Shyvonne Melanie Tv

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Shyvonne Melanie Tv

Unread post by kk88 »

Hi everyone, new poster here. Didn't see a post for this lady so wanted to see others opinions.

So I found Shyvonnes channel after her backyard makeover. I loved how real she was so I subscribed.
Fast forward a few months and I have so many questions. She's married, working mom of 6 (5 who live with her). She does lots of makeovers, clean with me type videos, mom life, hauls and so on.
She is such a hard worker, always busy and I think she seems really genuine.
Her kids range from around 6 to 16 I believe. This is where I kinda have issues. She seems to do everything, her hubby works but so does she. She has said she parents the kids, the hubby imo seems lazy. Always wandering around in his pj's leaving the childcare, home upkeep and literally everything else to her. Her kids seem sweet but again don't seem to help much with anything around the house. Her cleaning videos are always showing crazy amounts of mess considering she's just gutted everything out a few days ago. Also another thing I noticed is her shopping habits... she spends sooo much money. On groceries, clothes, household stuff its a haul every other day. I don't care how much people spend but there's 7 people in that tiny house and she just keeps adding more stuff to an already very crowded house. Apparently she is getting a bigger house in June or July so I just keep wondering why she is spending crazy amounts on re doing this house only to move? I'd love to hear your thoughts?
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