Off-Topic Banter Part 4

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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by blackbetty »

For me, the fact that it was cheaper and better was a motivating factor to me, I did everything I could to bf as long as possible because formula is just so insanely expensive. I was drinking mothers milk tea which just the smell was awful and drinking it was even worse but I justified it by the cost of the tea and BFIng was way cheaper than formula. Make sense?

I don't think there's anything wrong with it from either view
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

Yeah guess I never thought of it that way :/ I hope I didn't seem mean lol it was just something I noticed. Well my friend gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Xayden and yes its spelled with an X.
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by fossilfinger »

AuntieToABabyBoy:) wrote:Am I the only one that feels like the only reason why some women breastfeed is because they don't want to buy formula? I just feel like some of them are not doing it just because its "best".
I don't see the big deal even if they do...? Is it any worse than a woman formula-feeding because she doesn't feel like having her nipples hurt, or doesn't want to have to feed the baby herself and wants other people to do it?
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

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AuntieToABabyBoy:) wrote:Am I the only one that feels like the only reason why some women breastfeed is because they don't want to buy formula? I just feel like some of them are not doing it just because its "best".

Sometimes.....I can't even believe the things people post.

What about the petty reasons people DONT BF like ( I don't want saggy boobies!) Not having to buy formula is a huge positive in breast feeding. It's no different in why people would choose to cloth diaper or make their own baby food to save money. Any reason a mother breast feeds is a good reason.
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

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Lol I was just asking a question sheesh
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by Yue195 »

Well today was disappointing. I was told yesterday I was possibly going to be working this afternoon and thank god because I was getting so stir crazy. So I started to get ready at 11 ish because usually I start 1 or 2 in the afternoon. When I got dressed I checked my phone ( which is on silent for work and stuff ) and work had called, I had called back and they told me they were ringing me earlier to get me in earlier. Now they don't need me since it worked out in the end. Though before my co worker hanged up, I asked why didn't she ring my home phone since I put it in the file for a reason... I love my co worked I really do but sometimes she reminds me of Patrick from Spongebob.
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by placebo »

I feel so sad.

Today was my last day (job practice) an assistant in the autistic classes. Almost six months. It was incredibly rewarding experience and I cried like a baby at my going away party. I was given lovely and well thought out presents and two cards, one made by the kids and one by the adults. I feel so blessed to having worked with these people and children. Despite me having no education and no experience (aside of my daughter who is vastly different) I was taken in as an equal. I was given responsibilities and opportunities to plan my own assignments. Such as today when I hosted sensory integration face painting for the kids.

Having worked there has showed me the direction in life I'm supposed to be going and I feel very passionate about this all. Yesterday I applied for appropriate school, wishing for the best :)

Just.. Ugh. I will miss them so much :(
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by MakeupGirly »

sleep84 wrote:
cakewalked wrote:I already have one!! Three actually.. well one is mine the others are my parents. Right now my puppy can't live in my apartment so he lives with my parents. Grace, I always think about that. But then I think that I don't actually like going out that much.. like I'm still a few months away from being 21 and legally even being able to drink but I am already sick of it, since I started so long ago... so that doesn't even help!
It never noticed that you were just 20! :shock:
I took for granted that you were older! lol

MakeupGirly wrote:So I've been talking to this guy, I met him on a night out when I was drunk. He normally only contacts me when I'm out and he saw me out again at the weekend and we ended up sitting together talking and kissing. I was drunk again. I literally barely remember either times we were together because I was so drunk both nights, I just have flashes of it. We've been talking more since then, he hasn't asked to meet me (sober) yet but I think it's coming.

This is why I've never been in a proper relationship. I'm terrified or rejection. I have no problem making out with guys on nights out because the drink makes me brave, but when they text me or message me on Facebook most of the time I ignore them. I feel like they won't like me when they see me without beer goggles. I have social anxiety so the thoughts of going on a one on one date with someone makes me sweat at the thought of trying to make conversation and them looking at me. I barely like to be one on one with friends and family, never mind a guy I like.

I don't know how to break the cycle, I don't know if I'll have the strength to push myself and go on a date if he asks me. Last time I was asked on a date, I backed out, and it's not fair on the guy to do that.

Any words of advice ladies? I need to get out of this hole I'm in or else I'll never be in a relationship.
Find a way to make it easy for your nerves. Keep it at low expectations. You are already aquainted with the guy (on some sort of level) you can start with very easy baby steps. Nerves are what makes you fudge up, like you forget how to walk without tripping.. :roll:
With social anxiety you're mostly afraid of making an ass of yourself, being judged, scrutinized, not being good enough and rejected..
If he shows that he's interested in a sober meet-up and you are can play it down and joke about it..he was squiffy as well.. : "oh, you know I barely remember your face... there's this movie I want to could come with me since you left me with a hickey.."
I know it sounds very ridiculous, but (sober) date anxiety is a bitch. :P
Sometimes it's about practice. Even if it goes badly with this one, you would break a little bit of your fears. There's no easy pill to deal with social anxiety, it's about inadequacy feelings and low self esteem. Don't over do it and don't be hard on yourself, I'm sure you're someone worth to meet ;)
-sounds way easier than it is in reality, I know-
:cheer: But we're cheering!
Thanks for all the advice guys! I really like this reply. You're right I just need to play it down, take a deep breath and relax about it. I overplay it in my head too much. My friends were slagging me last night because I don't know what I have supposedly (he's hot) and they don't understand why I don't ask him to meet up. The older I get without practice, the worse the feelings of inadequacy get.
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by fossilfinger »

placebo wrote:I feel so sad.

Today was my last day (job practice) an assistant in the autistic classes. Almost six months. It was incredibly rewarding experience and I cried like a baby at my going away party. I was given lovely and well thought out presents and two cards, one made by the kids and one by the adults. I feel so blessed to having worked with these people and children. Despite me having no education and no experience (aside of my daughter who is vastly different) I was taken in as an equal. I was given responsibilities and opportunities to plan my own assignments. Such as today when I hosted sensory integration face painting for the kids.

Having worked there has showed me the direction in life I'm supposed to be going and I feel very passionate about this all. Yesterday I applied for appropriate school, wishing for the best :)

Just.. Ugh. I will miss them so much :(
What a great experience, congrats!
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

Good luck placebo <3 so I was thinking about joiningthe air force but i'm not sure if I want to go :/
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by MakeupGirly »

My cousin is being induced tonight, exciting! She's not due until Wednesday, but she's got pre eclampsia. So baby will be here by the end of the weekend. She doesn't know what's she having. It's funny because I was wondering who would have their baby first, Jess (gabeandjesss) or her lol.
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

Awe yay <3 I bet you are so anxious to see what she's having :)
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by MakeupGirly »

AuntieToABabyBoy:) wrote:Awe yay <3 I bet you are so anxious to see what she's having :)
Yes! I was looking at clothes yesterday and wish I knew what she was having so I could buy cute stuff :P
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by MakeupGirly »

By the way, does anyone have any cute gift ideas for a boy or girl? I want to get something really nice, not just the usual boring outfit she'll get from lots of people.

Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by TaylorKnows »

MakeupGirly wrote:By the way, does anyone have any cute gift ideas for a boy or girl? I want to get something really nice, not just the usual boring outfit she'll get from lots of people.
Get the baby a book or two and sign them with your name. They'll be keepsakes and you're never too young to start a library!
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by sleep84 »

A few of these ideas are doable and cute! ... eer-genius ... new-parent

These insane Onesies!! There is an "orange is the new black one"'s hilarious, maybe not really doable gifts. ... y-you-know

Good practical gifts are cute socks in varying sizes. Socks, onesies, rattles are the things that usually people think about.
Books are always a great idea. Something that makes sounds or music, or lullabies. Maybe it's old fashioned but lullabies are always nice. Never too soon to be musical! :D
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

What about a gift basket? I always get those lol
Being a auntie is the best gift in the world and when I become a mother my life would be perfect <3 :)
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by blackbetty »

One gift I love to give is a nice hooded towel. Carter's makes some good ones. With both kids I ended up buying them myself (my kid my problem so no big deal!) but I always remembered that and I give them as gifts now. It's a nice compromise between a super cute outfit gift and a practical gift.

I don't recommend the Circo brand hooded towels from Target. I bought them for my daughter and they're junk.
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

I love Carters they are amazing
Being a auntie is the best gift in the world and when I become a mother my life would be perfect <3 :)
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Re: Off-Topic Banter Part 4

Unread post by blackbetty »

AuntieToABabyBoy:) wrote:I love Carters they are amazing
They are!!! I can't look at the Carters baby clothes section because it makes my ovaries hurt =p

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