GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by Night lady »

2txsoccerkids wrote:
Night lady wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:54 pm I refuse to give these 2 assholes any credit for a damn thing! They are both scammers in every way possible. Everything they choose to show us is all fake, it's all for show to try to portray a family that isn't anything they read are.
Second, this soccer mom lady. ..
Sorry you feel that way that some of us have all this time and you don't. Sorry that you feel theres some "inner circle conspiracy" here.... because there isn't. What there is is a group of women who have been through hell in one way or another and have been blessed to have found one another for support. It's a small world and I for one am extremely grateful to have found these lovely ladies who understand what real struggles are.
Man, just go away if you don't understand what snarking is or if you don't have enough time to at least understand why we are the way we are.
Believe me, I wanted to say something a lot less but I refrained.

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You don’t need to apologize for anything.
Like I said before- I usually just read along for the Drama and the cliff notes version because I don’t have the time to watch it all unfold in real time.
I simply responded to a question that was asked- I didn’t mean to rile you up or offend you in any way.
I completely understand that this is a drama site and I expect nothing else from it, but I am glad that you have an online group that understands you and your struggles.
I will go back to quietly following and keep my thoughts to myself.
Thank you for explaining yourself without getting an attitude, I can respect that.
I honestly didn't know where you were coming from with what you said before about having too much time etc... because I don't have a lot of time either but i post often and read as well so maybe the way we manage our time is different from each other.

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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by OldCountry »

Oh… I forgot the Sonic 'AD' sponsored.. In the drive thru Trash is standing outside of the car filming Buffalo Head and the ferals hanging out the windows loudly talking, all talking at once with what they want to order. Once all inside the car Trash continues to say how much they love Sonic and it's great because there are so many different personalities in their family that Sonic caters to them all. Not sure what that meant, all I noticed was Bison shoving food in his face while at the same time I listened to his beefy paw rummaging through the bag of food next to him.
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by gram3 »

OldCountry wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:03 pm GQS IG Trash is first explaining that they are a 'nickname' family. I am glad to hear that because we have so many nicknames for Bison & Trash so they must enjoy them. :lol:
Ninny is still there somewhere in the house,,probably catching up on the families' laundry. It would skeeve me to touch any of their clothing especially Bison's. His sweat soiled garments, which would be all of them, plus his undergarments? yikes,,,I would need a mask and a set of tongs to deal with it. Or maybe a full hazmat suit.
Trashley is pretending to oversee the cleaning of the littles' room. I am sure it's usually the NARN taking care of that. We have seen that many times. The kids are trying and actually seem proud of what they are doing (wanting their mother's attention), but Trash has to make sure she secretly captures and embarrasses one of them shoving/hiding Minkies under a bed. She calls out "Indie May!' but then says once the girl turned around 'Esme Jane!'. Nice going MOM! Trash did have a full view of Indie playing right next to her playing with a toy on the nightstand and she doesn't notice or even pay attention to who that was. So much more concerned with the filming.
Have you seen the story on GQS IG with the #ad for Sonic drive-in? I have never heard the Greeds mention eating at Sonic with all the eating out they do. Now, it's their favorite and they love it? Con artists. Sonic caters to all their personalities, Grubs say. Does that mean their family of zero personality? This is like the Hello Chef to Hello Fresh to Blue Apron and Mosaic Weighted Blankets to BlanQuil weighted blankets "mutinies." (Can never remember for sure if it's Hello Chef or another name) In the picture on IG, Faddy looks like a big, dumb dog with his mouth open, tongue flapping, hanging his fathead out the window at the Sonic drive-thru.
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by Alexandra4dreams »

I guess NARN is getting tired of the shit show! Lets hope the bison doesn't throw around his weight and make her remove this. It speaks volumes...Image

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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by gram3 »

OldCountry wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:21 pm Oh… I forgot the Sonic 'AD' sponsored.. In the drive thru Trash is standing outside of the car filming Buffalo Head and the ferals hanging out the windows loudly talking, all talking at once with what they want to order. Once all inside the car Trash continues to say how much they love Sonic and it's great because there are so many different personalities in their family that Sonic caters to them all. Not sure what that meant, all I noticed was Bison shoving food in his face while at the same time I listened to his beefy paw rummaging through the bag of food next to him.
I didn't get the warning about a new post on the same subject, etc... Lest you think I was aping yours. We must have crossed in cyberspace, although this site is so slow we must have been in slow motion.
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by hollydolly123 »

Wow byson and assley must have read this site once all of a sudden that you all mentioned it they are at the park Since it’s so warm there..🙄🙄..And all the ferals are fighting once again for the one bag of crackers that they have..monsters
Last edited by hollydolly123 on Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by SassySassenach »


Okie dokie folks! Gather round... I’ve got some things to say.

For those new to this board, I’m your moderator. Per YTMD rules, my word is final. If you don’t like what I have to say, per the rules you are welcome to contact me privately. (& respectfully)

I will drop the link to the rules at the end of this post, but a quick google search of “YTMD rules” will find you there too. Every single account on this site was required to agree to follow these rules. They are very cut & dry, if you are finding yourself questioning whether something you post is allowed, my inbox is always open. I am online once or twice a day, usually skimming the board for blatant offenses. Anytime that I call out offenses, I will always reference the rules. Those of you who have been here awhile know that I’m generally easy going & gently redirect.

Today however I’m seeing an issue we need addressed ASAP. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to go “real life” and/or talk CPS. It’s a huge no. Per YTMD rules “If a post is made indicating that you've contacted a third party you will be immediately banned”. Don’t use those 3 letters, don’t suggest it, don’t do it. Period.

Also, let’s clear something up. This is a SNARK SITE. If you came here looking for sunshine & rainbows... this is probably not the place for you. As other members have said, going back and reading previous threads will not only net you a ton of information that our subjects would prefer not be out there, but it will also help you find the “tone” of our snarky little group. If you’re going to be rude, or tell someone what they can or can’t say, that’s breaking a rule.

This group has always been great about self-moderating and being pretty easy going. Let’s continue that. I don’t want to have to hand out formal warnings (officially recorded on your profiles).

Here’s the link to the rules. Read them, learn them, don’t break them. Have questions? Hit my inbox.

As always, comments, questions, concerns? Inbox me! As long as you are being respectful, I will be happy to assist.


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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by Snowball90 »

Ireallydocare wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:36 pm
Snowball90 wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:03 pm
Snarkmeister wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:39 pm So if we follow snowflake’s line of reasoning down the rabbit hole, Tyson isn’t THAT bad of a husband. He only chats with underage girls and scopes out half-dressed women on IG 6 out of 7 days per week. He does refrain from being a perv one day per week, so he should definitely get credit for that.

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Why do you feel the need to take what I said completely out of context?! It is never okay for a grown adult to talk with underage girls especially when he doesn't know them. There is a big difference between finding something positive out of a situation where the parents spend maybe an hour or two with their kids and having a grown ass man being a pervert talking to teenage girls.
Snarkmeister did not take your comments out of content. She applied your reasoning skills regarding how they sometimes bathe the girls and sometimes cook with them, therefore they aren't all bad.

Snowball, I think it's time that you think about building your snowman on another site. This site is for snarking about the Greedners, not each other.
You have created more drama among members here in the 1 week you have been a member than I have seen in over 2 years that I have been here.
You know from what happened the other day I am trying to prove myself that I am not a troublemaker and yet people can't seem to let things go and allow me to do this. Now, I realize that will take time, but I also don't need it pushed in my face every time I post something that others disagree with, its not right. I am actually a very easy going person and yea sometimes my thoughts are a bit scattered sometimes. All my goals are here is to have conversations with people that will help me understand some of my thoughts as well as educate me on things that I haven't noticed before with this diluted family.
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by SassySassenach »

** End of Thread Warning**

It’s that time again! New thread will start Friday at 7pm EST.

Please go to our title suggestion thread to vote for your favorites by hitting the “like” button or even suggesting your own ideas! Suggestion with the most likes wins.
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by hollydolly123 »

SassySassenach wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:56 pm **MOD POST**

Okie dokie folks! Gather round... I’ve got some things to say.

For those new to this board, I’m your moderator. Per YTMD rules, my word is final. If you don’t like what I have to say, per the rules you are welcome to contact me privately. (& respectfully)

I will drop the link to the rules at the end of this post, but a quick google search of “YTMD rules” will find you there too. Every single account on this site was required to agree to follow these rules. They are very cut & dry, if you are finding yourself questioning whether something you post is allowed, my inbox is always open. I am online once or twice a day, usually skimming the board for blatant offenses. Anytime that I call out offenses, I will always reference the rules. Those of you who have been here awhile know that I’m generally easy going & gently redirect.

Today however I’m seeing an issue we need addressed ASAP. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to go “real life” and/or talk CPS. It’s a huge no. Per YTMD rules “If a post is made indicating that you've contacted a third party you will be immediately banned”. Don’t use those 3 letters, don’t suggest it, don’t do it. Period.

Also, let’s clear something up. This is a SNARK SITE. If you came here looking for sunshine & rainbows... this is probably not the place for you. As other members have said, going back and reading previous threads will not only net you a ton of information that our subjects would prefer not be out there, but it will also help you find the “tone” of our snarky little group. If you’re going to be rude, or tell someone what they can or can’t say, that’s breaking a rule.

This group has always been great about self-moderating and being pretty easy going. Let’s continue that. I don’t want to have to hand out formal warnings (officially recorded on your profiles).

Here’s the link to the rules. Read them, learn them, don’t break them. Have questions? Hit my inbox.

As always, comments, questions, concerns? Inbox me! As long as you are being respectful, I will be happy to assist.

I didn’t even know you where the moderator so hiiii I’ve been here for about almost two months and this is great love this site...have a great day /night :D

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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by OldCountry »

gram3 wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:52 pm
OldCountry wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:21 pm Oh… I forgot the Sonic 'AD' sponsored.. In the drive thru Trash is standing outside of the car filming Buffalo Head and the ferals hanging out the windows loudly talking, all talking at once with what they want to order. Once all inside the car Trash continues to say how much they love Sonic and it's great because there are so many different personalities in their family that Sonic caters to them all. Not sure what that meant, all I noticed was Bison shoving food in his face while at the same time I listened to his beefy paw rummaging through the bag of food next to him.
I didn't get the warning about a new post on the same subject, etc... Lest you think I was aping yours. We must have crossed in cyberspace, although this site is so slow we must have been in slow motion.

No aping thoughts here...Even if I see and read a new post posted similar, I usually just post anyways. I took the time to type it so what the heck. They are not always the same, the wording might be different with the same meaning, but all point of views are important from everyone as far as I am concerned. ;)
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by gram3 »

Chronicles of NARNia or NARNia Chronicles.
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by ears »

Look they put up a slow sign so now it's totally fine that four 5 year olds are playing in the street[IMG]// ... 12227a.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by DownTheRabbitHole »

Wow it seems snowstorms take place when we Aussies sleep. We miss all the fun and games but it makes for entertaining reading over morning coffee.

I’ve learnt a lot this morning SISsies. One of my teaching positions was in a remote rural Australian town. I met my now ex fiancé there. He was one of the town’s doctors. Our town had an ambulance but no ambulance driver. During weekday working hours if there was an accident or major trauma outside of town the hospital’s only orderly would drive the ambulance accompanied by one of the doctors. Outside of teaching hours my then boyfriend and I would do it and I’d drive the ambulance. He also taught me what equipment was what and how to read the various monitors so that I could assist him at the scene by getting out the equipment he needed and feeding him back the data from the monitors. I didn’t realise until this morning that playing at the role occasionally meant I could claim I was a paramedic. That got me thinking. My teaching position prior to that was a remote Aboriginal community in the Australian desert. Our community had four teaching staff and one clinic nurse. When there was a major trauma that required the Royal Flying Doctor Service to come out we teachers would drive the 5km outside the community to the airstrip to clear it of wildlife, set it up and drive the RFDS personnel back to the community so that the nurse could remain at the clinic treating the patient(s). We would set up the three sets of airstrip lighting (white, red and green), knew when and how to use the flares and would use the signalling paddles to guide the landed aircraft around any obstacles. Again, I didn’t realise until this morning that playing at the role occasionally meant I could claim I’m an airport manager.

I think I need another cup of coffee SISsies whilst I mull over whether I’ll be a paramedic or an airport manager today and contemplate all the other possibilities that have suddenly opened up for me this morning.
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by Ireallydocare »

DownTheRabbitHole wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:33 pm Wow it seems snowstorms take place when we Aussies sleep. We miss all the fun and games but it makes for entertaining reading over morning coffee.

I’ve learnt a lot this morning SISsies. One of my teaching positions was in a remote rural Australian town. I met my now ex fiancé there. He was one of the town’s doctors. Our town had an ambulance but no ambulance driver. During weekday working hours if there was an accident or major trauma outside of town the hospital’s only orderly would drive the ambulance accompanied by one of the doctors. Outside of teaching hours my then boyfriend and I would do it and I’d drive the ambulance. He also taught me what equipment was what and how to read the various monitors so that I could assist him at the scene by getting out the equipment he needed and feeding him back the data from the monitors. I didn’t realise until this morning that playing at the role occasionally meant I could claim I was a paramedic. That got me thinking. My teaching position prior to that was a remote Aboriginal community in the Australian desert. Our community had four teaching staff and one clinic nurse. When there was a major trauma that required the Royal Flying Doctor Service to come out we teachers would drive the 5km outside the community to the airstrip to clear it of wildlife, set it up and drive the RFDS personnel back to the community so that the nurse could remain at the clinic treating the patient(s). We would set up the three sets of airstrip lighting (white, red and green), knew when and how to use the flares and would use the signalling paddles to guide the landed aircraft around any obstacles. Again, I didn’t realise until this morning that playing at the role occasionally meant I could claim I’m an airport manager.

I think I need another cup of coffee SISsies whilst I mull over whether I’ll be a paramedic or an airport manager today and contemplate all the other possibilities that have suddenly opened up for me this morning.
Love your perspective on life Rabbit. Don't get snowed in!😊
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by Snowball90 »

I'm not sure how well received my thread idea will be, but what about Gardner, Nanny Fetish Diaries. That's lame I know, but I'm thinking the title has to do with something with the dumb nanny
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by Haulnarse »

Lol look at that bison is professing his love for ashleys cooking

Home cooked meal
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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by lmmomSD »

ears wrote:Look they put up a slow sign so now it's totally fine that four 5 year olds are playing in the street[IMG]// ... 12227a.jpg[/IMG]

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They don't live on a cul de sac, right? So she's standing in the middle of what looks like an intersection. Real safe, bozos.
And that helmet is way too small. JFC, what is their resistance to getting items that fit the girls? I guess if it's not a show-off designer bag or belt, concert tickets, or mass quantities of food, they're not interested in buying it. The girls can hobble around in shoes that are too big/too small, outfits that don't fit well and are completely inappropriate for the activities at hand, as long as Faddy Daddy and #poorexcuseforamother get what they want.

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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by Howlin17 »

Haulnarse wrote:Lol look at that bison is professing his love for ashleys cooking ImageImageImage

Park Image
Home cooked meal Image

LOL! See? See!! They’re really good parents ImageImageImage

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Re: GQS: Bitches, stitches & pull-up britches | Part 68

Unread post by CherryBaby »

Alexandra4dreams wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:51 pm I guess NARN is getting tired of the shit show! Lets hope the bison doesn't throw around his weight and make her remove this. It speaks volumes...

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Had to remove the picture of NARN wanting to get away from the Greedners, but you called it. He made her “clarify” on IG that she didn’t want to get away from them. Sure, Ninny.
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