result of genetic abnormalities. Even more embryos are miscarried without the woman even knowing she's pregnant, and there are lots of eggs that are fertilized but never implant, and although there is no way to know for sure, it's a good bet that a lot of those miscarriages and fertilized eggs that don't implant are a result of genetic abnormality. Then you add the number of babies who are conceived and stillborn or born with genetic abnormalities and you quickly realize how common it really is. I think it also makes you realize how hard nature works to keep those genetically abnormal embryos from ever being born.

I think when you look at the embryos they've conceived and the amount that we know just from this testing and the failures they've had in the past, it's very possible that there are genetic issues either with her eggs or his sperm or possibly both(My thought is with the issues with Phil's sperm, that the genetic issues are with him but it could still be both) and that this could've been an issue even if none of their other problems were an issue. But of course, we'll never know.
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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by sweetener »

Someone asked them on IG, "Have you guys considered embryo adoption? Ayla and Caleb have a beautiful baby girl now because of it." They didn't answer the question, which to me IS an answer. I find it odd that they'd be willing to adopt a living child, but they're seemingly not willing to adopt an embryo and experience pregnancy that way. Does Alex only want to experience pregnancy if it's her biological child? If I were so desperate to experience pregnancy that I would spend thousands of dollars, have surgeries and procedures - it wouldn't matter to me if the embryo was biologically mine or biologically someone else's. I don't know if I'm just being small-minded or what, but I just don't get it.
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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by Ellmae »

So the point of them doing genetic testing was to see if they'd miscarry? So she could blame it on something other than herself?

There's no way I would transfer any abnormal embryos. As others have said, it isn't just about a successful pregnancy but a human life.
My son has a severe speech delay, he's 4. In the grand scheme of things, it's a really mild disorder. It's so difficult and makes me worried so heavily for his future. I can't imagine knowingly bringing a child with severe abnormalities into the world.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by Sorn »

Oh Lord. Video is called Transfer is Here. I was shocked that they are already transferring. Guess what they are not. It's just the beginning of her cycle.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by Here_2_talk »

Today’s vlog was from the 26th August. (Lawnmower bare footed children! I remembered that one! )

These little suckers have already done the transfer!!

Also Alex, throw away that chequered mess of a dress it does nothing for you.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by Klind55 »

The date of that ultrasound was Aug. 25 and she said she was cycle day 2. That makes her cycle day 16 today.....yup they have transferred.
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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by StreetTacosTalking »

Klind55 wrote:The date of that ultrasound was Aug. 25 and she said she was cycle day 2. That makes her cycle day 16 today.....yup they have transferred.
So I guess when they told people the transfer was “2/2.5/4/6 weeks away” they meant in vlog time and not real time Image

Also this puts their transfer within a week of Rachelle Swannie’s.

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by StreetTacosTalking »

Here_2_talk wrote:Today’s vlog was from the 26th August. (Lawnmower bare footed children! I remembered that one! Image)

These little suckers have already done the transfer!!

Also Alex, throw away that chequered mess of a dress it does nothing for you. Image

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Image I’m totally wearing the shirt version of her dress right now

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Re: Phil and Alex Me ourselves and IVF Part 5

Unread post by RoxyReigns »

My 11 year old niece has Turners syndrome, I love her dearly, but I would not wish it on any little girl.

Everything is a struggle, she’s tiny, has to have shots every day and despite a fun outgoing personality she’s extremely socially awkward at times.

She just started middle school and the differences between her and her peers are becoming more and more glaring.

She has a rough road ahead of her and that crazy eyes would willingly and knowingly inflict that on their daughter blows my mind.

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