Gardner Quad Squad

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

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They really need a viewer discretion here about the beached whale :-o

That's just disturbing.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Ok first off if you have not watched today's v'log I suggest you turn the volume down. the Clown Ruby PrincAss SCREECH is back in full force.
At the beginning where the girls were having grapes for breakfast and Tyresome of course asked the girls, "Grapes are your favorite aren't they?" and one of the bigger twins said noooo and the other shook her head no..........Yep they have truly learned the word NO :gj: little 2 1/2 year olds. (Funny my daughters best friend brought her 2 year old (Actually 23 mos will be two in a couple of weeks) and 1 year old to my house last week. Not only does the 2 year old know what the word means she uses it when the 1 year old needs a No and the 1 year old will shake her head no. ( I will say that she has the 2 year old off the pacifier and bottle but she catches her regularly with the 1 year old's and she said that was pretty hard to break lol)
I am amazed they would show how difficult it was for most of the girls to put the blocks in the appropriate hole especially when this should have been mastered. They should have had these months and months ago instead of the plastic ones for 1 year olds.
When I saw the heading of the v'log I was expecting to see something like the Busby's had last week. Esme might eventually get in the pool if her Mom & Dad would stay out of it validating her feelings that there is something to be afraid of. She is definitely traumatized by something.
Also they have mentioned several times how Indie and Esme get along so well and you will see them off to themselves a lot. I think they have learned at an early age to try to stay out of the way of the bigger twins mainly Evie. If Esme did not fall our of her crib ( thinking if she did we would see her mattress on the floor), table or the high chair, Evie more than likely caused her to fall. I have seen the other girls on the table and standing in their high chairs but have not noticed if Esme has lately. I am going to have to start paying attention to that.
Now on to the cheapass tee shirts, yeah their minions will wear them proudly and take pictures of themselves to post on their v'logs. Maybe we will see how many young kids follow them. I personally would laugh in my daughters face if she wanted me to buy one of them!!!!
Now I am off to go on a Costco run, you know they place we have not seen the Greedners go in maybe 6 weeks. I cannot end without using the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by pollycracker » ... iq46j0AnKX

The Busbys are absolutely adorable. The parents actually interact with the girls. They speak TO them and play with them. GQS needs to take some lessons from them.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Oh wait I forgot something. Who remembers last year the whole month of June we had to hear how the Clown Ruby PrincAss loves everything about July from the holiday July 4 to it being her birthday month. I have not heard her mention anything regarding loving July yet. Isn't she turning the big 30 this year??????????????????????? Could it be our Clown Ruby PrincAss is having a hard time with the big 30???????? Am I off base on this?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

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I find it funny that I have heard the girls say No quite a few times in the last 2-3 vlogs. I'm thinking while T & A were in Cabo the girls must have heard the word many times :) Somebody was parenting.. The girls appear to know what it means also..I can probably count on one hand how many times I have heard the parents say No. Gook Luck to those two Knuckleheads.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Krouton »

I read the warnings and watched anyway......oh, the jiggles, poke my eyes out, cover that up! White whale and his orange wife, gross.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

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Night lady wrote:The t-shirts are the dumbest idea yet. Whoever wears one is a lame lonely sad individual. Pathetic really.

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Cullen & Katie sell t-shirts periodically and have done well with them. Maybe Greedners are watching their vlogs. Hopefully, they will get some parenting tips. On yesterdays vlog, their 10 month old threw food from his highchair, and she took it away from him. What??
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

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I think a big part of Esme's "problem" is her chronic constipation. She is probably in a lot of pain and the idiots do nothing about it. Ashley gave her an enema a few months back but it was 'traumatic' for her, so a week or so back Tyson was in the house 'helping her out'. Has it occurred to either she may be holding it? Bingo, it's time to potty train her! Or, maybe the dr needs to put her on a stool softner. Since it has nothing to do with her horrible diet, I wouldn't change that. On today's vlog, Tyson catches her behind a chair 'working one out' . Does she need a neon sign above her head? Take her to the potty dummy. But these idiots will probably wait until the big twins want to potty train, because everything is all about them. Did you see on today's vlog, they are playing like normal in diapers full of pool water. Probably feels normal to them. Disgusting.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

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Oh, and the 'breakfast' grapes are not cut or washed, because they ALWAYS cut them, choking hazard.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by eskayem »

Is it wrong I find it humorous that FatAss waxes his whole chest and back? Like for someone who seldom goes out he cares a lot about that smooth look. But we know from a past life CrAP waxed his back.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Wgchick22 »

They are idiots. They didn't figure out on their way to the friends house they were out of swim diapers? And what type of water park back yard did their friend have that was sooooooo different from what Ashley set up last week in her yard. One of the girls was looking in the diaper bag for a new diaper because she was so uncomfortable. That made me so upset. Ashley thinks it's funny her kids are uncomfortable because she is too lazy to get swim diapers. She said it several times. These poor kids. I almost can't bear to watch them anymore because these girls aren't developing. It's the same thing every single day.

Did anyone else notice that the busby girls are not in diapers? Their parents managed to potty train 5 TWO YEAR OLDS and only ONE parent stays home with them and they have a FIVE year old. Pretty amazing! Potty train them one at a time. Not hard. Especially with TWO stay at home parents.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by girlielove »

The disconnect between the girls and their parents is hard to watch. The girls have totally tuned out all the "oh my goodness!" "oh wow!" "is that soo fun?!" "oh cool!" "good job!" from their idiotic parents. How are these girls supposed to learn to talk and communicate when that is all they hear? And that high-pitched squeal from Assley, ugh, annoying! I bet her girls can't wait for mum's and dad's next date night so they can have some peace and quiet.

Gross, Tyabetes. No one wants to see that. He is getting larger everyday. Huge stomach. How do they even -- you know. Way to teach your kids how to eat so unhealthy and snack constantly. Won't be long before they are all fat and their teeth are full of cavities. Tyabetes and Assley are in for a world of hurt when the girls stop napping. Time to parent them!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by MoonMoon »

Wgchick22 wrote:Did anyone else notice that the busby girls are not in diapers? Their parents managed to potty train 5 TWO YEAR OLDS and only ONE parent stays home with them and they have a FIVE year old. Pretty amazing! Potty train them one at a time. Not hard. Especially with TWO stay at home parents.
They can't throw food at or beg followers to solve the potty training situation, so they just pretend it isn't an issue. Esme already started trying to potty train a little while back but I guess they gave up. She has always been the 'leader' of the pack so she probably is holding it as previously suggested, how horrible it must be for her the poor little thing.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

I thought when one of the girls was looking in the bag it was for a treat since they are use to getting one about every 30 minutes. I knew Danielle was working on potty training but did not know how far she had gotten with the quints. :gj: lololol
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Stellaboo »

Holy moly! We felt another tremor earlier. It was quite jarring. And then I watched the vlog and realized we were feeling the aftershocks of Tyson's slip and slide dive. There was almost a tidal wave in the pool!! :-o

So no ideas on the backwards pajamas last night? I thought it was weird.

I wish you guys were here with me today so you could see how normal 2 year olds talk and act.
The family is at my parents this weekend and we've been hanging out a the pool all day.
My daughter and her cousin, who are both 2, never STOP talking. They talk to each other or us constantly.
My nephew already told me the names of 5 of his friends from school and talked about his teacher. When he wants to show me something he says "Aunt Stella, look it's a chicken/etc.". When they are both hungry or thirsty they say "can I have a drink/snack". It's like talking to an actual person. ;)
Neither of them scream or grunt to get our attention or tell us what they want.
(And they are both working on potty training - my daughter is actually ahead of her cousin, but I understand that's usual for boys.)

So I've been listening to that all day and then I just watched the Greedners' vlog. (It's nap time here yay!)
:cry: Those poor girls. They really are not in good shape. I'm not sure I understood a single thing except the word "no".
Not that there was much to understand since they hardly said anything. How anyone can watch that and think it is OK, is beyond me.
It's NOT normal for them to be this age and not be speaking!

Oh, and those soggy diapers made me mad too! The Greedners can't think ahead for more than a few seconds can they?
It's why they're always running to the store for something and always eating out. It's too much trouble to plan. :roll:
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by OldCountry »

Krouton wrote:I think a big part of Esme's "problem" is her chronic constipation. She is probably in a lot of pain and the idiots do nothing about it. Ashley gave her an enema a few months back but it was 'traumatic' for her, so a week or so back Tyson was in the house 'helping her out'. Has it occurred to either she may be holding it? Bingo, it's time to potty train her! Or, maybe the dr needs to put her on a stool softner. Since it has nothing to do with her horrible diet, I wouldn't change that. On today's vlog, Tyson catches her behind a chair 'working one out' . Does she need a neon sign above her head? Take her to the potty dummy. But these idiots will probably wait until the big twins want to potty train, because everything is all about them. Did you see on today's vlog, they are playing like normal in diapers full of pool water. Probably feels normal to them. Disgusting.

Got to ask, I thought I heard him say something when Esme was behind the chair, but wasn't sure what it was. Did he actually use those words? Just curious, I didn't have the courage to back and find it. Watching the vlog one time is way too many times :| If that is the case, why wouldn't Tyson knowing she just had an issue, put down the f***ing camera and help her in some way... That poor kid, You are probably right that she is holding it in because she is so tired of having it in the diaper next to her skin. Just curious, is it possible for a diapered child to figure out if they got "stuff" in their diaper which doesn't get changed, then they get diaper rash, which I would think would be painful, would they then try to hold it in? Sorry for all the commas ;)

I do not think I have seen any food items or should I say food products that they consume, that contain even the least amount of fiber in their diets needed. That might help a bit with pooping..Aside for all the other nutritional factors needed to keep someone's body healthy. The brain cells need nourishment, if those cells aren't fed, you are talking big time delays in development. I feel so bad for these kids, if they had proper nutrition from the beginning, some of us might not be here. Well, ok, most of us would have been here, including me,, because of the parents calculating grifting, using their children for profit etc... But at least the girls would have been healthier.. Just a thought... :tchin:
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Night lady »

Ezzie is working on something over there..... that's exactly what he said at 1:00 into the vlog.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by amyisnewhere »

After all your comments I had to watch the vlog to see for myself lol. I had not seen one in several months, forever. Maybe closer to a year even. I feel like Tyson's body isn't that bad. Eh. Just a typical "dad bod". Adam busby is not a typical dad body at all. But what I did notice is he seems more connected to the girls than Ashley. I'm thinking the only reason he got in the tiny splash pool was to make it fun for the girls?? But it got weird when Ashley got in, way too crowded and it did not make sense to have them all in.

It always bothers me with her love of attention. She is a typical youngest child syndrome. All her personality traits point towards it. And her baby voice. I notice I do a baby voice towards my two toddlers in the morning when they wake up and maybe if the do something really silly or funny. Otherwise I talk in a normal voice. I dont get why they're both baby talking so much still 2.5 years later.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by OldCountry »

amyisnewhere wrote:After all your comments I had to watch the vlog to see for myself lol. I had not seen one in several months, forever. Maybe closer to a year even. I feel like Tyson's body isn't that bad. Eh. Just a typical "dad bod". Adam busby is not a typical dad body at all. But what I did notice is he seems more connected to the girls than Ashley. I'm thinking the only reason he got in the tiny splash pool was to make it fun for the girls?? But it got weird when Ashley got in, way too crowded and it did not make sense to have them all in.

It always bothers me with her love of attention. She is a typical youngest child syndrome. All her personality traits point towards it. And her baby voice. I notice I do a baby voice towards my two toddlers in the morning when they wake up and maybe if the do something really silly or funny. Otherwise I talk in a normal voice. I dont get why they're both baby talking so much still 2.5 years later.

You are correct that Tyson's bod may be the typical Dad Bod, which might show how many people are unhealthy, but it does not make it right. This in itself shows how many people are overweight from improper diet and without exercise.. He's a good example, along with many others. The point is for me is that these kids are heading for a life of being over weight and not eating properly.. just a fact when the parent is doing the same.. sorry...
Totally agree with your Ashley comments. :)
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by OldCountry »

Night lady wrote:Ezzie is working on something over there..... that's exactly what he said at 1:00 into the vlog.

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Thank you...Just the fact he said Ezzie is working on something over there... that in itself tells us that there is a strain going on work it out...How sad...Most of the times doodies should come out naturally, if you are "working on it" you have a problem. She will probably have hemorrhoids eventually, Betcha' Tyson does.. With his diet and no activity.. sure thing for him.. ouch.. No sympathy for him, he deserves it... :corn:

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