B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by KateHaunts »

I’m so shocked Vanessa hasn’t done a shady video on Britney yet. I’m waiting for them to fight so Vanessa will spill the REAL tea!

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by Avocado[31] »

She looks so freaking stressed. One day soon she'll realize how controlling and obsessive Frank is and she'll have to leave him then.

You can already tell she's on the verge of a mental break down.

You're not fine Britenay. Everything is not ok

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by Heyyhoe »

This has probably been discussed but I’m a newbie..but I still wanna know why ean proposed if he didn’t have intentions on marrying her lol

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by hellodolly_ »

Heyyhoe wrote:This has probably been discussed but I’m a newbie..but I still wanna know why ean proposed if he didn’t have intentions on marrying her lol

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She pressured him into it.
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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by Cinnamon »

hellodolly_ wrote:
Heyyhoe wrote:This has probably been discussed but I’m a newbie..but I still wanna know why ean proposed if he didn’t have intentions on marrying her lol

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She pressured him into it.
This is true. If you watched the proposal video, she says something which meant kinda like she was getting frustrated that he is not proposing. In the video, Ean was not looking as excited as normally guys are when proposing. It was very obvious he was under pressure to do it.
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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by shilohjulia »

Honestly I’m not giving Ean a pass. He had three kids with her but couldn’t be serious about marrying her? Whereas Frank is the complete opposite. Knocking her up after a month, playing daddy to Ean’s kids and marrying her. They’re opposite ends of the spectrum. I really wouldn’t doubt if Britney is doing all of this because she feels wronged by Ean and wants to get even. How could Ean see that picture of Harlow sleeping on Frank’s chest and not feel utterly heartbroken?!?! It hasn’t even been a year for fucks sake!!!! Out of everyone in this equation Frank comes off the worst. There’s a bro code. He’s a fireman? And he would do this to another man? He’s a piece of shit. Britney sucks, but he’s worse.

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by shilohjulia »

Honestly I’m not giving Ean a pass. He had three kids with her but couldn’t be serious about marrying her? Whereas Frank is the complete opposite. Knocking her up after a month, playing daddy to Ean’s kids and marrying her. They’re opposite ends of the spectrum. I really wouldn’t doubt if Britney is doing all of this because she feels wronged by Ean and wants to get even. How could Ean see that picture of Harlow sleeping on Frank’s chest and not feel utterly heartbroken?!?! It hasn’t even been a year for fucks sake!!!! Out of everyone in this equation Frank comes off the worst. There’s a bro code. He’s a fireman? And he would do this to another man? He’s a piece of shit. Britney sucks, but he’s worse.

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by toomuchsalt »

She needs to watch her own videos and really ask herself if this is fucking normal, because it's not.

She's like Monica from Shameless, unstable & constantly fucking everything up while saying she's doing it for the kids.

I didn't have a "big wedding" but at least I left my house for it!!! Getting married in your apartment while your kids are gone is rock bottom.

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by emiliajune »

Britxo wrote:It’s so crazy to me the way she said the timeline
Met in April, pregnant in May, married in June, bought a house in July. She says it so nonchalantly....
do you hear yourself?????? That is WAY TOO FAST

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F**k yes that’s crazy!

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by British25 »

ItS nOt A sHoTgUn WeDdInG [img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201808 ... 428386.png[/img]

Sure Jan

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by kscha925 »

I watched her newest video. It's been awhile...damn...

There is something not totally right with this one. This really is not meant to shame anyone. I understand mistakes happen. But how in the bloody hell, does this woman with three kids and her past of being with a dude with 0 intention of marrying her, having a kid with a disability..meet someone and suddenly pregnant????

How is she making those kind of mistakes at this point in her life???? She essentially said it was an oops. Really? I could take that from some young girl being pregnant for the first time and being irresponsible, it happens. But this grown ass woman with three kids and her situation????? Maybe she just doesn't believe in any kind of birth control???

The only conclusion I come to is that she didn't care if she got pregnant. I really think there are women who become obsessed with always having a baby around. I don't know if they like the attention, or they like taking care of a fragile being or what. But I feel like she falls into that.

I don't know anything about Frank. But you don't need to, to know it's a bad idea to have a child and build a house with him. Give it 6 months at least lol.

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by missmsg »

Okay so she can’t keep up with her own lies... She used to say that marriage was “just a piece of paper”, then in the new video she says “something as big as marriage”, she says it wasn’t a shotgun wedding, yet she loterally describes a shotgun wedding. She says she wasn’t hiding it, it was just something “so personal”, and it’s “exactly how they wanted it”, but then she says they’re still having a big wedding because that’s exactly what she’s always wanted! WTF?! She needs to STFU for a few months, re-gain her thoughts and then speak. She’s so so so stupid.

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by tea_spiller »

Can this bitch do anything outside her apartment? Like for real?
First date in her apartment, Frank doesn't have a place of his own so knocked up in her place, married at her place. Yooo change the scenery Brit.
Something tells me she's salty. Ean's ring is way better than what Frank gave her, it's a detail to most but certainly not for miss Brit. Guess that's what the big ceremony is for, then she'll brag about a damn rock. She's so vain.
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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by tea_spiller »

She donated more than she ended up making? Bitch shut up, you said you donated 4k and that whatever was overflowing for excessively pushing back the end of the campaign you kept. At least keep up with your bs. You fell hard for each other? for the millionth time YOU HAVE 3 KIDS!!!! Stop being so fucking selfish!!!
If she truly wanted it to be this way, she'd be rubbing it in "her haters" face and jumping up and down the walls. pff
I wonder what she's gonna pull when they get a divorce..
And for fuck's sake, it's FrAAAAnk not FrEEEEnk argh.
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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by exracer »

Yes, I think being a mother is her identity (especially to babies/toddlers, or even being pregnant). And that's not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, I am a mother and my children are my number one priority and it's my most important role in life. However, I had time to get to know myself as a person first. My husband and I had time to know each other first. We had/have our own interests, we went to college and met a wide variety of people, worked jobs, learned how to be a couple. And let me tell you, we've been together a long ass time now and you can STILL be surprised by someone or find out things about them, or they change or they don't change and it doesn't line up with who you are anymore. You don't learn everything by the time you're 25. I have grown more in my mid-thirties than I ever thought possible.

She's very naive to think that the honeymoon phase should never end. And especially to think you can truly know someone so soon. You can't. Even if they're an open book, even if you were both open and honest about your lives. There are things you don't truly know about a person until you spend a lot of time with them. You learn a lot about how they are as a person by watching how they handle the good and the bad, how they fight, how they love, how they handle things like grief or financial difficulties, how they treat others (everyone from a janitor to a CEO), etc. I mean, they haven't even spent holidays together! What if he hates Halloween or doesn't do Santa gifts because he keeps Christ in Christmas or something? Girl, stop watching Nicholas Sparks movies or whatever. "Soul mates." Ugh.

But back to my first point...I think Britney doesn't know herself as a person outside of motherhood or being in a relationship, because she never had that chance to discover her interests. So she's only a mother and girlfriend (fiance, wife, whatever). What happens when her kids grow up? Who is she then? Perhaps there's a part of her that fears the future so it feels safe to stick with what she knows. Having a baby keeps her in this stage of life (pregnant then baby then toddler then preschooler) for at least 5 more years. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I'm honestly just sad for her. This is so much change in such a short time. She has to know that that's not healthy...right? It seems like she's just really trying to convince herself that she's happy. It's like that dog in the burning room meme. Like she's trying to show her viewers that everything is fine. I have had two separate years in my life that were full of a lot of change, and they left me reeling. And the changes were not impulsive or unhealthy. This cannot be good for her mental health (or perhaps it's a direct result of not dealing with her mental health?).

I find her so frustrating and watching her over this past year has made me mad and sad for her. Mostly mad in how she handled the receipt/fundraiser drama and really seeing what kind of person she is. Being that stubborn and not wanting to ever admit fault in anything in your life (which will NOT make for a healthy marriage or good example for her kids!).

I'm sad for her as a woman, that she feels this is the route to take. I was honestly excited for her when she moved out. I was surprised, felt a bit sad for Ean, but also felt that bit of, wow, good for you. Don't put up with being unhappy in a relationship then, stop the facade, stop pretending he's going to marry you, be your own independent woman and grow as a human. But then she did all of this! While sticking her fingers in her figurative ears and saying NAH NAH NAH NAH over her "haters" who were just looking out for her (or at least for her children).

Those poor kids. I've always felt like she was a good mom, that she got too much grief over being a homebody, but that she took very good care of her children and they came first. But she's made some seriously questionable choices in the past, what, 9 months? and it's selfish of her to keep acting like her happiness is all that matters and her choices don't affect anyone else. No, they don't affect your viewers and the "haters," but whoever above said that it affected not only 4 children but also Ean (and allllll the family members involved on ALL sides) is right.

It's just a shotgun wedding. Can that be in the next title? lol

I won't be convinced that she's proud to be married or that it went down this way. If you're confident in your choices, you don't hide them. You don't hide wearing a wedding ring when you WANTED to get married this way. "I'm just going to be honest with you guys..." gtfo. You got outed and finally have to own up to it. No, you're not a "liar" because you didn't tell your viewers. But you're being dishonest, and it's along the same lines. Stop saying how honest you are with your viewers! Me thinks you doth protest too much.

It makes me sad that she has no one in her life to ever hold her hand and say, "girl, no." She's so surrounded by yes-men and is so used to getting her decisions validated, and we see how she reacts when people show any concern. She clings to all of these stories of true love moving fast. Just stop. There are terrible stories too! Oh but just ignore those. I really wonder what her life will look like when she's 40.
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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by Midia »

Regarding her "mariage announcement" video, it's just that i feel like she forget that everything she does affect her children's life, she may not see it now and if she is lucky everything will work out well but i doubt it. It's like she expect her kids to just "move along" without thinking that, they may not act out but they all see and all will remember what is happening, maybe not Halow but Aria and Nolan yes... I don't know if she really believe what she said with her "when you know you know" or she is just trying to convince herself and everyone else of the situation but even if she really believes Frankie is her soulmate ( :| ) doesn't change the fact that she did everythng too quickly BECAUSE she has 3 children, it may have been natural for her but i doubt it was for the kids.

She said it's not a sholtgun mariage, that she didn't get married because she was pregnant so question is "B, so that mean that you and the Pastor would still have gotten married on June 30TH even if you weren't pregnant?" Right...

Reading her subscribers comment is also very depressing only one comment was ok, the person was aying that B may not lie but she hids stuff which contracdic her "I am an open book" statement, all the other comment are about hw she got married after 2 weeks and now they have been married 37 years. Each time i am like, no offence but that's not the same generation as B (and me), what was done 30/40 years ago is not the same as today, divorce is more "normal" than before and also it's not about her getting married so quickl, it's about her getting married so quickly when she had children who can be disturb by all these changes!! She is not alone, she has children who depends of her and the truth is, IN MY OPINION, when you have children you can't be that selfish, yes you hapiness is important, but your children happiness and stability is even more important. I will stop there because she annoys me. The only way for her to admit her wrong is if/when things don't work out and/or she start having real issue with the kids (= teenage years) she is not worth more of my time today, i was just really bored, at the end i am just sorry for her children..

PS: Even I -who doesn't have english as my mothertongue- can see how bad she mispronounced words, i mean seriously...
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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by re_berk »

In Canada you have to apply for a license 50 days prior. Is it the same there? I really don’t think this even got that much thought. All these stories of how it all worked out for people but there are plenty where it did not! My first husband was a gambling addict, I had no idea and married him after a year and a half of knowing him. I wish I spent more time dating as this information would of cane out eventually. I am generally concerned for both of them as neither they both will duscovervthibfs about each other they did not know or do not like!
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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by re_berk »

In Canada you have to apply for a license 50 days prior. Is it the same there? I really don’t think this even got that much thought. All these stories of how it all worked out for people but there are plenty where it did not! My first husband was a gambling addict, I had no idea and married him after a year and a half of knowing him. I wish I spent more time dating as this information would of cane out eventually. I am generally concerned as they both will discover things about each other they did not know or do not like!
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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

re_berk wrote:In Canada you have to apply for a license 50 days prior. Is it the same there? I really don’t think this even got that much thought. All these stories of how it all worked out for people but there are plenty where it did not! My first husband was a gambling addict, I had no idea and married him after a year and a half of knowing him. I wish I spent more time dating as this information would of cane out eventually. I am generally concerned as they both will discover things about each other they did not know or do not like!
The thing that Britney doesn’t get through her stupid pea sized brain is that every relationship is different. She literally thinks because ppl have met, gotten married quick and have lasted years that this is what’s going to happen to her. Yet when ppl tell her similar stories of them doing that & it ending up badly it doesn’t apply to her. I can’t wait till this all blows up in her fucking smug face.

She keeps going on and on and on repeating the same bullshit in every video, that’s how you know she’s miserable. When ppl are truly happy they don’t spend every second defending it & proving it with lame staged pictures on IG & stupid quotes.

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Re: B&F+2: Aria and Nolan Who? (Part 50)

Unread post by exracer »

Midia wrote:Regarding her "mariage announcement" video, it's just that i feel like she forget that everything she does affect her children's life, she may not see it now and if she is lucky everything will work out well but i doubt it. It's like she expect her kids to just "move along" without thinking that, they may not act out but they all see and all will remember what is happening, maybe not Halow but Aria and Nolan yes... I don't know if she really believe what she said with her "when you know you know" or she is just trying to convince herself and everyone else of the situation but even if she really believes Frankie is her soulmate ( :| ) doesn't change the fact that she did everythng too quickly BECAUSE she has 3 children, it may have been natural for her but i doubt it was for the kids.

She said it's not a sholtgun mariage, that she didn't get married because she was pregnant so question is "B, so that mean that you and the Pastor would still have gotten married on June 30TH even if you weren't pregnant?" Right...

Reading her subscribers comment is also very depressing only one comment was ok, the person was aying that B may not lie but she hids stuff which contracdic her "I am an open book" statement, all the other comment are about hw she got married after 2 weeks and now they have been married 37 years. Each time i am like, no offence but that's not the same generation as B (and me), what was done 30/40 years ago is not the same as today, divorce is more "normal" than before and also it's not about her getting married so quickl, it's about her getting married so quickly when she had children who can be disturb by all these changes!! She is not alone, she has children who depends of her and the truth is, IN MY OPINION, when you have children you can't be that selfish, yes you hapiness is important, but your children happiness and stability is even more important. I will stop there because she annoys me. The only way for her to admit her wrong is if/when things don't work out and/or she start having real issue with the kids (= teenage years) she is not worth more of my time today, i was just really bored, at the end i am just sorry for her children..

PS: Even I -who doesn't have english as my mothertongue- can see how bad she mispronounced words, i mean seriously...
Yes to the bolded! That's what gets me the most. I do think children should see their mother be happy. I do think it's okay to break up (or separate, or divorce) if you have children and don't want them to be around an unhealthy relationship and a lot of conflict. But I also think that you can do that in a way that is also healthy for the children, without throwing them into a whole new family situation immediately after pulling them out of their family home/life that they were very accustomed to. I have zero problems with Britney dating. I think if she wants to be with Frank, great. Have fun. But there's a way to start dating and be in a new relationship when you already have kids that is all fine and good, and then there's what B has done. They would still have the benefit of having a "happy mom" even if they didn't meet Frank yet. She could have tapped the brakes a bit, gotten to know him slowly, dated the guy instead of moving him in right away.

Also, being okay with Harlow and Nolan calling him anything other than Frank is just not okay to me. I think it's confusing, and disrespectful to Ean. It would be different if they decided to call him that down the road or something. But THEY HAVE A DAD. He's still in the picture, it's not like he's out of their lives and now they finally have a father figure. They are young and it's easy to correct them right now. Aria isn't calling him Dad. Why should the others? One of my best friends comes from a divorced family and she always called her stepdad by his first name. He's been an important father figure to her for almost her entire life. But she also has a father, who she calls Dad. It's not like it's disrespectful to Frank for the kids to call him by his name.

How long until Aria freaks out and is all, "STOP CALLING HIM DAD! HE'S NOT OUR DAD!" Or tells Frank that he's not her real dad and she doesn't have to listen to him? Maybe she already has. She's at a hard age for all of this. She's old enough to know he's not their dad, but it must be confusing to hear her younger siblings calling him that. And then her mom (allegedly) assumed that she didn't know what being pregnant meant? So may have been talking about her pregnancy and such before even telling Aria? I'm not sure I buy that story, though, with Britney who knows where the truth ends and her version of it begins.

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