Foster_Bunnies wrote:I'm super late to respond, sorry. No, I don't know anything first hand (thank goodness because I would lose what's left of my shit if that travelling circus freak show ever darkened the doors of a studio we belonged to) but I know from years and years of life as a dance mom how the pecking order in a studio works. It's not like the ALDC crazy, but it can be only a level or two below it. Half the girls in the FF's class are likely to be younger siblings of older dancers, with moms who more than likely are a bit territorial towards the studio, the teachers and the students. If they have older dancers, they likely compete and that in itself is a whole underground level of crazy. These moms have put the time in, so to speak, not to mention the thousands of dollars spent on it, and therefore, understand the way the dance world works. When you join a studio, you do NOT come in with guns blazing, crashing through the door with a blogging camera, your fat husband, a nanny, and as we all know that horrific screeching voice basically shrieking WE'RE HEEEEEERE! Showing up with girls in too big costumes and diapers, slippers two sizes too big, and those stupid hair buns the size of a donut hole because she thinks it's all about the look. Fuck off already, put them in a tank and some bike shorts, pig tails and bare feet and UNDERWEAR. If they aren't trained, then don't go. The whole stupid show of trying to coax whichever one didn't want to go in by luring her in and slamming the door, then videoing the monitor was so multi fucked I can't even explain it. Any mother sitting there is thinking take that poor child by the hand, give her the choice to dance or not, quietly leave with her if it's a no and try again in a few months. Quit storming the class MY child actually wants to be in, that I pay good money for her to be in, sit down and STFU. Especially since now, most of that poor teachers time is spent chasing around toddlers who can't wait their turn, can't follow directions and don't have a bloody clue what's expected of them, yay, it's now a musical pre school with a lot of baby elephant thumping around and a mother who is just stupid enough to think it's cute.CherryBaby wrote:Foster_Bunnies wrote:I've been a Master Dance Mom for like, way more than 10 years. Closer to 24 but anyway, I can promise you that Every. Single. Parent. in their studio already hates this family more than any of us do.
Wait, do you know this for a fact because you know people that have to deal with them? Or is is just speculation (which I am sure is correct.) Do tell.
As well In a waiting room, smaller siblings are barely welcome, unless they can also be quiet. No one, and I do mean NO ONE wants to hear anyone else's child shrieking, crying and carrying on. Nor do they want your stupid fucking camera in their face, your fat ass grosser than gross husband there, listening in and inserting himself into conversations that have nothing to do with him. The class is not their opportunity to showcase the fact their girls are in an activity, it's something that's other people have paid for, with a purpose. Most people actually do things with a purpose, but because of their gross narcissism, it's lost on them. The whole thing makes me sick, I feel for anyone with children born in the same year that will have to be engaged in any activities with this family, be it a soccer team, a classroom or anything else.
Ugh, rant over but there is just an entirely different level of disgust I feel towards them for this. It would be the same if they had boys, bought them each head to toe Nike hockey gear in a size too big and shoved them onto the ice in the middle of a mini hockey teams season. And then stood there shrieking and filming it while the kids cried and flailed around trying to manage to even walk on their skates. Sooooo effed up, all of it
Perfectly said. When the photographer who took the dance pictures asked if they were the vlogger family it was in no way a compliment or that they were well known. They were probably given a warning that there were 2 annoying, loud, pain in the ass families that acted like they owned the dance studio who always had a fucking camera out filming everything. I don’t understand why everything has to be so loud and over the top. Can’t you just go to dance class like every other parent does without the screeching and constant filming? It’s ok to be under the radar at things instead of constantly drawing attention to yourself. It’s not good attention that you are getting. You are pissing off so many people.