Lucy Eades: Part 13

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Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by dion90 »

I'm so honored to start Part 13. :P

Officially in the teens with Lucifer. :tu:

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Call me crazy... But I wasn't necessarily disturbed by the kisses video.
I just closed it out immediately as it started because...I just didn't care.
Maybe if I'd watched the whole thing, eh.
But 3 whole pages dedicated to how it was disgusting, lol.
Reaching, reaching.

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

No, we really felt it was weird and it made us uncomfortable.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by ladybug »

Nope, not reaching at all. A 5 year old trying to kiss his sister like that was very weird and possibly foreshadows things to come with his 3 sisters. Especially with Lucy plastered on that couch all day...
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by ashley123 »

The clip of K and P is also in her what have we been up to December video. One of the fabkids unboxings too I believe. Why is she taking pieces out and re-uploading them as separate videos?
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by annat88 »

ashley123 wrote:The clip of K and P is also in her what have we been up to December video. One of the fabkids unboxings too I believe. Why is she taking pieces out and re-uploading them as separate videos?
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by FakingIt_MakingIt »

ashley123 wrote:The clip of K and P is also in her what have we been up to December video. One of the fabkids unboxings too I believe. Why is she taking pieces out and re-uploading them as separate videos?

MONEY. She needs more money y'all so she can can continue to nurse on demand/sit on the couch and shop on etsy. Its a big dill y'all if the girls, and Kacen because I don't believe in gender stereotypes, don't have matching rainbow clothes and bows y'all. She had 4 kids in 5 years and all of them still need boobie milk y'all.

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Well, sorry. But I think y'all are reaching.

Lucy's been boring as of late.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by KittyKax »


Remind anyone of something? XD
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by Nikier »

KittyKax wrote:[youtube][/youtube]

Remind anyone of something? XD
This is perfect!

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

whatsername_ wrote:Call me crazy... But I wasn't necessarily disturbed by the kisses video.
I just closed it out immediately as it started because...I just didn't care.
Maybe if I'd watched the whole thing, eh.
But 3 whole pages dedicated to how it was disgusting, lol.
Reaching, reaching.

You didn't watch the whole thing?

Then you really can't say we're reaching. It's the end that is most disturbing. I suggest you go watch that and then come back and say we're reaching and there's nothing wrong with it. The start was kind of cute, it turns nasty. If you can watch the end without cringing just a little bit, then you're much tougher than me.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by pantera »

Agree watch it in its entirety! Then comment! I don't agree with half the things people say on here and believe it to be "reaching". But THIS IS JUST WRONG! I literally cringed and looked away with half an eye still peeking. I'm a mother and find sibling "love" adorable but this is a bad introduction to worse things to come for certain.

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by whatsername_ »

I didn't say there wasn't anything wrong with it.
You guys make it sound like she posted child pornography.

I closed it out because it was stupid.

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Fine! Don't watch it, no one is forcing you. But don't say we're "reaching" when you haven't even seen what we are talking about. Geez.

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Like I said, Lucy's been boring. Nothing wrong with reaching for things to gossip about.

I agree no one is forcing me to watch it, but don't get bothered by that.
I saw the first bit of it, and closed it out.

No one forced y'all to watch Kacen and Pace Pace "make out" if you were so disturbed by it. You ha the same options I did.
That's all I'm saying.

Lol, sorry I caused such an uproar.

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Yeah, I did have options. I reported it as inappropriate. And I don't think I was reaching. It's frigging sick.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by ladybug »

Sorry, but you make zero sense. And agree with everyone, dont judge our opinions (which you DID) until you've seen the whole damn thing.

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

I also unsubbed from Lucy. I don't ever want to see something like that again.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by flippityflop »

whatsername_ wrote:Well, sorry. But I think y'all are reaching.

Lucy's been boring as of late.
Lol I'm sorry, but why should everyone care if one person thinks we're reaching?
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 13

Unread post by gypsophila »

:-? Yeah, the first time I saw the vid, I closed it after about 5 seconds. Then I saw all the uproar here, so I forced, and I mean forced, myself to watch the whole thing. It was sickening. I won't watch her videos anymore. There's weird shit going on in that house, and weirder shit is going to come of it about 10 years from now. It'll probably be on the news at some point. Where's the vomiting emotie?
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